
Turning Tables

Here! At last! Thanks for the readers! Enjoy!!!


Jungkook’s POV:

I was also a bit surprised with myself, because surprisingly, I woke up ahead of Jimin… actually ahead of other members. There’s only one possible reason – today is a special day. I can already feel the butterflies in my stomach starting to wake up early along with me and beginning to flutter. I reached for my phone to check the time – 4:30 am. God… I think I should go back to sleep. I settled myself back onto the bed to get some sleep.

“Aghhhh” I sat up from bed again after tossing around the bed for what seemed like hours. I looked at the phone again to check the time – 5 am. “What? Seriously?” I carefully stood up and went to the kitchen to get some drink. After putting the glass down on the table, I went to back to our shared room and went back to bed. Jimin was still sleeping when I got back to our room. Unfortunately, sleep still hasn’t gotten its way to me, so just laid there, on the bed, beside Jimin. I had nothing to do, so I decided to take the opportunity to just drown myself with Jimin’s charms.

First of all… cute eyes. Very cute eyes. Then he’s got this strong jawline… just looks so y and hot. Nose… very small and cute. And those lips… those lips… I just stared at the features of the beautiful creature sleeping next to me. I can barely stop myself from touching him. After some time of staring at Jimin, I finally felt my eyelids drop and I closed my eyes…

“Jimin, Jungkook, time to prepare!” Namjoon knocked at our door, instantly driving the sleep that was starting to take over me. I looked at my phone and again and looked at the time – 6:30 am. What? That was just fast! How unfair time is…

“Ok, hyung! I’ll be there in a few minutes!” I answered to him. I stubbornly sat up, irritated by the disturbance. I turned to Jimin and went closer to him to wake him up. “Hyung, we need to get ready now. Get up.” I said to him. He suddenly lifted his head and opened his eyes. Our eyes locked on each other for a while before he scrambled backwards. I was still awestruck by how close our faces were to each other just a few seconds ago. It felt just like before he collapsed into me when we were alone in the amusement park. Our faces were just very close to each other…

“Oh… H-Hi… G-Good morning, Jungkook.” Jimin said.

“Good morning, hyung.” I replied. “We should get ready now, hyung.” I continued. Jimin bolted up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

“Yeah… wait for me here.” Jimin said before he closed the door of the bathroom. I just looked at the bathroom door and sighed. There’s really something going on with Jimin. He’s beginning to become awkward around me now. He used to be alright with everything that we do, but lately, he’s been trying to avoid really close contacts. He’s just beginning to scare me.

“Yah, Jungkook, don’t you want to come down just yet?” Jimin asked as he opened the door leading to the stairs. I just nodded and followed him to the living room. We headed straight to the living room, where Namjoon, Hosoek and Yoongi were already waiting for us.

“Good morning, Jimin and Jungkook.” Yoongi greeted us. We just returned the greeting and went to settle with them.

“Hyung, where’s Tae and Jin-hyung?” Jimin asked. Namjoon scratched his head before answering.

“I don’t know. I knocked at their door a few minutes ago and told them to go down. Jin answered, of course. But I actually did that before going to your room and telling you to go down.” Namjoon explained. Then, all of a sudden, the door of their room banged open, emerging from it a Jin carrying a giggling Tae on his back.

“Jinnie! Faster! We’re running late!” Tae shouted while still giggling, while Jin, who was carrying him, was having a hard time climbing down the stairs.

“Tae…” Jin was saying something, but he just kept his mouth shut and continued down the stairs. In retaliation, Jin began jumping down each step, making Tae shout in pain with every level Jin takes. Jin was laughing while he was doing it. Tae was crying in pain, but still giggling.

“Jin-hyung, what took the two of you so long? Jungkook and Jimin even beat you here.” Namjoon asked the boy currently bowing down to let Tae down from his back.

“Namjoon, sorry. Tae climbed to bed and jumped on it like the child he is. Apparently, Tae is in his 4D mode today. He didn’t go down. He told me that the only way he will go down from the bed is if I give him a piggyback. And since I had no choice, and of course since I also wanted to do so, I gave him what he wanted.” Jin explained to Namjoon, making all of us laugh at his story. Tae just stood there, still giggling while trying to mount Jin’s back again.

“Ok, then, were settled. We have to go now.” Yoongi said as he lifted his bag and headed for the door. All of the members followed him to the van waiting outside, which will take us to the venue of the show that we are going to have later.

When we reached the venue, the first thing that we did was go to the dressing room backstage to put our things down. After doing to, we went back on stage to practice with the stage setup. It became a tiring morning for us, because all we really did was run the whole show – the only things missing were the costumes, and our beloved audience.

It was beginning to wear me down when I looked at Jimin. Everyone was already panting and trying to get rest, but he was still looking around and dancing and performing. He was always a perfectionist, despite the fact that he already looked perfect in my eyes. He just kept on practicing and practicing. He looked much focused on the rehearsal, not even sparing anyone a glance.

“Ok, everyone, time to get ready!”  The manager shouts from the front. All of us walked to the backstage, but I was grabbed by the wrist and pulled to the corner of the stage. When I looked who it was, it was Tae.

“Hyung? Why?” I asked him. Tae looked around first, checking if someone was within hearing range, and when he was finally sure, he turned around to face me.

“Jungkook, there’s something I need to tell you.” Tae said.

“Uhmmm… It’s quite obvious that you wanted to tell me something. Now, what is it?” I asked him. Tae sighed before he started speaking.

“All of us know, except Jimin-hyung, that he lost his memories of you when he got involved in the accident.” Tae started. And just like that, the wound that has healed a long time ago in my heart was ripped open again. I can still remember how bad it felt. Tae went closer and patted me on my back. “Jungkook, I think Jimin-hyung is starting to remember you.” Tae continued, making me look at him with shock and confusion.

“Hyung, what do you mean?” I asked him.

“Jungkook, last night, hyung went pulled me to the porch and talked to me.” Tae explained. “He asked me to be honest with him, so I did. He asked me if he ever… fell in love with you.” Tae said to me. I just looked at him with eyes wide open.

“Seriously? W-what should I do?” I asked him, suddenly feeling weak. So that’s why he’s been trying to avoid me lately… maybe he’s beginning to remember how much he hated me for all the hurt I’ve caused him.

Tae noticed that I was starting to breakdown, so went to me and pulled me to a hug. “Jungkook, don’t worry, I think it’s alright.” Tae said to me, earning a push from me.

“What? My love is beginning to remember how much hurt I cause him in the past, and you’re telling me that it’s alright? I seriously can’t believe you!” I said to him, trying to control myself because I wouldn’t want to make the other people curious.

“Jungkook, calm down, I’m not done with my talking yet.” Tae said to me. After apologizing to him for being too impulsive and emotional, he went on with his story.

“Jungkook, what shocked me is his expression. Instead of seeing hurt, I saw… I saw…” Tae continued, but he couldn’t get his words out of his mouth.

“Hyung, what did you see?” I asked him. He was still trying to find a word for it. Finally, he sighed.

“I don’t know, Jungkook. I don’t know what I actually saw. I… I saw a lot of things that I never thought I would see when Jimin-hyung remembers. There was no hint of hurt… much like… enlightenment?” Tae continued explaining. Enlightenment? Why would he be enlightened?

“What? What am I supposed to feel with that?” I asked Tae. I was very confused by what I just heard from him.

“Maybe… you should feel good about it.” Tae answered. I was about to speak again when he continued talking. “You see, if Jimin-hyung already remembers the things that you did to him in the past, he should be already furious and mad at you. But, is he mad at you? I don’t think so. Maybe that means he’s trying to understand you – maybe he’s trying to forget everything. Maybe that’s how much he loved you. He can’t bring himself to hate you. And maybe…” Tae explained. I can already feel tears rolling down my cheeks. “Maybe he’s giving you a second chance.” Tae continued. I looked at him. He was looking down on his feet.

“Y-you think i-it’s going to be alright? Y-you think he’ll love me again?” I asked him, my words being cut by soft sobs. Tae looked at me and nodded. He gave me a hug, which I gladly returned to him.

“Now, Jungkook, we should follow the others now. Jinnie might be worrying about me now.” Tae said to me and dragged me to the backstage. The other members were already in the shower room, so we headed there and showered too. After showering, the staff readied us by giving us the costumes that will be worn on the first number of the show. We went to the dressing room to get dressed. I was getting more and more nervous about Jimin because since this morning, we didn’t talk yet. I am also afraid to go to him to initiate the conversation, so it went on like that. After getting dressed, we went to the make-up room to wear some. It didn’t take that long before we were already standing at the backstage, waiting for the show to start. Then I looked at Jimin again.

Perfect. That was all I had in mind when I saw him. My jaws dropped open at the sight before me. He looked so damn hot, and we weren’t nervous and waiting for the show, I couldn’t control myself and I’ll just pounce on him. He’s hair wasn’t the usual. It was a bit messy, and it made him much hotter. Just too hot for me to take my eyes off him. I just stood there, waiting for the show to begin, staring at Jimin.

Then, he looked back at me and smiled. God… that smile. Help me control myself.

“Hi, Jungkook! Is it just me or we didn’t talk that much today?” Jimin asked me. I was still busy admiring his features, that I wasn’t able to answer immediately. “Jungkook?”

“Oh… yeah. Yeah… I thought so.” I said to him. He just looked at me and smiled. “Hyung… you… you look damn so hot right now.” I said to him. What? Did I just tell him he looked hot to me?

Jimin looked at me with a bit of shock, but he was smiling with his eyes. “Wow… look who’s talking. Now I see why you were put in the visual line of the group. You look stunningly gorgeous, Jungkook.” Jimin replied. I felt my cheeks starting to heat up, but thanks to the make-up, I don’t think anyone noticed.

“Ok… guys, I know that all of us practice damn hard to make give our fans a good show. Now… let’s give it our all.” Namjoon said and we cheered before going on stage to perform. We performed the new songs in our new album, as well the older songs that we had in the past. We were really having a fun time dancing and performing in front of such big audience. They were all screaming and singing with us. They were jumping up and down, and it just made us more inspired to do better and give them an even better show. The support that they were showing to us just fueled us, even though we were already exhausted half-way through the two-hour show. When the show finally ended, we stood there, in front of our fans, lined up on stage. Tae and Jin were beside each other, but at the opposite end. Jimin and I were in the other end.

“Anneyeonghaseyo!” Tae shouted, making the fans scream to the top of their lungs.

“So, how was your night?” Namjoon asked, and the fans cheered again. Even though we couldn’t understand a single word of what they were saying, the loud cheering is enough for us to know that we did a great job tonight.

Jimin stepped forward and shouted. “Saranghaeyo!” The fans screamed again. “First of all… thank you all for supporting our group. We really love you so much, guys. And when I got involved in the accident, I didn’t feel lonely at all, because all of you just showed us so much support. We love you!” Jimin narrated. The audience gave another cheer. Then, suddenly, Jimin pulled me by the wrist and hugged me. I swear I never felt so thankful to the make-up noonas. Without it, I might be seen blushing on stage in front of thousands of people.

“Guys, this maknae really took good care of me while I was still not feeling well.” Jimin said to the fans, making the fans squeal. If no one was there, I would’ve done the same. “I really am very thankful to Jungkook. He’s just very amazing.” Jimin continued. I was already about to pass out due to the heat that I was feeling. Jimin and I went back to the line and chatted with the audience a bit longer. Even until the whole show finished, I can still feel the heat of my cheeks.

“Ok… I think we should get some rest back at home now. We’re just going to pass by a restaurant to take out some food, and then we proceed to the house.” Namjoon said. The group followed him, but a part of me was saying that I need to talk to Jimin.

“Hyung.” I said, catching the attention of the rest of the members. “Can… Jimin-hyung and I be left behind? There’s something that we need to talk about.” I said. Jimin looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

“Really?” Jimin asked. I just nodded at him. Jimin looked at me, then at Tae. Tae was in Jin’s arms, and he gave Jimin a shrug and a nod. Jimin looked at me, took a deep breath, and smiled. “Ok. Hyung, just proceed without us. And please buy us some food. I don’t want to die of starvation tonight.” Jimin said and he gave Namjoon a smile. Namjoon nodded and smiled before going to the van to head to the restaurant. When they were gone, Jimin faced me.

“What? What are we going to talk about?” Jimin asked in that innocent tone of his.

“Hyung, not here. Follow me.” I said to him confidently as he took his hand and walked to the nearby park. I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy holding his hand all the time. While we were walking to the park, I didn’t even feel tired. In a few minutes, we reached the park. I led him to the park bench, still holding his hand. When we got there, we just sat on the park bench.

“Uhm… Jungkook, you can release my hand now.” Jimin said to me. I didn’t realize that I haven’t released his hand yet since we left the studio.

“Oh… yeah. Sorry.” I said to him as I hesitantly released him from my grip. Jimin took his own hand. The make-up was gone now, and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I noticed he was blushing. Is he… blushing because I held his hand?

“S-so… what is it that we need to talk about?” Jimin asked. I took a deep breath before starting.

“Hyung… do you… actually, remember me now? Are you starting to remember me before the accident?” I asked him, not bothering to hide the nervousness I was feeling right now. Every second that passed in silence felt like a million years to me. I was beginning to sweat.

“Actually…” Jimin finally spoke. “Actually, no, and yes.” Jimin answered. “Some memories come flooding into my mind every now and then, and they are connected to you. But I still cannot figure out what we used to be before the accident.” Jimin answered. I released a breath a didn’t realize I was holding in the whole time he was speaking.

“Really?” I asked him. He nodded at me.

“Hyung… there’s also another thing that I want to tell you, and I think this might be the right time, and only time that I’d be able to do it.” I said to him. I took a deep breath, and exhaled before continuing. “Hyung, I like you. No… I love you.” I said to him, covering my face with my already sweaty hands. I didn’t want to look at him at this moment. I don’t want to see the shock and disgust that might be written across his face. “Y-you don’t have t-to answer n-now. I just want to tell you how I feel. It’s ok if you don’t want to reciprocate the feeling – I am not even expecting you to do so. But please, let me express my love for you.” I blurted out. I was beginning to cry when I felt Jimin shift his position towards me. He removed my hands from my face and lifted my chin to look at him. I almost jumped in surprise when I saw how close our faced were. And instead of disgust, I saw something else in Jimin’s eyes. I can’t figure out what it was.

“Kookie… I think we should give it a try.” Jimin said to me. My eyes widened at what I just heard from him. What? Did he just accept my confession?

“Kookie, when we were playing match making, I warned you to not fall in love with me. But instead, I fell for you. I began to act weird around you, because every time we touch, I feel the heat rushing to my face. I certainly don’t know what was happening to me. But then, I realized, maybe I already fell for you. And I am happy that you feel the same way – AHHHH!!!” Jimin’s words were cut when he suddenly shrieked. I was very shocked at the sudden loud sound, and then I saw him rolling on the ground, holding his head.

“Hyung!!!” I shouted as I help him up. He fainted, so I carried him back to the bench. I waited for him to wake up, and luckily, he woke up within minutes only. “Hyung, what happened?” I asked him. He looked at me with shock but his expression eventually softened.

“Another flood of intense memories came rushing in. I don’t know why that happens. But it was about you.” Jimin said to me. He stood up and pulled me with him. I was shocked when he suddenly pecked my cheek, which immediately turned tomato red. “Kookie, I’m hungry. I think we should go home now.” Jimin said to me. I just nodded and followed him back to the house.

When we reached the house, we found the members still sprawled everywhere in the living room, Jin and Tae spooning. When we opened the door, the members all sat up and looked at us.

“So… what did you guys talk about?” Yoongi asked. Jimin and I just laughed and went to the dining room.

“Thanks for waiting for us. Let’s eat!” Jimin said as he put the food on the serving plates. The members headed to the dining room and sat down to eat. As usual, I started by putting food on Jimin’s bowl. He did the same – he took my bowl and filled it with food, just like what he used to do before the accident. We ate peacefully, while the other members are watching the two of us.

After the dinner, I went to Jin and Tae shared room to see them cuddling each other. Apparently, Jin told Yoongi, Hosoek, and Namjoon to clean the utensils used, even just for tonight. I silently went for the box with notes, took a pen, and wrote on one of them.


I am so happy today!!!

Except for the success of the show, Chim-Chim and I are going to give our relationship a shot. We are going to get to know each other much better. I get to spend more time with him. I am just so happy! I don’t even know what to say!

I hope this time, it will all be better. This is not acting anymore… this is all for real. I am just so happy. Chim-Chim, thanks for giving me a chance. I’m not gonna let you down.

Jungkookie <3


After I wrote the note and hid it again, I went to our shared room, and found Jimin playing on his phone. When he heard the door open, he looked up to me, and patted the bed. I blushed a bit at his action, but went to the bed anyway. When I was completely in the bed, Jimin wrapped his arms and legs around me.

“When I told you last time I like cuddling, I wasn’t lying then. But when I told you it wasn’t only with you, that’s nonsense. I like cuddling with you, that is.” Jimin said to me, drawing a smile from my lips and making me blush more.

“You like cuddling me even though I haven’t showered yet?” I playfully asked him. He slowly let go of me, and smiled.

“You don’t smell bad at all, so it’s alright. But take the shower first.” Jimin said as I stood up and headed for the shower room. I hurriedly showered, and went back to our room to find him still waiting for me. After drying up, I went back to bed and let him cuddle me.

“Better?” I asked him. He hummed in approval, but his mouth was at the crook of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. “Chim-Chim… I am not comfortable with you snuggling up my neck.” I said to him. Instead of backing off, he just hummed again, and again, and again, making more electricity go down along my body. “Yah… Chim-Chim if you don’t stop I’ll – “ I said to him but he suddenly let go of me and placed his face in front of me.

“You’ll what?” He asked me, with a smirk on his face. I was starting to feel hot and sweaty again. “Tell me, Kookie, what would you do to me?” He asked again, his usually high pitched voice dropping down an octave or two. All I did was swallow hard because of the tease hovering above me.

“I-I’ll n-not cuddle y-you anymore.” I said to him, stuttering. He smiled, and went back to cuddling me. I let go of another breath that I was holding in the whole time.

“Good night, Kookie.” Jimin said.

“Good night, Chim-Chim.” I answered him as I closed my eyes to yet the best sleep of my life.


Sorry for the late update...  well, late compared to my everyday updates last week. I already ran out of written plot, so I'll have to spend time writting the chapter plots first.


Ineedmytherapy, i miss your comments already! hahah


♥♥♥ all my reader! #Fighting

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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you wrote...it's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)