Chapter 26: Secrets

I'm Not Cute!

Sungmin’s POV

I sighed as I grabbed all of my belongings together, getting ready to leave the café and head over to the daycare, where Leeteuk asked me to come in and take over for the rest of the day. Today was definitely strange. Kyuhyun didn’t come in today. He didn’t come in the morning nor did he come in the afternoon. He graduated from high school just yesterday, so he shouldn’t have school today. The next time I saw him, I was going to apologize for not attending his graduation ceremony, but I haven’t seen him yet. Where is he? This is definitely very strange of him.



No, I’m not saying I’m worried about him. I’m just curious. Plus, I still can’t look at him the same way, and its all because of that I dream I had a couple days ago. Every time I see his face, that dream pops up in my head. I can’t even talk to him without stuttering at least once. It’s so weird. Why am I like this all of sudden?



I shook off the thought and headed out of the café, saying goodbye to Ryeowook and Eunhyuk, and started walking down the street towards the daycare. I’m just waiting for the moment where Kyuhyun will sudden jump out of nowhere and scare me or something, but has happened. I’m thinking about it too much. I guess I’m just so used to having Kyuhyun around me so much that I just got used to it, so it feels weird not having him here.



What am I saying!? It’s like I’m saying that I want him near me all the time! Tch, more like that complete opposite. I should be glad that he isn’t here to annoy me.



In a matter of minutes, I had finally reached the day. I opened the doors and was happily greeted by kids I see every time I come here. They smiled and shouted my name and I bent down to hug them all. Just then, Leeteuk and Kangin came in dressed nicely with smiles on their faces.



“Thanks for looking out for them, Sungmin,” Kangin thanked as I let go of the kids and stood up.



“No problem! May I ask why though?”



“W-well, today is our 6th a-anniversary…” Leeteuk answered softly. His face became red and he started fidgeting with his fingers.



“I’m taking him out for a date tonight,” Kangin added, and I just smiled at the happy couple.



“How sweet! I hope you guys have a lot of fun tonight!”



“By the way, where’s Kyuhyun? I thought for sure he’d be here.”



“Why would Kyuhyun be here?”



“Well, I just figured that if you’re here, he’d also be here. He seems to follow you everywhere you go.”



“O-oh, is that so…?” I stated softly, my cheeks getting a little red.



“Have you seen him at all today?” Leeteuk asked.



“N-no, I haven’t seen him yet. I don’t know where he is exactly.



“Does he do it often? You know, suddenly just not showing up anymore?”



“Well, now that you’ve mentioned it, yeah.”



“He must be hiding something then. Probably an unbelievable secret that he doesn’t want to tell you,” Kangin explained.



“Kangin! Don’t make up stuff like that!” Leeteuk shouted.



“Sorry, sorry. We should get going. We’ll see you later, Sungmin.” Kangin flashed a smile before heading out.



“Don’t worry about it Sungmin. I’m sure everything is just fine,” Leeteuk said before he left too with Kangin, leaving me standing by the entrance by myself. I can’t believe those two. What made them think that I was that worried about Kyuhyun? It’s not like I care what he does in his spare time. It’s got nothing to do with me.



But, Kangin does have a point. Kyuhyun has been really stressed lately and every time I try to ask him about it, he always dodges the question and tells me not to worry about it. I can’t help but worry about it though. What is he hiding from me? Maybe it’s something about his father. Did they have a talk recently? The last time I asked Yesung about him, he said that he had a little talk with their father. Maybe it’s something that they were talking about that’s making him really stressed. Does this mean that he went to go see him again today? Arrgh, I’m so curious now! Why doesn’t he just tell me!? Does he think that I’m not able to help him solve any of his problems? Does he not trust me?



All of this thinking is really giving me a headache. I’ll just ask him about it the next time I see him. This would be the one and only time I wish he’d burst through those doors right about now.



After what it seemed like hours, I finally made my way towards the play area and played with the kids. It was a good way to clear my mind for a while. I enjoyed the little kids running around and laughing with each other as they played different kinds of games.



“Oppa?” I heard Haneul call my name as she walked towards me. I smiled at her as I picked her up and sat her on my lap.



“Yes, Haneul? Is there something wrong?” I asked her.



“Where is Kyuhyun oppa?” I frowned and sighed.

“I don’t know where Kyuhyun oppa is. I don’t know if he’s coming today.”



“He is. I heard Teukie oppa call him earlier. He asked him if he could come today and play with us.” I was surprised to hear her say this. Leeteuk never told me that he talked to Kyuhyun today. He could’ve told me where he was this whole entire time!



Just then, I heard the entrance door open and Haneul immediately got off my leg and ran to see who it was. When she came back, she was smiling in the arms of Kyuhyun. He really did come in today.



“Hey, Sungmin,” he greeted with a bright smile on his face, and my cheeks began getting hotter.



“W-what are you doing here?” I asked.



“Leeteuk asked me to come and help you out today,” he answered as he put Haneul down and she went to go play with the other girls. Kyuhyun made his way over to me and sat down. I felt my cheeks getting even hotter and that dream is replaying in my head. Someone please make it stop! “Sungmin, are you alright?” Kyuhyun asked as he sat a little closer to me. My heart started beating faster and I moved a little away from him.



“I-I’m fine, w-why do you a-ask?”



“Because you’re suddenly acting a little weird all of a sudden. Actually, you’ve been acting weird ever since you recovered from being drunk that one night. Your face gets all red and you stutter more often. It’s hard to believe but I can actually hear your heart beating faster and faster. Are you sure you’re okay? You’re not sick, are you?” Kyuhyun raised his hand felt my forehead. My heart was beating even faster when he came closer to me; so close that our faces were only inches apart. “See? You’re really warm and I can still hear your heartbeat. Do want me to take you to the doctor’s?”



“I s-said I’m fine!” I gently wacked his hand away from my forehead and moved away from him a little farther.



“Hyung! Come play with us!” one of the boys called out to him, holding a PSP in his hand. Kyuhyun suddenly had an evil smirk on his face and agreed to challenge them as he left, leaving me alone. I sighed and felt my heart going back to normal speed and my face cooling down.



Thank goodness he stopped. I was afraid I might’ve gotten a heart attack! For second there, I wasn’t even paying attention to what he was doing and thought he was going to k-kiss me. I mean, really! How could I think that! Maybe I’m not okay. Maybe there really is something wrong with me. I could be really sick in the head right now.



Or you could be love sick.



What!? Love sick!? What is my mind saying!? I’m definitely going crazy! How could I be love sick!? I don’t love anybody! Plus it’s only Kyuhyun that makes me feel this way!



You’re love sick about Kyuhyun, you idiot!



Am not! I-I’m not in love with that annoying little brat! And why is my mind calling me an idiot!?



I’m not your mind. I’m your heart. And I’m telling you that you’re in love with Kyuhyun.



No! My heart is wrong! I don’t love anybody! Nobody is able to take my heart. Only my parents can. They’re the only people that I love and nobody else. Especially not Kyuhyun.



You’ll see, one day, and I’ll be right.



Shut up!



No, you shut up!



I said it first!





I must definitely be going crazy if I’m having pointless arguments with my body parts.



“Ha! I beat you again!” Kyuhyun cheered, seeing as he beat one of the other kids in a game on the PSP.



“No fair! How come you always win!?” one of them asked.



“I bet he’s cheating!” another exclaimed.



“Hey! I beat you fair and square!” Kyuhyun argued. I chuckled at them. There goes Kyuhyun being a little kid again, even though he just graduated from high school. Oh, that reminds me. I have to apologize to him for not attending his graduation ceremony.



I was about to get up and walk over to him when I noticed his phone still sitting on the seat. He’s too busy to notice me right now, and I’m sure he won’t mind if I looked through his phone, right? It’s not like he has anything to hide.



I secretly took his phone in my hand flipped through it, seeing all the different things he could possibly have in his phone. I first looked through his pictures. Seventy percent of his pictures were high scores on different video games; mostly Starcraft, but I was still amazed by them. I couldn’t believe he had such high scores! I’ve been playing ever since he showed me how and I’m nowhere as good as he is. He’s got to teach me some more.



As I began looking more into his pictures, I found some with him and Yesung in them, and I smiled. Brothers will be brothers I guess. I was almost towards the end until I found a picture of me. I looked at it closely. I was at the café with the brightest smile on my face. I don’t remember him ever taking a picture of me. When did he take this? The date seems to be a few months ago. Why does he still have it?



Suddenly, his phone vibrated, meaning that he had received a text message. I went to his inbox and saw that he had 59 unread messages; all from Hyun Jae. I’m not surprised, but a little annoyed at the fact that she kept texting him even though he hasn’t replied to a single one. I opened one of the messages and decided to read it.



To: Kyuhyun

The ring you picked out looks so beautiful on my finger! I wish we could’ve taken a picture of our matching rings ^///^

From: Hyun Jae



Matching rings? Kyuhyun and Hyun Jae have matching rings? How come he never told me? I looked at Kyuhyun, who was still playing, and looked at both of his hands. I didn’t see a ring on either of his fingers. Then how do they have matching rings? I looked through another message and was just as surprised as the other one.



To: Kyuhyun

I can’t wait till September 9th! It’s gonna be the best day of our lives! ^-^

From: Hyun Jae



September 9th? What’s happening on September 9th? What is he not telling me? What is he hiding from me? What exactly is going on?



“Sungmin? What are you doing with my phone?” Kyuhyun asked as he came up to me. I stood up in front of him and showed him the text.



“What’s happening on September 9th?” I asked. He sighed and took his phone back.



“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”



“And what about those matching rings, huh? Where’s yours?”



“Please, don’t worry about it.”



“Why not!? Every time I ask you something, you always say not to worry about it. The more you say that, the more I worry about it! How come you don’t tell me anything!? I tell you everything about myself, but you never tell me anything about you! Why!? What are you hiding? Is there something you don’t want me to know? You’re getting more and more frustrated every time I see you and you never let me help you. Is it because of your father? Is it because of Hyun Jae? Just please, tell me!” I took a deep breath the regain my breathing, seeing as I ran out of breath to speak. Kyuhyun softly smiled at me and pulled my head towards his chest. He didn’t hug me. He just let his hand rest on top of my head as I leaned on his chest. Despite the loud children, I could hear his heartbeat.



“You sound like an overprotective girlfriend right now,” he chuckled, and I pouted because I’m sure he was making fun of me. “I mean it when I say to not worry about it because I don’t want you getting involved in anything that has to do with me, my father, or Hyun Jae. They’re people that I don’t want you talking with. But I appreciate you worrying about me. I promise that I’m not hiding anything from you. If there’s something that I need to talk about with you, then I will. Okay?” He pulled me away from his chest and smiled down at me. My heart starting beating fast again and I felt warmer, but I nodded my head.



“Hyung, come play with us!” the kids exclaimed, and Kyuhyun immediately went to them, leaving me alone with my heart still beating. I don’t know if I should really believe him. He still seems like he’s hiding something; something that he doesn’t want me to know, and I swear that I will find out what it is.



“Oppa! Let’s go play!” the girls called out. I smiled at them and went to play with them.




I finished playing the song and saw that the kids were finally asleep. Kyuhyun came into the piano with Haneul in his arms.



“Looks like somebody doesn’t want to sleep yet,” Kyuhyun said as he sat down next to me.



“Haneul-ah, aren’t you tired yet?” I asked her, and she shook her head.



“I want to play with Kyuhyun oppa some more!” she exclaimed. Kyuhyun chuckled at her.



“We’ll play later, okay? You need to sleep now.” Haneul pouted her lips, but I made an even bigger pout.



“I can’t believe you.”



“What did I do?”



“You stole my favorite kid away from me!” I complained and Kyuhyun suddenly smirked.






“Don’t worry Sungmin oppa, I still love you more!” Haneul cheered. I wanted to smile, but I still pretended to be mad.



“I think Sungmin oppa is really mad now,” I heard Kyuhyun whisper into her ear.



“I know! You can sing him a song! It’ll make him feel better.”



“Really? What song?” I saw Haneul whisper something into Kyuhyun’s ear and he suddenly smiled. “Why that song?”



“My daddy sings it to my mommy every time she’s upset and it works every time. Sungmin oppa might feel the same way.”



“Okay, I’ll sing it to him, only if you go to sleep.” Haneul pouted but nodded her head as she got off of his leg and went to the other room, closing the door.



“What did she say?” I asked. He only smiled on me before putting his hands on top of the piano keys and began to play a bouncy tune.



Isn't he lovely
Isn't he wonderful
Isn't he precious
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love we'd be
Making one as lovely as he
But isn't he lovely made from love

Isn't he pretty
Truly the angel's best
Boy, I'm so happy
We have been heaven blessed
I can't believe what God has done
Through us he's given life to one
But isn't he lovely made from love

Isn't he lovely
Life and love are the same
Life is Aisha
The meaning of his name
Londie, it could have not been done
Without you who conceived the one
That's so very lovely made from love



I blushed hard and my heart was beating incredibly fast when he finished singing. This was the song she recommended? Of all songs for him to sing to me, why this one?



“Do you forgive me now?” he asked, teasingly.



“Y-You’re stupid…”



“I’ll take that as a yes.”



“Whatever. And yah! Why do you have a picture of me in your phone!? When did you take that!?”



“Oh, I was figuring out how to use different effects on phone and I accidentally took a picture of you. I almost forgot I had it.”



“Why don’t you  get rid of it?”



“Why? You look cute in it!”



“S-shut up! Now delete it!”



“I don’t want to! You can’t make me!” I had a feeling nothing was going to get through this guy, so I just crossed my arms and pouted, but he only laughed at me. “How many times do I have to tell you that pouting just make you cuter?” He came closer to me and pinched my cheek. I couldn’t move away from him, or else I would’ve fallen off the chair.



There goes my heart beating again.



“I can still hear your heartbeat. Why is your heart beating so much?” he asked. Yeah, right, like I was going to tell him that he’s the reason why my heart beats so fast. He’d laugh at me.



“I-I don’t know…” I lied.



It’s because you’re in love with him.



Hey! I thought I told you to shut up! I’m not in love with Cho Kyuhyun.



I’m definitely not in love with him 



Absolutely not. 



Not in a million years. 



A/N: I'm not completely satisfied with this chapter, but it turned out better than I thought it would. Sorr for the somewhat late chapter. I meant to update yesterday, but I was too tired to do anything and just fell asleep at the last minute >.> So I made sure to update today so I wouldn't fall asleep again ^^ Kyumin shippers happy, yes? Look at Minnie having arguments with his heart xD Listen to your heart Minnie. You're heart is always right, trust me ;) Oh, for those who are wondering, Haneul is my Korean name given to me by my friends, so whenever I need a random name to put in my stories, that name pops up first xD She's really not anybody special. I don't even think I know a Haneul xP I said Yewook might've came in this chapter, but they didn't come yet, and they won't come in the next chapter either. That'll be Eunhae :P Yewook is taking a break at the moment, but they'll be back in a couple chapters. I hope I didn't kill my Yewook shippers just yet >.< Let me take a moment to spazz about Super Junior's 6th album right now. 














The album is just so beautiful ;AAAAAAAAAA; What's your guy's favorite song from it? Mine is Daydream :) But I also like Gulliver cause Eunhae's back to back rapping just killed me <3 Dear Shisus, Hae's y voice ;D Anyway, will update ASAP! Please comment and subscribe!!!!! <333333333333333333333

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Chapter 45: TT I will patiently waiting for your update...jaebal can't stop here...this is so heartbreaking...we promise we will wait TT
please don't stop here! I've been reading this with my other accnt that crashed. took me a while to find it again!
Chapter 45: OMG! I haven't read this for a while. Since when did this story became angst? OMG! Why is life so complicated? T-T
Amakusa #4
Chapter 45: OMG, nope nope nope! Such a very nice story without endings :< I hope you will continue it! please !
sarubeatoriche #5
Chapter 45: You can't stop here! ; A;
chultrash #6
Chapter 45: Please update soon! Been waiting for another chapter for months after months ><
pookieberrie #7
Chapter 45: please update soon please
pookieberrie #8
Chapter 45: you!!! don't leave me hanging please please please update soon you made me cry so much I looked crazy just staring at my phone and crying lol my family laughed at me a lot so please make me happy and update please!!!!!! I'll be waiting^^ hwating