
Push and Pull

Jungkook's POV

Excuse us.” I said and pulled Jimin with me ignoring the people that turned their heads after us. I dragged him inside the building all the while feeling my heart go crazy in my chest. I avoided the teachers in the halls and pulled Jimin with me into an empty classroom. I shut the door after us and turned to him dropping my backpack. He put his own down, too.

What-...I mean...What was that? I thought you-...” I spluttered not really able to form a coherent sentence.

I know, I just, I didn't know what to do, so I improvised.” Jimin said and looked at me with puppy eyes.

So, what-...is...does that mean t-that we're t-together now?” I asked and felt my heart beat erraticly in my chest.

Do you want to be with me?” Jimin asked and the look he gave me spilled a swirl of butterflies inside me. I pulled him closer and took his hands tenderly interlacing our fingers.

Y-Yes, I do. I really really do.” I said and looked into his eyes. It all felt so surreal.

What about you?” I added nervously. Jimin stepped even closer and freed one of his hands from mine to place it on my neck as he looked back up at me.

I do.” he said and sincerely gazed back into my eyes. I thought my heart would burst any second. I could barely believe that this was happening. I couldn't believe I'd ever be this lucky.

I then let go of his hand to wrap my arms around his waist as I leaned down to kiss him. My eyes fluttered shut and I felt my own lips trembling against Jimin's. He sighed into the kiss and then slid his other hand to my neck, too. He tenderly caressed my skin as he responded to my kiss. His touch felt so soft and loving, I felt like going crazy. We echanged a few sweet kisses and I wrapped my arms tighter around him. Jimin slid his arms around my neck and I felt him slightly on my lip. My heart was shaking and I released a small sound. I then deepened the kiss a little and all I could think was that I wanted to taste Jimin's lips for the rest of my life.

When the schoolbell suddenly rang we startled and giggled. I had completely forgotten about recess. Jimin looked up at me and smiled brightly before escaping my embrace. He picked up his backpack and I took mine, too. He then held out his hand. I let out a shaky breath before taking it. Jimin then opened the door and pulled me with him into the hall that was starting to fill with all the students going to their next lesson. I felt my heart pounding nervously as we walked hand in hand to our classrooms with all those eyes on us. When we arrived at the room where my next lesson would be I turned to Jimin. He leaned in for a short peck before saying: “See you later.”

I only managed to mumble a “Bye.” as I watched him leave. Then I took a deep breath and entered the classroom. A lot of people were openly staring at me. Not as many as I had expected though. I did my best to ignore it as I walked to my seat next to Jin who was already waiting for me looking at me like a walking question mark.

What...was...that?” he asked as soon as I sat down. All I could do was smile and sigh.

That wasn't planned, right?” he added.

No, it wasn't. That was 100% improvisation.”

So what does that mean?”

We're together now, Jin.” I said and couldn't stop myself from breaking into a wide grin. It was like the endorphines were suddenly overflowing.

I still can't believe it, Jin, we're together!” I repeated and we hugged.

I'm happy for you!” he said as we pulled apart and smiled at me, but our conversaton was interrupted when the teacher entered the room and shut the door.



The next recess and the other lessons were chaotic and exhausting. My friends wouldn't leave me alone and kept asking all kinds of questions. They were like a bunch of excited dogs running around me. I didn't see Jimin during the next recess, but he was probably facing the same problems. I would've liked to have him by my side to help me, though.

When the schoolbell announced the end of my last period I was relieved that the school day was finally over. I started packing up my things and just when I was finished and got up slinging my backpack over my shoulder I saw Jimin approaching me.

Hey~” he said and smiled.

Hey.” I answered and smiled shyly, too.

I was thinking maybe we could go grab something to eat or just do something in the city.” Jimin said.

Are you asking me out?” I asked and felt myself blush a little. Jimin took a step towards me and pulled me closer by my shirt.

Well, we didn't really have a first date, yet, did we?” he said and grabbed my hand. I interlaced our fingers and he pulled me with him.



I felt nervous and excited at the same time as Jimin and I casually walked through the city holding hands. On one hand it was making me feel nervous and embarrassed, because I feared that people would look at us weirdly, but that wasn't really the case. And even if that had happened, the way his hand felt in mine was totally worth it. The longer we walked like that the more I liked it. It was like we could openly show everyone that he was mine and that I was his. I got lost in my happy thoughts and walked closer to him. Jimin suddenly stopped walking and I looked up seeing that we were standing in front of a restaurant.

“Do you want to eat here?” I asked.

“I thought for our first date it would be more appropriate than just some random pizza-place.” Jimin said and I smiled.

“I never knew you'd be such a romantic.” I teased. Jimin bumped his shoulder against mine.

“Let's go.” he then said and pulled me towards the entrance. He opened the door for me and I giggled as I walked inside. I was contemplating whether we should part our hands, but Jimin firmly kept holding onto mine as we looked around for a place to sit. A waitress friendly greeted us.

“A table for two?” she asked.

“Yes, please.” Jimin answered.

“Follow me, please.” she said and led us to a small table in a rather empty area of the restaurant. Jimin then let go of my hand and we both put down our backpacks before sitting down. The waitress lit the candle that was placed in the middle of the table and then handed us the menus before leaving again.

“Oh, it's a candle-light-lunch.” I said and we both laughed before opening the menus. When we had chosen the waitress came back and took our orders with a smile. She then left again and we started talking about the day.

“I didn't see you during the second recess. Did you hide from everyone?” I joked.

“I wish I had. I didn't even make it outside, because my friends got a hold of me and killed me with questions.”

“Yeah, me, too....did you see Cara, yet?” I answered and felt a little troubled.

“I saw her from afar, but we didn't talk to each other.”

“Do you think she heard about it?” I asked and played around with my hands on the table.

“I'm pretty sure she did. I think the news have spread quite fast and she looked a little irritated when I saw her.” Jimin said. I hushed.

“Hey~...Jungkook....” he said and slid his hand to mine on the table and his fingers over my skin.

“We did nothing wrong.” he said.

“I know. Just...I mean she's still a friend of us, after all...I feel a little bad.”

“It might be a little awkward for a while, but it'll be okay...”Jimin said and looked a little bashful.

“I should've never let it get this far...I should've never played with two people's hearts, but I wanted to distract myself from my feelings for you and she was the unlucky victim...until I couldn't run from these feelings anymore.” Jimin added and I felt myself blush.

“Here are your drinks.” the waitress said as she arrived and I had a minor heart attack.

“Thanks.” we both said and I felt embarrassed, but neither of us pulled away their hand. When she was gone I took a deep breath. Jimin interlaced our fingers.

“I know it was wrong. I'll apologize to her, it wasn't fair...but I'm so glad that I stopped running from this...from us.

I opened my mouth to say something, but he wasn't done, yet.

“I know I hurt you, too.” he said and closed his eyes. My heart was beating nervously.

“I'm sorry, Jungkook. I'm really sorry.”

I grasped his hand tightly and brought it up to my face leaning my forehead against our joined hands.

“It's okay, Jimin...”

“No, it's not.”

I looked up at Jimin and his gaze nearly broke my heart. My heart was trembling when I leaned down to kiss his hand.

“Let's leave this behind...I just want to be with you.” I said. Jimin blushed a little and nodded. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I think our hearts smiled, too.



Taehyung's POV

During the next few weeks we acted normal, but there was an unedeniable tension between us that just wouldn't seem to go away.

It was getting closer and closer to the christmas holidays and the teachers announced that our next big exams would be right after the holidays. Some people already started stressing about it and others knew they'd only start studying towards the end of the holidays anyway. I could see, though, that it was stressing Hoseok, too, because he needed to get good grades.

When one of our lessons ended during which a teacher had announced another date for an exam Hoseok put his head on the table and sighed.

“It's so much all at once. How am I supposed to pass all of these exams?” he said and made a dramatic gesture.

“Come on, don't worry too much. You can do this. “ I said.

“No I can't. I give up. school.” he mumbled into the table. I couldn't suppress a smile, because he looked kind of cute.

“Don't say that!” I said and nudged his shoulder. “I'll help you study if you want.”

Hoseok turned his head to look at me and there it was again. That tension.

“You would?” he asked as he looked up at me with sincere eyes. I don't know what came over me but I reached out my hand and pushed some of his bangs out of his face.

“Yes.” I said as my hand lingered on his hair for a moment.

“Thank you.” he said. Neither of us broke eye-contact.

“Come on, guys, it's recess! Everybody out.” I heard the teacher call snapping me out of the moment. I pulled away my hand and Hoseok sat up again. We put our things in our bags and got up.



We studied a few times after school and planned to meet sometime during the holidays to study, too, but when the last day of school before the holidays came it still kind of felt like a goodbye.

We had different classes on that day, so I wasn't sure if we were gonna see each other. When the schoolbell announced the end of the last period everyone cheered and started saying their goodbyes. I hugged a few people and said goodbye before leaving the room. The hall was filled with all the students trying to get outside. I looked around for Hoseok but I couldn't see him, so I just followed the crowd outside. When I was almost out of the gate I felt two arms slide around my neck and someone was suddenly hugging me. It was Hoseok. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. I had no idea how long we stood there doing that, but I didn't care. It just felt so good. When we slowly pulled apart he said: “I wish you nice holidays and christmas of course.”

“Thanks, you, too!” I said and we just smiled at each other.



Hoseok's POV

I couldn't remember how exactly I had ended up there, but about a week later I was standing outside of Taehyung's house close to midnight. I was drunk and all I could think about was that I was missing him and that I needed to see him. Afterwards I thought I could've just texted him, but in that moment I was a bit too drunk to think straight so I searched for sticks and little stones and started throwing them at his window. When I saw his light being my heart jumped in joy. A moment later he appeared at the window looking around. I waved at him exaggeratedly and he opened the window.

“Hoseok?!” he whisper-shouted as he looked down to me.

“Hi!” I said a little too loud.

“Shh!!” he scolded me and I clasped a hand over my mouth.

“Sorry!” I whispered back.

“What are you doing here?” Taehyung asked silently.

“I-...I'm not sure...I wanted to see you.” I spluttered and felt a little stupid.

“Can I come up?” I added. Taehyung looked a little uncertain at first.

“Wait a second. I'll come downstairs to open the front door.” he then said and closed the window. I walked to the front door and waited for him to open it as my heart pounded fast in my chest. A few endless moments later the door was opened and Taehyung stood in front of me wearing a pair of sleeping pants and an oversized t-shirt that was revealing quite a lot of his collarbones and shoulders. I felt my breath getting caught in my throat.

“Come in.” he whispered and stepped aside. I walked inside and he closed the door. Without a word he walked back upstairs and I followed him after taking off my shoes. I stumbled on the stairs and apologized. After entering his room I closed the door behind me and turned to him.

“Is everthing okay? Are you drunk?” Taehyung asked and stepped closer eyeing me up.

“A liiiittle?!” I answered and broke into a wide grin.

“Are you coming from a party?” Taehyung asked.

“Nope.” I said and swayed around.

“Then why did you get drunk?”

I stopped swaying and looked down shrugging. He stepped even closer and it got harder and harder for me to concentrate.

“Were you just bored or what?” he asked.

“No...” I answered, but still didn't dare to look up at him. It was silent for a few seconds.

“Why are you here?” Taehyung then asked and his tone made me look up. When my eyes met his I suddenly knew exactly what I had come there for.

I lunged forward and grabbed his neck pulling him into a kiss. When he let out a sigh and then pressed his lips back against mine I realized that I had craved this for longer than I wanted to admit. His lips felt so incredibly good. I carefully pushed forward as we started to move our lips around each other's until Taehyung was trapped in between me and the wall.


Taehyung's POV

I felt Hoseok tenderly his thumbs over the skin on my neck as we desirously kissed each other. I pulled him closer by the waist as I tentatively on his bottom lip. He made a sound that echoed through my body before hungrily kissing me back. I couldn't think anymore. This had been long due, the tension between us hadn't been bearable anymore. He stepped closer until our bodies were pressed against the other's. I slid my fingers into his hair and felt him shudder against me. He then my bottom lip and I opened my mouth to deepen the kiss. Our tongues mingled with each other and I released a silent moan. Hoseok pressed his body harder against mine and I grabbed a fistful of his hair as I shuddered now, too. We parted for a moment to get some air both breathing heavily. Hoseok didn't step back and I loosened my grip on his hair letting my fingers trail down his neck.

“, Tae~” he mumbled in a low tone and it sent a shiver down my spine.

“Shut up.” I said and captured his lips in another passionate kiss.

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Hey there, I changed the lettering and made it smaller, because I noticed that it looked awfully big. I hope it's better now and that the change doesn't irritate you too much.


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V-HopeMin #1
Chapter 32: <3
Chapter 32: Girl omg I'm crying! I'm so happy you found. Closure while writing this story and you've helped me a lot with it, I found closure with my Jimin haha
I'm very thankful for your efforts in continuing this story. Let's all be happy~
Thank you, love you~ ♥
Chapter 32: Thank you so much for writing this story, I loved it, and also thank you the for telling us the reason why you wrote it. It made it feel really special and personal. ❤️
Qimmie #4
Chapter 31: Omg i love vhopeeeeeee yasssss
MT_girl #5
Chapter 31: This is such a cute chapter, I love it!
Chapter 31: Aaaaaaawww so sweet and nice (~^.^~)
Chapter 30: yaaay!^^ But ohhh Vhope:/
I miss this story. Hope you're alright!<3
Chapter 29: Oh my~ getting hot for both couples! Things are getting better for them ahha ♥ Love it
Chapter 28: Wait, are jikook and vhope not in the same circle of friends but same school?
I thought first that can see all of them interaction each other.