Defined by a scale


118. 115. 113. 110. The pounds were dropping, but it wasn't enough.

"It's been 8 months, yet you've only managed to lose 10 pounds. Do you see that girl over there?" Reality pointed at a rookie. I vaguely remembered her as the one that I'd woken up the first night of my arrival.

"She started at 118 pounds, but now she's 91. 27 pounds lighter since when she first started training as a rookie. How does that make you feel?" he jeered, pushing me on the head.

"I-I'm trying the best I can," I mumbled, admiring the girl's thin figure.

"Clearly you're not trying hard enough. You have to be thin to debut, Kiara,"

*                                *                                   *

"How are you doing Kiara?"

Nobody's asked me that in a long time. I turned to find Taeyong approaching, a light smile lighting up his face. He hadn't talked to me, or even acknowledged my presence since that day with Gyeong. So why was he starting again now?

I ignored him, moving up the diminishing line. Weight day always had everyone in an anxious state. Once again, everyone was waiting for my three digits to be called out.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Taeyong asked, deliberately moving in front of me. His thin face was watching me in concern, and at that moment, I hated him so much. Boys always had it easier when it came to metabolism.

"How much do you weigh?" I asked without thinking.

"Next!" the lady called, gesturing at my shoes. Taeyong didn't have time to answer.

"110 pounds. 0 pounds lost," the lady announced.

Gyeong didn't say anything to me about my weight. "You'll get there Kiara, don't think too much about it," she said while we were headed to lunch. Gyeong suspected I was angry and disgusted, so she tried her best to give me some space.

I did everything the dietitian told me to do. But why couldn't I lose weight fast enough like everyone else? It was frustration, not anger, that coursed through my veins. Reality poked at me: my waist, my thighs, my arms, all my fat. 

"Those diet plans never work anyways. You need to take matters into your own hands," Reality whispered.

After eating the lunch provided by SM, I told Gyeong to wait while I headed to the bathroom. Inside the stall, I reached into my throat, working the gag reflex until everything I'd consumed worked its way back up. Bile rose up and out. I forced every ounce of it out of my body and watched in satisfaction as it formed a pile in the toilet. When all of it was gone, I walked out like nothing had happened.

*                                       *                                       *

"Mr. SM has planned a duet stage for you," Gyeong said after dance practice. 

"With who?"

"You'll find out tomorrow. It'll be in preparation for a pre-debut stage in Japan. You two will perform in Tokyo," she said. I nodded, disinterested in any details about the collaboration.

Reality absentmindedly pinched the side of my waist. Or maybe I was the one groping at it. Did it make a difference? 110 pounds. 110 pounds.

"Did you go on the scale today?" he asked. I nodded.

"What did it say?"

"110 pounds," I murmured.


I looked up. Gyeong was watching me in bewilderment. She walked over to me and moved my hand away from my waist.

"Don't worry about it so much. The diet plan will definitely work, it always has for everyone," she said assuringly. My hands were no longer physically touching the fat, but Reality constantly jabbed at it.



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stephanie1138 #1
Chapter 39: At first, I'm actually dissapointed that there's not much romance going on in this story. But then, I started to think that it's not going to be good if this story is packed with romance. You focused more on telling the struggle of overcoming mental illness so it's not fitting for romance suddenly barge into this story.
I like it when you reveal that Johnny isn't real. It's been a long time since a story ever made me baffled. I seriously didn't see it's coming. Usually, I can assume that there will be a plot twist but you manage to trick me into believing in Johnny existence. Kudos for that.
What I like about this story is about how you keeping it real. You never pushed romance between Taeyong and Kiara. I thought that Kiara is delusional when she said that she can see insincerity through Taeyong. What Taeyong did was toxic but it is real because chances it does happened in real world. Some people does betray and befriend others in order to gain benefit. Good job on that.
Overall, I think your story is good. I'm just not into how you write the timeline because it
keeps jumping from past story to present. It's not bad to do so but I try to write on the top of the chapter only so that readers can differentiate which is past and present. Or you can add date of the incident so we knows is it the past or present. One character that didn't appeal to me is Julie. Sure she impacted Kiara in a good way (though Julie also has her own struggle) but I don't think that she plays a big role. Her existence makes me wonder that wether she'll appear in the story or not but it turns out it's the later. You can include her in the story but don't dedicate a whole chapter for her because it's not really important.
By the way, I'm not wanting to be harsh. It's just my opinion on the story. I still like it though. I'll check your other stories as well.
Chapter 13: Hmm
thechristine_06 #3
Chapter 39: Help ㅠ.ㅠ
deathnoot #4
Chapter 39: Awwww ☺ that was a really great way to close the story. This was an actual rollercoaster to read and I very much enjoyed it
Yeajin #5
Chapter 39: ...I have nothing to say....I'm so lost..-ish..I guess....I don't know anymore.
deathnoot #6