Chapter 19

Destiny's Game (Season 1)

            There were many people; girls to be exact and was more than what they have expected. Later on the SHINee’s plane comes to land. “Ahh, airplanes.” AeLin said as she saw planes landing on the tarmac. “You like airplanes?” JunHo said. “Yeah, I do. I wanted to take Aeronautics as my course for college but I guess I wasn’t meant for that.” She answered. The passengers went out of the plane and were about to go into the terminal. The fans started to scream. SHINee is here.

            “SHINee!” TaecYeon gave out a signal. JongHyun quickly notices it. Onew then talks to their manager to let 2PM and AeLin walk with them. He let some guards get them. They were now with SHINee. Soon the fans knew that AeLin was with them. As soon as that happened she decided to take of her disguise. 2PM didn’t take theirs of since the whole 2PM-SHILin (SHINee + Lin) isn’t public. They were wearing rather formal attire which made them look like they were bodyguards. There were a couple of photographers there also.

            “Woa! Look at that!” JongHyun pointed to a placard and laughed as they walked to the exit. Onew, Key, and MinHo looked at it first. They were shocked and amused at the same time. Soon TaeMin and the rest also looked to read that placard. “TaeMin + AeLin = TaeLin. We love you!” the placard went. “OI!” AeLin and TaeMin went. The two were about to ‘approach’ the girl who was holding the placard but JunHo, WooYoung, ChanSung, and TaecYeon held them back and dragged them along. “These guys never change.” WooYoung said.

            They got into a bus. 2PM also went with them. AeLin sat with NichKhun while TaeMin with Onew. “I would never be married with someone who is arrogant.” AeLin said. “Look who’s talking. Isn’t it whenever a girl turns to 18 she should change and be LADY LIKE?” TaeMin replied. “Well at least I’m still cute!” she said. “CUTE?! I think I just misunderstood the meaning of ‘cute’.” TaeMin replied. “Come on guys quit it. Aren’t you happy that we’re all here together again?” Jay said.

            “Yeah and aren’t you relieved that we are complete in AeLin’s birthday next week. She’s going to be 18 soon as TaeMin said.” JunSu added. “See? And you’re bullying me.” AeLin said. “Why you…” TaeMin got up and headed for AeLin when the bus suddenly stopped which sent him to the floor. Being 18 is a really big deal for Filipinos. It’s like a sweet 16 celebration and is usually called debut. AeLin laughed a lot. NichKhun was amused of AeLin really. He is also close to her. Even though at times AeLin feels awkward with Khun, he’s just amused that he doesn’t care and act normal with her.

            “AeLin ah, look.” Khun said and let AeLin lean over to him to look outside the window. “What?” AeLin replied already bending over. “Cute.” Khun said. “Ha?” AeLin looked at him. He smiled. Her heartbeat went faster. “Pathetic.” TaeMin thought while watching. “Ah, TaeMin is getting jealous.” Onew said. “Ha?!” TaeMin replied. “TaeMin ah!” JunSu added. Khun looked over to TaeMin and smiled at him. “?! What the?” he thought as he saw that smile.

            SHINee then arrived at their dorm. SHINee has a new dorm which they moved into a year ago. It had bigger space and more rooms. But then the SHINee members still slept in one room with their beds gathered in one room just like old times. There was one room for YiBum and 2 more rooms in which AeLin and SaeKo sleep in whenever they sleep over and another one for clothes, shoes, gifts, and other stuff.

            7:15 am. The SHINee members finished unpacking and stuff. Some of the 2PM members went to buy grocery, along with their manager. SaeKo and YiBum went to a nearby department store to get buy some things. AeLin and TaeMin were slacking off and were just playing video games; racing games to be exact. One thing they REALLY like in common is playing racing games. “I’m going to beat you this time.” AeLin said. “No way.” TaeMin replied. “Haha! I’m gaining on you!” AeLin said. “Think again!” TaeMin replied.

            “I noticed how AeLin doesn’t say ‘oppa’ whenever she addresses TaeMin.” JunHo said. “It’s been like that ever since they met.” JongHyun said. “I’ll 500 won that she will call him ‘oppa’ this year.” JunHo replied. I bet 600 won that she wont.“ JongHyun and JunHo were on one corner watching the two from the back. “You two, stop putting bets on them.” Onew passed by them and said. “De hyung.” Both of them said. MinHo also watched from the side. He observed AeLin really carefully. He noticed every single detail on her face. Then he noticed something odd.

            AeLin’s lips were growing pale slowly. She seemed to be having fainting spells as they played, but since TaeMin and the rest knows that she’s a prankster, they might have not noticed. “TaeMin, let’s take a break first.” AeLin said with a faint voice and dropped the controller. She had her hand on her forehead. “Hah! AeLin is already tired of losing!” TaeMin replied and did an evil laugh. “AeLin?” MinHo said and then stood up. He went over to AeLin. “Hyung?” TaeMin looked up to MinHo.

            Just as MinHo went to sit beside AeLin, she fainted and leaned on MinHo’s shoulder. “AeLin!” the watching JongHyun and JunHo went over to them. TaeMin was startled. “Hyung!” MinHo called to Onew. Onew rushed over immediately hearing JunHo, JongHyun, and MinHo’s yells. “What happened?” Onew, who was still in an apron and holding a spatula, came running. “It’s AeLin, Call YiBum hyung!” MinHo said. TaeMin kept on waking her up.

            Onew got the phone and called a YiBum.  “We’re back.” The rest of 2PM came. “Hyung!” JunHo said frantically. “What’s happening?” Jay said. “AeLin!” NichKhun saw JongHyun helping TaeMin and MinHo carry her.. He rushed over. “Let me do it.” NichKhun got AeLin and carried her. TaeMin and MinHo felt helpless. In fact, each and every one of them felt helpless.

            “They’re on their way.” Onew said. “Let’s get her downstairs. I’ll drive.” MinJae, 2PM’s manager, said. The rest of them went downstairs. TaeMin and MinHo stayed there for a while. TaeMin was shocked. “I didn’t know.” TaeMin said. “We all didn’t know.” MinHo said. “Come on let’s go follow them.” MinHo said. They went down and saw them putting AeLin into 2PM’s van. “They’re here.” Onew said as he saw Saeko and YiBum. “AeLin!” SaeKo came running. “Come on let’s go.” MinJae said as he got seated in the driver’s seat.

            “Go SaeKo. I’ll be following.” YiBum said and let her in the van. “TaeMin, you go with her.” NichKhun pulled TaeMin. “Huh? Why me?” TaeMin said. “We’ll be following don’t worry. Just tell them everything that happened.” Khun said. Then TaeMin went in the van with SaeKo and other 2PM members. They then rushed to the hospital. Everyone was worried. “Come on now, get into the van.” YiBum said as he went to where the van was. The rest of the 2PM and SHINee members got in and they followed.

            “What happened?” SaeKo said as she had AeLin’s head on her lap. “We were…we were just playing video games and then…she said she was tired and then she fainted. I don’t know.” TaeMin was panicking as well. She was now very pale. “AeLin…wake up.” TaeMin thought. They then reached the hospital and AeLin was rushed into the emergency room. Nurses and doctors rushed to her. TaeMin, SaeKo, TaecYeon, JunSu, and MinJae were made to sit down and wait while AeLin was being attended by the nurses and doctors behind a green curtain.

            Moments later the others arrived. “Where is she?” NichKhun said. “She’s over there. The doctors are with her.” TaeMin replied. “I already called the agency.” YiBum said. “I already called her umma.” MinJae said. “What happened?” ChanSung said as the 2PM members gathered. “We don’t really know. Me and JongHyun were talking when suddenly, after seeing MinHo head over to AeLin, that happened.” JunHo said. It was clear they were all worried. Soon the doctor came. SaeKo approached the doctor. “How is she?” she said.

             “Well, it’s a good thing you brought her here immediately. She suffered anaemia. But then, it seemed like she was having it for quite a while now. Have you ever noticed something different in her these past days?” the doctor said. “These past few days?” SaeKo said. “Last week, we were playing at our dorm. She was really energetic that time but then suddenly she fell to the floor. I presumed she was feeling dizzy because she was a little pale but she said she just tripped.” JunHo said.

            “How about her eating habits?” the doctor said. “Eating habits? She doesn’t eat much every time SHINee is on tour because she’s usually busy at that time. I do prepare her breakfast but as she ets out of her room she says she’s already eaten or is still full from last night’s meal. Usually she only eats lunch.” SaeKo said. “She does?” Onew said.

            “Is that so? Once she becomes okay, always let her eat a well-balanced meal; no skipping of meals and always get enough rest.” The doctor said. Then they saw AeLin being transferred to a room from the emergency room. SaeKo and YiBum followed the doctor for more information. SHINee and 2PM followed AeLin to her room. As the passed through a group of people, people were like crazy over Korea’s top 2 Korean groups being in the hospital. “NichKhun!” girls were calling their names. They just smiled and waved at them. Then they went into AeLin’s room.

            “OkRyo!” AeEul called. “Come on we’ll be going to the hospital.” She added. “I’m coming.” OkRyo said who was still upstairs in their room. “I wonder what happened to her.” AeEul said worried. “She’ll be fine AeEul. She’s our daughter right?” OkRyo said trying to cheer her up. Then they headed to the hospital. “What happened to her?” SM said as the news got to him. “Send someone to the hospital and give me a report.” He added. “Sir, I believe OkRyo is on his way there.” His secretary said.

            “Give him a message to report back here after the visit.” He said. “AeLin ah.” Her parent came. She was still unconscious when they arrived. “Is she alright? What did the doctor say?” OkRyo went to SaeKo. “She’s alright. She has anaemia and fainted earlier. The doctor said that what she needs now is some rest and that she shouldn’t skip any more meals.” SaeKo said. “Oh my daughter…” OkHyun said as he joined AeEul.

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I love this story!!! ♥♥♥ I just am on like the 5th of 4th chapter but that's becuz they are SOOOOOO long!!!! haha Good job so far, unnie~! ♥ :)(:
yellyme #2
@Matsukenninol<br />
thank you so much for taking the time to read!! i hope you find this interesting all throughout!! thanks so much!!
Wow!~ This story is realy good! It's getting intense jk. Yay! She finally met SHINee.The part where they tease Taemin about AeLin that she's pretty is funny~ Anyway great story~! I wonder when 2PM is gonna come into the story???? :3 lol, Fighting!
yellyme #4
thanks so much for reading this one!! ^__^<br />
will post Season 2 soon!!<br />
Merry Christmas guys!!
Can't wait~ I almost teared up at the end :)
CYmu5ic #6
This is the type of ending that i will be smiling and crying at the same time. Can't wait for season 2.<br />
It was a great story. KOMAWO~ =D
CYmu5ic #7
Aww man... Lin is leaving? =( Just hope she gave Taemin a chance to explain.
CYmu5ic #8
1 second is Ray and the other is ShinYe. More misunderstanding to come~
CYmu5ic #9
I got teary eyes when Lin's appa died. Such a sad moment... =(
CYmu5ic #10
Haha! Changed my name. I'm still confused whether lin like taemin a not. But i suppose she does!!