Turning Tables

Chapter 3:


Jimin’s POV:


Walking to the same big building became my daily routine since the training started. Every time I do so, I always realize that my decision of walking to the building was very stupid. Every morning, I already feel dirty and sticky even before the training starts. But that feeling started to fade as the weeks passed.

I noticed that after a week or so of walking to the studio, it became easier for me to walk to the building without being late or being too tired. I also started waking up earlier so that I can enjoy my walk without worrying for my complexion as the sun is already up and shining.

Suddenly, I’m glad that I made the decision of walking to BigHit.

“Is it just me, or your body is getting better every day?” Tae jokingly asked me one day while we were training.

“Maybe this is from my everyday walk to the studio from my house. Why don’t you try it?” I answered him while wiping the sweat that trickled down my face after dancing to a routine that the instructor asked us to master.

“Maybe I can try, but I don’t think I can do that for long. You know, my house is actually a bit far from this building.” Tae explained to me with a sad expression. Even when he looks sad, I still couldn’t help but think that he looks like a cute little child.

“Mine is also far, you know. It’s about three kilometers from here.” I told him before putting my towel back to the bag.

“Really? You walk that far every day to get here? No wonder your abs are getting more obvious.” Tae chuckled. Really? I really have abs? I suddenly felt the urge to lift my shirt up right in the corner of the room to check on myself. Of course, I’m sane enough to decide not to.

The rest of my training days went like that. I really didn’t mind, but I was surprised that even though we train in the same company, I never actually met Jungkook. I guess I got too absorbed with the training that I didn’t really care if he was here or not.

I and Tae became really close friends while we were in training. We would walk to the studio in the morning, we will train together, and we will eat lunch together. At times when his alien side takes over him, he even asks me if we could shower together. Of course I will not let him.

One day, I woke up feeling something in my gut. I don’t get it why, but after months of training in BigHit, this is the first time I felt this again. It’s as if my guts are telling me something will happen today. Yeah right, Jimin whatever. Just stand up and prepare.

While I was walking to mine and Tae’s meeting place where we would wait for each other so we can walk the rest of the way together, I noticed something was missing. I continued walking to the bench, and when I was finally able to sit down, I took my back pack off and searched through my things. Whatever that missing thing was, it was important because I actually remembered it without looking at my things. But to my dismay, I couldn’t remember what that missing thing was.

“I’m sure I’m missing something…” I babbled impatiently while getting my stuff out from the bag. In frustration, I removed my snapback and tossed it to the ground. I wish I hadn’t done that because the dirty ground will surely get my favorite black accessory dusty and grey. When I turned to reach for the poor thing, I was surprised it wasn’t where I knew I threw it. I looked around and saw no one.

“Now where the hell did my snapback-”


In my surprise and fear, I looked behind me and hit whatever that thing was with my closed fist. Still not yet over with what happened, I picked my tumbler from the pile of things and almost threw it to the thing when I heard a familiar voice.

“Hey wait don’t hit me with that one!” Tae screamed while trying to cover himself. He’s got one hand on his face, while to other holding something in the air. It was my snapback.

“What the hell Tae? I almost died of heart attack! You know how easy it is for me to get scared and startled.” I basically yelled at him while gathering my things and putting them back into the bag.

“Well, say that to the person you just hit!” Tae answered while rubbing his jaw. “You’re lucky no blood went out, or else you’ll have to take me to the hospital. And you shall give me a piggyback.” He continued while getting into some weird pose that’s supposed to look like him riding a piggyback.

“I’m so sorry Tae. I promise I’ll pay for your lunch today.” I said while getting ready to leave. “Now, shall we begin walking? I don’t want to be late today.” I told him while gesturing to him to hurry.

When we reached the studio, I was surprised to see more trainees coming this early. We were usually very early that we have time to get a nap before anyone actually comes. Today it was different. It was as if they were all excited about something.

The training started with some stretching, as usual. It is during this moment when I shine the most. I’m not a conceited person, but I find myself really flexible, compared to other people. I started with sitting on the floor and effortlessly reaching for my toes. Then I tried to reach even further. When I finally felt the strain on my leg muscles, I stopped and looked at people around me. One person caught my attention. I don’t know if his legs are too long, or it’s just that he’s inflexible, but he was having a hard time even just reaching for his ankles. That person also looked back at me, and gave me a wide smile. I smiled back at him. There’s something about his face. His face was rather longer than usual.

“Really, for how long can you stay in that position?” Tae asked while he got ready to do some splits.

“For as long I want to. You see, I can even do this” I answered him as I shifted my position. Without standing up or preparing for it, I went to a full split position.

After I did that, I knew Tae was impressed because he let out a long “Woah…”, confirming that what I just did amazed him. Then I noticed something moving in my peripheral vision. I don’t easily get distracted by the things happening at the corner of my eye, but this person really got my attention. He would surely never fail to get anyone’s attention because of his unusually pale complexion. He isn’t that tall, maybe he’s around the same height as I am. It took everything in my power to hold back a laugh when I saw what he was trying to do – he was actually trying to do a split! You won’t be able to tell at the first glance, because the lowest he could go looks like he was only trying to dry his legs by opening them up a bit.

After the stretching session, we proceeded to the training proper. We danced for about an hour, then rested for about ten minutes, then danced again before going on our lunch breaks. As promised, I paid for Tae’s food.

We went out of the building and walked to Tae’s favorite restaurant. He ordered lots of food. I only ordered an ordinary vegetable dish, because today was my no-meat day. I invented that day to keep myself from eating too much meat and fats and getting chubbier. After we ate, we returned to the studio and practiced singing.

Today’s singing session was different. We were tasked to go into small rooms with a mic, lyrics stand, and headphones. We are to sing with different people that we do not see. Our parts in the lyrics where highlighted, and since we cannot see the people we are singing with, we have no one to depend on except for ourselves. As the song started, I heard a very manly voice through my headphones, and GOSH, his rapping is very good. I can actually feel his voice through the headphones, because he raps with some sort of melody. There are times that he will put emphasis on a syllable that I can almost swear I can feel his saliva hitting my ears. There are also times that his voice becomes very soft and inviting and somehow seductive. His voice is just amazing. I continued sneaking in my adlibs to make the song a bit more colorful.

Then came in the chorus. Another voice came up. His voice was a bit squeaky that I can say the owner is a person smaller than me. Nonetheless, he really has a nice tune and color to his voice. He can easily hit high register notes, but I can say that my voice is still higher than his. Then came my part.

I really find it easy to sing that particular song, because the range in comfortably within my singing range. Well of course except for the high notes that I usually do. My part was done really quickly.

My mind started to wander when I heard another voice. This guy can really sing. I suddenly felt insecure about his voice, because he can also do runs and high notes, though not as high as mine. His voice was actually very captivating and charming. If I can marry a voice, I would’ve done it now. I instantly fell in love with the voice.

After the song, the instructor told us through the headphones to go back to the studio for an important announcement.

“We are a bit surprised with how good you guys are.” The instructor started. I looked at Tae, who was smiling very happily with every word that the speaker is saying, as if the compliments were being given to him personally.

“That’s why some of you will be going to the dorms tonight to meet their new band members. If your name is called, you may now leave this studio and gather your belongings, as you are required now to live with your fellow members.” The instructor continued, earning different reactions from the trainees. Some were happy, some were excited, while some looked worried. Tae’s very bright smile a while ago was now gone as he looked at me with worry written on his face. Judging from the way he looks, I can say he is really nervous.

“Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok,…Kim Namjoon” the instructor said some names. Two Kim’s were already called, and I noticed Tae’s expression becoming more and more serious with every name being called.

“Kim Taehyung,…Min Yoongi” as soon as Tae heard his name he jumped up and said goodbye to me before going. He looked too excited.

“…Park Jimin…”when my name was called, I immediately went for the exit.

When I got home, the first thing I did was shower. When I got inside, I realized that this might be the last time in a long time that I will use this room. With that thought in mind, I took my time. It was by far my best shower ever, because it was so relaxing to just stand there and feel every drop of water on your skin. Afterwards, I also lay on my bed for a few minutes, wanting to savor every moment. I didn’t even notice that I began dozing off to sleep.

I woke up to the ringtone of my phone. Oh that was it! It was my phone that I forgot this morning! I left it under my pillow last night and forgot to get it before I went to the studio.


From: Tae

Hey, Jimin-hyung! I’m with my fellow members now. They’re friendly you know. And remember the two Kim’s that were called before me? They are actually my bandmates! Small world…


From: Tae

Why won’t you reply? We are getting along well here. We’re having so much fun knowing each other.


“Two messages from Tae?” I was a bit surprised, because it’s very rare that he replied to my texts, let alone texted me himself. Another message was waiting to be read.


From: BigHit

Here is the address of your dorm. Have a safe trip.


I continued reading as I wrote the address down. I stood up to leave when I noticed something…

Stupid,Jimin. So you’re leaving without you belongings? I don’t know what’s happening with my mind, but what the hell; I even tried to go to the dorm without packing up. I’ll surely be the last person to enter the dorm.

It took me about an hour to prepare everything that I need and bid my apartment farewell before riding the bus to the dorm. I grew more and more nervous as my ride neared the building written on the message from the company. How do I begin again? How will I tell them my name? How am I going to make friends with them? All of these questions came running in my mind until I reached the dorm. Hesitating for a moment, I knocked at the door.

I almost fell when the door suddenly opened when I leaned on it while fixing something. “Jimin-hyung!!!” Tae’s voice came from inside the building and suddenly I felt arms around me.

“Oh, hi Tae!!! So… we’re bandmates?” I happily asked Tae, who’s being accompanied by a tall guy with wide shoulders and pretty face.

“Yes!!! Well, it seems. And by the way, Jimin-hyung, this is Jin-hyung. Jin-hyung, this is Jimin-hyung” Tae hurriedly said while forcing me and Jin-hyung into a handshake.

“Nice meeting you Jimin! I hope we will be good friends.” Jin greeted me with a smile. His voice sounded familiar, but I pushed the thought aside since I had to say something.

“It’s nice meeting you, too, Jin-hyung. I think we have no choice but to be friends” I said to him in the most joking way possible. Luckily, we all ended up laughing.

When I entered the building, I was greeted by three more people sitting on the couches.

“Hey, it’s you!!! The guy that can reach past his toes!” a familiar looking guy said to me loudly, as if he was mad or something. He looked familiar, because he has a longer face that most people I know.

“My name is Jung Hoseok, but you can call me Hoseok for short. And I think I’m your hyung.” he smiled at me.

“Hi my name is Park Jimin, but you can call Jimin.”I replied. My peripheral vision noticed a movement again. I looked at another person who was sitting lazily on the sofa. He had a pale complexion.

“Hey, Jimin. My name in Min Yoongi, but you can call me Yoongi-hyung. I don’t like noisy people.” The person said to me. At first I thought he was serious, then all of them started laughing.

“Hi Jimin, my name is Kim Namjoon. You can call me Namjoon-hyung. It’s nice meeting you!” another person said from the kitchen, carrying a gallon of ice cream with him.

“Hi.” That was all I managed to answer. I’m overwhelmed. I felt very welcome here. It’s like I’ve already known them for a long time, because about five minutes after we introduced each other, we already played with each other and jokes around each other.

“So, it’s just the six of us?” I asked them when we settled down to rest after a very hard laugh.

“No, there’s another one, he just went out to buy food for everyone. And by the way, he’s the maknae of the group.” Namjoon-hyung answered. I just nodded at him.

Suddenly, the LCD monitor lit up.

“Hello boys! It seems that you’re already complete with the arrival of Park Jimin. Well now, it’s time for you to know who you are. From now on, it’s not just you. The seven of you will now be called Bangtansonyeondan, or BTS for short. Good luck to you, and we hope you a successful and fun career.”

All of us suddenly went silent. Then, we started cheering and jumping like idiots.

“BTS!!! Fighting!!!” Namjoon-hyung shouted as the door opened. My jaws dropped from what I saw…

Jeon Jungkook?


Guys, thanks for the support. I find my story's progress a little bit too slow. Please tell me if i need to speed things up. Just to know what you have in mind... After all you're my readers and you have a great influence on my story... Happy reading!

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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)