Chapter 35: Let's Go Together

I'm Not Cute!


Sungmin’s POV

You know what my favorite season is? Summer; the best time of the year. Summer is all about vacation time. Nothing but blue seas, blue skies, that cool summer breeze, all of the ice cream you can eat, and you feel like you have all the time in the world to relax and worry about nothing. I guess that’s what I like best about summer. I have all the time to myself with no one bothering or annoying me. All I want to do is stay home, relax, and do absolutely nothing.



“Sungmin, hurry up!”



Sadly, that’s not going to happen.



Summer is finally here, and I was so excited to have some time for myself for some peace and quiet. Leeteuk and Kangin left for vacation for a week so I won’t have to work at the daycare. A week of peace and quiet sounded great at first, that is, until I realized that it’ll never happen.



Kyuhyun, Yesung, and Donghae decided that the six of us go on vacation to Jeju Island. Apparently, Mr. Kim owns a beach house there, which would also mean it also belongs to Kyuhyun and Yesung.



Ryeowook agreed to it immediately at the idea. I’ll bet you 100 won he agreed just because he wants to spend some time with Yesung. Eunhyuk and I disagreed at first. Why did we agree the second time? Well…




“Please, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeease Hyukkie!” Donghae begged to Eunhyuk. The six of us were all gathered at Heechul and Hangeng’s restaurant. Kyuhyun said there was some kind of announcement they had to make, and I was surprised that the announcement was about going on vacation.



“Where are we going anyway?” I asked.



“Jeju Island,” Yesung responded.



“JEJU ISLAND!? We can’t afford that!” Eunhyuk and I exclaimed in unison.



“Don’t worry about it. We’ll pay for your flights. There’s a beach house that our father owns that we can use. He never go’s there anyway, so it’s free to use. I thought it might be fun for all of us to go on vacation together,” Kyuhyun explained as he sipped on a glass of water.



“Hyukkieeeeeeee! Please go with us!” Donghae continued to beg and I noticed Eunhyuk rolling his eyes at him.



“I don’t know. Going on vacation to a place like Jeju Island isn’t really my kind of thing to do. I’d rather just stay home and relax a little.”



“But you said this summer you’d go to the beach with me! When it was winter, I asked you if you wanted to go to the beach when its summer again and you said yes. Its summer time now!” Donghae whined.



“…Oh yeah,” Eunhyuk said softly. I don’t remember Eunhyuk ever agreeing to something like that. They probably talked it over on their date or something. Donghae began looking at him with big puppy dog eyes, and Eunhyuk was having a hard time saying no.



“Fine, I’ll go,” Eunhyuk sighed. “But if and only if, Sungmin goes too.” Great. It’s always up to my decision when it comes to Eunhyuk.



“Well Sungmin? Will you go with us?” Ryeowook tried asking. Why must all of this pressure be put onto me? I was really hoping to have some time to myself for at least a little while. Getting out of town isn’t really my idea of going on vacation either.



“Please, Sungmin?” Kyuhyun asked once more, smiling at me. For some reason, seeing him smile like that made me blush. I felt my face getting warmer and I couldn’t look away from his eyes. Why am I suddenly like this? And why can’t I seem to say no to his face either?



“Okay, okay. I’ll go,” I responded as I finally looked away from his eyes. Yesung, Ryeowook, and Donghae all cheered and Kyuhyun just chuckled at me.



“You’re so cute when you’re shy,” he whispered into my ear, making me blush some more. Guess who got hit in the stomach.



End of Flashback

And that’s how the six of us ended up at the airport to go to Jeju Island. I better not regret this trip later.



“C’mon Hyukkie! Or else we’re gonna miss our flight!” Donghae exclaimed as he dragged his suitcase and Eunhyuk’s arm all across the airport.



“Would you slow down, Hae!? We’re gonna make it!” Eunhyuk yelled as he was being dragged, and I sighed.



We were planning on leaving in the morning but Yesung and Kyuhyun had to avoid their father all day. Mr. Kim isn’t suppose to know that we’re all leaving to Jeju Island, so they needed to make sure it was safe to leave without him knowing. It’s 5:00pm now and our flight leaves at 5:30pm.



“Isn’t this exciting, Hyung?” Ryeowook asked with a huge smile on his face. “This is going to be so much fun!”



“Yeah, I guess.” I have to at least sound happy for Ryeowook. He’s probably wanted to do this for a long time now. I was about to start a conversation with him until he practically ditched me and ran over to walk with Yesung. I can’t be mad at him for that though. Those two are inseparable now. Instead, it makes me rather happy that he has someone else to make him happy now. I’m still a little jealous though.



“I’ll take this for you,” Kyuhyun suddenly said as he took my suitcase from me.



“H-hey! What are you doing? I can carry it myself!” I pouted.



“I know you can,” he answered before walking on ahead with both mines and his suitcases, leaving me dumbfounded. Why did he have to take my suitcase? I told him that I could carry it.



You idiot. He wanted to carry it for you.



What? Why would he want to do that?



Are you really that stupid? It’s obvious that he likes you.



W-what!? Are you crazy? Why in the world would that kid like me? There’s just no possible way. Kyuhyun…couldn’t possibly like me…right? I mean, that would just be…weird.



“Sungmin, hurry up!” Kyuhyun called out.



“C-coming!’ I yelled as I caught up with the rest.



It turns out that we made it just in time for our flight. We handed our tickets to the woman standing near the entrance doors before we entered the plane. Yesung and Ryeowook found their seats easy since they sat right next to each other. Eunhyuk and I shared a row together, but Donghae immediately took my seat and sat next to him, making me end up sitting next to Kyuhyun. Gee, what a surprise.



“Don’t worry. I promise you’re gonna have a fun time,” Kyuhyun suddenly said as we sat down.



“And what makes you say that?”



“Cause I’ll be there with you,” he responded, making me blush instantly.



“Y-yah, I’d rather spend my summer by myself at home,” I mumbled as I looked out the window. The plane had already started to move.



“Are you okay? You look a little nervous to me.”



“I’m fine. Its just…this is my first time being in an airplane.”



“You’re joking right?”



“Nope. When my father died, all my mother and I did was work. We didn’t have time to get out of time or go places to spend our vacation. Whenever I was out of school, I switched from part-time to full time on my job. Plus there really wasn’t any place I wanted to go,” I answered.



“So that’s why you’d rather stay home. You don’t know what its like to go to places with people you love surrounding you.” I nodded my head silently.



 A woman’s voice suddenly came on saying we were going to take off. Everyone on the plane put on their seatbelts as the plane started to rise. After a few minutes, everyone was allowed to move freely around the plane again.



“Consider this your very first real vacation then. You’ll love it when we get there. I promise,” Kyuhyun said smiling. I looked into his eyes and for some reason couldn’t look away. Just by the look in his eyes, I knew he was serious.



Is it just me or has he been promising me a lot of things lately?



“If you keep staring at me like that you’re gonna burn holes into my face,” he suddenly stated and I instantly looked away towards the window. I didn’t even realize that I was staring at him for so long. What’s wrong with me?





It was only a matter of time until we finally reached Jeju Island. I couldn’t believe that Yesung and Kyuhyun had their own personal driver to drive us all to the beach house. Sometimes I forget that their father is a really big CEO and that their actually rich. I did enjoy the ride however. Jeju Island was incredibly beautiful! We passed by parks, waterfalls, walkways, and saw the beautiful beach. There were people biking, horseback riding, hiking, fishing, windsurfing, and even paragliding! We passed by many museums and wonderful gardens. Many tourists were having good time laughing and taking pictures.



So this is what going on vacation is really like.



It only took a moment later until we reached the beach house. Although Jeju Island was amazing, I’d have to say that Kyuhyun and Yesung’s beach house was the best part! The house was huge! No, let me rephrase that. It was more like a beach condo!



Once we all stepped out of the car, four maids suddenly came out of the house and took our luggage. They have maids too!?



“C’mon, let’s give you guys the grand tour,” Yesung suggested, already heading in with Ryeowook. I thought the outside was amazing. Turns out that the inside was just as good.



The house had three huge bedrooms, an enormous kitchen, a very spacious living room, an outdoor pool that overlooks the ocean, a small library, and a rooftop garden. The house had everything! I couldn’t even pick up my jaw because I was so surprised by everything!



“I don’t understand why you guys just don’t live here,” Eunhyuk suddenly said, obviously looking just as surprised as I was.



“It’s a nice place, but it’s not really our style,” Yesung admitted. “Now that you guys have seen the whole place, I’ll let you pick your rooms.” And with that, Yesung grabbed Ryeowook’s hand and dragged him into a room he already picked out.



“I’ll stay in a room with Sungmin then,” Eunhyuk suggested.



“No no no! You’re sharing a room with me and that’s final!” Donghae whined.



“Yah! Don’t I get to pick for myself?”



“Nope!” And just like that, Eunhyuk was once again dragged away, leaving me standing with Kyuhyun.



“I guess we’re taking the room on the second level,” Kyuhyun said as he began walking upstairs. Why do I always get stuck with him?



Ryeowook’s POV

“I still can’t believe this place actually belongs to you!” I exclaimed once Yesung and I reached our shared room.



“You really like it?” he asked.



“I love it! I would love living in this kind of house!” I exclaimed some more as I lay down on the bed. Yesung chuckled a little before lying down next to me. “This is going to be so much fun now that everyone is here together.”



“And the best part is that we finally get to spend as much time as we want together,” he said, making me blush and hide my face on his chest, smiling.



“Do you think your father might find out that we’re all here?”



“I can’t honestly say that he might not find out. But even if he does, it’s not going to stop me from spending time with you.” He always knows the right words to say to make my heart start racing.



“You’re very cheesy…” I admitted, but he only chuckled some more.



“I’ll take that as a compliment.”



Although he’s very cheesy when he says it, he’s right. If he’s not going to worry about his father finding out, then I shouldn’t have to worry either. I came here to have fun with everyone, and to mostly spend time with the only person that I love. I’m not going to let someone like him ruin it for us. Everything will be perfect for the next week. Nothing will go wrong for us.



“I love you, Yesung.”



“I love you more, Ryeowook. Always and forever.”



“You’re so cheesy!”



And he chuckled once more before kissing me.



Eunhyuk’s POV

“Wow, this room is huge!” I exclaimed as I walked into the room Donghae dragged me in. Maybe going on this vacation wasn’t such a bad idea after all. I turned towards Donghae, who was just standing in front of me with a smile on his face. “W-why are you staring at me like that?” I stuttered.



“No reason. I’m just really glad you’re here.” Okay, Donghae is suddenly acting all weird. Ignoring his weird stare, I walked over to the window and looked out into the horizon where I saw the ocean. The sun was setting, so the ocean was covered in an orange/red color.



“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I asked.



“Yes, you are,” Donghae whispered as he hugged me from behind, making me a little.



“I-I was talking about the view outside,” I stuttered.



“And I was talking about the reflection I see on the window.” I looked at our reflection on the window and knew that he was still staring at me. I felt my face getting warmer as I hung my head down.



“I-I’ve never been called b-beautiful before…” I continued to stutter.



“I’m glad I’m the first person then. Hyukjae, you’re very beautiful,” he whispered again. I took a deep breath to calm my heart down from beating so fast, but it just wouldn’t slow down.



He let go one of his arms from my waist to pick my head up and turn it so he could kiss me. I was surprised at first and my heart began to beat even faster, but I didn’t even hesitate to kiss him back. He placed his arm around my waist again as I placed one hand on his and the other hand on the back of his head, making our kiss deeper. I felt like I needed to kiss him at that moment. Everything just seemed perfect.



As I pulled away for air, I looked into his eyes. He began smiling at me again.



“I love you.” I blushed one more time before turning my head away and looking out the window again. His grip around me got tighter as he continued to smile. Instead of looking at the ocean, I looked at our reflection.



“I know.”



Kyuhyun’s POV

“Wow! Look at the ocean!” Once we entered our room, Sungmin immediately went straight towards the window to look at the ocean while I just sat down on the bed and stared at him. How cute can he get?



“Have you ever been to the ocean?” I asked and he shook his head.



“I never had time to go to beach when I was a kid. I’ve wondered what it was like to play in the water. It must be a lot of fun.”



“Don’t worry. We’ll spend plenty of time at the beach tomorrow. You can play in the water as much as you want.”



“Really!? I finally get to play in the ocean!” he screamed in joy as he continued to stare at the window, placing his hands on top of it, and I couldn’t help but laugh at him. “What’s so funny?”






“What about me?”



“You’re so cute. You’re like a little kid.” I noticed a small blush form on his cheeks before he turned away to look outside some more.



Sungmin really does look like a little kid sometimes. I don’t understand how he doesn’t find himself adorable. He makes me want to take care of him. He makes me want to hold him forever and never let him go.



I don’t want to let go of him. I want to keep him forever. I want him to belong to me.



No, I can’t. He can never belong to me. I can’t love him. I’m not supposed to.



“Kyu, look! There are dolphins out there!” Sungmin exclaimed with the happiest smile on his face.



I stood up from the bed and walked behind him until the back of his head was right under my nose. I placed my hand on top of his fingers on the window and looked at our reflection.



“K-Kyu?” he stuttered. I sighed as he looked at his confused face through the reflection.



“We can also make sand castles at the beach if you want to,” I suggest, and he smiled again.



“Yeah! I’ve always wanted to do that too! I want to make a really big one that’ll amaze everyone!” he exclaimed once more before staring at the ocean again, and I continued to stare at him through the reflection.



I’m not supposed to love him, but I can’t help it.



I’m falling in love with you, Lee Sungmin. 


A/N: I apologize for making you guys wait 3 weeks for the next chapter. I was suppose to update the first week but I caught up with school work. Then I was suppose to update the week after that, but I had some issues to deal with and I couldn't finish writing the chapter. But this weekend, I had no homework to finish and I put aside my issues to finish wiritng :) I'm really glad you guys prefer me finish school work rather than writing. Even though I disagree xD Thanks for cheering me on though <3 Did this chpater make you go "aww"? At least a little? I hope so. That was my plan xD Get ready for the next chapter, cause it shall be all couples again :D Time for more flufffffff~~~~ Before I head out, lemme tell you what I did a couple weekends ago. (Oh great, she's going to rant about her weekend. Boring!) NO. Trust me, it was a very exciting weekend :3 So I was hanging out with my best friend the other day, and walked by this Korean store. Holy Shisus, that store was AMAZING. I wanted to buy everything in there ;A; Sadly, I had no money that day, but being the incredibly awesome best friend that he his, HE BOUGHT ME A Y, FREE AND SINGLE ALBUM. AND IT HAD A KYUHYUN CARD IN IT. RJGBKDSJBGVJDGBWKUIH CANNOT CONTAIN MY FEELS. I was so happy when I got it ;AAAAAA; I can't stop staring at it. IT JUST LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL~ Especially my Kyu card. KYUUUUUUU <3 Haha, so yeah, that's how my weekend went xD Just wanted to share with you guys~ Please comment and subscribe! <333333333333 

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Chapter 45: TT I will patiently waiting for your update...jaebal can't stop here...this is so heartbreaking...we promise we will wait TT
please don't stop here! I've been reading this with my other accnt that crashed. took me a while to find it again!
Chapter 45: OMG! I haven't read this for a while. Since when did this story became angst? OMG! Why is life so complicated? T-T
Amakusa #4
Chapter 45: OMG, nope nope nope! Such a very nice story without endings :< I hope you will continue it! please !
sarubeatoriche #5
Chapter 45: You can't stop here! ; A;
chultrash #6
Chapter 45: Please update soon! Been waiting for another chapter for months after months ><
pookieberrie #7
Chapter 45: please update soon please
pookieberrie #8
Chapter 45: you!!! don't leave me hanging please please please update soon you made me cry so much I looked crazy just staring at my phone and crying lol my family laughed at me a lot so please make me happy and update please!!!!!! I'll be waiting^^ hwating