(019) ♡ a day out

A Cat's Love Story

My hands scratch the fur behind Ppopo's ears. His jet black fur itches, the soft feeling of his fur against my palms is blissful. I sigh, watching as the other cats run to their food bowls. "Lupin, do you miss him too?" I say in a soft voice, crouching next to the fat, female cat. She meows in response, specks of cat food flying onto the tiles. I can tell that she doesn't want to speak to me. Hello's soft paws pitter-patter it's way across the room to meet Lupin, nuzzling their noses together in a loving manner. I sigh enviously, watching them parade their love for all to see.

On the kitchen table, a vibrating nose brings me back, out of my thoughts. The caller ID says that it's Sungyeol. "Hi," I say, in the happiest voice I can manage.

I can hear him breathing heavily on the other line. "Hey, Bear!" he huffs. In the background, there are many males, screams and laughter. I can hear Woohyun whining, "Is she coming yet?"

"Where are you?" I ask, amused.

"At the park! Come over, please? You know, the one next to the cafe."

Of course I know what park he's talking about. I tell him I'll be there in a minute, and rush off to change into something thicker. My lazy side takes over, and rather than changing out of the tights, sweater and uggs I have on, I simply throw a brown coat over my ensemble. My hair is it's usual curly mess, so I pull it into two buns at either side of my head. After cleaning my glasses, I slide them back on, and head out the door.

It's a nice, wintry day out for a walk. I swing my legs forward carelessly, as the wind whips through my body. If I suddenly let go, will I float into the air like a balloon? The idea amuses me in strange ways, and I imagine myself with an inflated stomach, and a head the size of a ball. What would it take for me to simply disappear, to let the wind carry my soul away? The park isn't that far of a walk, and when I finally do arrive, I can hear their screams of delight before I can see their faces.

A thin sihoulette appears from the misty, snowy background, a large dog running in front of him. "Americano!" Sungjong exclaims, as a large Jindo dog runs towards me. I recoil instantly, preparing to flee. Sungjong's frail arms wrap around the animal's huge body, and within an inch I would have had to run. "Sorry, Nana," he says, sighing. He's still holding onto the dog, grabbing onto it's leash. "He got excited."

I'm still edging backwards, as the dog looks at me expectantly. "Who named it?"

"Him. And Sungyeol did. Come on," He gestures to the other side of the park where the other employers are playing. All except Myungsoo. I feel slightly better, knowing that I can at least make it through one day without feeling burdened and guilty. One day to spend with seven guys, seven friends. "Nana~" Sungyeol calls, from the top of the slide. "Look at me!" He slides down with difficulty, but still manages to flash me a smile. When he reaches the bottom, he races up to greet me, along with everyone else.

"You met my dog, huh? He probably likes you already." He nuzzles Americano with his own nose, momentarily kissing it's lips. I bite my lip, and Sungyeol seems to notice my distaste. "Are you allergic to dogs?"

I shake my head, poking a finger through it's thick fur. "Dogs are kind of scary to me. I'm a cat person."

Sungyeol grins, and pats the canine one last time. "Don't worry then, Americano isn't like that! He never bites people, not even strangers.." I'm still not opening up though, standing awkwardly far from him and the dog. Sungyeol just chuckles lightly, leaning closer to whisper into my ear, "And if he does try to bite you, I'll jump in front of you in time! So don't worry and enjoy yourself today!" He lets Americano loose, free to roam around to his own will.

With that said, Sungyeol practically drags me by the hand to the middle of the snowy field. Without a word, he bends down, makes a small snowball in his gloved palm, and gently places it in my hand. I look at him questioningly. "Go. Hit someone."

The other boys are crowding around me with mischevious looks in their eyes. "I-I..." I stutter.

"Just hit someone."

My arm seems to move on it's own. With a big lunge, I throw the snowball straight into Woohyun's mouth. "Ah! I'm so sorry," I mumble, running over to help him up. He rises, his mouth full of crisp, white snow. "N-no, it's...it's okay," he says, once he has speak again. As soon as he's sitting up, he throws a fistful of the white substance, hurling it at my chest. I give an embarrassingly girlish yelp.

After recovering, I make another ball and throw it, aiming for his head. But he ducks with the speed of light, and I hit the tip of Youngmin's hair. "Yah!" he mutters, fixing it in a hurry. In a flash, a simple mistake turns into a giant snowball fight. There's some in my hair, on my face, basically everywhere. In a fit to outrun their throws, I race forwards, unknowingly bumping into a tall, tree-like being. I land head first onto his hard chest. One glance is enough for me to distinguish who it is, I'd know that curly blonde hair anywhere. "Ack!" I roll off him, the soft snow enveloping me into it's arms.

Youngmin rubs the back of his neck, laughing. "Sorry, Care Bear. Did I hurt you?"

Trying to hide my blush, I shake my head furiously. "No, not at all. I'm sorry, I was being clumsy."

I sheepishly run to the seesaw, exiting their play in the snow. I bounce gently, unsing the power in my feet by myself. I close my eyes. It tilts dramatically towards my end, until suddenly I rise into the air. Hastily, I open my eyes to see all seven boys sitting on the vacant side of the seesaw. Howon even rises to carefully walk along the middle, as if it were a balancing beam. With him standing, I'm too afraid to move. Not that my feet can touch the ground. "Ehhh, our Bear is too light!" Sunggyu says, sounding like an old man. Hoya jumps off, to sit behind me, but still we're towering above the ground.

Sungyeol cheekily bounces lightly, making both Hoya and I wobble. I scream, and Hoya holds onto my waist tightly. Dongwoo jumps off, joining us on the lighter side. Right now it's 3 against 5, and we're still up in the air. Sungjong adds to our team, but we're still way higher, even thought we're split evenly. "What is this?" Dongwoo laughs.

"Nana's so light! She's probably like a feather," Sungyeol says. Usually, I'd lower my head in shame, but the way they say it, it's as if it's a compliment. I feel brighter already, being praised by all seven of them. Sungjong hops off first, landing onto the soft ground with a thud. Then Dongwoo, then Howon, and finally I'm left, suspended in the air. "Yah, don't get off or Nana'll hit the ground hard," Dongwoo says to Sungyeol, Sunggyu and Woohyun.

"Jump!" Hoya commands. My face probably looks worried, because he gives me a reassuring smile. "I'll catch you." Timidly, I swing my legs over one side. With my eyes closed, I jump, falling straight into Hoya's arms. He catches me by the waist, then sets me down, patting my head. "Thank you," I say. The rest of Infinite join us back on the ground. I instinctively start walking to the swings, sitting down on the adult one. The boys fight over who has the baby chair, and they even end up doing scissors, paper, rock. "Scissors...paper..rock!" Woohyun eventually wins, doing a victory dance around his swing. His thighs don't fit in, though. "What?!" he cries. I giggle. "Here, I"ll sit in the baby seat, you can sit there, Oppa."

As I rise, I can feel their eyes on me. "What?" I mumble.

Woohyun looks as though he's won the lottery. "Oppa? She called me Oppa!" The other member's mouths are wide open, jaw almost hitting the ground. There are lots of yells, like, "Call me Oppa, too!" and "I'm an Oppa!".

"Well, you are a year above us," I tell Woohyun. "And Sunbaenim seems a bit formal..." Sunggyu pops out from behind me, smiling. "That means I'm an Oppa, too!" "Me too!" shouts Dongwoo.

"When's your birthday?" Sungyeol asks me.

"March 14th, 1994," I reply blandly.

"Your birthday's on White Day?" Youngmin mumbles. I nod. Sungyeol laughs, and hops onto the spare seat. My thighs barely fit into the baby's swing, but I manage. As if I were a child, Sunggyu clips the metal seatbelt over me. "I'll just have to get you an extra great present," Sungyeol says. The very idea of anyone getting me a present makes me blush.

"That means Myungsoo's a day older than you," Dongwoo blurts out randomly. Sunggyu hits his head, making him wince "Sorry..."

"I guess he is..." I mumble, voice drifting off. I'm looking at them, but my eyes are somewhere else. Somewhere far away.

"We heard you two had a fight," Woohyun mumbles gently. I shrug. "Are you two still....'together'?"

My breath stops aburptly, only to return back to it's normal pace after a minute. Are we? "Um, I'm not sure. Probably not," I say with a sad smile. The atmosphere is slightly awkward after that, and Americano returns, running out of the trees. "I was wondering where you went, boy!" Sungyeol says. "Did you take a dump?"

The sky is darker now, and the boys returned home. Sungyeol walks with slow steps beside me, as a car zooms past on the road. "Are you feeling better?" he mumbles.

"I was always feeling fine," I lie.

"I know you had a fight with L. He's a bad guy, making you cry like that. Can I punch him or--"

I laugh, putting a hand on his arm. "Please don't."

"Can I at least fire him?" he says innocently. I shake my head. "Let's just leave him alone for now."

As we edge closer and closer down my street, towards my house, I can see a figure standing outside in the cold. He's shivering slightly, and even from a distance I can see his breath turning into smoke. The sihoullete is tall, yet mildly muscular, standing rigid with cold. With more steps, the body becomes more clearer. He's wearing a coat with fur hinged near the hood, skinny jeans and boots. There's snow in his hair, clinging to his skin. But the closer we go, I can finally see his face.

He turns towards us, scowling. When he finally speaks, his voice is cold, almost sick. "Where were you?" Myungsoo mumbles weakly, before fainting into my arms.



two, actually. the first one is the actual trailer and the second one is the winter version. there will also be a spring version when I get up to that! hehehe. i like the winter version better because the official trailer was really rushed and i was noob at iMovie. i still am LOL. & i don't usually like trailers with the entire plot and alot of writing in it, so it was basically just videos.



and dont forget to comment, , ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS MOTIVATE ME TO UPDATE FASTER! lmao im greedy for comments. T^T

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Kitten3802 #1
Beautiful story almost made me cry nana reminds me of myself.... I loved reading it!
Kinda disappointed that it got discontinued..
I actually like this story very much~ very silent and cute not to much happening
user555 #4
Chapter 48: i just reread this and its still too cute hahha thank you
user555 #5
Chapter 48: Ahh I just read it, although discontinued it was still very amazing and well written :) the way it would have ended was nice too so thanks for putting that up!
Chapter 24: Hahahaha. Hiiii. I was shock when I saw my username. Hahaha. Anyways your fanfic is awesome so far. :) author-nim jjang!
Sleepincorner #7
Chapter 48: Awwh, I was really waiting. But I guess, I understand you! I did this so much to all of my stories xP Well, keep writing though! You have talent too!~