A Day of Firsts

Turning Tables

Chapter 5:

A Day Of Firsts

Taehyung’s POV:


Yesterday has been a wonderful day. Many things happened all at once. I am so happy I decided to audition in BigHit to become an idol.

“Hey! Taehyung, wake up!” Jin shook me, trying to wake me up. And here I am, pretending to be asleep. I even slipped in some snores to make my acting a bit more believable. I’m not sleepy, but I want to lie here for some more time, enjoy the softness of the bed on a beautiful Monday morning.

“Hey, Tae, we don’t want to be late in our first day of rehearsals and recording!” Jin continued to shake me. I let out some groans, along with some resistive motions to make him let go of me. Well, it worked. I felt him move away from me, but before he closes the door he says something that really caught my attention.

“It will be your fault you don’t get to the bacon in time! There are also pancakes, but I don’t think they’ll last for long. Well, I hope you’re eating in your dreams!” Jin chuckled before closing the door.

“FOOD! Jin-hyung wait for me!” I shouted as a jumped from my bed to catch up with him.

“I knew it! You were awake all this time!” Jin exclaimed. He looked serious.

“Sorry hyung. I’m sorry for playing a trick on you…”I sincerely asked for apology. Then he suddenly laughed.

“Just kidding Tae! You actually looked cute while sleeping, so I just let you play dead. I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist food, so I used it as my last card. Well, it worked!” Jin told me, making me laugh as well. We settled down on our chairs along with the other members, and started to munch on the delicious food Jin prepared for breakfast.

“Where are Jimin and Jungkook?” Hoseok asked. Wait, what? I was shocked by what he asked. I looked around the table, not believing that I overlooked the fact that two of them are missing. I thought we are all here. "Haven’t you guys called them yet?" I asked back. They all shook their heads. “Ok, I’ll go fetch them.” I volunteered.

When I opened the door to their room, I was shocked by what I saw. JIMIN STRADDLING JUNGKOOK.

“HEY! What’s happening here?!” I half-asked half-shouted. I definitely sounded angry, but I sure wasn’t. I was just shocked.

“Good morning, Tae. What’s with the screaming?” Jimin asked.

“What’s with the position, Jimin-hyung?” I asked back, trying to sound as calm I could.

“Jungkook won’t wake up. I tried calling his name, tickling him, shouting at him, and even shaking him, but he won’t wake up. I’m sure he's still alive, he was snoring and sleep talking right before you barged in.” Jimin explained. I suddenly felt sorry for yelling.

“What’s happening he—Woah!” Namjoon came with the other members, and they looked as shocked as I was a few moments ago. They must’ve heard me shout, so they thought something was up.

“Hyung, the maknae won’t wake up.” Jimin answered innocently.

“What? Is he alright? What’s happening to him?” We heard as a worried-looking Jin who came rushing to the bed.

“I think he’s safe hyung, but I don’t think waking him up is an easy job. I even tried shaking him, but he won’t wake up.” Jimin explained again.

“What do we do now?” Yoongi asked.

“Well, since we have a schedule today, we have no choice but to find a way to wake him up.” Namjoon answered.

We tried everything we can think of to wake him up without hurting him. First, we tried shaking him vigorously. Nothing happened. Shouting and making loud sounds. Nothing happened. Putting ice on his face. All we earned was a soft mumble. We almost gave up when Jimin tried to pinch Jungkook’s ears. Jungkook reacted by trying to remove Jimin’s hands from his ears.

“Jimin! Stop that!” Jungkook suddenly shouted, making Jimin jump from his position and take his place behind me.

“Good morning, Jungkook! Did you have a good sleep?” Yoongi asked with the tone of sarcasm in his voice.

“Yes, hyung… But I could’ve used a few minutes more.” Jungkook answered. Few minutes more, huh?

“Get up now. We have recording today. Breakfast is ready downstrairs.” Namjoon told Jungkook. We all got out of the room and sat back at the table.

“I’m so sorry hyungs, I actually knew that I am a couch potato. It really takes a pro to wake me up.” Jungkook started. “I’m also sorry, Jimin-hyung, for shouting at you and scaring you.” Jungkook continued. Jimin looked happy with what Jungkook told him.

“It’s alright Jungkook, no one has a control over their sleep.” Jimin answered.

“Actually, it was the first time I saw someone sleep like that. It actually seemed like a scene taken from sleeping beauty or something like that.” Jin said. We all looked shocked by what he said.

“Hey, hyung. You watch sleeping beauty?” I asked him.

“Why, of course! They are really pretty, you know. The stories of the Disney princesses are really good, even though you already know that they are going to get their happy endings.” Jin explained. Oh well…

“Is everyone done with their food? Ok, go now and prepare. We’ll leave in an hour.” Namjoon-hyung said. We all sat up from the table and went to our rooms to shower and get dressed.

When we reached the recording studio, we immediately headed for the booth. I was surprised to see that the songs were already written.

“Who wrote these songs?” I asked after flipping the pages of lyrics before me.

“Namjoon and I wrote the songs. We already worked with each other even before the training started.” Yoongi answered. Awesome.

“He’s right. Actually, the three of us were underground rappers before BTS was formed.” Hoseok added. Really awesome.

I wasn’t the only one impressed by their backgrounds. Jimin definitely looked awe-struck. Jungkook looked at the three of them like a child, and then started to flip the pages to check on the songs. Jin’s mouth opened wide, forming a letter “O” with his lips.

The song started to play. We sang our parts in the song. Our voices sounded good together. Jimin’s high pitch voice combined with my deep voice sounded amazing, at least to my ears. Jin’s voice is also rich, as well as Jungkook’s. Namjoon’s, Yoongi’s, and Hoseok’s parts were rapped. They just sounded so good.

We spent the half the day recording the songs. I was thankful that we stopped by that time, because I could already fill the tension in my throat building up. The songs that we were recording were a little bit higher than my comfortable range of singing, that’s why almost all the time, I had to put extra effort to hit the higher notes.

“Are you alright, Tae?” Jin asked me when he caught me rubbing mg neck when we were waiting for our lunch in the restaurant.

“I’m alright hyung, I guess my throat is just a little bit tired after the recording.”

“Ok. You’re lucky we are not going to sing for the rest of the day. After this lunch, we are heading for the dance studio.” Jin replied. I just nodded, not wanting to use my voice further.

Our eyes widened in delight when we saw the food being served to us. They all looked delicious. The soup was still smoking. The meat was put in sizzling plates. Chicken, beef, pork, fish… anything that we wanted to eat today was right in front of us. I’m not really a fan of vegetable dishes, but god, even the vegetables look crisp and delicious. It was only today that I enjoyed eating vegetables.

“Ok, now let’s EAT!!!” Namjoon shouted, earning a cheer from everyone. Before I started eating, I quickly took a look at all of my band mates. Our seating arrangement is just like how it is in the house. I saw Jimin took Jungkook’s bowl and filled it with food before filling his own. Is Jimin actually going after Jungkook? Oh well, he’ll tell me if he is.

After a few moments of thinking, I began filling my empty stomach with the delicious food before me.

When everyone was done eating, we went to our next destination. The dance studio is a spacious room with one wall covered with mirrors. We all went inside and started stretching after changing to comfortable clothes. A few minutes later, our choreographer came in.

The rest of the day was devoted to learning the dance. I have to admit – the dance is not simple, even for me. I actually found some parts of the dance a bit too fast for me, that I had to approach another member to help me follow the steps.

“Jin-hyung, can you please help me with this step? I don’t get it.” I said as I approached Jin from behind, as he was facing the mirror and practicing the steps as well.

“Uhm, Tae, I’m sorry, but I can’t help you with that one. You see, I’m also having a hard time. Dancing was never my thing.” Jin explained. He actually looked… disappointed?

“Hyung, I think I can help you with that one.” I offered. I took his arms and showed him the right way to move it so it will not look awkward.

“Thanks, Tae! I’m really sorry. You approached me to learn the dance, and you ended up teaching me instead. Thanks!” Jin said to me, but he did not look at me in the eye. He was just looking at the floor.

“No prob, hyung! Anytime!” I said, ignoring what I observed. He definitely looked awkward.

“Hey, Jimin-hyung, can you please help me with the dance?” I wish I had not approached him when I realized what was happening. He was laughing with Jungkook about something.

“Yes? Oh, Tae. Why not? Which part?” Jimin answered, jumping up from his seat beside Jungkook and heading to my direction. I took his hand and pulled him to the other side of the room.

After he taught me the right way to do the step, he started heading back to his seat. Before he was out of reach, I held his wrist and pulled him closer.

“Jimin-hyung, tell me, are you going after Jungkook?” I asked him. He gave me a shocked look, as his cheeks started to redden. Ok, I’ll take that as a yes.

“Uhmm… O-of course not! What are you saying?” Jimin answered. If nervousness had a voice, that would be it.

“Then why don’t you sound so sure?” I asked, leaning closer and smiling at him. From a few inches away, I can hear the sound of his racing heart.

“Uhmm… Uh—” Jimin started as the choreographer talked and asked us the dance again.

“Don’t worry hyung! I’ll support you!” I chuckled, patting his shoulder before we went to our places.

While we are dancing in front of the mirror, I took a look at all the members. I realized I wasn’t the worst dancer after all. Namjoon and Jin definitely looked awkward while dancing. Yoongi, on the other hand, does not look awkward, but I don’t think he’s very good either.

What really caught my attention is the other three. Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook looked great while dancing. They move every muscle with such precision, especially Jimin. All the time I was looking at his reflection in the mirror, he never failed to amaze me. He just moves like the music is actually controlling him. Another thing that caught my attention is he’s not looking at his own reflection.

He’s staring at Jungkook.

“Ok, guys, we can call it a day. Take a rest tonight, because tomorrow will be a very tiring day.” We started packing up as the choreographer told us to leave..

“Hey, Jimin-hyung, you didn’t answer my question earlier!” I said to him after I pulled him to the porch when we got home.

“Yes I did! I said no!” He answered. I was not convinced. Not at all.

“Well, my senses tell me that you are!” I said jokingly. I want to see him look embarrassed.

“No I’m not! I’m not surprised to know that your senses tell you otherwise, AlienTae…” Jimin shouted back.

“I may be acting like an alien, but I know you Jimin. Why do you have to keep this from me? I already told you I’ll help you!” I said to him. I’m serious this time around.

Jimin just looked at his feet. I can tell he’s getting serious as well.

“Ok fine… I like him Tae. I really like him, since the first time we met. I just didn’t want to tell you because you are a very talkative person, and I don’t want anyone else to know it.” Jimin explained. I can already hear sobbing while he said those words.

“It’s alright, hyung. I promise to keep this as a secret. And of course, like what I promised, I will help you!” I smiled as I wrap my arms around him in an embrace.

“Thanks Tae. You’re such a great friend.” Jimin said.

“Of course I already know that!” I replied.

“Hey guys! Come inside and eat! We have to sleep early!” Namjoon shouted.

“Yes hyung! Coming!” Jimin and I chorused, making the two of us laugh.

“I noticed you trying to serve Jungkook his food earlier during lunch. Well, I gotta tell you – it looks sweet.”

“Really? Do you mean I should do it again?” Jimin asked with both excitement and nervousness in his voice.

“Yes. Since Jungkook is still a child, well, sort of, I think he really likes being spoiled.” I explained to him. He nodded before settling at the table beside Jungkook.

After eating, we all went to the living room to talk with each other about the day. I told them there are many new things that happened to me today, like liking and craving for vegetables for the first time, seeing a couch potato for the first time, and so on and so forth. They just laughed at my inexperience in life.

It’s time to go to bed. When everyone went to their respective rooms, I grabbed and pulled on Jimin’s shirt. He knew what I meant.

“What is it Tae?” he asked

“Well, I just want to remind you to control your urges and try not to pounce on him while he’s sleeping. He’ll definitely not like it.” I whispered to him. I wish I hadn’t said that when he suddenly pushed me. We fought for a few minutes before we realized its already nine in the evening and we have to go to sleep.

“Hey Tae.” He called my attention when we were before the doors of our rooms. “I bet he’s gonna like it.” He said while raising his shirt to reveal his toned abs.

“Then try it!” I joked before going inside my room to see Jin already sleeping. Not wanting to wake him up, I went around the room to get my things before showering.

When I got out of the shower room, Jin has already shifted his position, giving me more space on the bed. After drying up, I carefully lifted the covers and took my space beside him.

“Good night, hyung.” I whispered before settling and going to sleep.

My first good night to any member.


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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you wrote...it's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)