Chapter 7: Taking Care of a Bunny

I'm Not Cute!

Sungmin's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and ignored the blurry vision until everything was clear. I was lying on my bed in my room with a towel on my head. I looked all around me. It was quiet. How did I get here? There's no one here but me and Kyuhyun sitting at the edge of my be- Kyuhyun?!



"Oh, you're awake now," he said as he looked at me and smiled. 



"H-how did I get here?" I asked. 



"I brought you here, of course. I couldn't have you lying on the ground earlier by yourself." I struggled to get up, but he quickly pushed me back down. "Don't get up yet. You're still not well; you have a small fever. Don't worry - I called your friend Ryeowook to come over as soon as he's done with work so he can help take care of you." I raised my eyebrow and looked confusedly at him.



"Help? What do you mean help?"



"Well, you're sick, and I can't just leave you unattended. So I asked Ryeowook to help me take care of you until you feel better." My eyes got wider and I blushed a little. 



"T-that's okay! You don't need to help! I only need Ryeowook, so-"



"Sungmin, its the least I can do since you saved me earlier." I just stared at him. That's right. He was getting bullied and I saved him before I collapsed. "Do you realize how cool you are? I didn't know you knew how to do martial arts. I guess that's just another thing I got to know about you." I blushed at his compliment. 



"W-well, I needed some way to protect myself and my mother when I was younger," I mumbled into the blanket. He chuckled. 



"You're so cute."



My face heated up under the blanket at his words. "S-shut up..." I heard him chuckle and creak the mattress as he stood up.



"Kyuhyun-ah?" I heard a voice call Kyuhyun's name from the hallway. When my door opened, the person I bumped into earlier came in. I looked at Kyuhyun and gave him a who-is-this look. 



"Okay, I lied. I had some help bringing you back home. This is my older brother Yesung. Before you came, he thought he'd pick me up from school, which he shouldn't have to since I'm not a kid anymore." 



"Hey, it was a good thing I was there, let alone Sungmin. Who knows what could've happened to you?" Yesung argued. 



"Yeah, yeah." Yesung rolled his eyes at him and walked around my bed to face me. 



"So you're the famous Sungmin Kyuhyun keeps telling me about," he told me. I've only known Kyuhyun for a couple days, what could he possibly be talking about?



"What things has he said about me?" I asked him. 



"Nothing much, really. He just tells me how cute you are over and over again," Yesung replied. I looked at Kyuhyun and glared at him while he just stuck his tongue out. "Thanks for helping my brother though. It really means a lot."



"O-oh, no problem." Suddenly, he stood up.



"Kyuhyun-ah, look after him for a while. I'm gonna get something for all of us to eat." Kyuhyun nodded his head and Yesung went out. Kyuhyun turned his head back to look at me, and I glared again. 



"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked. 



"Why did you lie to him?" 



"What? What did I lie about?"



"You told him that I was cute!" 



"That's because you are!"



"I'm not cute!"



"The more you deny it, the cuter you get. And pouting doesn't help you either." He smirked at me and I glared at him some more. He got up and walked over to my nightstand to pick up my medicine. He poured it into a dosing cup and a handed it to me, plus a glass of water. "Take this and sleep for a while. Ryeowook will be here soon. Yesung takes a long time to get food anyways because he can never decide what he wants. I'll wake you up in a hour or so."


I nodded my head and took the cherry-flavored medicine followed by the water. When I finished it, he took them back and set them aside as I layed back into my bed. I noticed that I was still wearing what I wore earlier except for my coat and scarf. I still had Kyuhyun's gloves on. Suddenly, he got up from my bed and started heading towards the door.



"Kyuhyun, wait!" I shouted out and he stopped to turn and look at me. 



"Yes, Sungmin?" He smiled at me. It wasn't another one of those annoying smiles that he always pulled off. This one seemed...different. It was different enough for me to shift myself under the blanket to hide my red face. 



"N-nothing! I-I just wanted t-to say...u-um...." Why am I stuttering? It was just a smile. I peeked out from my blanket to look at him. He was still standing there, waiting for an answer. "...thanks for the gloves..." I mumbled, but I guess I was loud enough for him to hear me because I heard him laugh lightly. 



"You're very welcome, Lee Sungmin." I felt my face getting hotter as I heard the door closing, meaning he had left. I waited a few minutes in bed until I finally fell asleep. 



. . . 



I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. I opened my eyes slowly and focused my vision. The doorbell was ringing like crazy before it finally stopped and I heard the front door open. I looked towards my alram clock to check the time. It was a little past nine. Was Ryeowook here?



"HYUNG!!" I'll take that as a yes. I heard footsteps running towards my room and before I knew it, Ryeowook came bursting through the door, practically almost about to cry. 



"Oh, Ryeowook." I sat up slowly, having the towel on my head fall onto the bed, as he came rushing by my side.



"Are you okay, hyung?! Do you still have a fever?! Did you really collapse?! Are you hurt anywhere?! Do you need a doctor?! Do you need to go to the hospital?! Is anything broken?! Did you hurt yourself anywhere?!" he asked while shouting, and I just smiled at him. 



"Calm down, Wookie, I'm fine. I didn't hurt myself and I don't have a fever anymore. It's just a small cold now. Don't worry." The tension which tensed up his little body left him, and he threw his arms around me. 



"Thank goodness! I'm sorry I didn't know you were sick sooner, hyung," he sighed. 



"Its okay. I'm fine now, and that's all that matters." Ryeowook can really act like a mother sometimes, but that's okay. I like it. It makes me think about my mother, which reminds me: I have to call her soon. 



"Sungmin hyung!" Ryeowook let go of me and I looked up to see Eunhyuk standing at my door. 



"Eunhyuk? What are you doing here?" I asked. 



"Ryeowook dragged me along. Plus, I wanted to see how you were doing. Glad to see that you're okay."



"Thanks." I smiled at him and he smiled back. 



"Hyukkie!!" I heard a voice scream out Eunhyuk's name and footsteps running towards my bedroom. Out of nowhere, I saw Donghae glomp Eunhyuk to the ground. 



"Aish!! Lee Donghae, get off of me!" Eunhyuk whined on the floor. While they continued to roll on the floor, I just stared at them, then at Ryeowook, bewildered. 



"Donghae hyung followed Eunhyuk hyung here. He's been following him all day. I think its cute though," Ryeowook giggled and I rolled my eyes. What's so cute about it? Sounds more stalkerish to me.



"Sungmin, you're awake already?" Finally, Kyuhyun came towards my room. He didn't even pay attention to Eunhyuk and Donghae rolling on the floor. 



"Yeah. My fever went down."



"That's good to hear." He gave me that smile again. The one that was different from his ordinary smile, and my cheeks became a little pink. I looked at Ryeowook, who just giggled at us. 



"I'm back!!" I could hear Yesung coming in from the front door. 



"Yesung hyung!!" Donghae cheered as he got off of Eunhyuk and went to go to Yesung. When Yesung reached my room with a plastic bag in his hand, Donghae had already clung onto him.  What's with him and clinging on to people?



"Donghae, enough. You're not a kid anymore. SUngmin-ah, I got some take-out. I bought a little too much, but seeing as there are more people here, we have enough. Hello, Ryeowook," he explained and greeted Ryeowook. Ryeowook bit his lip and waved a little. How does Ryeowook know Yesung? "Why don't you guys help me set this up on the table? You too, Eunhyuk-ah," he instructed. 



"Okay...," Eunhyuk sighed as he got off the floor. Even Eunhyuk knows Yesung? What is with this small world?! Yesung let towards my dining room, followed by Kyuhyun, Donghae, and Eunhyuk. I looked at Ryeowook, who was just staring at nothing. 



"Hey, Wookie, what's wrong?" I asked. 



"Hyung!! How do you know Yesung?!" he suddenly asked, making me jump a little. 



"He's Kyuhyun's brother. Why?"



"That's the guy I was talking about before! Remember? The one with the turtle bag I saw at the cafe?" My eyes became wide and I gasped. 



"Oh my gosh! Really?!" He nodded his head and bit his lip. I smirked. "What are you doing here then? Go to him!" I pushed Ryeowook a little to get him out of bed. His face becomes red. 



"H-hyung!" I didn't say any more and continued to smirk.  A moment later, he got the hint and got out of my room. I sighed and laid back in my bed. I don't think I'm well enough to get out of bed just yet. I really want to sleep more, but I should really eat first. I didn't have enough strength to get up though. 



"Sungmin." I looked up to see Kyuhyun with two plates of take out food in his hands. He came inside and walked closer to my bed after closing the door. He handed me a palte and sat down next to me. 



"Why aren't you eating with the others?" I asked. 



"The fish and the monkey are making too much noise. Yesung and Ryeowook are being too quiet. Plus, you're here, and you're still not well enough to get out of bed. So I came here." I'd argue with him, but I was focusing more on the plate of food in front of me. I hadn't eaten anything since this morning!



"Thanks..." He nodded his head. 



"Do you usually get sick often?"



"Not really. Only when I'm in really cold weather or of I'm stressed."



"Stressed? Why would you be stressed?"



"My job."



"What's wrong with it?"



"I hate it." Kyuhyun stopped eating and stared at me. 



"Why?" I know he wants to know more about me, but this guy asks way too many questions!



"I hate working there. I can't stand working in that place. I want a better job." He stared at me some more. Geez, what's with him and staring? It's kinda scary. 



"So you really hate your job?"



"Yeah." He suddenly smiled. 



"So then you're saying that you hate working with Ryeowook, you're best friend?"



"No, of course not! Sure we might not work at the same times, but its not really a problem for me."



"Then you're saying that you don't like that monkey working with you either?"



"Absolutely not! I really like working with him Eunhyuk. I've only known him for a few days, and I think he's a very caring dongsaeng."



"You must not like your boss then."



"My boss is one of the most caring people in the world and he pays me good money." His smile got wider. 



"I don't think you really hate your job then if you're with people who really care and you get a decent pay. You think you hate it because you're working too hard. You work too hard, causing you to be stressed, resulting in you becoming sick. Don't work too hard. You're still young, so you need to get out in the world and enjoy yourself. There's no need to overwork yourself so fast. Do things at your own pace and have fun." I stared at him as he continued to smile at me. That smile. That's the third time I saw it in one day. I'm starting to believe that he wasn't the same annoying Cho Kyuhyun I first met. It was someone...different. "Besides, how can you hate you're job when you get to see me everyday?" Okay, that's it. He's still smiling, but I see that annoying little boy again. 



"Yeah right. Maybe that's why I'm stressed. And who are you to say all of those things to me? You're my dongsaeng, aren't you? Why don't you calll me hyung and respect me?"



"What's a hyung?"



"Oh, smart kid now, are we?"



"Are you sure you're not the kid here?" 



"Why would I be the kid?"



"Because you're cute." I glared at him and flicked his head. 



"Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! Stop calling me cute! I'm nowhere even close to being cute!" 



"Yeah you are! Almost everything about you is cute." I was kinda satisfied at how he said "almost", but that's not important right now. I set my plate of food aside on my nightstand and crossed my arms. 



"Oh yeah? Like what?" He smirked, and it wasn't another one of those ordinary smirks. It was more of an evil smirk. A Kyuhyun smirk. He set his plate next to mine before looking at me again.



"Like...your laugh!" Before I knew it, Kyuhyun jumped on top of me and started tickling my sides. I was laughing non-stop and Kyuhyun was laughing with me. Since he was on me, I couldn't move away.



"K-Kyuh-hyun! Ahahaha! S-stop! Ahahaha! Stop it!" I laughed, but he continued to tickle and laugh at me. 



"See? I told you that your laugh is cute!" he laughed as well. 



"Hahahaha! I-is not!" I tried to argue, but he didn't even move away. "Ahahaha! K-Kyu! PLease s-stop! It hurts! Ahahaha!" Suddenly, he stopped tickling me, but he remained on top of me. 



"You called me Kyu," he stated, and I blushed a little. 



"O-oh, d-did I?" I was never good at hiding my embarrassment. 



"I like it. Call me that from now on." He smiled again. That smile that's so different. I was too embarrassed to say anything so I just stayed silent. He stayed silent too, and continued to stare at me. 



"Well, what do we have here?" I heard Yesung's voice from the door. Kyuhyun and I looked towards the door and saw a grinning Yesung, a flustered Ryeowook, a confused Eunhyuk, and and even more confused Donghae staring at us from the door. I quickly pushed Kyuhyun away from me, but it seems like he didn't hesitate to move either. 



"I-it's not what you think!" I tried to reassure. 



"Then what is it?" Eunhyuk asked. 



"Kyuhyun-ah! You didn't tell me you were having a tickle fight! I wanna join, too!!" Donghae cheered as he came charging at Kyuhyun. I saw him roll his eyes and dodged Donghae's attack, making him aim his face at the wall and fall to the ground.



"Hae!" Eunhyuk screamed as he ran towards him. "Are you okay?" Donghae looked at Eunhyuk and smirked at him. Great. I've already seen a Kyuhyun smirk, and now I've seen a Donghae smirk. 



"Is my Hyukkie worried about me?" Eunhyuk's cheeks turned pink. 



"N-no! Of course not, you stupid fish!" And once again, they continued to argue again. Yesung just laughed at the sight of them. Ryeowook stayed silent, and I noticed him taking a glance at Yesung a couple times. 



"As for me, I sighed. I think I'm getting a headache again." I looked at Kyuhyun who was already looking at me. He winked, and I just rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out. He chuckled and pinched my cheeks before I quickly slapped his hand away. 



You called me Kyu. I like it. 



Why did I call him Kyu? 

A/N: HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY CHO KYUHYUN <3 Haha, I just ahd to say it :) Kyu is my bias, and I even wrote to him on twitter. My only dream would be that he would reply to me xD But anyway, chapter 7 is here! I did this at the last minuet cause I wanted to say Happy Birthay to Kyu on here <3  Got mostly Kyumin in the chapter, little bit of Eunhae, and a hint of Yewook too ^^ It thought it was about time that the six of them came together. But anyway, I should go to sleep now. Almost midnight >.< Happy Birthday again to Kyu <3 Love him lotssss~ If I could, I'd give him Sungmin as a present, but I forgot that he already owns him 8D More chapters to come, so look forward to them! Sorry about this boring one >.> Please comment and subscribe!! <333333333333

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Chapter 45: TT I will patiently waiting for your update...jaebal can't stop here...this is so heartbreaking...we promise we will wait TT
please don't stop here! I've been reading this with my other accnt that crashed. took me a while to find it again!
Chapter 45: OMG! I haven't read this for a while. Since when did this story became angst? OMG! Why is life so complicated? T-T
Amakusa #4
Chapter 45: OMG, nope nope nope! Such a very nice story without endings :< I hope you will continue it! please !
sarubeatoriche #5
Chapter 45: You can't stop here! ; A;
chultrash #6
Chapter 45: Please update soon! Been waiting for another chapter for months after months ><
pookieberrie #7
Chapter 45: please update soon please
pookieberrie #8
Chapter 45: you!!! don't leave me hanging please please please update soon you made me cry so much I looked crazy just staring at my phone and crying lol my family laughed at me a lot so please make me happy and update please!!!!!! I'll be waiting^^ hwating