Chapter 33

Destiny's Game (Season 1)

            “You fight a lot?” Ray said. “More than you ever imagined.” AeLin said. “And the necklace is a actually a gift from him?” Ray questioned. “Yes.” She replied. “So what are you trying to say here? That you love him?” he said with a stronger tone. “No, I’m not saying that. I don’t know how I feel about him right now. I…I don’t know. I’m confused.” She replied. “But AeLin, you have been keeping my key chain.” Ray said. “I know I know. That’s why I came here to make this all clear. I’m not saying I love him but after that incident happened…” she silenced. “What incident?” Ray said. “Oh shoot.” She didn’t speak.

            He held her and shook her. “What incident?!” Ray was losing it. “Let go of me Ray.” She said and tried to take back her hand. “AeLin, tell me. I’ve waited for 4 years.” He said and shook her more. She wouldn’t speak and started to tear up. “Okay! You want to know?! We…” then she whispered it to him. Ray let go of her. “Ray please…” she said. Ray punched the wooden post behind AeLin. She started to cry.

            “I’m so sorry.” She said. Ray got really upset. He tried not to be angry. “AeLin.” Ray said. He held her face up and attempted to kiss her on the lips as well. AeLin was panicking. She wanted to stop her. “No Ray! Stop it!” she said while struggling to get out of his grip. They were struggling and struggling when Khun and Ralph arrive. “Ray!” Ralph came. “AeLin!” Khun went to her. Ralph threw Ray aside. “Ray! What are you doing?!” Ralph said.

            “AeLin are you okay?” Khun went to her. AeLin hugged Khun tightly. She was crying. Ray was silent. “Ray, answer me!” Ralph said. Ralph was approached him and was about to punch him when Khun went to him. “No Ralph.” Khun said. Ray looked at Khun. Ray was also tearing up. “We’ll talk about this later.” Ralph pointed to him and went to AeLin. Ray started to weep. “AeLin. I’m so sorry this happened.” Ralph said. She didn’t answer and just kept crying. “Come on now we’ll go back.” Khun said. “That’s a great idea. Let’s meet tomorrow again. How about 8 am at the church.” Ralph said. “Okay.” Khun said.

            Ralph grabbed Ray and they left. Ray just nodded crying. AeLin and Khun went back to the hotel and they went to their room. AeLin was calmed down. “AeLin, what happened?” Khun said. “Khun oppa, I don’t know what to do anymore. I want to go back to Korea.” She started to talk in Korean. “AeLin ah…” he just hugged her.

~Ray and Ralph’s house~

            “Ray! What did you do?” Ralph said. He didn’t answer. “Ray…come on tell me.” Ralph went to him. “Kuya…I’m sorry. I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t mean to do that.” Ray covered his face and just cried. Ralph hugged him. “Ray. Shh…don’t cry. Kuya is here with you.” Ralph said. “Kuya, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it.” Ray said. “Shh…” Ralph replied.

~Back to AeLin and Khun’s room~

            Both were watching TV with the lights still on. It was already around 9:45 PM. They were watching a late night movie. While Khun was looking straight to the TV AeLin was looking at her phone and her necklace. Khun noticed this. “Why not give him a call?” Khun said. “Huh?” AeLin looked at him. He smiled at her. She didn’t understand what he said. Call? Call who? She doesn’t know but then she got up and went outside of the room to the poolside downstairs. She got her phone and scanned through her contacts.

            Then finally she hit the call button. The phone rang and rang. “Hello?” someone answered. “TaeMin.” AeLin said. “AeLin!” TaeMin replied. Upon hearing his voice she smiled and was tearing up a bit. She was sniffing too. “AeLin, are you okay? Are you crying?” TaeMin said. “Huh? No of course not.” She replied but it was clear hearing her voice that she was. “Why did you call this late at night?” TaeMin said. “Well, I felt kinda lonely.” She said. “Lonely? Khun hyung is with you. How could you be lonely?” TaeMin replied.

            “Come on TaeMin, aren’t you happy that I called you?” AeLin said. “Hm…well…of course I’m happy.” TaeMin replied. “So how’s in going there?” she said. “Hearing your voice makes me happy. I just wanted someone to talk to. I miss you.” She thought as they continued their conversation. The next day Khun told AeLin about what Ralph said to him. Although AeLin was hesistant to go she was just won over by Khun’s cute face. It was 7:45 when they left.

            They arrived at the church 5 minutes past 8. “Where is he?” AeLin said. “Maybe they’re just late.” Khun said. “NichKhun!” Ralph came out from the corner waving to them. “Ralph!” Khun replied. Ralph went to them. AeLin just smiled at Ralph. She sighed in relief. “Ray! Come on!” Ralph said. She gasped and looked to the corner. Ray appeared there nodding and was walking slowly to them. “Good morning AeLin.” Ralph went to them. “Good morning.” AeLin smiled at him. Soon Ray also came to her. “Good morning AeLin.” Ray said in a faint voice. “Yeah, good morning.” She replied in a faint voice as well. “Well come on now let’s go!” Ralph said.

            “Go where?” AeLin replied. “Go to…uhmm…” Khun just laughed. “Well…anywhere I guess!” Ralph said.  They rode a jeepney. “Later is your reunion right?” Ralph said. “Yup.” AeLin answered. “Ahh, so when are you leaving for Korea?” “Tomorrow after lunch.” Khun answered. “Ahh, after lunch huh.” Ralph said and looked at Ray. They went Robinsons again. “So you guys are idols in Korea right?” Ralph said. “Hm, pretty much.” AeLin replied. “Wouldn’t there be rumours lurking around about the two of you together?”

            “That would usually be the case but for us no. Almost all of Korea knows the relationship AeLin and 2PM has.” Khun said. “That’s cool.” Ralph said. “Let’s watch a movie.” Ray spoke up. They went to the cinema in the mall and looked at the movies that are now airing. “Ah, look. Rain sunbae’s movie is here.” AeLin said to Khun in Korean. “Yeah.” Khun replied. They ended up watching Rain’s movie. Having Rain in the movie, it was surely an action movie but there was some romance and comedy in it.

            “Rain sunbae is really handsome…” AeLin was melting. “Who’s more handsome, me or him?” Khun who was sitting beside her said. “That’s a hard question.” AeLin said and smiled. After the movie they went to eat lunch. Khun had his camera with him and took pictures. “Ralph, let’s take a picture.” Khun said. “Sure.” Ralph went to his side. “Here, give me the camera.” AeLin got the camera and took a picture of them. “Now you and Ralph.” Khun said.

            AeLin gave the camera to Khun and she went to Ralph. “Ray, go to your brother.” Ray went to his brother and they took a picture. Khun and Ray also had a picture. After that AeLin and Khun had a picture taken. “AeLin, go there with Ray.” Khun said. “Oppa.” AeLin said. “Kenchala yo. It’s our last day today, give me a chance pls.” Khun said in Korean and made an irresistible face. AeLin looked at Ray. “Oh okay.” AeLin said.

            She went beside Ray but they had distance. “AeLin, go closer.” Khun said. She was uncomfortable and so was Ray. “Ray, stop nodding.” Ralph said. Ray got his head up. “Closer guys.” Khun said. The two went closer. “Come on now, both of you smile.” Khun said. The 2 looked at each other for a moment then they laughed. They looked back to the camera and smiled. “Oppa one more!” AeLin said in Korean. “Huh?” Khun said. Then AeLin and Ray posed another pose. Khun just kept on taking pictures of them. Soon they had to part. “I guess we have to go now.” AeLin said.

            “Goodbye!” Ralph said. “I hope we see you again!” he added. “Bye! We’ll be back soon!” Khun said. “Bye AeLin.” Ray said. “Ray, goodbye.” AeLin gave him a big warm hug. “AeLin I’m sorry. I’m still love you though. I’ll be waiting…” Ray said. Then they broke the hug then they rode off. AeLin was rather silent in their way back to the hotel. She was daydreaming. “So AeLin how was the call last night?” Khun said. “Hm? Last night? It’s a secret.” She said and smiled.

            When they arrived at their hotel AeLin started to panick. “What should I wear?” AeLin said. “Something formal?” “Formal? When did I wear formal wear?” AeLin replied. “Then just wear some jeans and t-shirt.” Khun said. “Why don’t I just wear some jeans and t-shirt? I’m so brilliant.” AeLin said. “Wow. Great idea.” Khun sacrcasitaclly replied. The reunion was going to start at 2:30 p.m. It was already 2 p.m. “Khun oppa, what time is it?” AeLin said. “2PM.” Khun replied. “I’m not joking.” AeLin replied. “It’s 2PM really!” Khun said. “Oh my…we should hurry up.” AeLin said.

            Soon they were able to go. By 2:30 they were already at the school. “AeLin!” the people in the school went to her. They partied through the night. The next day they started packing and to their surprise they were called by the front desk and they were given gifts which their fans from Tacloban left. “Oh my, I guess we’ll be having extra packages then.” Khun said. “It can’t be helped.” After packing they still had time so they went to the grocery for some food buying.

            “Dried mangoes.” The two said together when they entered. They laughed remembering ChanSung. They bought dried mangos and some other stuff the other members would definitely love. Then AeLin’s phone rang. “It’s umma.” She said. “Hello?” she answered. “AeLin, it’s umma. Can you do me a favor and buy me some flowers there?” her umma said. “Flowers? Can’t you just buy that at the barket there in Seoul?” AeLin said. “No, I want the flowers from the Philippines. I need it for a shooting.” Her umma said.

            “Okay then. How about appa? Does he need anything?” she said. “He’s not here now so just buy him a shirt or something. Okay I need to go. Bye!” then her umma put down the phone. “Really.” AeLin said. Soon they went back to their hotel but before that they also did the fans who saw them there a favor by giving them autographs and taking a couple of pictures with them. “Do you know how many pictures we already have with the fans here?” Khun said. “Probably more than a hundred.” AeLin replied. “And we’re not even promoting.” Khun said. “We’ll be going to be scolded by this.” AeLin said and just laughed.

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I love this story!!! ♥♥♥ I just am on like the 5th of 4th chapter but that's becuz they are SOOOOOO long!!!! haha Good job so far, unnie~! ♥ :)(:
yellyme #2
@Matsukenninol<br />
thank you so much for taking the time to read!! i hope you find this interesting all throughout!! thanks so much!!
Wow!~ This story is realy good! It's getting intense jk. Yay! She finally met SHINee.The part where they tease Taemin about AeLin that she's pretty is funny~ Anyway great story~! I wonder when 2PM is gonna come into the story???? :3 lol, Fighting!
yellyme #4
thanks so much for reading this one!! ^__^<br />
will post Season 2 soon!!<br />
Merry Christmas guys!!
Can't wait~ I almost teared up at the end :)
CYmu5ic #6
This is the type of ending that i will be smiling and crying at the same time. Can't wait for season 2.<br />
It was a great story. KOMAWO~ =D
CYmu5ic #7
Aww man... Lin is leaving? =( Just hope she gave Taemin a chance to explain.
CYmu5ic #8
1 second is Ray and the other is ShinYe. More misunderstanding to come~
CYmu5ic #9
I got teary eyes when Lin's appa died. Such a sad moment... =(
CYmu5ic #10
Haha! Changed my name. I'm still confused whether lin like taemin a not. But i suppose she does!!