Chapter 18: My Everything

I'm Not Cute!


A/N: Just to let you know, when Donghae sings, I recommend listening to this ---> ^^ Happy reading!


Eunhyuk’s POV

“Ugh!” I groaned as I threw myself onto my bed. I had a tiring day. Not only did I have to work extra at the café since Sungmin hasn’t worked in a few days, but I also had to deal with both Donghae and Siwon. I never knew a fish could get so jealous. Every time I had a chance at work, I’d text him, but he never replied. Even on my break, I tried calling him, but he never answered.



Siwon came by again today. He brought strawberry cake for me. I really like having him around again, and he’s been so helpful to me with getting my memory back. I don’t know what I’d do without him. Although I’m always around him now, I noticed that I always talk about Donghae. Why? Because it bothers me how he’s staying away from me now that I’m with Siwon. Siwon is usually uncomfortable when I talk about Donghae. I can tell that he doesn’t like Donghae very much either. Why can’t those two just get along?



Anyway, when I got home today, I tried calling that fish again, but this time, he picked up, except that he was silent for the first few seconds. He was still mad at me. I thought really hard on what to say to him to apologize. I don’t even know why I have to. I shouldn’t even worry about him, but for some reason, I do. So I told him the first thing that popped into my head: a date. I told him that he could take me on a date tomorrow, and he screamed for joy.



I regret telling him that. Why did I say he could take me on a date? Of all things, why that? There’s something wrong with me. It’s not like I like him or anything, right?



All of this thinking is making me tired and stressed.



The Next Day

*ring, ring*

“Hello?” I answered.



“Eunhyuk, it’s me, Siwon!”



“Hi, Siwon! Is there something that you wanted?”



“Actually, I really wanted to tell you something. Do you think we could meet up in a little bit?” he asked.






“Great. I’ll be over in about five minutes.”



“Alright, see you then.” And with that, we hung up.  I sat back on the couch, finishing my strawberry waffle. I could barely sleep last night. I was thinking about how my date with Donghae will be like. I wonder where he’s taking me later. Will he take me to that strawberry place again? Maybe that dance studio? He’s probably taking me somewhere new. He’s got me so curious. He didn’t even say when he was taking me.



A few minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring. I immediately got up from the couch and walked towards the door to open it. Right on schedule, Siwon was standing in front of me.



“Hi, Eunhyukkie!” he greeted, and I blushed. I always blush when he calls me that. It sounds nice, but weird at the same time.



“Hey, so, what did you need to tell me?” I asked, but he didn’t answer me. Instead, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out, closing the door behind me, and dragged me towards his car. Oh no, please don’t tell me that I’m getting kidnapped! Before I knew it, he opened the passenger door and set me gently inside before going to the other side. Oh my gosh, he is kidnapping me!  But I’ve done nothing wrong! I’ve been a good boy, I swear!



“Why do you look so scared?” Siwon chuckled.



“W-where are w-we going?” I stuttered.



“We’re going on a date!”



“D-d-date!? B-but I thought y-you wanted tell m-me something!”



“I do, but I’ll tell you after our date. Just wait for a while, okay?” Siwon faced me, showing his irresistible smile that I can’t just seem to handle, and I blushed. Siwon started the car up before finally driving; taking me to an unknown place.



I stared out the window the entire ride. Why did he want to take me out on a date all of a sudden? He didn’t even tell me beforehand. What’s gotten into him? Well, not that I mind going on a date with him. I don’t see anything wrong with it. It might actually even be fun. But I can’t help but think about Donghae. He was supposed to take me on a date later as well. I better not let him see me anywhere with him while I’m with Siwon, or else he’ll get mad again.



Aish, stop it, Eunhyuk! You worry more about that fish more than you worry about yourself!



I felt tired all of a sudden and decided to sleep the entire way to our destination. When I woke up again, I felt a hand on my face. I opened my eyes and found Siwon dangerously close to my face.



“Finally you’re awake!” He smiled at me, making me blush once more. “C’mon, we’re here.” He got out of the car and went around to open my door. When he helped me get out, I looked around the area, and a huge goofy smile appeared on my face.



“Siwon, you took me to an amusement park!?”



“Yeah. When we were younger, you used to love going to amusement parks. Shall we go?” he asked as he grabbed my hand to hold, and I flinched. Before I knew it, he began to drag me towards the entrance, and once we entered, I felt like a little boy again. Rides, candy, and prizes everywhere! I dragged Siwon over to the roller coaster first, and then the water ride, then the free drop, and every other ride that was there. After we rode every ride at least once, we went to eat. Well, all I had were strawberry items and Siwon just watched, so technically it was just me. The entire time we walked through the park, he held my hand, and I’d flinch every time. It feels kind of weird holding his hand everywhere.



“Step right up and have a chance to win one of these prizes!” I heard someone shouting as I was finishing up my strawberry ice cream. I turned around to see a man standing next to a bottle game, where you throw the ball and hit three bottles in one try. Siwon looked happy to see it, so he dragged me all the way over.  



“I’ll give it a shot,” he said as he paid the man. He received a ball and picked it up, getting himself ready to throw it. Many people stopped by to watch. It took him a few seconds before he finally took a deep breath and threw the ball, hitting all three bottles. Not only did he hot the bottles in front of him, but the ball made its way to the other set of three on the other side and hit them as well. The people around us cheered and so did I. It was amazing!



“Okay, sir, pick a prize. Any prize!”



“Which one would you like, Eunhyukkie?” he asked me gently, and I blushed when he used my nickname again. I stared at the prizes in the stand. All of the stuffed toys were adorable, but I could only choose one. I continued to look around until a specific prize caught my eye. It was a fish plushie; specifically a nemo plushie. I smiled at it. Not only was it cute, but it reminded me of Donghae, because, you know, he’s a fish.



“That one!” I exclaimed, pointing at the nemo plushie. Siwon happily gave it to me as we walked away from the game. I smiled at the plushie as we walked. It really did look like Donghae a little. Come to think of it, I haven’t thought about Donghae all day. I guess I was having too much fun with Siwon that I just forgot all about him. Siwon was incredibly nice to me today. He was sweet to me and took care of me very well.



Could I be falling for Siwon?



“Are you ready to go?” he asked, grabbing my hand again, and I flinched before nodding my head, letting me drag me to his car. Once we both got inside, he started his car and we were finally off. I stared at the window again.



I don’t know what’s wrong with me right now. I never would’ve thought that I would ever like someone so much, let alone a guy. There’s just something about Siwon that I really like, but there’s also something about him that makes me confused. Do I actually like him? Or is it all in my head?



I looked down at my lap and stared at the nemo plushie, and suddenly I started thinking about Donghae. Donghae makes me confused too. Sometimes I hate him; sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I want to stay away from him; sometimes I want to be next to him. Sometimes he annoys me; sometimes he gives me butterflies.



I don’t like Donghae, do I?



I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t realize that I was already home. Again, Siwon stopped the car before helping me get out and walked me to my door.



“Thanks a lot for today, Siwon. I had a lot of fun,” I thanked.



“No problem. Anything for you, Eunhyukkie.” There I go again, blushing.



“U-um, there was something you wanted to tell me, right?”



“Right.” Siwon took my hand and made eye contact with me. “Eunhyuk, ever since we were kids. I always wanted to look after you. I wanted to protect you because you were the most important person in my life. But when we stopped having contact, I couldn’t protect you anymore, and I’m sorry for that. But I’m here now, and I don’t want to leave you anymore.”



“W-what are you s-saying?” I stuttered.



“I’m saying that I love you, Eunhyuk. I’ve always loved you and I want to be by your side forever.” I almost fell backwards in surprise. My heart was beating five times faster. I was frozen. I didn’t know what to do. Siwon just confessed his love for me, but I can’t say anything. I’m speechless.



“AHEM!” I heard someone from behind Siwon.  I looked behind him with wide, open eyes and saw Donghae, with angry look on his face. Siwon was not amused by his appearance. What was Donghae doing here?





Oh, that’s right! Our date!



“Oh, hello, Donghae-ssi,” Siwon greeted politely, but Donghae didn’t say a word and just glared at him. Siwon turned to me again with that irresistible smile. “We’ll continue this conversation some other time, Eunhyukkie. See you later.” He waved to me before turning on his heel and walked back to his car, lightly bumping into Donghae, and drove off. Donghae was staring straight at me, and I gulped.



“O-oh, D-Donghae, I-”



“Why was he here?”



“It’s not important.”






“Look, Hae! Don’t worry about it! Just worry about our date right now. I’m yours tonight, remember?” I wish I hadn’t of said that. His glare turned into a goofy, happy smile.



“Hyukkie, does this mean that you-!”



“Yah! Don’t get any weird ideas! You know what I meant! Let’s just go already,” I mumbled as I put the fish plushie inside, hiding my flushed cheeks, and walked with Donghae towards a car. That’s funny, I don’t remember Donghae ever having a car, let alone knowing how to drive. He did the same thing Siwon did for me. He opened the door for me and helped me inside before getting in his seat and starting the car.



“So, where are we going?” I asked.



“You’ll see! It’s a surprise!” he answered and winked at me. There go the butterflies. In a matter of seconds, he began to drive. “By the way, why did you have that fish toy with you earlier?”



I gulped. If I tell him that Siwon won it for me at the amusement park because we also went on a date earlier, he’s going to be even angrier. Quick, Eunhyuk! Think of something that’ll make him happier!



“I-I got it at the toy s-store earlier because…uh…it…looks like you?” Nice move, Eunhyuk. Well, I didn’t completely lie to him. It really does look like him!



“So you bought it because it reminded you of me?” I saw him smirk and my cheeks turned pink.



“N-no! I bought it because it was cute! It looks like you cause you’re also a fish!”



“So you bought it because it reminded you of how cute I am?” This time he was smiling. You’re digging your own grave here, Eunhyuk. I grunted and just stared out the window, preventing myself from saying anything, which he just laughed at me. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and held it tight. Surprisingly, I just let him hold it and didn’t even think about pulling away. When I held Siwon’s hand, he always made me flinch whenever he’d touch me, but Donghae seemed different. It felt more relaxing and natural when I held his.



Moment later, the car was coming to a stop, and I gasped when I saw where we were.



“Donghae, what are we doing at the beach!?”



“For our date!”



“But its cold!”



“Just trust me!” Donghae got out of the car and went over to my side to open my door. He stuck his hand out and I grabbed it as I got out. I felt a slight breeze blowing through my hair and looked out into the horizon, where the sun’s rays were hitting the blue waters perfectly. It was a now a mix of blue, orange, and yellow. The sun was sitting quickly.



Donghae intertwined our fingers before leading me towards the sand. We began to walk along the shore, enjoying the peacefulness and the smell of the salty ocean. We saw a couple fish swim by, and Donghae’s face lit up with joy. I laughed at how childish he was.









“We should go to the beach again when its summer, so we can play in the water! Do you want to?” I smiled at him.



“Yeah, I’d like that.” He smiled at me, a different smile; a smile that had the butterflies fluttering again.



“We’re here!” he exclaimed, pointing. I looked to where he was pointing and saw a small round table with a white tablecloth on top. On the table were two plates of spaghetti, silverware, and candles; lots and lots of candles.



“Donghae, did you really set this entire up?” I asked in amazement.



“Yup!” he answered as he lead me over towards the table and set me down on the chair as he sat across from me. I picked up the fork and tried the spaghetti. “How is it? Is it good?” he asked.



“Good? This is amazing!” I cheered as I started to eat more. Donghae chuckled and he began to eat too. While we were eating I noticed that he had a little sauce in the corner of his mouth. I swear this guy eats like a little kid. I sighed as I picked up a napkin and reached forward to wipe his mouth. When I was done, he looked at me curiously.



“Y-you had some s-sauce in the corner of you m-mouth.” I stuttered quietly. Why did I even do that in the first place? However, he still smiled at me.



“Thanks Hyukkie!” And the butterflies never stop fluttering. When we had finished eating, he took out a delicious strawberry cake that he pulled out of nowhere.



“Yay! Strawberry cake!” I cheered as I was about to dig in but he took my fork away. This guy! How dare he stops me from eating my precious strawberry cake! “Hey!”



He chuckled as he took his own fork and stabbed a piece before putting it in front of my face.



“Ah,” he said, wanting to feed me, and I pouted.



“Why can’t I feed myself?”



“Do you want this or not?” I pouted some more, realizing that this was the only way I’m going to eat my cake. I opened my mouth as he fed me the cake. Although he was feeding me, it was worth it. The cake was delicious! I’m in heaven again! Although, I couldn’t help but blush as he fed me the entire cake; not that I didn’t like it, to be honest.



When I finished the cake, he put everything that was on the table away and reached under the table.



“I have one more thing to show you,” he said. When he came out from under the table, he pulled out what seemed to be a guitar case.



“You know how to play the guitar?” I asked.



“Well, sort of. I asked Sungmin hyung to teach me how to play a specific song.”



“What song?” He didn’t reply. Instead, he pulled out the guitar and began to play.



~The loneliness of nights alone

The search for strength to carry on

My every hope has seemed to die

My eyes had no more tears to cry

Then like the sun shining up above

You surrounded me with your endless love

Cause all the things I couldn’t see are now so clear to me

You are my everything, nothing your love won’t bring

My life is yours alone, the only love I’ve ever known

Your spirit pulls me through, when nothing else will do

Every night I pray, on bended knee

That you will always be my everything~



When he stopped playing, he smiled sweetly at me. Tears were forming in my eyes. I’ve heard of that song before. I don’t remember when or where, but I know it, and I knew exactly what he was saying. He was saying. He was singing everything he meant to me. No one has ever done that to me before. He makes me feel so…special.



I got up from the chair and walked towards the share, trying to stop my tears from flowing. The sun had already set and the stars where shining brightly up in the night sky. Donghae had put his guitar down and made his way over to me.



“I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong?” he asked quietly, and I shook my head. I smiled at him.



“No, it’s just that no one has ever done that for me before. I feel so special.” Donghae touched my face to wipe away the tears on my cheeks and pulled me in for a hug.



“Of course you’re special. You’re special to me.”



“I know. Because you like me.”



“No, I don’t like.”



“But you said-”



“I love you, Hyukjae.” I was frozen again. He said it. He actually said he loves me, and he meant it. Suddenly, he stopped hugging me and looked deep into my eyes, and I looked into his. Even though it was dark, his eyes were shining.



Without giving me second to think, he kissed me. I was still frozen at his sudden confession, and now I’m shocked when he landed his lips on mine. They were warm, soft, and sweet. I didn’t know what was happening, but I started to close my eyes and kiss him back. My grip became tighter while holding onto his arm. That’s when I realized what I was doing and quickly pushed him away.



I had no idea what was happening. It’s like I had no control over myself. I looked at Donghae, who had a hurt expression on his face.



“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “C’mon. I’ll take you home now.” He turned around and began walking. I felt bad. I shouldn’t have pushed him away like that. While he was walking away, I caught up to him and hugged him from behind, not letting him go.


“I’m sorry. Thanks for taking me on this second date. I had a great time,” I said quietly. Donghae turned around and smile at me.



“Anytime, Hyukjae.” Here come the butterflies again. My face turned red as he took my hand and led me to the car. Once we were both inside, we were on our way to my apartment.



Moments later, we finally reached my apartment and he walked me to my door.



“Thanks again,” I thanked. He smiled again before kissing my blushing cheek.



“Good night, Hyukkie!” And with that, I entered my apartment as he left in his car. I took a shower and changed into my pj’s before throwing myself onto my bed. Man, what a day. I had two people confess to me today and I just had my first kiss.



Suddenly, my phone vibrated twice, meaning that I got two text messages. I picked up my phone and saw who they were from. They were from Siwon and Donghae. My heart started to beat faster. What could they be texting me about? I decided to read Siwon’s text first.



To: Eunhyuk

Hi, Eunhyukkie ^^ About what I said earlier, don’t rush yourself to give me an answer. Take as much time as you need to think it over. Just remember that I really do love you. Sleep well <3

From: Siwon



I sighed. What am I going to do? I’m caught up in a big mess now.



I’m sorry Siwon. I can’t answer you just yet.



I like you too, a lot. But…



To: Hyukkie

I don’t care if you feel the same way about me just yet. But no matter what happens, I promise you that I’m going to love you forever. I LOVE YOU HYUKKIE~ Kekeke~ ^^ Good night! Sleep tight! Don’t let the bed bugs bite! <3

From: Donghae




I like Donghae too; a lot more than I should. 


A/N: *Multiple headdesks* I strongly apologize for not updating last weekend >.< I was too busy with AP work that I didn't have time to finish writing this chapter, and as you can see, its pretty long. Its like, midnight right now and I'm posting now before I forget. Asdfghjkl; >.> But, to make it up to you, an EunSiHae chapter has arrived! :D I know this chapter might make you made because of the certain er who's not letting Eunhae be together, but you're happy with this chapter, right? :DDDD Hyukkie is caught in a love triangle now! *Le gasp!* And he got his frist kiss! *Another le gasp!* And he finally admits that he likes Donghae and Siwon! *ANOTHER le gasp!* For the people who listened to Donghae sing while reading, isn't he just precious? ;____; Original song is My Everything by 98 Degrees~ Kyumin  is heading your way for the next chapter :) Please comment and subscribe!!! <333333333

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Chapter 45: TT I will patiently waiting for your update...jaebal can't stop here...this is so heartbreaking...we promise we will wait TT
please don't stop here! I've been reading this with my other accnt that crashed. took me a while to find it again!
Chapter 45: OMG! I haven't read this for a while. Since when did this story became angst? OMG! Why is life so complicated? T-T
Amakusa #4
Chapter 45: OMG, nope nope nope! Such a very nice story without endings :< I hope you will continue it! please !
sarubeatoriche #5
Chapter 45: You can't stop here! ; A;
chultrash #6
Chapter 45: Please update soon! Been waiting for another chapter for months after months ><
pookieberrie #7
Chapter 45: please update soon please
pookieberrie #8
Chapter 45: you!!! don't leave me hanging please please please update soon you made me cry so much I looked crazy just staring at my phone and crying lol my family laughed at me a lot so please make me happy and update please!!!!!! I'll be waiting^^ hwating