Chapter 16: Don't Say It

I'm Not Cute!


Ryeowook’s POV

A few days had passed since Sungmin’s mother passed away. Today was the day of her funeral, and ironically, it just had to rain. I wore all black for appropriate attire. The only ones going to her funeral are Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Yesung, and me. She had no friends, nor family to see her before she was buried. It’s really sad to think that the two of them really only had each other.



When I heard the doorbell ring, I quickly ran out of my room and opened it, only to see Yesung with a frown on his face and a black umbrella in his hand. He had to steal his father’s car again so he could take us to the funeral. By the look on his face, I could easily tell that he was just as upset as I was.



“Ready?” he asked with a depressed tone. I nodded my head slowly before closing the door behind me and following him in the rain towards his drenched car. I saw Kyuhyun and Sungmin already sitting in the back, gloomy as ever. Yesung opened the door for me as I got in and headed over to the driver’s seat.



“H-hi, Hyung,” I almost whispered. He didn’t say anything, His head was turned towards the window, watching rain drops fall into one another and fall on top of the glass. His faced showed no emotion, but his eyes were red, meaning that he had been crying. He probably hasn’t slept yet. I looked at Kyuhyun, who was just staring at Sungmin, not taking his eyes off of him. Just by looking at his face, I could tell that he was extremely worried by Sungmin.



Yesung immediately started the car and began to drive. All that was being heard during the entire ride was rain hitting the car and streets, and silence; lots and lots of silence. I felt like I wanted to cry again because of the amount of sadness this day is going to hold. I want the happy moments to come back again, and I know for sure that I’m not the only one.



Once the car stopped, I looked out the window and found myself in a huge cemetery. Yesung got out with the umbrella only to open my door for me to shield me from the rain when I got out. Sungmin came out too, but he didn’t care about the rain falling on him, He began to walk, only to have Kyuhyun quickly follow him, shielding him with an umbrella. I sighed. I hate seeing Sungmin like this, and there’s nothing I can do to help. I can only hope that at least Kyuhyun can make him smile again.



A moment later, Yesung and I finally moved our feet to follow the other two. I looked around the cemetery and saw many colorful flowers lying around and graves being poured on by the rain. I stuck close to Yesung until he stopped and I lightly bumped into him. I was going to apologize until I saw that we had already arrived at the grave. The only people here were the four of us and the funeral director.



It wasn’t much of a funeral. Since there was no one else here, nobody had anything to say. Sungmin didn’t even say anything. I haven’t heard his voice at all today. Not even a cry. All he did was stare at his mother’s grave, where her ashes were buried underneath. Once the director left, the four of us stood in place, still in silence. It was still raining, but harder.



“Can you guys leave for a moment?” Kyuhyun asked. Yesung only nodded before dragging me away. We decided to walk around the cemetery to look at the different graves. We both didn’t talk once. We just let our feet take us to wherever.



“Are you okay?” Yesung finally decided to ask. I didn’t say a word and nodded my head as I looked at him. “Kyuhyun told me that Sungmin hasn’t spoken in days, nor has he slept or ate. He never came out of his house until today.” Hearing all of this made me want to cry again. This shows that I’m a terrible friend towards Sungmin. I didn’t even try to help him these past few days.



“I-I don’t deserve to be Sungmin’s friend,” I stuttered as a couple tears rolled down my cheeks. Yesung stopped walking and stared at me.



“Why would you say that?” he asked.



“I haven’t done anything to make him feel better. He calls me his best friend, but I’m nowhere even close to being that. I’m not even a friend anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if he hated me right now, as well as other people. Everyone I know has done so much for me, but I’ve done nothing in return. I should let them continue to hate me; just as much as I hate myself.  As more tears continued to roll off my cheeks, I sobbed into my hands. My legs started to feel week, but before I could fall to the ground, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I looked up from my hands and saw that Yesung was hugging me, and I blushed. I hesitated for a second until I decided to wrap my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. He felt so warm and comfortable. Drops of rain were hitting his legs a little bit because the umbrella was mostly over me, but he continued to hug me.



“Don’t ever say that anyone hates you ever again,” he stated. I was surprised at the serious tone. “In my whole life, I have never met a more sincere person than you. Sungmin is having a hard time right now, but it’s not just you who hasn’t done anything for him. Kyuhyun and I haven’t done anything either, and it’s because he won’t let us. I know you care about him more than we do. Don’t say you’re not his friend anymore. Don’t say anyone in this world hates you. Sungmin doesn’t hate you. Kyuhyun doesn’t hate you. Eunhyuk and Donghae don’t hate you, and I especially could never hate you. I love how sincere and caring you are, and I love having you around. When we were at the hospital, you were crying, and I just stood there, not even trying to comfort you. I’m sorry for that. I want you to know that if you need comforting or you’re about to cry, you can always come to me. I’ll always be here of you need me.”



“Y-Yesung…” My heart started to beat faster and faster. I hugged him tighter as a couple more drops of my tears fell and hid my face more into his shoulder.



I love him. I finally realize that I’m in love with Yesung. Only he can make me blush so much and get my heart racing. Only he can make me feel this warm and comfortable with his hugs. No one can make me smile and laugh the way he does. No one can make me anticipate for text messages like he does. No one can make me feel important like he is right now. I’m on love with him and nobody else. I only want him. He has my heart now.  



Suddenly, he let go of me and brought his hands to my face. He used his thumbs to wipe my tears away before smiling at me.



“You’re much cuter when you’re not crying. You should smile instead.” My cheeks became warmer. He just admitted that I was cute. I felt my heart beating faster again. I took a deep breath before smiling at him, and he chuckled. “That’s better. C’mon, let’s go back to Sungmin and Kyuhyun.” We were finally side by side again when we started to walk back. I wanted to look at him smile more. I wanted to be the reason for his smile.



I love you, Yesung. Can you tell?



Sungmin’s POV

“Can you guys leave for a moment?” I heard Kyuhyun say. Instantly, Yesung and Ryeowook left, leaving Kyuhyun and I standing above my mother’s grave. I haven’t spoken to anyone ever since she passed away. They would always try and say something to me, but nothing came out. It’s not like I was ignoring them; more like my voice wouldn’t come out. I remember crying so much that night that it felt like I lost my voice. I also haven’t ate or slept in days. I’m not tired nor do I have an appetite. I didn’t even think about eating or sleeping. My mother was the only thought I had in my head.



I walked a little closer to my mother’s grave more clearly, letting the rain fall on my head. Kyuhyun quickly reached me and held the umbrella over my head so I wouldn’t get wet.



“Are you finally going to talk now?” Kyuhyun asked in a more serious tone than usual. I don’t know what happened, but tears started to come out again.



“The promise,” I whispered over the heavy rain.






“The promise you made, you liar.” I stepped closer to the grave and squatted down, letting the rain fall on me once again.



“Look Sungmin, I-“ Kyuhyun squatted down next to me and held the umbrella over me again, but this time, I knocked it out of his hand, letting the cold rain fall on both of us.



“You’re a liar!” I shouted at him. He fell back a little because I startled him. “You said she was going to be okay, but look what happened! She’s forever gone now, and there’s no way in getting her back! Do you even know how I feel right now!?”



“Of course I-”



“Stop it! No you don’t! You don’t understand, and you’ll never understand! You don’t know what it’s like to have a family like mine. Everyone is gone now and I’m alone in this world!” Something inside me just wanted to scream out my feelings to someone, and that someone just so happened to be Kyuhyun. I looked away from him and stared at the grave. My tears were getting mixed with the rain. “Mother, why did you have to go? Why did you have to leave me alone?  I don’t have anyone anymore. No one understands me like you do. Please come back,” I faintly whispered. Everything is over for me now. I should just die and leave this world so I can be with my parents again. What’s the point of living if no one is there for me anymore?



“You’ve forgotten, haven’t you?” Kyuhyun asked suddenly.



“F-forgotten what?”



“I don’t have a mother to care for me either, so I know exactly how you feel.” I did forget that Kyuhyun’s biological mother isn’t around anymore. “But just because she isn’t here anymore, it doesn’t mean that I’m alone in this world, and that also means that you’re not either. It doesn’t mean that there are still people who care about you.”



“Like who?”



“What about Ryeowook? He’s your best friend, isn’t he? Did you know that he’s been worried sick about you these past few days? What about Yesung? Did you know that he’s always asking if you’re okay? What about Eunhyuk? Did you know that he’s been trying to call you, but you never picked up? What about Donghae? Did you know that he’s been looking for you at the café but you were never there? What about Leeteuk and Kangin at the daycare? Did you know that they were praying to make sure you were okay?” I didn’t realize how many people cared about me these past few days.



“What about me? I’ve been so worried about you that I feel like going crazy. You haven’t slept, you haven’t eaten anything that I brought you, and you haven’t talked to me or argued with me.” I stayed silent as I continued to stare at Kyuhyun. I didn’t know I made even him so worried about me. “Maybe I don’t understand most things about you yet, but I do know that you’re not alone on this world. I never broke my promise. Your mother is happy up there, looking down at you. She’s okay now, and so are you.” I wanted to cry again. I wanted to cry because this was the second time I’ve yelled at him when I had no right to.



Suddenly, Kyuhyun stood up and offered his hand to help me stand up. I obediently obeyed and took his hand. Once I stood up, I instantly hugged him, and he hugged me back.



“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. I-I- I mean- I just- I-”



“Apology accepted. Just don’t scare me like that anymore. I honestly don’t know what to do with you.”



“You were scared?”



“Of course I was. How else are you going to yell at me for calling you cute if you’re depressed like that?”



“Yah! I’m not cute!” I yelled as I let go of him.



“See? There’s the Sungmin I know,” Kyuhyun smiled at me. It was that smile that was so different again, and it made me blush. Kyuhyun walked over to the umbrella that I knock out of his hand and brought it back to cover us.



“Why do you care?” I asked him.



“Because you’re gonna get sick if I don’t cover you up.”



“You know what I mean. Why do you care about me so much? I’m still just someone you barely know.”



“Because-” Kyuhyun started. He paused and became silent. It was like he had to think about what he was going to say. He sighed before looking at me with a small smile. “Because that’s what friends do, right?” I was surprised to hear him say “friend”. Why do I have a feeling that he wanted to say something different?



“Hyung!” I turned around and saw Yesung and Ryeowook walking towards us. “Hyung, what happened to you?”



“We decided to run around in the rain because we thought it was refreshing,” Kyuhyun lied, and I just rolled my eyes at him.



“You guys wait here. I think there are towels in the car,” Yesung stated, and he and Ryeowook ran towards where the car was. At that moment, the rain disappeared. Kyuhyun closed the umbrella before sneezing.



“That’s what you get for being in the rain for too long,” I said.



“Look who’s talking. This is your fault anyway,” he pouted, and I laughed because his face was too funny. He pouted some more because I was laughing at him, but he began to laugh with me.



“You’re right. Thanks.”



“For what?”



“For trying to cheer me up.”



“Hey, that’s what friends do.”



“What kind of friends are we supposed to be?”



“An evil genius and a cute bunny.” I rolled my eyes at him again but chuckled nevertheless. However, I couldn’t help but think about what he said about us being “friends”.



Because that what friends do, right?



Hey, that’s what friends do.



I know there’s something else that he wanted to say earlier.




Why do I get kind of sad when he says “friend”? 


A/N: Is everyone happy again? :D I hope so. I'm so proud of this chapter mainly for Yewook. I think I did a better job with them this time~ Are Yewook shippers happy? :DDD I know I would. Ryeowook just admitted he loved him! That's gotta make you smile, right? :) Of course, we're happy for Kyumin too. Minnie is gonna be okay~ But what's up with Kyuhyun? ;) Lawl. This is most I've ever written for a chapter. I'm so tired right now. I had to finish writing this in like, two hours or so. Asdfghjkl; This was not my week >.> But anyway, hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! One more chapter left to write before Eunhae come back :) I'm thinking next chapter will be Yewook again~ Kekeke~ I hope Yewook shippers are happy with me right now :D But there shall be drama. Huhu ;A; 

Oh, but before I go, I have something to give my Eunhae/Haehyuk shippers since I haven't forgotten about them yet :)

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Chapter 45: TT I will patiently waiting for your update...jaebal can't stop here...this is so heartbreaking...we promise we will wait TT
please don't stop here! I've been reading this with my other accnt that crashed. took me a while to find it again!
Chapter 45: OMG! I haven't read this for a while. Since when did this story became angst? OMG! Why is life so complicated? T-T
Amakusa #4
Chapter 45: OMG, nope nope nope! Such a very nice story without endings :< I hope you will continue it! please !
sarubeatoriche #5
Chapter 45: You can't stop here! ; A;
chultrash #6
Chapter 45: Please update soon! Been waiting for another chapter for months after months ><
pookieberrie #7
Chapter 45: please update soon please
pookieberrie #8
Chapter 45: you!!! don't leave me hanging please please please update soon you made me cry so much I looked crazy just staring at my phone and crying lol my family laughed at me a lot so please make me happy and update please!!!!!! I'll be waiting^^ hwating