Chapter 1

Destiny's Game (Season 1)

(August of 2009)

“Ms. Sha!” an angry voice called out. “Uhm? Yes?” the day started with a chase between the mischievous Sha AeLin who, once again, broke the simplest rule of the school, she wore sneakers on a Thurdsay when they were supposed to wear them in Wednesdays. Wearing her school uniform, AeLin is a 13 year-old 3rd year student in a Catholic-Chinese school named St. Lorenzo Ruiz College in Tacloban City, Philippines.

The chase went on between her and her teacher. “How many times should I tell you that you should only be wearing sneakers on Wednesdays!! I’m going to get you this time!!” the teacher chased her. “Ah! Make way!” AeLin said as she ran through other students hanging around the lobbies. “Hey! AeLin!” a friend of hers named Mae said as she saw her run by her. “Later Mae! She’s on to me.” AeLin said and dashed away.

“They’re at it again? This girl really.” Another good friend of her named Belle said and the two just giggled. “Uh-huh, here it is!!” AeLin said as she saw the highest staircase there is in the school. “Try to catch me now.” She said to herself as she started to go up the stairs. “Ah hah! You dare loose me in these stairs again Ms. Sha? Well! Let me tell you! I have been training up and down these stairs after that last chase! You’re mine now!” the teacher said and followed her up the staircase.

“Oh no.” she said and continued on up the stairs. But as she almost reached the top she noticed that her teacher got tired already. “You…I’m going to get you next time…” the teacher said in between pants. “Hum. Better luck next time teach!” she said and dashed off to their classroom as the school bell rang signalling the start of homeroom. “And she’s back!” Belle said as she saw AeLin walk in the classroom. “How far did she go this time?” a classmate of hers said. “Rather than 7 steps she went for another 3 in the high stairs.” AeLin said and laughed with them.

“Ms. Sha, sit down please.” Their adviser came. “Good morning Sir.” AeLin greeted him and sat down to her seat at the end of the column near the window. “Good morning students.” Their teacher greeted them. “Good morning Sir.” They all replied. “Today, before I give a lesson, we’ll be talking about something about your classmate.” Their teacher started. “Who is it Sir?” a classmate seated at the front said. “Ms. Sha, you’ve been going about making Mrs. Uy run around chasing you again. This is the 5th time that this has happened.” Their teacher said.

“Yeah, but I’m helping her too you know. I make her do running drills every morning. That’s a good exercise and for her health. But of course she doesn’t know that. Hehe.” AeLin answered. “Nice one.” A classmate beside her whispered. “Yeah, I just made that up.” She replied. “Well, enough about that. Your parents came to our faculty yesterday and told us about you leaving the school next week.” Their adviser said. The classroom became silent. AeLin’s expression became rather gloomy. “Class, starting on the month of September, your classmate AeLin won’t be attending school anymore.” The adviser said. “What?! Why?” a classmate of hers said. Then the whole class started to murmur and get noisy.

“Keep quiet class! Let’s have AeLin do the honour of explaining.” The teacher said and gestured her to come in front. She was hesitant and looked at her classmates looking at her, anxious to hear her talk. She stood up and slowly went to the front. She didn’t show a gloomy expression and hid that. She smiled in front of her classmates. “Sorry for not telling you earlier.” She said and continued on smiling.

“I’m not good with public speeches but here goes. I knew about this one week ago. I wanted to tell you guys so bad! But I guess I chickened out. I’m sorry.” She said. There was silence. Her two close friends looked disappointed. She nodded. She can’t bare the pressure on her. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s not up to us if you wanted to tell us or not. It was your decision.” Belle said and smiled. “Yeah, you’re right.” Mae said. AeLin raised her head.

“Where are you moving to anyways AeLin? Are you going to Manila?” another classmate named Kenny said. “Where I am moving to?” AeLin said. “Yeah, in that case, if we know where we can send you letters, and maybe someday visit you.” Another classmate said. She started to show signs of hesitation again, but this time she didn’t want to keep it all to herself. “I’m moving back home.” AeLin answered. They were puzzled. “Home?” a classmate said. “Yeah, home. I’m going back to Seoul.” AeLin said.

They all got shocked. “I wasn’t born here. You all know that right?” I spent 4 years in South Korea before moving to the Philippines with my parents.” She added. “And now…I’m going back.” AeLin said and tears started to form in her eyes. “I’m sorry guys, but you can’t visit me there. But it’s okay. I don’t mind though. I’ll never forget you guys.” AeLin said as her tears started to fall. She wiped it all off as she didn’t want them to see her being sad.

“AeLin ah, no matter where you head off to, you’ll still be part of us. We’ll never be forgotten and you’ll always be in our hearts.” Their class president said. “Yeah! He’s right! We’ll never forget you!” a classmate said. “Yeah!” then they all started to give her words of encouragement. “Thank you everyone. You’re my second family and I love you all dearly. I’ll never forget these faces and names for as long as I live.” AeLin said. Then they all stood up and gathered around. They got into a big group hug. “I’m lucky to be put into a class where every one of you is present.” She said and smiled with tears in her eyes.

Soon the day ended. “Time is going fast ne?” Belle said. “Yeah. The next thing I knew it was already dismissal.” AeLin said. “And the next thing we know is that you would be leaving us.” Mae added. The 3 were at the school rooftop hanging around. “Eh? Mae unnie don’t be like this.” AeLin said. “Oh, don’t use Korean words on me AeLin. I’m still disappointed.” Mae replied. “Aww, don’t be like that.” AeLin said. “Don’t worry AeLin, she’s just joking around.” Belle replied. “Mae unnie should really be Mae umma. She’s more like an umma than an unnie.” AeLin said. “Oi! I know what that meant!” Mae replied. Then there was laughter in the air.

“But then, AeLin, will you be okay there in Seoul?” Mae said. “Of course I will! I lived there for 4 years right? I speak fluent Korean and English. There’s nothing to worry about.” AeLin replied. “AH! I need to go! My brother’s home and there’s tons of work to be done at home.” AeLin said and got up. “You mean your CEO brother OkHyun?” Belle said. “Yup! He arrived sometime this day.” She said as she pat her clothes. “Ah! He’s in Leyte? Ugh, He’s such a dream~!” Belle said. “Yeah right, a dream that’s soon to be a nightmare.” AeLin added. “You still have a crush on her brother?” Mae said. “YES!” there were hearts in her eyes.

“Anyways, I’ll be going off now!! Bye!” AeLin said and ran off to the door. Mae gave out a sigh. “What’s wrong?” Belle said as she got out of her fantasizing over OkHyun. “I’m just worried. She might have a hard time in Seoul.” Mae said. “Ah, don’t worry about her. She managed a night in the wilderness by herself when she got lost in our camping trip! She’s Korean and she knows the language as she said. She’ll do fine.” Belle said.

Meanwhile AeLin finally reached home. “I’m home!” AeLin said as she entered their house. She went up to her room and changed. Then she went to the living room. “Hey I’m back. What are you guys doing?” AeLin said. “Packing of course. You’re still as dumb as the last time I visited.” OkHyun replied. AeLin got ticked off. “YA! I HEARD THAT! Is this the right way to welcome a donsaeng who just came back from school?” she started to do some wrestling moves on him. “Agk!! You’re here all the time! It doesn’t matter! Is this the way you welcome an oppa who’s been away for a very long time??!!” OkHyun then tried some moves on her as well.

“Ahh…it’s been a while since this house became lively.” Their appa said. “You two stop. Come on and help AeLin.” Their umma said. “De.” she said and growled on OkHyun. “Hmp.” OkHyun said and went back to what he was doing. Soon they finished packing their things like the furniture they’re going to send to Korea. They were all gathered in the living room. “AeLin ah, I heard your teacher already told your class about the news.” Their umma, AeEul said. “Yeah he did.” AeLin said. “How was it? Did your classmates get mad?” OkHyun teased. “OkHyun.” AeEul said.

“They were actually okay with it. It’s sad though. I would’ve had spent another year with them and graduate with them.” AeLin said. “I’m sorry AeLin. It’s just that…you know.” OkRyo, their appa, said. “Yeah, I understand. Sine the companies you work in need you right now, I have nothing to go against that.” AeLin said and smiled. “Stop acting cute.” OkHyun said and . “Oh come on you two now. Let’s cook dinner shall we?” their umma said. “De.” the two said.

That night AeLin slept cherishing every minute of her being in that bed. “Do you think she’ll be okay being away from her friends?” OkRyo said as the 3 of them were still awake in the living room. “She’ll be okay. She’s a survivor.” OkHyun said. “But then, the agencies.” AeEul said. “Umma, she’ll be alright wherever she goes to.” OkHyun said. 

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I love this story!!! ♥♥♥ I just am on like the 5th of 4th chapter but that's becuz they are SOOOOOO long!!!! haha Good job so far, unnie~! ♥ :)(:
yellyme #2
@Matsukenninol<br />
thank you so much for taking the time to read!! i hope you find this interesting all throughout!! thanks so much!!
Wow!~ This story is realy good! It's getting intense jk. Yay! She finally met SHINee.The part where they tease Taemin about AeLin that she's pretty is funny~ Anyway great story~! I wonder when 2PM is gonna come into the story???? :3 lol, Fighting!
yellyme #4
thanks so much for reading this one!! ^__^<br />
will post Season 2 soon!!<br />
Merry Christmas guys!!
Can't wait~ I almost teared up at the end :)
CYmu5ic #6
This is the type of ending that i will be smiling and crying at the same time. Can't wait for season 2.<br />
It was a great story. KOMAWO~ =D
CYmu5ic #7
Aww man... Lin is leaving? =( Just hope she gave Taemin a chance to explain.
CYmu5ic #8
1 second is Ray and the other is ShinYe. More misunderstanding to come~
CYmu5ic #9
I got teary eyes when Lin's appa died. Such a sad moment... =(
CYmu5ic #10
Haha! Changed my name. I'm still confused whether lin like taemin a not. But i suppose she does!!