Confession Pt.1: A Little Too Much

Turning Tables

Chapter 9

Confession Pt.1: A Little Too Much

Jungkook’s POV:


Why are you late?! You overslept again! That is not a good habit…

I woke up with an irritating feeling. That dream. It was scary how the manager scolded me for being late. Wait… what?! 6 am?! I woke up late! I looked at Jimin towards his side of the shared bed, but he wasn’t there. Oh, no! Did he really leave me? Practice is about to start in 15 minutes, and there’s no way I can possibly get to the studio without a ride. I’m running late, so I rushed down the stairs to check if they are still here. No one was downstairs. No one.

They all left me? But why? I suddenly felt sad about life. I swear I’m going to wake up earlier next time. I was about to go back to my room to prepare when I heard Tae is door opening. The two of them, Taehyung and Jin, stood in their doorway bearing shocked look on their faces. I was equally shocked to see them still here. Were they also late?

“Woah! What’s with today, Jungkook?” Tae asked. I am confused.

“Jungkook what made you wake up early?” Jin asked as well. I really don’t know how to react.

“Bad dream. And isn’t it there’s practice today? I thought you all left me. Seems like we’re all running late. Manager is going to kill us all.” I answered them. They stood in silence and looked at each other for a moment before bursting to laughter.

“What’s funny?! I don’t get it guys!” I shouted at them. They just continued laughing. The event was so loud that Hoseok was woken up. He went to us and joined the conversation.

“What is this all about?” Hoseok asked.

“They’re laughing at me! Isn’t it we're supposed to hurry?! We’re already running late! I thought all of you left me!” I ranted at Hoseok. He didn’t help the situation. He joined Tae and Jin in their maddened laughter.

I was already starting to get angry when an angrier Yoongi came out of the door where Hoseok came from. Oh no, we actually woke him up. Get ready for the storm.

“What the hell is happening here?!” Yoongi asked.

“We’re so sorry hyung. These guys seem to go crazy about being late.” I said sounding as childish as possible so Yoongi will take pity on me.

“Late for what?” He asked. Oh no, not you too…

“Rehearsals start at 6:15 am, and it’s already 6:10. We will be late, and manager will be mad again.” I explained to him. I can already feel tears building. I am really afraid of the manager when he’s mad and serious. When he isn’t, he’s just like a father to us.

“Uhm, Jungkook. Do you know what day is it today?” Yoongi asked. What does he mean?

“Yes, it’s Sunday.” Oh, . SUNDAY! IT’S REST DAY!

“Do you know what happens during Sundays?” Yoongi asked again.

It took me a while before I answered him. I tried to find a way to get away with this without looking stupid. Unfortunately, there’s no such way.

“I’M SO SORRY!!! I FORGOT IT’S REST DAY!” I apologized while kneeling and letting my head touch the floor. Luckily, all of the them seized laughing and apologized to me as well.

“Ok, I need to go to the kitchen now. I have to cook our breakfast.” Jin said before heading to the kitchen to cook our food. Taehyung and I went to the living room to rest and watch TV. We talked about random things that come to our minds. Usually, the topic was about other groups, anime, and our idols. Everyone in BTS knows that I am a big fanboy of G-Dragon. They even tell me sometimes that I sound like him when I rap. The chat went on and on until I mentioned how I panicked when I didn’t see Jimin beside me when I woke up.

“Really? You freaked out?!” Tae asked curiously. What’s so interesting about that?

“Of course! That only made my belief that I am really late even more convincing.” I can’t help but notice the sudden gleam in Tae’s eyes.

“What’s so interesting about it, hyung? Is there something I don’t know?” I asked. Tae swallowed hard. There is something here.

“Uhmm… Uh… ” Tae was out of words. I knew I caught him by then. But suddenly, we heard Jin shouting from the kitchen.

“TAEHYUNG!!! CAN YOU PLEASE COME HERE?! I NEED SOME HELP!” Jin’s high-pitched voice resounded in the whole building.

“Yes, hyung! Coming!” Tae shouted in response. He hurriedly stood up and ran to the kitchen. He escaped…

I was alone for some moments in the living room. Random thoughts came rushing to my mind. Jimin. Jimin has become really clingy to me lately. It’s just weird. He gives me hugs every time he feels like giving me one. He takes a video of me anytime he wants to. He takes photos of me even if I don’t want him to. He’s being too close to me. It’s just a little too much for my liking.

I continued discussing Jimin’s clinginess to me with myself when I heard the front door opening. Jimin.

“Good everyone!!!” Jimin shouted as he entered the house. Of course, I forgot. He goes jogging every morning. That can be seen by his sweaty body and hair. He was also panting a bit when he entered the living room. He then cast his eyes on me.

“Good morning, Kookie!!!” He said with a big smile.

“Good morning, Jimin.” I said, trying to sound as energetic as possible, but to no avail.

Luckily, Jimin did not do or say a thing. He headed to the kitchen and handed the bag he was carrying to Jin and whispered something to him before turning and smiling at me. He then went straight to our shared room. Thank god he didn’t bug me.

After a few minutes of silence in the house, Jimin went out from the room again, in new clothes. He showered, well he should, after all the sweat he expelled in his jogging session. He went straight to my direction and sat beside me. I already knew what was going to happen next.

“Hi Kookie! Did you miss me?” Jimin asked while trying to hug me. Well, I just let him hug me for now.

“No, I didn’t. But I freaked out when I didn’t see you beside me when I woke up.” I noticed his face suddenly brighten up. “Because I thought all of you left me, and you went to the rehearsals without me. I really freaked out.” But his bright expression gradually disappeared as I said the other part of my narration. What’s with this guy?

“Ok, time to eat!” Jin said from the kitchen, making all of us rush to the dining room to eat breakfast. The food was the usual breakfast that Jin prepared for us, but we never got tired of the taste. Jin’s cooking is really good. We sat in the usual seating arrangement. Then, Jin came with another bowl in his hands. It contained my favorite dish.

“Thanks, Jin-hyung!” Jimin said. I felt sad, because I thought I am going to eat that food again after a long time.

Then, suddenly, my bowl was snatched. I forgot the usual routine of Jimin – he takes my bowl almost every meal and fills it with food. What even shocked me is when the food he put is the food that Jin carried. Then, I remembered what Jimin gave Jin a few moments ago. So this is it! He bought me my favorite food!

“Eat Kookie! I bought that especially for you!” Jimin said to me when he gave my bowl back. I can’t help but smile, seeing my bowl filled with delicious food. I ate the food like there’s no tomorrow. When I finished my food, I was a bit unhappy because I thought that wasn’t enough. Then Jimin filled my bowl again with the same food.

“WOW, Jimin, you have another one?” I asked him without looking, because I immediately began eating again.

“Of course! I know that is your favorite and you’ll not be satisfied with one serving, so I bought another one, in case you’ll want more.” Jimin answered. He seemed pleased just looking at me eating. What is he thinking? Why is he so kind?

After eating, we all settled down in the living room to rest after filling our tummies. Everyone needs to rest but I need it more than anyone right now. The treat that I got is very heavy. I was starting to feel relaxed again when Jimin suddenly walked to me and sat down beside me. He rested his head on my shoulder and talked to me.

“Did you like my treat Kookie?” He asked. I don’t like the nickname. It actually sounds cute, but I don’t like Jimin using that to me, especially when he is fluffy and clingy. I’ll let him for today, just as a way of thanking him for the food he bought for me.

“Yes, thanks Jimin.” I said to him gratefully.

“Yah… It should be hyung, Jimin-hyung.” Jimin said while slapping mg face softly. This is enough. I shook his head off my shoulder and stood up to get water from the fridge. I barely took a sip from my glass when he reappeared.

“How do you want to spend today?” Jimin asked. Why does he keep on following me?

“Uhm… Stay here? Sleep? Rest?” I said uninterestingly. With that, he FINALLY walked away. While I was putting the water back into the fridge, I heard a deep voice talk to me.

“Hey, Jungkook. Have you recovered yet?” Tae asked me, while trying to hold a laugh back.

“Hyung! Why do you keep reminding me of that stupid mistake?” I said while pouting heavily. Tae seemed to feel guilty and apologized.

“Sorry, Jungkook. I was just having fun. Uhm, have you seen Jimin-hyung?” Tae asked. Jimin again?

“He was here a few moments ago. Maybe he went to the room?” I said to him, pointing to the open door of our shared room.

“Oh… yeah. Maybe he’s there. Thanks!” Tae said to me before heading to the room I pointed to.

They seemed to have taken some time in our room. It’s been a few couple of minutes since Tae entered the room. When they came out, Jimin was smiling like hell. Then they went to the living room.

“I’m going to the convenience store. Jungkook, will you go with me?” Jimin asked. Since I owe him the delicious food earlier during breakfast, I agreed to his request. Along the way to the convenience store, he was quite silent. He didn’t act fluffy or clingy in such a public place, luckily. All we did along the way was having some small talks about random things. I felt comfortable around him that time. When we reached the convenience store, we separated ways, because we knew we could easily find each other. I was busy looking at the food when Jimin spoke from behind.

“What do you want to buy?” Jimin asked.

“Uhm… Food?” I said childishly. I was aware I sounded like a child. When it came to things like food, I easily lose my maturity.

“Ok then, I’ll buy food.” Jimin said. Oh, why is he so kind to me?

On our way back to the house, we kept on talking about life.

“So Jungkook, how is your life before and after you auditioned?” Jimin asked.

“School. I decided to audition because I also perform in our school. After auditioning, my life became more exciting. Like some piece of me that was missing was found.” I narrated. He seemed very interested.

“Oh… So you really danced and sang huh. No wonder you are really good.” Jimin said.

“Are you kidding me? You are a better dancer than me! You also have a wonderful voice.” I said. I was just being honest. He performs better than me.

When I looked at him, he has his face turned from me. He was looking at the buildings with such interest. What’s so different with the buildings? There’s nothing to look at! Is he looking for something?

We reached the house with him like that – never facing me. When we entered, he gave me the bag of goods that we bought and immediately headed for the room. Tae looked at me and him before going after him. What’s happening?

A few moments later, Jimin and Tae emerged from the room, with Jimin’s face wet. He washed his face. He something must’ve gotten on his face on our way back. Maybe that’s why he was in such a hurry to get to the house. Then he started again.

“Hi Kookie! Sorry I had to give the bag to you. Something got on my face.” He explained. I guess I was right all along.

“It’s ok. It wasn’t heavy at all.” I replied.

“Oh, Kookie's so strong!” Jimin said while clapping and smiling like there’s no tomorrow. Did Tae turn him into an alien too?

I was feeling uncomfortable again, because for the rest of the day, he continued chasing after me. Everywhere I go, he just follows. I can’t even get some quiet, alone time because he kept on chasing me. He sometimes even carries a video camera. All I did was avoid him. He didn’t stop. This has to stop, or tone down at least. He isn’t like this to the other members. He has to stop being clingy all the time. I’ll tell him before we go to sleep later. He’ll surely listen to me.

Then, dinner came. It was much like the breakfast and lunch. Jimin filled my bowl with the food that we bought from the store. I really become happier every time I eat my favorites, because I even let Jimin hug me while eating. I also went along Tae’s humor and jokes. I become a child again when I taste delicious food.

After eating and resting for a while, we all headed for out rooms. Jimin and Tae stayed in the porch for a few moments, giving me some time alone so I showered before I went to bed. In the shower, I had time to think things over.

Why is Jimin acting so differently towards me? He is very kind to me. He’s nicer to me than he was to the rest of the group. I like the attention he was giving me. He spoiled me like he was my mother and I was his child. Never mind… maybe he’s really like that to people younger than him. Right. That may be the reason. He was also kind and very close to Taehyung. Taehyung and I are the only people in the group that are younger than him. Ok. That may be the reason.

When I got out of the shower room, Jimin was also just entering the room. While I was drying my hair, he took his turn in using the shower. He got out of the shower room carrying the hair dryer. Ok, I forgot we had a hair dryer.

His and my hair dried at the same time, so we settled on the bed at the same time as well. Before we went to sleep, he said some things to me.

“Kookie, how was your day?” Jimin asked.

“It was fun. Especially because I got to eat my favorite food again.” I answered. I was starting to feel drowsy.

“Me too, I had fun today. Thanks for the day Kookie.” Jimin said.

“Huh? I did nothing for you today, Jimin. I just followed you to the convenience store.” I said.

“The fact that you let me take you to the convenience store made my day.” Jimin said. Silence. I already closed my eyes. I have to tell him the problem.

“Jimin - ” I started, but he quickly cut me when he started talking again.

“Kookie, I really like being with you. I hope we can have more time together…” Jimin said. I can’t absorb anything he was saying. My mind was filled with sleepy thoughts already.

“Jimin, can you not be very clingy to me? It’s just a little bit too much at times. I feel a bit uncomfortable.” I said to him before totally submitting to sleep.

I didn’t hear his response. But I’m sure he said something in return.



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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)