Chapter 13

Destiny's Game (Season 1)

            A week later AeLin’s popularity was soaring high. Her title song, “Replay”, have topped on various charts in Korea. And like any other idol it was time to choose or decide on which name her fan club and fans would be called. SHINee has SHINee World and their fans are called Shawols; Girls’ Generation has SONES; Super Junior has Ever Lasting Friends also known as E.L.F’s; DBSK has Cassiopeia; BoA has Jumping BoA. It was her turn to have her own name.

            The fans submitted a couple of suggested names. There was Lin Star, Lintastic, Linified, and other names. “These names are great.” AeLin said as she went through the lists. “So, have you chosen one?” SaeKo said. They were in one room waiting for SM and the other officials. “This one sounds good, but Lintastic is good as well, I can’t choose between both.” She said.

            “Star Light also sounds good.” SaeKo said as she went through the lists as well. “Yeah it does. Oh man, I can’t choose between any of these.” She said. “I wonder if I’ll be able to see appa today.” She said out of the blue. SaeKo looked at her. She seemed down. “It’s been a month since we saw each other. Nah, I don’t mind.” She added. A couple of minutes later SM and the other officials gathered. 

            She did look a bit excited when they came in but got rather disappointed to not see his appa. “So, AeLin sii, have you decided?” SM said as they sat down. She looked at them and greeted them. “I chose…hmm...Lintastic. Is that fine?” she answered. “I thought she said she couldn’t choose. This girl really,,,” SaeKo thought and smiled to herself. “Good choice. We’ll be announcing you decision tomorrow. In the meantime, we’ve decided to move you into another dorm building.” SM started.

            “The dorm you are in is just a temporary dorm. Everything will be moved there as you continue on with your schedule so you’ll be going home there okay?” he continued. “Ah? Uhm…de.” She replied rather puzzled. “I guess that’s it then. You may now leave.” SM said. “De.” Then both of them said their goodbyes and went downstairs. “Weird. Why’d they move you that quickly?” SaeKo said. “I heard I had to wait for 2-3 mini-album releases before moving to another dorm.” AeLin said as they went inside the van.

            “Well, whatever it is at least we get to move to a better place now. And we sure need more space. Your fan gifts are stacking up every day.” SaeKo said. “Unnie, is it my fault that I’m that famous?” AeLin said joking. “You and TaeMin sure are the same.” SaeKo sreplied joking as well. “Unnie. Don’t even mention his name.” AeLin said. “Ohohohoho.” SaeKo laughed in a funny way.

            “It seems like we’ll be going to Lotte World.” SaeKo said. “Lotte World? Ive heard of that place from Onew oppa but I never went there before.” AeLin said. “You’ll be having a fan singing event for one hour, and then the next schedule would be 4  hours later so you still have time to go around Lotte World if you like,” SaeKo said. “Really? I can?” she said, “Sure you can. As long as you go unnoticed so while you’re signing CD’s I’ll be off to buy you some clothes.” SaeKo replied.

            Soon they arrive at Lotte World, It was really big and it was easy to get lost in once you don’t know your way, AeLin and SaeKo were escorted to the venue and as expected there were a lot of fans waiting. As soon as they saw her they all went screaming and stuff. “Annyeong hasaeyo.” She greeted them as she went up on stage. The fan signing event went as planned and after that she went to the toilet along with SaeKo. “Here you go,” SaeKo then gave her a couple of clothes and sunglasses.

            “Ahh! What is this???” AeLin said as she saw the clothes. “What??” SaeKo said. “You want me to wear a skirt?” AeLin said. “Well…yeah.” SaeKo replied. “Ah, why?? I don’t like wearing these kinds of stuff!!” AeLin complained. “Hush now. It’ll look good on you I swear. You have to wear that I you want to go around Lotte World.” SaeKo said. AeLin had no choice but to wear the clothes.

            As she got out she was wearing a skirt which was above the knee, a jacket wrapped around her waist, boots half-way her lower legs, a scarf, sunglasses, a shirt, and a cap, “See? You look great!” SaeKo said. “This is embarrassing!!” AeLin said as she pulled the skirt further lower. “Now come on. Let me check if there’s no fan waiting for you outside.” SaeKo said and went out of the toilet. She looked at herself in the mirror. “What the??” she said as she saw herself.

            “Coast is clear! Let’s go.” SaeKo said and the two went out. “I can’t go with you okay? A lot of your fans would recognize me so I’ll be buying a couple more stuff and meet me here in 3 hours okay?” SaeKo said. “Eh? Unnie, I’ll get lost!!” AeLin said. “You have your phone with you, just give me a call okay? You’ll be fine. This is your chance to be just like any normal girl here in Seoul. You underwent training the moment you arrived here so take the chance AeLin. You won’t have another thing like this coming your way again.” She explained.

            “Hm, de.” She replied and got the pocket money she was to have. Soon they separated. AeLin had a map of Lotte World with her. A she strolled around she bought a couple of snacks and looked around stores. No one obviously knew it was her since she had her sunglasses on. But then AeLin got really tired of wearing the glasses and decided to take it off but so that she won’t be recognized she decided to untie her hair. No one has actually seen her untie her hair in public since she loves tying her hair and that in her MV and other appearances she always had tired hair. Her family and SaeKo were the only ones who would see her with untied hair.

            She went into another toilet and fixed herself there. As she looked into the mirror and fixed her hair she was left there to look at her reflection there. “Umma.” She said as she was reminded of the face of her umma when she was her age. Her umma had untied hair always and loved untying it unlike AeLin and so she got a bit nostalgic. After a while she went out of the toilet. She had her hair flowing and her scarf almost covering and nose.

            As she got out she noticed a lot of girls coming running towards someplace. She stood there still until a girl bumped her. “Oh I’m sorry.” The girl said. As she looked at to who bumped her, she got a surprised. “HyeSun?” she said and looked if HanEul and HanKyul were with her but it seems like she was alone. “Uhm no, it’s okay.” She was hoping HyeSun would recognize her but she didn’t and seemed to be in a rush. Curiosity came over and she followed where HyeSun was going. The trail ended with a stage and a bunch of girls and boys crowding around it.

“A performance?” she said and decided to stay and watch. Moments later the MC of the supposed show came out. “Welcome everyone! It seems like we have garnered a lot of fans here.” The MC started. The fans went into frenzy. “I wonder who’s going to appear.” She said as she stood among the crowd. “Let’s not keep you waiting, here are the shinging boys who melt you heart! SHINee!!” the MC said which was followed by a louder cheer for them. “SHINee?!” she said shocked that they were here.

 Then one by one the SHINee members appeared on stage. Every member to appear the louder the cheers got. They got into position and the music started. They performed Juliette in that event. AeLin watched them perform. She looked at each member one by one. “These guys sure are the best ones out there.” She said as she watched. As she looked at TaeMin she got a bit dazed. She was smiling unconsciously. “His smile…” she thought as she saw TaeMin smiling as they performed.

            As the performance ended they greeted the fans that were there. “Thank you so much for coming today.” JongHyun said. Then the MC came back upstairs. “It seems like the fans are itching to sing your songs as well.” The MC said. “Well then, in that case, one lucky fan would be singing with them today!! The SHINee members would pick one fan from the crowd and we’ll let him or her come up stage and meet them.” The MC added.

            It was wild once again. “Hm…so now, SHINee, who’s the lucky fan?” the MC said. The SHINee members were looking around and a couple of the members’ gazes went her way as she was waiting for the lucky fan. “Her.” TaeMin said and pointed out to her. AeLin looked towards where TaeMin was handing out to, “Who could it be?” she said and looked behind her, “That girl with the skirt and boots,” TaeMin added. “Skirt and boots??” she said and noticed that the people were looking at her.

            “What?? ME???” she said as a couple of organizers went her way and took her on-stage. “No way. I can’t be here.” She thought and was hesitant to go upstage. “Here we are! The lucky fan! Chosen by the maknae TaeMin ssi. May we know your name?” the MC said. “Uhm, my name?” she was frantic and didn’t want any more attention. She looked at the smiling SHINee members especially MinHo.

            As MinHo saw her he stared for a moment. “Ommo.” He thought after having a good look at her. “My name? My name is…” she said rather trying to cover her face with her hair. “AeLin?” MinHo said loud enough for the SHINee members to hear but not the fans. “What? AeLin?” Onew said and looked at her. “Really?” Key and JongHyun added. “No way! She’s way too pretty and innocent to be AeLin.” TaeMin said. AeLin go a bit ticked off. “I’ll get you later TaeMin!” she whispered to herself and glared at him.

            The fans were confused and were making quite a fuss. The MC didn’t know what to do so he stood there frozen. AeLin had to decide on what to do and so she turned around and got something to tie her hair and then went to the MC and got the microphone. “Ah, uhm, annyeonh hasaeyo! Lin imnida. Uhm, sorry for dropping by like this, uhm…surprise! Now, it’s actually me who gets to choose the fan that’ll get the chance to sing with SHINee by their request. Since I have been in the crowd for quite a while, I have chosen one fan amongst the crowd.” She said.

            “What is she doing?” the SHINee members. AeLin looked back to them. “Sorry.” She said with her lips. MinHo then went forward and helped her. “I choose…” then she looked for someone in the crowd. “That girl.” AeLin then pointed out to a girl in the crowd. “AeLin…” HyeSun said as she was sent up on stage. AeLin then gave her a big hug. “Thank you AeLin.” HyeSun whispered as the hugged. “You’re welcome.” She replied.

            As the day went on HyeSun got her chance to talk to SHINee backstage after the fanmeeting with the help of AeLin. Hours later AeLin was picked up by SaeKo as they headed back to their next schedule.

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I love this story!!! ♥♥♥ I just am on like the 5th of 4th chapter but that's becuz they are SOOOOOO long!!!! haha Good job so far, unnie~! ♥ :)(:
yellyme #2
@Matsukenninol<br />
thank you so much for taking the time to read!! i hope you find this interesting all throughout!! thanks so much!!
Wow!~ This story is realy good! It's getting intense jk. Yay! She finally met SHINee.The part where they tease Taemin about AeLin that she's pretty is funny~ Anyway great story~! I wonder when 2PM is gonna come into the story???? :3 lol, Fighting!
yellyme #4
thanks so much for reading this one!! ^__^<br />
will post Season 2 soon!!<br />
Merry Christmas guys!!
Can't wait~ I almost teared up at the end :)
CYmu5ic #6
This is the type of ending that i will be smiling and crying at the same time. Can't wait for season 2.<br />
It was a great story. KOMAWO~ =D
CYmu5ic #7
Aww man... Lin is leaving? =( Just hope she gave Taemin a chance to explain.
CYmu5ic #8
1 second is Ray and the other is ShinYe. More misunderstanding to come~
CYmu5ic #9
I got teary eyes when Lin's appa died. Such a sad moment... =(
CYmu5ic #10
Haha! Changed my name. I'm still confused whether lin like taemin a not. But i suppose she does!!