Chapter 33: How I Feel About You

I'm Not Cute!


Sungmin’s POV

“Hyung said Kyuhyun isn’t home right now, so no need to worry about running into him!” Ryeowook exclaimed.



“Ah, is that so,” I sighed.



Ryeowook and I are making our way over to Yesung and Kyuhyun’s apartment. The reason why I’m going is because I have many things to ask Yesung about Kyuhyun. All this time, Kyuhyun always asks things about me, but never tells me anything about himself. It’s not necessarily bothering me, but I can’t help it if I’m so curious. I don’t know why I even think about it. Should I even worry about that kid? His life shouldn’t concern me. It’s got nothing to do with me. Plus he always says to not worry about him, but I can’t help it! If he won’t tell me anything, then hopefully his brother will.



Ryeowook was originally going to their apartment today. He said something about having dinner with him. That would explain the grocery bags he’s holding.



Seconds later we had arrived at the apartment. Ryeowook quickly made his way over to the door with a huge smile on his face and knocked on the door three times. Instantly, the door opened to reveal an even happier Yesung smiling at his boyfriend.



“Ryeowook!” Yesung exclaimed as he pulled Ryeowook in for a hug. I rolled my eyes at the couple, but I’m happy for them. I’m a little jealous of them since they’re just so happy with each other. “Oh, Sungmin, I didn’t know you were coming,” he said, sounding a little disappointed.



“Don’t worry, I won’t be here long. I just have something to talk to you about and then I’ll be on my way,” I told him as Ryeowook and I entered the apartment.



“I’ll get started on cooking then!” Ryeowook said as he placed the grocery bags on top of the table, grabbed the apron, and began cooking.



“So, what did you want to talk about?” Yesung asked as he sat in chair across from the couch I began sitting on.



“W-well, it’s about…Kyuhyun.”



“What about him? Did he do something?”



“No, not at all. I guess you can say that I’m just…curious about him.”



“If you’re curious about Kyuhyun and our father, I can’t really tell you much. It shouldn’t really concern you and I don’t want you to get involved with anything that has to do with them. It’s best if you just stay out of it.”



“I was hoping you wouldn’t say the same thing…” I pouted, hanging my head low.



“I didn’t mean it like that,” he chuckled. “Our father is just someone who you shouldn’t be dealing with. I can reassure you that everything fine and you don’t have to worry so much about him.”



“Who said I was worried about him? I’m not worried about that kid one bit,” I muttered to myself, but he chuckled anyway.



“You have a funny way of showing it then,” he laughed. “Has Kyuhyun ever opened up to you about himself?”



“He hasn’t said much about himself. He only mentioned that his biological mother had passed away a long time ago.”



“He told you that?” he asked and I nodded my head. “Guess he still believes that.”



“What do you mean?”



“Kyuhyun believes that his biological mother passed away when he was younger from an illness because that’s what our father said. He never saw her again and believed that it was true. But it isn’t. Everything our father told him was a lie. I remember when we were still kids; I heard a conversation our father was having. It was late at night and Kyuhyun was already sleeping, but I snuck out of our room because I heard a familiar voice being heard. It was Kyuhyun’s mother’s voice that I heard. She looked perfectly fine to me. I stood behind the door and looked through a crack to see what they were doing. They were arguing about something. I can’t quite remember what they were arguing about. However, I do remember her saying that Kyuhyun was never his child to begin with.”



“You mean…he isn’t really Kyuhyun’s father?” I asked dumbfounded as Yesung nodded his head. My eyes were wide and my mouth was in an ‘o’ shape.



“Kyuhyun’s mother was having an affair with another man. In way, I guess you can say they were having an affair within an affair. But anyway, my father found out and got extremely mad. So my father let her go, but insisted on keeping Kyuhyun and say that he was his son for his company’s sake. Kyuhyun and his mother were forced to separate from each other.”



I sat there in silence as I tried getting all of this information sorted in my head. How come every time I hear about him, it just makes me hate him even more?  He calls his “son” ungrateful and even dares to separate a family! I’m clenching my fists just by thinking about it!



“Sungmin, would you do me a favor?” Yesung suddenly asks.



“Sure, what is it?”



“If you could, would you try to find Kyuhyun’s real mother? I’ve been trying to find her all these years, but I haven’t found her yet. I was hoping that maybe you could try if you ever have time. I don’t want Kyuhyun suffer from all this anymore. All this time I knew that he wasn’t my real brother, but I still treat him like one. He’s someone I looked after my entire life, so he’s like a brother to me. I want him to live with a happy family that he never grew up with. I’m sure you know what it’s like to live with a happy family better than I do. So please, will you?” he asked me; practically begging. Yesung is always asking favors from me, but this is one that I don’t have to think twice about.



“I’ll do the best I can,” I agreed while smiling, and he smiled back at me.



“Kyuhyun is really lucky to have met you Sungmin. I haven’t seen him smile so much since we were kids. It’s nice to see him being happier again. Kyuhyun isn’t the type of person to just open up his heart to. He likes to keep everything to himself and thinks that he doesn’t need anybody’s help. He doesn’t want to rely on others and cause them trouble. It may seem like he’s pushing people away, but he just wants to make sure no one gets involved. I’ve been trying to help him for years, but he always says not to worry about him. He does the same thing to you, doesn’t he? This would be the part where I’d say to not worry about him so much that you have to get involved, but it’s okay to be worried about him at least a little.”



“AHH!” we heard Ryeowook scream from the kitchen.



“Ryeowook, are you alright?” Yesung asked, obviously being worried about him as he stood up and walked into the kitchen.



“I’m fine, I just burned myself a little,” Ryeowook reassured. Not being convinced, Yesung stayed in the kitchen with Ryeowook, leaving me by myself on the couch, thinking about what he said.



I’m probably lying to myself when I say that I’m not worrying about Kyuhyun. Truth is I’m extremely worried about him. I want to know how he feels about everything in his life, but I know he won’t tell me anything.



I act like I’m the most miserable person on earth since my family is gone when Kyuhyun is just as bad if not worse. I feel so selfish. I feel like I want from people is their sympathy, but I don’t deserve it if I’m this selfish.



Aish, I don’t know what’s wrong with me all of sudden. I keep saying that Kyuhyun is just some kid I met by accident.



That’s right, we might by accident. He mentioned that he was getting chased that day and ended up at the café. If we never met, I wouldn’t be so worried about him. I would have nothing to do him. Would it been better if never actually met? What would I be like if I never met Kyuhyun? So much stuff has happened ever since I met that kid.



But he’s completely harmless. It’s not like I’m saying that it was a bad thing that we met. I’ve seen bad things happened, but good things come afterwards.



I never would’ve thought I’d be in such a deep thought about this. First I’m curious about him, then I’m worrying about him, and now I’m wondering if we really should’ve met or not. I’m going to end up with a massive headache if I keep thinking about this.



Though, with all the things that Yesung told me, I can’t help but feel like he needs my help. Whether he wants me to or not, I feel like I need to get involved or else nothing will be solved. I don’t want Kyuhyun to continue his life being a slave to him. He’s still growing up and deserves to live with a happy family. He doesn’t deserve the way he’s treating him since he’s not even his real son.



He’s not ungrateful. He’s much more than that.



Are you finally realizing it yet?



Realizing what?



What you think about Kyuhyun.



What do you mean “what I think about Kyuhyun”? I think he’s a stupid, bratty, annoying-



That’s not what I meant. We all know that you think Kyuhyun is a stupid, bratty, annoying kid who never learns how to shut up but he’s also very caring, sweet, misunderstood, and treats you like you’re someone important in this world. We get it. What I meant was, how do feel about him?



How I…feel about him?



What are your feelings for him?









…I don’t know. I have a headache and I can’t think straight right now. I don’t want to think about it though.



“Sungmin?” I heard a voice calling my name and looked up to see Kyuhyun standing right in front of me.



“K-Kyuhyun!? What are you doing here?” I asked.



“Um, I live here?” he chuckled, and I mentally slapped myself for asking a stupid question. How long have I been spacing out anyway? “Shouldn’t I be asking you the same question?” What should I say? I can’t easily say “Oh you know, I just came by to ask your brother about your life”.



“Sungmin and Ryeowook are staying over for dinner, isn’t that right Sungmin?” Yesung suddenly barged in with a big spoon in his hand.



“Y-yes…” I agreed.



“What are you doing home so early anyway?” Yesung asked Kyuhyun.



“Something was telling me that I should’ve come home early today. Seeing that Sungmin is here, I guess I was right,” he answered, smiling at me, and for some reason, I felt my cheeks getting hotter.



“Good! I made a lot of food for the four of us, so let’s dig in!” Ryeowook cheered, placing everything that he made on the table. Guess I don’t have a choice.



The four of us ate dinner together happily. We talked about anything and everything. I smiled through the entire time. Its days like this where I wish they could last forever, just being happy with people that make me happy. If only Eunhyuk and Donghae were here. I wish I could’ve seen Leeteuk and Kangin today too.



Being surrounded by my friends is the best feeling I could have right now. They make me smile more.



Even Kyuhyun.



Mother, Father, are you watching me right now? I’m smiling just for you. I’m with people that care about me. Are you happy?



Time passed and Ryeowook and I had to leave. I waited at the door for Ryeowook to finish saying his goodbye to Yesung, which almost felt like forever since they wouldn’t let go of each other.



“You should come over more often,” Kyuhyun suddenly said as he came up to me.



“M-maybe…” I stuttered. Why the heck am I stuttering?



“You’re so cute,” he chuckled and I turned away from him to hide the obviously blush that’s spreading across my face. Why am I blushing?



“Y-yeah, yeah.”



Five thousand years later, Ryeowook finally said his final goodbye to Yesung and we finally headed out. Ryeowook couldn’t stop smiling and it was starting to freak me out.



“What are you so happy about?” I asked.



“Yesung and I are going on our first date tomorrow!” he giggled, clapping his hands and jumping up and down. I rolled my eyes but smiled at him.



I’m still jealous of him. I hope to have a love like his and Yesung’s someday with someone I really care about.



Kyuhyun’s POV

“You’re being awfully quiet now that Sungmin is gone,” Yesung teased as he began washing the dishes. Being the unhelpful sibling that I am, I decided to become lazy on the couch and watch some TV.



“It’s boring if he isn’t here,” I mumbled loud enough for him to hear of the rushing water.



“Do you really like him that much?” he asked and I felt a blush coming. Yesung already knows that I like Sungmin. It wasn’t like I was that hard to figure out. He can practically read me like an open book.



“So? Is that bad?” I asked back.



“Nope. In fact it’s a very good thing. Why don’t you tell him though?”



“Why on earth would I tell him that I like him?”



“What if he feels the same way?”



“Even if he did…I can’t.”



“Why not? The more you spend time together, the more you end up falling for him. Eventually you’re going to start loving him.”



“…I can’t love him.”



“Why no-”



“I’m going to my room!” I announced as I stood up from the couch, turned off the TV, and practically ran towards my room, leaving Yesung completely confused. I entered my room, closed and locked the door, and threw myself onto my bed, burying my face into the pillows.



I don’t want to think about loving Sungmin. Liking him should be enough. I can’t be in love with Sungmin. I just can’t, no matter what. Yesung wouldn’t understand if I told him why.



I have to promise myself this.



I will never fall in love with Sungmin, no matter how hard I fall for him. 


A/N: And more rabbits start to appear. I don't understand how I gained 23 subscribers in just one week ;AAAA; *glomps every subscriber and showers you with cookies <3* I know its a very late update. I don't usually update at 3 in the morning. Its just that this my last update from summer break. School starts again on Monday. I can't believe how much time has flied by. Let's all pray to Shisus that I'll still be able to udate every weekend though! I'm a junior now so I'll be busier than ever >.< But I'll always make time for you guys <3 Anyway, here's the Kyumin chapter! Sorry if it looks like it wasn't thought through properly. I'm half awake right now and I don't even know what I'm typing .______. I'm glad you guys actually read my author's notes. Sometimes I feel like I'm ranting no one xD Next chapter is Yewook. Why? Cause Yewook are going on their first date! :D Which means it'll be nothing but fluff~ Which also means they need a place to go. So, where would you guys like to see Yewook going on their first date? :) I haven't really thought of a place yet so I'll let you guys decide :3 Please comment and subscribe! <33333333333333333


OH! Also, Happy belated 6th anniversary Kyumin!!! <33333


And Happy belated birthday to Kyumin's fanclub president, Yesung!!! <3333333333


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The long awaited Chapter 44 is now here! (:


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Chapter 45: TT I will patiently waiting for your update...jaebal can't stop here...this is so heartbreaking...we promise we will wait TT
please don't stop here! I've been reading this with my other accnt that crashed. took me a while to find it again!
Chapter 45: OMG! I haven't read this for a while. Since when did this story became angst? OMG! Why is life so complicated? T-T
Amakusa #4
Chapter 45: OMG, nope nope nope! Such a very nice story without endings :< I hope you will continue it! please !
sarubeatoriche #5
Chapter 45: You can't stop here! ; A;
chultrash #6
Chapter 45: Please update soon! Been waiting for another chapter for months after months ><
pookieberrie #7
Chapter 45: please update soon please
pookieberrie #8
Chapter 45: you!!! don't leave me hanging please please please update soon you made me cry so much I looked crazy just staring at my phone and crying lol my family laughed at me a lot so please make me happy and update please!!!!!! I'll be waiting^^ hwating