It's Over

Turning Tables

Sorry for another relatively late chapter. I can't do daily updates, because I and my fellow ARMY's in twitter are VERY busy supporting Bangtan. Hahaha



Author’s POV:

“Why did you do this to me?” Jimin asked. “You destroyed me. Why?”

“Ch-Chim…” Jungkook tried to answer, but he couldn’t think of anything. He doesn’t know how to answer Jimin just yet. This was all too sudden for him – he was still trying to find a way on how to tell Jimin everything that has happened. But now the time to do so arrived, he can’t reflect on anything.

“Wow! Now you call me ‘Chim’!” Jimin shouted as he stood up. “Why don’t you call me Jimin, huh? Why don’t you call me short, chubby, ugly piece of clingy thing, just like how you used to call me before?” Jimin took small steps towards Jungkook. “Oh… now you can’t say anything! Well… let me tell you EVERYTHING. I know everything now, Jungkook. Everything I need to know. I remember how you treated me like a piece of ! I remember how you used to ignore my feelings! I remember how you rejected me!” Jimin blurted out to Jungkook, who was still stunned from everything that was happening around him. Jimin went closer to Jungkook’s face, tears constantly streaming down his face. “I remember… h-how you wrecked my life and tore my whole world apart. And you know what the funny thing about this is?” Jimin stood back up. “You didn’t even apologize… no, YOU DIDN’T EVEN CARE!” Jimin shouted, each word piercing Jungkook’s heart like a bullet. It was becoming too much for the younger. He was beginning to lose control of his own breathing, because his crying was beginning to worsen. As much as he wants to answer – as much as he wants to defend himself and keep the fire of their love alive, he couldn’t, because the weight of everything was crushing him, keeping him from saying everything he wanted to say – everything he needed to say.

Jimin, however, was too occupied by his own feelings to see this. “Tell me, huh, tell me Jeon Jungkook, how long are you planning on keeping this from me? Huh? Tell me!” Jimin shouted accusingly. Jungkook cannot think of anything, but he needed to speak. Come up with anything. Jungkook kept telling himself.

“Chim… I care for you… I lo – “ Jungkook said as he tried to explain.

“DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT SAYING THAT YOU LOVE ME OR THAT YOU CARE!!!” Jimin cut Jungkook’s words, making the younger cry even more, if that was even possible. Jungkook was literally shaking right now. “You only say that because you are so guilt-ridden by what you did to me!” Jimin continued.

“Ch-Chim… I-It’s not l-like that…” Jungkook tried to defend himself.

“Then tell me what it is like! You even used my amnesia to cover this whole thing up! You even tried showering me with all your guilt-ridden, fake love. Jungkook! Jungkook, just because I’m short, doesn’t mean I am a kid that you can bribe and appease with candies and chocolates!” Jimin said to Jungkook. “And you know what the biggest joke here is?” Jimin asked as he picked a wooden chair up. “I ING FELL FOR IT!!!” Jimin shouted, throwing the chair across the room, making it shatter to splinters. Jungkook just watched while crying. He can’t think now… all he knows is that pain that was ripping his whole soul into pieces.

“What the hell was that?!” Tae asked Jin, both bearing shocked expressions on their faces.

“I don’t know, Tae, but I don’t think it’s good.” Jin answered as both of them ran for the source of the sound. Tae and Jin entered their room to see a shaking Jungkook lying on the floor and another crying Jimin.

“Wh-What’s happening here?” Tae asked as he scanned the room, sight resting on the splinters from the wooden chair that is now in pieces. Jimin looked at Tae and Jin.

“Tae… you know everything about this, too, don’t you?” Jimin asked Tae. Tae looked around at all the mess in their room, and quickly realized what Jimin meant as soon as he saw the red, black, and white box on the floor, along with the notes that Jimin wrote during his crazy love for Jungkook before the accident. Despite of knowing what the commotion is all about, Tae couldn’t come up with a word. He was tongue-tied with all the stress and emotions he’s currently witnessing.

“GREAT!!! ALL OF YOU KNEW AND NO ONE SPOKE ABOUT THIS !” Jimin shouted. Tae, too, was unable to hold himself together as he fell down crying. Oh my god… Tae thought. Jimin fisted his own hair, later bursting into a fit of laughter that undoubtedly screamed of pain and feeling of betrayal. Jimin punch the table top and pushed his Jin-hyung out of the way as he stormed out of the house, mumbling ‘I thought you were my friend’ just after he walked past Tae.

All that Jin did was let Jimin walk out of the room and out of the house. When Jimin was gone, he sat down beside Tae and pulled him and Jungkook into hug to comfort the two, who were sobbing uncontrollably. The commotion must’ve woken up the rest of the group, as Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok entered the room moments later.

“Hey! What the fu – WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!” Namjoon was about to scold the members for being so noisy this early in the morning, but completely forgot about it when he saw all the mess that has become of the room. “Hyung! What happened?” He continued to ask to Jin, because seeing Jungkook and Tae, there’s no way they will be able to explain anything right now.

“Namjoon… I really don’t know everything, but what I know is that Jimin finally remembered everything about Jungkook and what he did to him.” Jin explained, while constantly rubbing Jungkook’s and Tae’s backs to comfort them. “And now, Jimin thinks Jungkook’s love for him was just guilt, and he thinks of Tae a traitor.” Jin continued.

“Ok… that kinda explains everything we need to know.” Namjoon said.

“But… where’s Jimin?” Yoongi asked.

“I don’t know… he just ran off… he even pushed me out of the way.” Jin answered. Tae looked up and wiped his tears.

“I-I think I-I k-know where h-he is.” Tae spoke up, his words constantly being cut by sobs and hiccups. Jungkook was still crying hard. “W-When he’s u-upset h-he goes t-to the p-park.” Tae continued.

“What do we do now?” Hoseok asked all five members in the room with him. “I know he needs time, but he also needs us. He can’t just cry it all out… and I’m afraid he might do something stupid.” Hoseok continued.

“And I think of all the people in here, Tae and Jungkook are the last persons he would ever want to see.” Namjoon said. Tae stood up with Jin’s help and wiped his tears with the collar of his shirt.

“No… That may be the case, but Jungkook and I are the only p-people who knows everything. I-I’ll go and talk to him.” Tae volunteered.

“Tae… are you sure about that? You saw how angry Jimin was. I was actually surprised to see the table still standing after that punch he did.” Jin said to Tae, placing a hand on his shoulder. Tae looked at Jin and nodded.

“I know… But I know Jimin-hyung. He won’t hurt other people.” Tae said confidently before stepping out of the room to look for Jimin. The members who remained in the room went to Jungkook and comforted him.

“After all this stress… I think I should cook good breakfast to at least make the situation a little bit better.” Jin said to the group. “Stay and comfort Jungkook. He needs us now more than ever.” Jin continued as he left to cook breakfast.

Jungkook continued to sob into Namjoon’s chest. “It will be alright… You know Jimin is a kind person.” Yoongi comfortingly said to Jungkook. Jungkook looked up and tried to speak.

“H-Hyung… I ed up… I-I was going to tell him a-about everything someday… b-but he saw t-the notes… And n-now he remembers how I t-treated him b-before the a-accident.” Jungkook explained to the three rappers. “And n-now... it’s over! I w-was j-just trying to p-protect him from all the h-hurt, but I ended u-up hurting him more! I don’t know what to do now!!!” Jungkook screamed. Namjoon pulled him closer and rubbed his back to give comfort.

“Jungkook… you sure do know what to do. And it starts by accepting everything that’s happened.”  Namjoon said as he continued comforting the maknae.

Tae had his hoodie on and carried two handkerchiefs in his hand. He thought about giving Jimin the other, and the other one, to wipe his own tears, or if worse comes to worst, blood. He walked to the well-known park and headed straight to the park bench he knew Jimin would go to if he needs to be alone. And he was right – he found Jimin curled up, with feet up on the bench and knees covering his head. Even from a far, Tae could see Jimin shaking.

Tae slowly approached Jimin and stopped near the bench. He didn’t take a seat just yet. He took a deep breath before speaking.

“Hyung…” Tae began. He was just calling Jimin but Jimin immediately reacted.

“No, Tae… I don’t want to talk now… Go away.” Jimin said bluntly at Tae. Tae was got a bit scared, but he’s gone way too far to back out now.

“Jimin, we are talking. Right here, right now.” Tae said with firmness in his voice. Jimin stopped crying, and slowly lifted his head. Tae knew that Jimin cannot say no to him when he starts to talk with a serious tone. Jimin’s eyes were puffy and bloodshot with all the crying. Tae couldn’t help but feel guilty as he sat down beside Jimin.

“Hyung, I came here to say I’m sorry for everything…” Tae began talking. “I am sorry for hiding your past from you.” Jimin started to cry again. “And this is the reason why I don’t want you to know about it just yet… I don’t want you to feel the pain of rejection when you barely recovered from the accident.” Tae explained.

“But Tae! It’s been months already! You know how badly I wanted to know the past. You know that I’ve already recovered. But why didn’t you say anything? Why did you keep on hiding it? If it wasn’t for the notes, I wouldn’t have had an idea on how that Jungkook made me felt!” Jimin ranted. His voice was hoarse, probably after all the shouting that he did back in the room. “Tae, I’m tired. I’m tired of all of this. I’m tired of the games Jungkook kept playing on me.” Jimin continued.

Tae would’ve burst into tears again upon hearing those words, but he decided not to – Jimin needs him now, and he needs to be strong for him. “Hyung… I noticed how close you and Jungkook have gotten to each other. I didn’t want to ruin everything. And besides…” Tae slid closer and held Jimin’s shoulder. “I saw how much Jungkook loves you. I witnessed the care that he’s been directing to you the whole time. He doesn’t want you to get hurt anymore.” Tae continued. Jimin looked Tae in the eyes.

“But if he… cares… he should’ve considered how I would feel when I found about everything – how stupid it will make me feel about myself for falling for him again after all the things he’s done to me in the past.” Jimin said to Tae. “Tae, Jungkook basically used my condition to cover up the ing mess he did. If you were in my position, how would that make you feel?” He asked Tae. Tae was unable to answer the question, because honestly, he doesn’t know. Part of him says that he will still forgive Jungkook, but he thought that was maybe because he wasn’t feeling it. He doesn’t know how much it hurt Jimin.

“Tae, he didn’t protect me from the pain. What he did is lift me up higher from the ground, only to let me fall again that much harder. He hurt now more than he hurt me before.” Jimin continued talking.

“Hyung, but you know how much Jungkook has changed. You’re a liar if you say he didn’t shower you with all the love he could give. Hyung, Jungkook loves you. And he’s sorry for all the he’s done to you in the past.” Tae tried to lift Jimin’s anger towards Jungkook. This is his way to help the two with their relationship, as much as how they help him and Jin to be together.

“But Tae, this is not just about the past. If it was, then it would be much easier. But no… what hurt me the most is the fact that he didn’t do anything for me to remember this. It’s like he was using my disability to get to me. And that’s what makes me feel this way.” Jimin said to Tae. Tae pulled Jimin into a hug and rubbed his back to make him feel better even just for a bit.

“Hyung… I am really sorry for hiding this to you…” Tae apologized again. Jimin patted Tae’s head.

“Tae… It’s not your fault. I just said those words to you because I was too overwhelmed by my feelings back inside the house.” Jimin said as he let go of Tae. Tae smiles his signature box smile, pulling up a small smile on Jimin’s lips.

“Hyung…” Tae said as he took Jimin hand and caressed its back. “I really hope – “

“AHHHH!!!!” Tae’s words were cut by Jimin’s sudden scream of pain. Tae immediately let go of Jimin and held his head.

“HYUNG?! WHAT HAPPENED?” Tae asked, panicking, trying to massage Jimin’s head. Jimin was looking down on his hand. Tae’s gaze trailed down to where Jimin was looking.

“You just touched my bruise, idiot.” Jimin mumbled. Tae laughed.

“I’m so sorry!!! I thought it was your head that was hurting again.” Tae said as he took Jimin’s hand again and examined it. His knuckles were reddish-violet.

“Where did you get these?” Tae asked.

“When I punch the table during my outburst. I didn’t feel it though. I only remembered it being there when I sat alone here.” Jimin confessed. Tae laughed again and pulled Jimin unto his feet.

“Let’s go back now. We should get that treated.” Tae said to Jimin, but Jimin didn’t follow him.

“Why?” Tae asked.

“I don’t know if I can face Jungkook right now. I don’t know what would happen.” Jimin said.

“But hyung, you know that you have to clear this up sooner or later, right?” Tae asked. Jimin sighed.

“I don’t know Tae… I can’t think about fixing this now.” Jimin said. Tae held his wrist and led him back to the house.

Jungkook was still hidden in Namjoon’s embrace a few minutes after the commotion, just crying. After some time, he decided to break free.

“Thanks for being here for me, hyung.” Jungkook said to Namjoon and to the other two rappers sitting next to him. Jungkook stood up, but not without the three’s support. “I’m ok, hyung, go eat breakfast. You must be starving now.” Jungkook faked a smile. Namjoon pulled him in for another hug before going down to the dining room to eat.

Jungkook was left alone in the room, which had now become a mess, with one used-to-be chair that shattered to pieces, and papers everywhere on the floor. Jungkook took a deep breath. Not now, Jungkook, you have to clean this. You can cry again later… just not now. Jungkook said to himself, trying his best not to cry, as he began to pick each note up and pile them inside the forbidden box. With each note that Jungkook picked up, his heart was being torn apart. He had to stop a few times to relax and recompose himself before continuing to work. After picking up the last piece of note, Jungkook closed the box and carried it with him to the dining room, where Jin was already clearing the table. Jin looked at him with worry written all over his face. Jungkook smiled at Jin, and hugged him again. Jin patted his back and kept saying ‘it will be alright’ and ‘you can fix this’ to comfort Jungkook. After the hug, Jungkook handed him the box.

“Hyung… I don’t think this is needed anymore. And I can’t throw it away myself. Can you please do that for me, at least?” Jungkook asked Jin. Jin looked at the box, then at Jungkook, before sighing and nodding to the younger.

“Thanks, hyung. Now that Jimin-hyung remembers everything, there’s no point in keeping that.” Jungkook said to Jin before going to the living room to talk to Namjoon.

“Hyung.” Jungkook said to call the leader’s attention. Namjoon turned around, got up, and went over to Jungkook.

“What?” Namjoon asked. Jungkook took a deep breath before telling Namjoon his decision.

“Can I move to your room?” Jungkook asked. Namjoon didn’t feel the need to ask why – he knows exactly what this is all about. He nodded at Jungkook and followed him to his shared room with Jimin.

“Are you sure about this?” Namjoon asked. Jungkook sighed and nodded.

“Yes, hyung. I’m sure I’m the last person in the world that Jimin-hyung would want to see right now. And staying in the same room won’t help both of us.” Jungkook answered. After packing his clothes, he went to the bed and got his pillow and left the room to fix his things in Namjoon’s room. When he entered the room, he was surprised to see it a little bit bigger that what Namjoon said during their first night in the house. It was actually just a little smaller than the other rooms, but the bed was the same. He put his stuff down, and plopped on the bed face first and cried on the sheets.

“We’re home.” Tae announced when he entered the house with Jimin trailing beside him. The members looked at Jimin with concerned faces. Jimin just sighed.

“Guys… I’m ok now. I just need to rest.” Jimin said to the members.

“And Jinnie needs to tend to your bruises.” Tae added. Jin stood up and examined Jimin’s hand.

“Gosh… you really punched the table hard. Come with me.” Jin said as he pulled Jimin to the kitchen to treat his bruises. After the deed, Jimin thanked Jin for helping him, and made his way to his room. He was so tired, even though it’s just early in the morning. And even though there’s a possibility that Jungkook was in their room, he didn’t care. He went straight to the bed, lied down, and closed his eyes, letting down the streams of tears he’s been keeping in the whole time since he returned.

He didn’t even notice the absence of one pillow that was supposed to be beside his. Nor the absence of the lingering smell he used to crave for.

He was tired. Of everything. 

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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)