Chapter 14

Destiny's Game (Season 1)

            That night AeLin were sent to the head office. “I’m sorry unnie.” AeLin said. “AeLin, it’s already done.” SaeKo said. She silenced as they headed for the office. They knocked and were let in. “Sit down.” SM sounded a bit cold. AeLin got really nervous. She knew that she’ll get a scolding for what happened yesterday. “AeLin ssi, what was it that you did yesterday?” SM said.

            “I, uhm…I went to my schedules, and…well…” “You did something that wasn’t approved of by the agency and caused quite a stir in both yours and SHINee’s fandom. Being that done I’ll have to give you a punishment.” SM said. “SaeKo, why didn’t you accompany here during those times?” he added. “Well…” “It was my fault. I told unnie to buy some things for the dorm like food and such and as she went to buy some things I wandered off.” AeLin said.

       SM gave off a sigh. “AeLin, you were supposed to have a 3-day day off before you start practicing for your follow-up performance…” he started. “…but since you did such things, your 3-day day off would be revoked. Instead, you’ll have a 1-day day off.” SM said. “Huh? Really?” she said. “You don’t want it?” “Uhm, no! Of course I want it! I just…want to thank you so much. Even if I made a huge fuss you still give me this.” AeLin said.

            “AeLin, you’re still 14; still 13 in fact. You need this as well. Anyways, the next time you won’t be getting anymore breaks because I’m pretty sure you’ll be busy.” SM said. “This’ll be the first time I’ll be doing this so don’t disappoint me okay? SaeKo, SHINee will be here anytime soon so do me a favour and tell them about what I said to you okay?” he tadded. “You may go wherever you may wish and if it pleases you, you are free not to wear any disguises. Your managers are also free to go today and may leave you if you want to. But then, it is, of course, as long as you behave yourselves enough not to make any controversies.”

            AeLin and SaeKo looked at each other with wide smiles. “Kamsa hamnida!!” they both bowed. “No need to thank me, thank AeLin who took home an incredible response from the public. Now go and rest. You’ll have a big day tomorrow.” Then the two went out the room. “Unnie!!” AeLin said and hugged her. “What makes the two of you overjoyed?” YiBum came with SHINee. SaeKo went to YiBum with a very bright smile. “We’re given a day-off…” SaeKo explained to them what SM said. “Really?” Key said in big disbelief. “Ommo, this is really great.” JongHyun added. “AeLin really took home the bacon.” Onew said. “What a dream come true.” TaeMin said.

            “We’ve never been given anything like this.” Key said. “It’s an opportunity to roam around Seoul without any guards or even our managers.” Onew said. “A dream come true?” JongHyun said. “Well, at least we get a break right?” TaeMin said. “AeLin, come, let’s go back to the dorm.” SaeKo said. “We’ll be going now. Let’s meet here tomorrow at around 6? Let’s make it early if that’s okay.” She added. “Cool.” the boys replied.

            Then they went back to their dorms. AeLin was taken back to her new dorm. It was bigger and was closer to SHINee’s dorm now. As said by SM her things were now transported to that dorm. They settled in after arriving. They had dinner and watched TV afterwards in their new dorm. “Unnie, you need this break. You may go if you wish to leave.” AeLin said while watching TV. “But…” SaeKo said. “It’s okay, I’ll be fine. SHINee is with me and…well…I’ll try not to do anything like what happened yesterday.” AeLin said.

            “Being with me all the time, in years to come you’ll always be doing that. Why not take the opportunity to be away from me for a day? Be free for a day unnie.” She added. “Well…” SaeKo then had her hand caress her face. “As long as you promise me that you’ll be safe.” SaeKo said. “I will.” She gave off a big smile. The next day they woke up early. At SHINee’s dorm anxiety filled the room. “This’ll be a first.” JongHyun said. “I’m so excited.” TaeMin said. “Excited? I’m more nervous!” Key added.

            “Let’s enjoy this opportunity while we have it.” MinHo said. Then as planned they went to SME to meet with each other. “Where is she?!” TaeMin was steaming up. “It’s already 6 in the morning and they’re not yet here!!” he added. “TaeMin you’ve been anxious ever since you knew about the day off.” JongHyun said. “He didn’t even sleep last night right?” MinHo said. “Yeah he didn’t.”  Onew replied. “They’re here.” Key said as he saw their van.

            “Sorry we’re late!” AeLin said as they got off the van. “No, I don’t forgive you.” TaeMin replied. “I’m not talking to you.” AeLin said. “Then who are you talking to?” TaeMin replied. “Everyone.” YiBum came from the building. “Hyung.” SHINee said. “The front desk gave me this when I got into the building. She said SM-nim wanted to give this to us.” YiBum said and handed them out the envelopes with their names on it.

            Key opened the envelope first. His eyes grew wide open. “OMMO!” he said. “What? What?” JongHun said. “This is even greater than what we usually get for pocket money. Is it REALLY okay to take this?” Key said. “It’s perfectly fine. Have fun okay?” YiBum read out loud a message he just got from SM. “So, I guess I’ll be leaving you guys with AeLin.” YiBum said. “What? Wait, I thought I was leaving AeLin with SHINee.” SaeKo said and looked at YiBum. “Have fun!” the 6 of them then ran to the corner of the block.

            “AeLin!” SaeKo said. “I’ll be careful unnie!!” she yelled from where she was. They got into a taxi and then drove off. “Those kids.” YiBum said. “AeLin…” SaeKo said looking worried. YiBum went closer to her and had his arms around her. “She’ll be okay. My boys will take care of her.” YiBum whispered into her ear. SaeKo’s cheeks went red. SaeKo was 5 years older than SHINee’s eldest member Onew who was 19. YiBum was born the same year as SaeKo. “Where do you want to go?” the two of them decided to spend the day together since their kids left them like that.

            SHINee and AeLin had two taxis. One had Key, JongHyun, and TaeMin; the second had Onew, MinHo, and AeLin. They were headed to an amusement park not far from where they were. As they got off they got that nervous feeling of what’ll happen. AeLin was wearing her casual style a.k.a the cargo shorts, shirt, and sneakers style. The SHINee members were pretty conscious of their style though. They were still a bit worried about fans recognizing them.

            Onew was wearing a jacket, a t-shirt, not too loose pants and sneakers. Key was wearing a t-shirt and a black vest. JongHyun was in a red t-shirt with the print “Bling Bling” on. MinHo was rather casual. He was in a t-shirt, a jacket, cargo pants, and sneakers; just like AeLin only that he has a hat. TaeMin was in almost the same outfit only that he was in jeans. “Ahhh!! Let’s go!! Come on!!” AeLin said as she tugged Key and JongHyun with her like a little kid.

            They got to the office to get their tickets. “Ah, I’m so excited.” AeLin said. “Ah, I’m so excited.” TaeMin imitated her in a mocking way. “Aww…look at that, you’re one of my fans! You even want to talk like me!” AeLin said as a backfire. “Why you…” TaeMin said and got ready to get a hold of her. AeLin then ran towards MinHo and hid behind him. “Come here!” TaeMin said. “Make me.” AeLin replied. Since it was a bit early there were only few people in the amusement park.

            It was great timing for them since they won’t be recognized that easily. “They’re fighting again.” JongHyun said as they watched the 3. “So much energy.” Onew said. “Oh look, MinHo’s even smiling a lot.” JongHyun added. “Here we go.” Key said and handed them the tickets that were like bracelets and then small notebook-like maps. They got into the amusement park and to their surprise there were a lot more people there. “SHINee!” a girl squealed as she saw them. “Ommo, Lin is with them too!!” another one said. It seems like Lintastics were there as well.

            Of course they gave attention to their fans and bowed when they made eye contact. “Which ride first?” JongHyun said. Then as JongHyun said that, AeLin and TaeMin could pick up a number of people screaming and the sounds of the ride. “Roller coaster?” they both thought and then looked at each other as if they heard each other say it. “Roller coaster!!” they both said in great joy. “Eh??” Onew said. “The roller coaster? Are you guys sure?” JongHyun said.

            “YUP!!” they both said. “Let’s go then.” Then the 6 of them went to the ride’s booth. Onew was looking nauseous. “Hyung, are you okay?” MinHo said and went to him. “Huh? Yeah. I am. It’s just…” “You’re afraid?” MinHo said. “Kind of?” he replied. MinHo gave off a smile and laughed a bit. “Don’t worry hyung.” Then the seats came. As soon as the people that rode before them got off AeLin and TaeMin immediately sat on the front cart. “You two, are you fine sitting there?” Key said. “Woohooo!!” they both said. “They’re okay.” JongHyun said as he got seated beside Key. MinHo and Onew were in the 3rd cart following JongHyun and Key.

            As the operators got to them and secured the bars and all AeLin got into her senses and looked at who was beside him. “You?! Why are you here??” AeLin said. “Ah! You’re here?” TaeMin replied. “Okay…you’re ready.” The operator said as soon as he done checking on every cart. Both just sighed and got over the fact that they were together. It was AeLin’s first time to ever ride on that kind of roller coaster. In the Philippines, there weren’t any rides like that at all. Although she didn’t like the idea, she was glad that TaeMin sat beside her rather than have any random people.

            But then she did prefer any of the other members to be beside her. There was a steep fall starting off the ride. Key was fixing his hair before the fall although his hair was still going to get ruined by the ride. “They’re not fighting?” MinHo said as he peeked to where TaeLin where. “You sure are talking a lot lately. And it seems like all you talk about is AeLin.” Onew said. “Huh? Uhm? I’m just worried.” MinHo said and went back to his charismatic self.

            As the carts went on further up the rails they all got a bit nervous. As they stopped at the top before the big drop AeLin and TaeMin looked at each other. “TaeMin.” “AeLin.” Then they held hands and closed their eyes. Then the ride went on a good start.

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I love this story!!! ♥♥♥ I just am on like the 5th of 4th chapter but that's becuz they are SOOOOOO long!!!! haha Good job so far, unnie~! ♥ :)(:
yellyme #2
@Matsukenninol<br />
thank you so much for taking the time to read!! i hope you find this interesting all throughout!! thanks so much!!
Wow!~ This story is realy good! It's getting intense jk. Yay! She finally met SHINee.The part where they tease Taemin about AeLin that she's pretty is funny~ Anyway great story~! I wonder when 2PM is gonna come into the story???? :3 lol, Fighting!
yellyme #4
thanks so much for reading this one!! ^__^<br />
will post Season 2 soon!!<br />
Merry Christmas guys!!
Can't wait~ I almost teared up at the end :)
CYmu5ic #6
This is the type of ending that i will be smiling and crying at the same time. Can't wait for season 2.<br />
It was a great story. KOMAWO~ =D
CYmu5ic #7
Aww man... Lin is leaving? =( Just hope she gave Taemin a chance to explain.
CYmu5ic #8
1 second is Ray and the other is ShinYe. More misunderstanding to come~
CYmu5ic #9
I got teary eyes when Lin's appa died. Such a sad moment... =(
CYmu5ic #10
Haha! Changed my name. I'm still confused whether lin like taemin a not. But i suppose she does!!