Escaped dolls


"Pretty, isn't it?" Taeyong asked. I nodded, but 'pretty' is an understatement. The open field stretched for miles into the horizon, seeming endless in its expanse. Marigolds covered every square inch of the area, making it impossible to walk without trampling over a couple. Sunlight bathed the flowers in light, giving life and warmth to the entire scenery. And yet, none of it looked real. I felt like we jumped into a painting that was never meant to be disturbed. Our sudden intrusion seemed unasked for, but Taeyong didn't notice. He instead watched for my reaction, anticipation shining in his eyes.

"Um, yes. It's nice. But why are we here?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound rude. The last thing I wanted was to lose the one potential friend who's interested in me. But Taeyong laughed in response, as if he expected such a question.

"There's not much to do here, as you can see. But I'd like to show you something," he said, taking my hand in his.

We are free. I find myself launched into the field, struggling to catch myself as Taeyong pulls me along with him. The sun warms my face just as affectionately as it did the marigolds; it sprinkles breaths of life that I haven't had for too long. The soft marigolds caress my legs, and I am no longer here on Earth. We fly through the clouds, losing our breaths from the high altitude; and yet, we've never been more alive. Because in air's place stood everything else our seouls couldn't give to us. In that city, you could never find the raw elements of Mother Nature's existence. As people struggle to make their own lives worthwhile, they tear others down in the process. We compete and claw at each other, creating a mass destruction we call process. In the middle, I stand straight and tall, seeking everyone's attention. I am what you would call, the epitome of society's creations. 

Here, where nature is boundless and untamed, everything is pure. Untouched. It felt wrong to enjoy it so greedily. For two individuals so absorbed in fitting in with society, we shouldn't be here. I am suddenly reminded of the ugliness I've shoved deep inside my heart. The kind I fought with every moment to keep at bay: my secret that would ruin the perception people have of me. It didn't belong here.

Taeyong stops abruptly, causing me to crash into him. We tumble through the patches of soft marigold. Through the ruckus, I here Taeyong's bright laughter ring.

"So? How is it?" he asks, laying beside me. I shake my head, but can't help the smile spreading across my face.

"You're...something else. You know, it feels wrong to be here," I breath, feeling my chest heave.

"And why's that?"

"Look at us! We're two trainees preparing to become someone else's idol. We're manufactured dolls that do and say whatever a company wants: the exact opposite of everything here. While we're tamed, nature runs wildly and does whatever it wants. No rules. No regulation. I can't enjoy a place that-"


I face him, watching him sit up before doing the same.

"You're overthinking all of this. I just brought you here because it's away from the studio. Let's just catch a breath of fresh air, okay? Just, relax," Taeyong said, tilting his head back. He closed his eyes, looking ethereal as the sun highlighted his cheekbones. Effortlessly beautiful.

"I can't relax," I mumble. Right, it's wrong to allow others into my head. They're things a normal person wouldn't say, and I needed them all to see that I'm normal. 

Already, thoughts of practice and self improvement find their way into my head. Why am I here anyways? There's still so much to do. So much lacking. Next to Taeyong, I resembled a waddling duck trying to dance. I'm nowhere near ready to debut. Not to mention, I haven't started preparing for my album-

"Kiara," snapping out of my thoughts, I find Taeyong gazing into my eyes.


"You're doing it again," he sighs, as though reading my thoughts.

"Doing what?"

"Overthinking. Doubting yourself. Give it a break, just for a moment?" Taeyong absentmindedly plucked a marigold from its place, twirling it.

"Sorry, I can't help it. My thoughts wander in and out whenever they please: not exactly something I can control. I know you're trying to help. You even brought me here to....all of this. For that, I'm greatful beyond words. So, I'll try my best," I said.

The wind gently pushed back his hair and he nodded. I couldn't help but wonder why he bothered. Why he took me here, instead of enjoying it all to himself, or even bring someone else along. I have no doubts that he would feel a lot more relaxed without me being suspicious of his every move. Although I defended Taeyong in front of Anxiety, I couldn't help but listen to the nonsense that was being fed me. Some small part of me listened: ever doubtful of Taeyong's motives.

But I promised to clear my mind, so I placed those thoughts in the compartment deep inside my heart. The thoughts I'll relish in later. For now, I close my eyes. Think of nothing, I tell myself, feel the Earth beneath your legs, and breathe.  



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stephanie1138 #1
Chapter 39: At first, I'm actually dissapointed that there's not much romance going on in this story. But then, I started to think that it's not going to be good if this story is packed with romance. You focused more on telling the struggle of overcoming mental illness so it's not fitting for romance suddenly barge into this story.
I like it when you reveal that Johnny isn't real. It's been a long time since a story ever made me baffled. I seriously didn't see it's coming. Usually, I can assume that there will be a plot twist but you manage to trick me into believing in Johnny existence. Kudos for that.
What I like about this story is about how you keeping it real. You never pushed romance between Taeyong and Kiara. I thought that Kiara is delusional when she said that she can see insincerity through Taeyong. What Taeyong did was toxic but it is real because chances it does happened in real world. Some people does betray and befriend others in order to gain benefit. Good job on that.
Overall, I think your story is good. I'm just not into how you write the timeline because it
keeps jumping from past story to present. It's not bad to do so but I try to write on the top of the chapter only so that readers can differentiate which is past and present. Or you can add date of the incident so we knows is it the past or present. One character that didn't appeal to me is Julie. Sure she impacted Kiara in a good way (though Julie also has her own struggle) but I don't think that she plays a big role. Her existence makes me wonder that wether she'll appear in the story or not but it turns out it's the later. You can include her in the story but don't dedicate a whole chapter for her because it's not really important.
By the way, I'm not wanting to be harsh. It's just my opinion on the story. I still like it though. I'll check your other stories as well.
Chapter 13: Hmm
thechristine_06 #3
Chapter 39: Help ㅠ.ㅠ
deathnoot #4
Chapter 39: Awwww ☺ that was a really great way to close the story. This was an actual rollercoaster to read and I very much enjoyed it
Yeajin #5
Chapter 39: ...I have nothing to say....I'm so lost..-ish..I guess....I don't know anymore.
deathnoot #6