Plan No. 3: Kidnapped

Turning Tables

Honestly, I am a bit disappointed with myself with this chapter, because I couldn’t make it better. I’m trying, but I just can’t. I had a hard time making this bad chapter. T.T

Sorry if you will not like this chapter. I tried my best with every chapter, believe me. T.T

Sorry… and please keep being my readers. Love you all. Enjoy! (Though I doubt it you will)


Author’s POV:

The next morning after their plan failed to put Tae and Jin together, Jungkook woke up to a Jimin still peacefully snoring beside him in the bed.

“Really, what time did you go to bed last night?” Jungkook chuckled as he stood up and opened the window, letting the bright morning sunlight fill the whole room. Jungkook went to the bathroom to wash his face. When he returned to their room, Jimin was already up, and rubbing his eyes.

“Oh, you’re up already.” Jungkook said to Jimin. Jimin looked at Jungkook with an irritated sleepy look.

“Yah, why did you open the windows? The sunlight woke me up.” Jimin complained as he stood up and headed to the bathroom to wash his own face. Jungkook went to the windows and drew the curtains to lessen the amount of light that entered the room.

Yes, Tae-hyung and Jin-hyung didn’t confess to each other yesterday. It means more time for me and Chim-Chim to be boyfriends. Jungkook said to himself as he smiled to the thought of acting fluffy again with Jimin. Well, he wasn’t exactly acting… he is putting all his heart into what Jimin believed was just pure acting.

After washing his face with facial wash and cold water, Jimin looked at himself in the mirror. Am I really falling for that stupid maknae? That can’t be… it’s just not possible. Well… it is, but it’s improbable. I’ve already told him that this was all acting, and even warned him that he should be careful not to fall for me. But… why is it me who’s falling for him? Jimin said as he wiped his face with the clean towel and headed outside to find Jungkook already gone. Jimin fixed the bed, and then headed downstairs to find Jungkook already helping Jin with the breakfast preparation. Where’s Tae?

“Good morning, Jimin.” Jin greeted Jimin once he saw him entering the kitchen.

“Good morning, hyung.” Jimin replied to Jin. Jungkook was just helping Jin while smiling. “Hyung, where’s Tae?” he continued. Jin gave Jimin a worried look.

“He’s not feeling that well, so I told him to just stay in bed. I am cooking porridge for him to eat while Jungkook is already preparing the ingredients for the breakfast of the rest of the group. Can you help him?” Jin asked Jimin. Jimin nodded, and then went to Jungkook. He was already starting to feel uncomfortable just by standing beside him.

“Hyung? You do know Tae doesn’t like things without meat, right?” Jimin asked to Jin. Jin laughed at his question.

“Of course! I mean… everyone knows that, right?” Jin answered Jimin. Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other and smiled. “So I added more meat to the porridge!” Jin proudly chuckled as he tilted the pot to show Jimin and Jungkook the porridge he was cooking for Tae. And indeed, it contained WAY MORE meat than usual… it actually looked like meat soup with some rice in it.

“Hyung! Tae-hyung will surely love that!” Jungkook said to Jin as he continued slicing the vegetables. “Right, Chim-Chim?” Jimin was shocked by the sudden endearment. He can feel his cheeks slightly warming up, but he knew he wasn’t blushing… just on the verge of it.

“Oh… yeah. Yeah hyung. Kookie’s right – Tae will surely love to eat that.” Jimin said to Jin. Jin smiled to them as he poured the porridge to a bowl.

“I’ll just take this to Tae, ok? You two… be good boys, ok? It’s not good to do something in the kitchen.” Jin reminded the two as he skipped to their shared room.

“YAH! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING HYUNG!” Jungkook said as he continued with his work.

“Ok, hyung, I’ll try my best not to!” Jimin said, naughtily smirking at Jin who just opened the door to their room. Jungkook was taken aback by Jimin’s words that he dropped his knife. Wh-what did he just say? Is he planning on… whatever, of course not! There you go again Jungkook. Jungkook said to himself as he picked the knife he just dropped and washed it in the sink. He also took the chance to wash his already hot face.

“Honestly, I was quite surprised that you remembered to call me Chim-Chim.” Jimin said to Jungkook, who was now wiping his face with a clean towel he got from the cabinet.

“Of course I would remember!” Jungkook said as he gave Jimin a smile. Jimin sighed, then proceeded to talking to Jungkook about their plan.

“So… yesterday’s plan didn’t work. What’s next?” Jimin asked. Jungkook looked around, and then answered Jimin when he was sure no one was within hearing range.

“Yeah.. it didn’t work. But plan three will take longer to prepare than the other plans.” Jungkook said to Jimin.

“Then we better start preparing.” Jimin said to Jungkook.

Breakfast came and the whole group sat around the table. Even the sick Tae was there. He looked very dilapidated from his illness. He wasn’t really in his proper mind, though, even though his proper mind state was still not that proper.

“Jin-hyung, am I hot?” Tae asked Jin, making the rest of the members stop on whatever they were doing and look at Tae.

Jin swallowed hard before he reached for Tae’s forehead. “Y-yeah… Kind of hot. Not as hot as last night.” Jin answered, making the already shocked members look at them with more shock. “YAH! I meant that in the most medical way possible!” Jin defended himself from his judging members. Tae laughed. He seemed like an intoxicated alien right now.

“Really? I thought you meant the other thing…” Tae chuckled, making the judging members who were already judging Jin look at him. “Mwo?” Tae asked. The other members sighed.

“If we didn’t know who we’re talking to right now, I would think he’s a drunk alien.” Namjoon said to the other members, making them laugh, including Jin.

“By the way, what did the four of you do yesterday after the practice?” Yoongi asked Jimin. Jimin sighed before he answered.

“Uhm… we – “ Jimin started but he was cut by Tae.

“We accompanied the JiKook couple to their date to the amusement park. We were having so much fun until my stupid fever came kicking in.” Tae said, not even pausing for a single breath. Jimin and Jungkook just looked at each other with shocked faces. They then looked at Tae with disbelief.

“I thought we said it’s supposed to be a secret?!” Jimin asked Tae, who was giggling in his seat. Jin came to his aid and answered for him.

“Sorry about it. You know how talkative and truthful Tae becomes when he is sick. He becomes very demanding and he doesn’t think about his words. Sorry…” Jin apologized, just making Jimin sigh in defeat. Jungkook just kept his cool about it.

They didn’t even notice the very shocked faced of the other members. After a few seconds of silence, Hoseok stood up and clapped.

“CONGRATULATIONS! You two are perfect for each other!” Hoseok cheered.

“Ok, fine. Now that you know, can we just eat?” Jimin asked with disappointment in his tone. Jungkook wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

“Chim-Chim, what are you sad about? They support us!” Jungkook cheered, making the members coo in their cuteness, but making Jimin blush.

Jimin was too embarrassed to think, so he just gently removed Jungkook’s arms from him and ate. He knew that he was already blushing, so tried stuffing his mouth with food to get all the redness away. He was so glad that no one noticed. Or at least no one commented on it.

After breakfast, Jimin pulled Jungkook to their room.

“Jungkook, were screwed.” Jimin said as he worriedly ran his fingers through his hair. “Now we have to act like we’re together all the time.” Jimin continued. While Jimin was worriedly pacing around the room, Jungkook just sat there, looking as calm as if nothing ever happened.

“Yah! How can you be so calm about this?” Jimin asked Jungkook.

Because I wanted it to be like this… I want it all to be real. Jungkook wanted to answer, but he thought this is not the right time to confess. “Because… I am pretty confident with my acting skills.” Jungkook answered and gave Jimin a smile.

“You should be thankful then… I am not really into acting.” Jimin said to Jungkook, although he knew deep inside that he was lying. He was beginning to enjoy being with Jungkook, and he thinks Jungkook is a pro when it comes to acting, because it seems so real. That’s why Jimin hates Jungkook – his acting seems so ing real, real enough to make Jimin believe it’s all real.

“It’s ok hyung… you’re doing perfectly fine.” Jungkook said to the elder to comfort him. The compliment made Jimin blush.

“So… what do we do now?” Jimin asked.

“Plan no.3. We have to get things ready for the third one because it will require some other people and some props.” Jungkook said as he looked into the notebook.

“Ok then, we have to talk to the driver. We should also ask him to use a different car where to put the two.” Jimin said to Jungkook. Jungkook nodded.

“Chim-Chim…” Jungkook muttered. Jimin turned to face him.

“Why are you calling me like that? We are in the room, no need to act here.” Jimin said.

“I just like calling you like that, Chim-Chim-hyung!” Jungkook chuckled. Jimin blushed a bit, and he tried to hide it by tackling Jungkook to the floor and beginning a wrestling match.

“Kookie!” Jimin said whole-heartedly as he pinched Jungkook’s nose. Jungkook retaliated by pinching Jimin’s cheeks. They rolled in the room for about two minutes before they decided to rest. After about five minutes of rest, the two went down from their room to join the other members in the living room.

When they got down, they noticed that it’s only the three rappers there. They looked at Jimin and Jungkook with some expression. Jimin and Jungkook looked at them with confused faces.

“Where are Jin-hyung and Tae-hyung?” Jungkook asked to the three.

“They’re upstairs in their room. Jin-hyung is taking care of Tae.” Namjoon said to the two, who went further into the living room and settled beside each other.

Hoseok stared at the two, and then smirked. Jimin noticed this unusual behavior of his hyung.

“Yah, Hoseok-hyung, why are you smirking there?” Jimin asked. Instead of answering the question, Hoseok just laughed. Yoongi, who was just observing in the sidelines, also laughed.

“Jimin… you be gentle with Jungkook… he’s still young… don’t rip him.” Yoongi chuckled.

Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other, but quickly turned their heads away. Jungkook looked at his hyung with an expression of disbelief and shock.

“Hyung! Nothing happened!” Jungkook said in defense.

“As you say… we’ll just think of the loud thuds you made in you room as nothing.” Hoseok retorted, making the three hyungs laugh harder. Jimin and Jungkook are already blushing from all the teasing that their hyungs are doing.

Jimin surged forward and pushed his hyung to the sofa. “Hyung! I and Ju-Kookie just played wrestling! Nothing of what you were thinking happened!” Jimin shouted to Hoseok. Hoseok stopped laughing and said sorry to them.

Jungkook pulled Jimin and whispered to him. “We need to talk to the driver, right?” Jungkook asked. Jimin just nodded and looked at his hyungs on the sofa.

“Hyung, I and Kookie are going out. We’ll be back in a while.” Jimin said as he pulled Jungkook to the front door.

The next day, Jimin and Jungkook already have the place and the vehicle ready. All they have to do now is to ‘hire’ some people. Tae has already returned to his original state after Jin took care of him for two days.

“Guys, I’m going to the convenience store. Who wants to come with me?” Jin announced in the living room. Almost immediately, Tae came rushing forward and volunteered. Jimin and Jungkook pretended to be in the middle of cuddling so that they have an excuse for not going with Jin. Jungkook was already blushing from the back hug that Jimin was giving him while they were lying on the sofa. Jin noticed them cuddling, so he didn’t bother asking the two if they wanted to come. They have a lot to make up to. Jin thought to himself before him and Tae disappeared behind the door.

When Jungkook noticed that the coast is clear, be began to stand up. He was shocked to find that he couldn’t – Jimin still wasn’t letting go of the back hug. Jungkook decided not to remind Jimin. After all, he was enjoying being hugged by Jimin.

The two were still enjoying cuddling with each other when Hoseok shouted. “Oh no! I forgot to tell them to buy me some chocolate milk!” Hoseok stood up and headed to the door, but he was stopped by Jimin.

“Hyung! Wait! Take you seat, there’s something we need to talk about.” Jimin said as he released Jungkook from his arms, making the younger pout.

Hoseok slowly went back to his spot on the sofa and settled before Jimin started to explain everything.

“Guys… First of all… Kookie, I mean Jungkook and I aren’t really couples.” Jimin started. The three hyung looked at them with shock.

“W-What do you mean?” Namjoon asked.

“We’re just pretending to be. Yesterday, when we went to our ‘date’, the main goal of that is to give Tae and Jin-hyung time alone to sort their feelings out.” Jimin continued explaining.

“I told you, hyung! Now you owe me one week supply of chocolate milk!” Hoseok chuckled at Yoongi, making the later make a face at him.

“Ok fine, you’re right. I guess I’m not that good at reading people.” Yoongi sighed in defeat. Jimin and Jungkook just watched them, frozen by what they just witnessed.

“W-wait… you mean you knew?” Jungkook asked. Hoseok looked at him and smiled.

“Which one? The fact that you were just pretending, or the fact that Jin-hyung and Tae like each other but it’s lost to them? Never mind my question… it’s actually both.” Hoseok chuckled. “So… why are you saying this to us now?”

It took a while before Jimin and Jungkook answered the question. “Actually, we’re helping Tae and Jin-hyung. We’ve already tried two things to make them talk to each other, but neither worked. For this third plan, we need your help.” Jimin answered. The rappers went closer to to listen more carefully.

“So… what’s the plan?” Namjoon asked.

“We’re thinking of kidnapping the two when they are out alone, and threatening them with death. In that way, they’re gonna think that they have to confess before it’s too late. When they already confess to each other, then we reveal that they weren’t actually kidnapped.” Jimin explained to the rappers. The rappers nodded.

“And what is our role here?” Yoongi asked. Hoseok slapped him in the shoulder.

“Isn’t it obvious? They’re asking us to be the kidnappers. Am I right, Jimin?” Hoseok asked Jimin. Jimin nodded.

“When is this? Where, how, how fast, tell us all the details so we can prepare ahead of time.” Namjoon asked.

“So… you’re into this?” Jungkook asked the three, who gave a nod of excitement as their answer. Jungkook and Jimin explained everything to the three rappers. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok listened to each detail carefully. They finished just in time when Tae and Jin came back from the convenience store.

“Hoseok, I knew that you already ran out of chocolate milk, so I bought you some.” Jin said to Hoseok, lifting a bag with brown boxes inside.

“Thanks, hyung! You shouldn’t have bothered; Yoongi-hyung is going to buy me some soon.” Hoseok chuckled. Yoongi sneered at the younger before diverting his attention back to the TV.

Tae immediately headed to the kitchen and opened the new bag of chips after helping Jin put all the newly bought goods to their respective places.

“You think it’s going to work this time?” Jungkook asked his Jimin-hyung once they were back in their room.

“It should work. It’s make or break this time.” Jimin replied, making Jungkook pout to the possibility that they would have to completely stop acting once Jin and Tae worked things out. He was shocked when he suddenly felt Jimin pulling him to a hug. “Let’s continue the cuddle. I want to cuddle you… feels so comfortable.” Jimin said as he pulled Jungkook with him to bed. Jungkook was so happy it was a back hug because he doesn’t want Jimin to see how red his face has become now. “Don’t get me wrong! I-I just really like cuddling people, not just you, ok?” Jimin stuttered, but it wasn’t that obvious. His words pulled Jungkook’s lips into a smile. Well, whatever the reason is, just keep going. Jungkook said in his mind as he let himself drift to sleep.

“YAH! WHERE IS THE FACIAL WASH?!” Jin shouted from the bathroom as he scrambled through all the bath implements in their bathroom. “TAE! DID YOU SEE THE WASH?” Jin asked Tae.

“NO, HYUNG! I’LL ASK OTHER MEMBERS IF THEY STILL HAVE!” Tae answered as he went outside to Jimin and Jungkook’s shared room. “Hyung, do you have facial wash? Ours is missing!” Tae shouted. Jimin opened the door.

“No, we don’t have any left, just used the last drop.” Jimin answered.

“Ok, thanks hyung.” Tae said as he headed for the other member’s door. The replies were all the same – that they have none left. Tae returned to his room to find Jin already out of their room and dressed.

“Hyung, no one has facial wash left.” Tae said to Jin. Jin looked at him and sighed.

“Tae, we need to go to the convenience store. Facial wash suddenly became a scarce resource.” Jin said as Tae proceeded to getting dressed as well.

As soon as Jin and Tae left, all the other members rushed to the living room, already in their costumes. They were all wearing black jeans, black mask, and black leather jackets.

“Ok, are you guys ready?” Jimin asked. The other members nodded as they all went to the parking lot to meet the driver.

“I don’t know what happened, but I am quite sure that we still have facial wash last night.” Jin said to Tae, who was following closely behind him.

“I don’t know either, hyung. And what’s also surprising is that even the other members ran out of it at the same time.” Tae answered to his hyung. They were already going back from the convenience store after buying some tubes of facial wash.

“Tae, do you think they are up to something?” Jin asked Tae, but received no response from the younger. “Tae?” When Jin turned around he was surprised to see Tae being taken away by men in black. “KIDNA – “ Jin tried to shout for help but his mouth was suddenly covered with a gloved hand as he was pulled into the car. Inside, they were blindfolded by the kidnappers using handkerchiefs.

“WHERE ARE YOU TAKING US?!” Jin asked furiously. He can already hear Tae’s soft sobs from beside him. “Tae? Tae, are you alright?” Jin asked.

“Hyung… I’m scared.” Tae weakly replied. They just sat there, blindfolded, until the van came to a stop. They felt themselves being pushed to a chair and being tied. Once they were tightly bound to the chairs, the kidnappers pulled the blindfolds off their eyes. Jin looked furiously around as he tried to look for Tae. Tae was there beside him, sitting and crying.

“Tae, don’t cry. It will be alright.” Jin said to Tae reassuringly, though he is ing sure that nothing is alright.

“Hyung, what did we do to them? Where did they take us?” Tae asked Jin, sentence being cut by sobs.

“I don’t know, Tae, I don’t know. Relax, we’ll get out of here soon.” Jin tried calming the younger.

One of the kidnappers went closer to Jin as he gave Jin’s phone to him. “Here, call your other members. Tell them to go here, if they want to see you alive. They need to be here within ten minutes, or else.” The kidnapper said to Jin as he went aside to show Jin a bomb with ten minutes timer. Jin hurriedly tapped on his phone with the hand that was freed.

“DAMMIT NAMJOON ANSWER THE PHONE!” Jin screamed when Namjoon didn’t pick the phone up. He gave up and dialed Yoongi’s phone, only to be met with the same ‘cannot be reached’ tone. Jin was already about to cry when Jimin answered his call.

“Hello, hyung?” Jimin asked. Little did Jin know Jimin was just inside the van where he was a few minutes ago.

“JIMIN! WE’VE BEEN KIDNAPPED! They want you here within five minutes or else they’ll blow us up! We’re in a warehouse!” Jin hurriedly said. The kidnapper took his phone from him and talked to Jimin.

“We’re in a warehouse near the power plant. You better hurry, if you don’t want to see these two dead.” The kidnapper said as he clicked the phone shut and hid it in his pocket. He faced Jin and Tae. “We’ll be outside. If you think they can make it in here in time, think again. If you try doing something we don’t like, then it’s over.” The kidnapper said to the two before he and the rest of the gang left them.

When they were totally out of the two’s line of sight, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook ran to the van to watch the CCTV recording of the two. Jimin and Yoongi inside the van were watching carefully. Jimin was nervously saying that it should work or else they’re screwed.

Jin and Tae sat in the middle of the warehouse in silence, only Tae’s silent sobs and the ticking of the bomb can be heard. “Don’t worry, Tae, they’ll make it in time.” Jin said to Tae, though he was also nervous about it, because none of them has ever been in the power plant before.

“Hyung… I’m scared.” That was all that Tae managed to say to Jin. Jin jumped in his chair to move closer to Tae. He was crying uncontrollably. Jin became very worried for the younger.

“Tae… hush. It will be alright, we’ll make it out of here alive, ok? Just keep calm.” Jin reassured Tae. I have to be strong for him. Throw aside my motherly side. I have to be his knight and shining armor. Jin told himself as he continued calming Tae down. He looked at the timer, having only five minutes left on it. Jin admitted to himself that they may not make it out alive. There’s not much time. What should I do? Jin asked himself. He looked at the helpless Tae beside him. He wanted to protect him, but he couldn’t. This maybe my last chance. Jin finally decides.

“Tae.” Jin called Tae’s attention. Tae lifted his head to look at his hyung.

“Hyung?” Tae asked.

“Tae, listen to me carefully. I know I told you we will make it out alive, but I don’t know. We don’t have much time left, so I’m going to say everything to you now.” Jin said to Tae.

“Hyung, don’t say that – “ Tae said in protest but he was cut by Jin.

“Tae, we don’t know if we’ll ever have this chance to say this to you… but Tae… please know that I love you. I love you, not just as a member, not just as a child, not just as a brother. I love you Tae. I love you so much. I don’t know if we can make it out of here alive to share more moments with each other. I just want you to know, that every second, every hour that I got to spend with you… they’re the best seconds, hours of my life. I love you for everything you are… for being the best looking member of the group, to your being a 4D diva when you are sick. I love you, Tae, and I just pray to every god that I get to spend more time with you.” Jin said to Tae, not noticing the streams of tears that were already falling from his eye. He didn’t look at Tae. He didn’t want to see the face that Tae might be giving him now.

“Hyung…” Tae said to Jin. “Hyung, look at me.” Jin obliged. He looked at Tae for what he thought the last time.

“Hyung… I want to share the last four minutes of my life with you. I love you, too. With all my heart. I don’t know what to say, because I am not particularly good at words. I dreamt of having fun times with you, I dreamt of going to a vacation with you, I dreamt of being with you until we die. I never thought it would be this way though. But I want you to know, that even though it’s too late… even though we cannot do the things that I dreamt of doing with you, this last moment I will remember even in my next life. Even if I would be going back to who knows what planet, I’ll remember this. I’ll love you forever, not until today, not until we die. Forever.” Tae said. Jin looked at him, shocked by the younger’s words. His first few words were enough to shatter whatever knight armor Jin tried to put on for Tae. He just broke down and cried.

“Hyung… It’s ok if it will not be ok the way you want it to be… but I am happy to be with you… even if it means dying here.” Tae said to Jin. Jin pulled Tae for a kiss. It all started slowly, both still adjusting to the other’s lips. But it eventually became a passionate, heated kiss filled with love and longing, both feeling every feature in the other’s lips. They moved in sync with each other – as if having some kind of connection that tells them what the other would do. They just kissed like there’s no tomorrow… like it’s really the last time.

“SUCCESS!!!” Jimin screamed inside the van. All the members cheered as they watched the two in the monitor. They waited for the timer to reach zero before going down to meet the two lovers.

“At last!” Jimin said as he removed his mask in front of Tae and Jin, who looked at him with utmost confusion.

“Jimin? Y-you made it!” Jin said, lips still very red from the heated kiss him and Tae just shared. Jungkook and the others went to them and untied them before the removed their own masks.

“Namjoon? Yoongi? Hoseok? Jungkook? How did you find us?” Jin asked. Tae was still unable to talk from the shock.

“We found you walking from the convenience store and brought you here.” Namjoon answered.

“Yes, hyung. We were the kidnappers.” Jungkook said to Jin.

“What? What’s happening? I don’t understand…” Jin was having a mental breakdown, while Tae stood up and charged towards Jimin.

“YAH!!! You planned all this to make Jin-hyung and me confess to each other!” Tae complained as he tackled Jimin to the ground, starting a wrestling match.

“Jungkook? Is that true?” Jin asked Jungkook. Jungkook smiled to him.

“Yeah… it was true. Jimin-hyung and I pretended to be lovers to take the two of you with us in a double date. We called you to the porch that night, and didn’t show up on purpose to make the two of you talk. And lastly, we kidnapped you.” Jungkook explained everything to Jin. “I know everyone’s tired. Let’s go home and use the facial wash you bought.” Jungkook said as they all loaded the van and went back to their house after thanking their driver for everything.

All the three rappers went to their rooms to rest, while Jin and Tae rested on the couch, hugging each other, never letting go. Tae sat on Jin’s lap, while Jin had his arms wrapped around Tae’s waist.

“I love you, TaeTae.” Jin said to Tae. Tae smirked and kissed Jin on the forehead.

“I love you, too, Jinnie.” Tae replied. Jimin and Jungkook smiled as they watched the couple. They called the fast food chain to deliver dinner for them. After they ate, Tae, Jin, Jungkook and Jimin went to the living room and rested.

“You really did some great acting there!” Jin chuckled at Jimin and Jungkook. He looked at Jungkook’s slightly sad face, and became aware that Jungkook wasn’t acting it at all. He remembered that Jungkook has feelings for Jimin. Tae noticed this and went closer to Jungkook.

“I know right… it really took everything in my acting arsenal to make it look real.” Jimin said to Jin, making Jungkook pout.

“I’ll be going to our room, Chim-Chim. I’m tired.” Jungkook said to Jimin as he stood up.

“Yah! What’s with the nickname! Acting’s over!” Jimin protested.

“Oh, yeah… I forgot. That was acting.” Jungkook said as he continued going to their room.

Jungkook lied on his bed, on the verge of crying. Why is it like this? Can’t everything become for real between us? Jungkook asked himself, but he silenced himself when he saw Jimin enter the room. Jungkook just continued lying, his eyes closed to prevent the escape of tears. He felt Jimin slide beside him to bed.

“Good night, Kookie.” Jimin said, making Jungkook’s eyes widen. Did he just call me Kookie? Jungkook asked himself. He gathered all his voice and spoke.

“Hyung, I thought acting time is over?” Jungkook said with all the confidence he got.

“W-What? You’re awake? Sorry… I forgot. Good night… Jungkook.” Jimin said as he tried to fall asleep as soon as possible to remove all the embarrassment he’s feeling right now.

“Good night, hyung.” Jungkook replied as he closed his eye, this time, not to stop tears from falling. He became too hopeful to cry right now.


And there you are! Sorry for waiting for a day, then reading a crappy chapter... T.T

No update tomorrow... Family reunion because it's holiday!

And... The fanfic i read that made me emotionally unstable until i tried meditating... i am beginning to get over it. it actually kept me up all night last night... hahhahaha...

Symptoms include sleeplessness, feeling of being empty and lifeless, feeling of sadness, cannot remove the characters from your mind, lack of apetite...


Depression overload... need to watch happy bombs to convince myself none of those will happen to our beloved seven idiots. 


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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)