Chapter 39

Destiny's Game (Season 1)


            “To be honest, AeLin and I knew each other way before.” Ray started. SHINee acted like they didn’t know and stayed silent to listen. “Oh really? What a small world?” Key said. “Yeah, I met her when I was 9 years old. I was taking TaekWonDo then.” Ray said. “De, AeLin mentioned about taking TaekWonDo back in the days.” JongHyun said. “For the 1st 2 years she didn’t talk to me. At 1st I thought she was a snob but then I realized she was just shy.” He continued.

            “Shy? Are you kidding me; that monster?” TaeMin said. AeLin stared at him. “I’m going to kill you later.” she let her lips talk. “Then it was when I was 15 when it hit me.” AeLin was really listening. TaeMin can see this. “No don’t. I won’t give up on you.” TaeMin thought. “The ever so mischievous AeLin made me fall for her.” Ray said. “Is he confessing to her now?” JongHyun thought. “I’ll be honest now. I had a crush on her for over a year that time.” Ray said. He looked at AeLin and smiled. “It all happened when we were training that Saturday…”


            AeLin had a fever that day but it was only a mild one so she didn’t tell her mother. It was her habit to not tell her parents if she’s sick to not let them worry. While doing the drills she did have some fainting spells. It was break time and she went to the back room to get some air. Their gym was just small at that time at the top of the rooftop of the PLHI building. There was a small terrace in that room. She walked in the room like a drunken person. She had a real headache then.

            Then in that room was Ray arranging the armours and stuff. “AeLin, what are you doing here?” Ray said. She just stood there and held her forehead. “AeLin, are you okay?” Ray stood up and went to her. As soon as he was in front of her she fainted and fell over Ray. Ray was pinned down to the ground with the weight of AeLin pressing down on him. It would be a piece of cake rolling her away from him but something told him to hold on to that moment. He looked at her closely.

            “AeLin…” he thought. He can feel the heat from her body press into his. In the midst of that happening he blushed and his heart beat faster than usual. “What’s this?” he said. Then Ralph came. “What are you guys doing?!” Ralph was surprised. “Kuya! Help me!” Ray said. “She fainted.” He added. They carried AeLin to the hospital which was just across the building. “She has a very high fever now. Until her parents come you be by her side for the moment. With some rest and medicine she’ll be fine. Please tell her parents that as well okay?” the doctor said. “Yes I will.” Ray replied.

            He looked after AeLin. She was sleeping. He was looking at her non-stop. He put his hand over his chest. “Like?” then he looked at the sleeping girl. “Maybe.” Then he stood up and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Get well soon.” Ray said then he held her hand. Soon her parents came. He told them all about what happened and they thanked him for looking over their daughter before they came.

~End of Flashback~

            AeLin was nodding and was blushing. “How can I not remember that?” AeLin thought. SHINee didn’t know what to do but just listen. Then Ray stood up and went to AeLin. “Then soon, AeLin and I became a couple. But because of she had to move to Seoul we had to part.” Ray said. “But before that I made her a promise. I promised to marry her when we meet again.” He continued. “No way.” Onew thought. “What the????” Key thought. “Not a confession, but a proposal?!” JongHyun thought. “Ommo.” MinHo thought. “I’m so going to kill you if you fall for him again.” TaeMin thought. “Ya! What are you doing?? Get away!! No no!!” AeLin thought.

            Then he knelt down and got a box from his pocket. “AeLin, you have been keeping that key chain I gave you as a sign of love. Now, will you marry me?” Ray said. He opened the box which revealed the beautiful ring. This stunned all of them in the room including AeLin. She was confused and didn’t know what to do. “AeLin…” TaeMin said. “Ray…” she spoke up. “When I left you and Kuya Ralph on January last year before I’ve been thinking.” She started to talk in their native language waray-waray. Only Ray and AeLin understood each other.

            “The night when you tried to kiss me, I can’t help but think of what should I do.” She continued. “Then NichKhun helped me out by telling me to call him. At first I didn’t know who he was but I figured at times like this there was one person who I can always count on to make me smile.” She said. “I called TaeMin, Ray.” She said. “She said TaeMin! She said TaeMin!” Onew said as that was the only word they could understand while she talked. “Ray, I loved you very much. I couldn’t stop thinking of you those days and to be honest, I couldn’t wait until I get back and decide to get married…” AeLin started.

            “…But Ray, now it’s different. Getting married? Now that I’m more mature, I think I need to think about that first. TaeMin…there’s something in him that really prevents me from saying yes. I hope to figure that out soon but I have to say no Ray.” AeLin said. . “But you’re not together.” He said. “We aren’t. But…I do like him even if he’s like that.” AeLin said. Ray then closed the box and stood up.

            “I’m sorry Ray…” AeLin said Ray sighed and looked at TaeMin who was looking really clueless. “He makes you smile always right? You love him don’t you?” Ray said. “Love? It’s hard to say that I love him. We’re still young. There’s still time to figure things like that out.” AeLin said. “Well then. I’m so sorry if I bothered you.” Ray said. “Oh Ray…”AeLin stood up and gave him a hug. The others were clueless and shocked to what was happening. “Thank you Ray…” She said.

            After that they went back to speaking Korean and when they headed back to their dorms they decided not to talk about what happened there. It was all sunny the following days when this certain day came. SHINee and 2PM were in AeLin’s dorm. They were hanging out as usual when someone rang the doorbell to her apartment. “I’ll get it.” AeLin stood up and went to the door. When she opened it she saw a lady. She seemed older than her so she bet she was a fan of either 3 of them. “Can I help you?” she said. She was confused.

            If she was a fan, she would’ve been jumping right now. “Is TaeMin ssi here?” she said. “Uhm, he is. Wait, let me get him.” AeLin said. Then she went to get TaeMin. TaeMin followed her to the door and froze seeing the lady she was talking about. Onew, who was passing by the door, happened to see what was happening. He rushed to the others. “It’s ShinYe, ShinYe is here!” Onew said. “What?! Where? Why? How?” Key said. “I don’t know.” Onew replied. The next thing they knew AeLin already let ShinYe in. “Everybody, this is ShinYe unnie. I guess the SHINee members already know her since she said you are friends.” AeLin said.

            They hung out there. ShinYe kept on sticking to TaeMin. “AeLin ssi.” ShinYe called her. “Unnie?” she replied. “How many years have you been with SHINee?” ShinYe said. “Hmm, more than 3 years I guess.” AeLin replied. “More than 3 years huh? Didn’t SHINee ever mention about me?” ShinYe said. “Hm, not that I can remember.” AeLin honestly replied. ShinYe just silenced. ShinYe was a year older than AeLin. She’s now a photographer working for a magazine company.

            TaeMin was with SHINee who were in their room.”What is she doing here?” JongHyun said. “I don’t know.” TaeMin said. “What if she’s going to take you away from AeLin?” Onew said. “Hyung.” TaeMin said. “Don’t you dare hurt her TaeMin.” MinHo said. “No hyung. I like AeLin. That’ll stay forever.” TaeMin said. “I hope so.” MinHo thought. The next day SHINee and AeLin had separate works. ShinYe was waiting for SHINee inside the building they were at. “SHINee!” ShinYe called their attention. “Ah, ShinYe.” Onew said.

            ShinYe went to them. SHINee was about to go out and ride their car. There were a lot of fans inside. Some of them even took pictures. “I’m here working for a project. You’re leaving already?” she said. “Ah. Uhm, yeah I guess so.” JongHyun said. “Oh really. That’s too bad. TaeMin here.” Then she handed him a paper bag. “Here you go. A little something from me.” Then she left. Clearly the fans were able to take fan pictures of that.

            “Ooohh…a gift. I wonder what it is.” Key said teasing TaeMin. “Hyung.” TaeMin replied. Then soon SHINee went into their van and to their apartment. TaeMin was alone in their room. His hyungs were at the living room watching TV and on the computer. “I wonder what’s in here.” TaeMin got the paper bag he got from ShinYe. It was a medium side paper bag and it seemed to have something had inside. He gasped when he saw what was inside. It was a scrapbook made by ShinYe. It was all pictures of TaeMin and her from before. Some pictures included SHINee and other artists. At the end of the page there was a letter. He opened the envelope and read it.

“Dear TaeMin oppa,

            I’m sorry. This is the only way I can tell this to you. De. I’m back from America. I had a lot of fun there. But then I missed you so much when I was away. I always watched your shows and stuff from both the TV and the internet. I remembered before you became a singer you liked me a lot. That little TaeMin oppa is what I missed.

            As time passed by that little TaeMin oppa grew up to become a y and matured man. I got a bit nervous seeing you like that. Then the next thing I knew some girl is bullying my little TaeMin. Are you doing fine? Is that Lin bothering you much? When I first saw her in person though, I felt really good. She seemed like a good girl. And I was right. She’s a good girl. You seem to enjoy yourself bullying her as well.

            I know there’s nothing between the two of you so there’s no need for me to get jealous right? I’m  hoping nothing has changed between the two of us. Until the next time we meet.


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I love this story!!! ♥♥♥ I just am on like the 5th of 4th chapter but that's becuz they are SOOOOOO long!!!! haha Good job so far, unnie~! ♥ :)(:
yellyme #2
@Matsukenninol<br />
thank you so much for taking the time to read!! i hope you find this interesting all throughout!! thanks so much!!
Wow!~ This story is realy good! It's getting intense jk. Yay! She finally met SHINee.The part where they tease Taemin about AeLin that she's pretty is funny~ Anyway great story~! I wonder when 2PM is gonna come into the story???? :3 lol, Fighting!
yellyme #4
thanks so much for reading this one!! ^__^<br />
will post Season 2 soon!!<br />
Merry Christmas guys!!
Can't wait~ I almost teared up at the end :)
CYmu5ic #6
This is the type of ending that i will be smiling and crying at the same time. Can't wait for season 2.<br />
It was a great story. KOMAWO~ =D
CYmu5ic #7
Aww man... Lin is leaving? =( Just hope she gave Taemin a chance to explain.
CYmu5ic #8
1 second is Ray and the other is ShinYe. More misunderstanding to come~
CYmu5ic #9
I got teary eyes when Lin's appa died. Such a sad moment... =(
CYmu5ic #10
Haha! Changed my name. I'm still confused whether lin like taemin a not. But i suppose she does!!