
Turning Tables

Jimin’s POV:

I woke up to the feeling of needing to go somewhere. Yeah, it’s been a long time since I did that. After rubbing my eyes to get a clearer view of the things around the room, my eyes settled on the boy sleeping peacefully beside me. He was sprawled on the bed, limbs everywhere. I was happy that I wasn’t that wild when I am sleeping, because we might end up kicking each other in our sleep.

“Good morning, Kookie.” I said to him softly. Unlike last night, I’m pretty sure that he is really asleep now. I got busted last night. I thought he was already asleep, so I took the chance to call him Kookie. But it turned out that he wasn’t, and I had to make myself go to sleep despite all the redness of my cheeks.

After watching him sleep for some time, I got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to wash my face. Afterwards, I got ready to do my morning jog. I really missed going out early in the morning, and my legs are already craving for it. Also, I really want to see the sunrise. It’s been quite some time since I last watched it.

I silently left Jungkook alone in bed as I closed the door of our room. When I got to the living room, I felt like something was missing. Tae isn’t here. I thought. Maybe, that would be alright. After all, I shouldn’t expect him to be going with me that often anymore, because Jin and he need to spend more time with each other. They really have a lot of discovering to do as a couple. But even so, I really don’t want to jog alone today. I feel like I need to go and jog with someone. Namjoon will almost surely not going to jog. Yoongi will just kick me in the balls when I wake him up. Hoseok will just laugh at me, and we’ll end up not going because all the time will be spent on making him stop teasing me for all my faults in life.

Not without hesitation, I slowly climbed up the stairs, back to mine and Jungkook’s shared room. I slowly opened the door, because I thought he was still sleeping, and I don’t want to start his day with a loud banging of a door. What I saw though wasn’t exactly what I expected to see.

“Yah, hyung! You’re still here?” Jungkook asked. He was standing in the middle of the room, almost . All he had on for that moment were his briefs. I felt the urge to cover my eyes, and so I did.

“Yah, Jungkook! It’s too early in the morning to strip!” I said to him. I heard him giggle. What’s so funny with that?

“Hyung, I was trying to hurry to wear my jogging attire, because I thought you already went out. I wanted to catch up. I’m glad that you haven’t started yet.” Jungkook answered with innocence. I slowly back off from the room.

“Y-yeah. I’ll wait for you outside.” I said to him as I closed the door and hurried to the living room, but ever so silently so as to not wake the other members up.

Once I got to the living room, I began fanning my already hot face with my hands. God, what a way to start the day. Jungkook really not afraid to show his body. My face was still constantly heating up from the sight I just put my eyes upon. Really, Jungkook is still young, and I see that. While he was changing into his pants, I couldn’t help but notice the morning bulge that was inside his underwear. I laughed at the thought of it. He’s still too young to be able to control that… really. Or did he have some kind of a dirty dream? I laughed at the thought of Jungkook still having a morning wood and not being able to prevent it.

But hey… maybe he’s still young, but it doesn’t show that much. Not just the way his muscles where quite developed… he’s got some big package between his… YAH!!! PARK JIMIN WHAT THE ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT DON’T EVER THINK ABOUT ! I mentally and physically slapped myself when I realized I was analyzing his bulge. Thought it was quite dark in the room, I can clearly see how big it looked in his briefs. And considering he was still a minor, I just couldn’t help but think how he managed build on it. Jungkook, just a very gifted person…

“Let’s go hyung!” Jungkook suddenly called me. He was already standing in front of me. How did he get this close without me noticing him?

My eyes trailed down from his head, until I stopped right at the very middle of his body. He may be wearing pants now, but there’s still some bulge observable. Is it really that…YAH! JIMIN I SAID STOP!

“Y-yeah… L-let’s go.” I said to him. We headed out to the streets and started to jog. We weren’t exactly noisy, but we talked about some things while we jogged. All of those were just random topics that crossed our minds. Then, we came across a talk about Jin and Tae’s relationship with each other.

“Jungkook, isn’t it weird how very opposite people like Tae and Jin-hyung fall for each other?” I asked him, but my eyes still on the road.

“I honestly think not.” Jungkook answered. I looked at him. His gaze was on the ground, his head bowed down low. “I think it’s really… proper. You see, hyung, people fall in love with other people, whether it’s their type or not. You don’t really know how, when, where it would strike you. It just happens.” Jungkook explained to me, making me rethink if he really was just a minor. How can he know so many things?

“I see… how come you know about things like that?” I asked him. Then, it struck me. Did he actually fall in love with someone?

Jungkook just kept his head low. “Hyung, I… I just know things.” Jungkook answered. I didn’t want to push him to telling me if he ever experienced falling in love.

“But really, Jungkook, I am really happy that Tae and Jin-hyung finally worked things out. And I enjoyed helping them. And I hope you enjoyed it too.” I said to him. Jungkook looked at me and smiled.

“Of course, Chim-Chim, I really enjoyed it… so much… much more than you think I did.” Jungkook replied. I actually didn’t get what he exactly meant with his words, but I surely am happy that he enjoyed it.

“Yah! You told me last night that acting is over!” I said to him. Jungkook laughed.

“Hyung, you’re the one who told me that in the first place. I called you Chim-Chim, and then you told me to stop, only to call me Kookie before going to sleep!” Jungkook chuckled. I just let the argument end there, because I really think I would lose it when it continued.

Suddenly, Jungkook talked again. “You know what, hyung? I really think Tae-hyung and Jin-hyung are very lucky to have us to help them. We just made their life easier.” Jungkook said in a serious tone.

“Yes, they are indeed lucky, but I really think if anyone of us would need help, they would be happy to do the same.” I said to him. Jungkook just nodded, and we continued jogging until we reached the cliff where we used to watch the sunrise.

“It’s been quite some time since I got to face the sunrise again.” I said to Jungkook when we finally settled on the rocks. We just stared at the horizon, watching as the sky gradually lit up and the sun slowly peeking. I just kept on staring at the horizon, but my mind was focused somewhere else – on the boy sitting next to me. Every now and then, I steal some glances from him, just looking at him and turning away quick enough so that he will not notice. But there was one time that we looked at each other at exactly the same time. Instead of looking away, I found myself staring into his eyes. He gave me a smile, and I hesitantly returned that smile to him. We looked at the horizon again.

After some time, I found myself examining Jungkook’s sun-lit features. How can I forget this beautiful creature beside me? His face… just very calming to look at. I felt at peace just looking at him without him looking back. He just looked perfect to me. And that was the time that I realized and accepted that maybe I just fell for the maknae. He was right – I should’ve listened to him when he said I should be careful not to fall for him.

After some more time just sitting there, both of us decided to go back to the house. We still have to eat and get ready for today’s rehearsal. We jogged some of the way back, but we got tired and began to walk to rest up a bit. When we reached the house, we were just in time for breakfast. The members are already gathered around the table, with Tae and Jin serving the food.

The breakfast was just like how it was before. Same sitting arrangement, with me and Jungkook being seatmates, as well as Jin and Tae. As usual, Jungkook still got my bowl and filled it with food before getting his own filled. He always did that every single meal that he gets the chance to do so. Jin and Tae, on the other hand, developed a new thing that they do. Jin and Tae are not eating on separate bowls. They are sharing one big bowl. Sometimes, Jin would feed Tae with his own spoon. They really look cute as a couple.

Then, Namjoon looked at the clock on the wall, and his eyes widened. “GUYS! IT’S ALREADY 8 AM AND WE NEED TO BE THERE BY 8:30! HURRY!” As soon as Namjoon said that, the members quickly finished their food and headed to their rooms. I heard Tae and Jin talking as they went to their own room.

“Jinnie, we need to hurry, right?” Tae asked. Jin looked at him with confused expression.

“Yes. Why?” Jin asked.

“Because that means we have to take the shower together so that we can be as fast as possible.” Tae said, flashing his signature innocent box smile. Jin looked at him in shock.

“O-Ok then.” Jin said to him. Seriously? They are going to shower together? Oh well… they have all the rights and reasons to do that.

I entered our room and saw Jungkook already ready to enter the shower room. I was shocked by what the maknae asked me as soon as I entered the door.

“Hyung, do you want to take a shower with me?” Jungkook asked. What did he just ask?

“Mwo? What did you say?” I asked him to repeat his question, not believing what my ears just told me.

“Hyung, I think you heard it. But anyway, I asked if you would like to take the shower with me.” Jungkook repeated. And he didn’t flinch at all?

“W-Why would we do that?” I asked him. I was getting more nervous by the second.

“Hyung, we need to because we only got less than half an hour to get ready and travel to the studio. We don’t want the choreographer-nim to scold us again.” Jungkook explained. He was right, but my mind tells me that I shouldn’t.

“O-ok. Wait for me.” I said to him. I got my bathing implements and went to the shower room with him.

Oh God… Jimin you can do this. I said to myself while trying my best not to look at the Jungkook that’s currently stripping just a few feet away from me. I carefully and slowly took off my own clothes, but suddenly, Jungkook came closer, and it took everything in my power to stop myself from screaming.

“Hyung, you need to do that faster. You’re not strip-teasing here.” Jungkook said as he turned the shower on and stepped under it. The water slid down his body and made it glisten. The water wasn’t really hot, but I felt like I was running out of water. I was there, feeling very uncomfortable, while Jungkook was under the shower, enjoying the water sliding across his skin. The more I look at him, the more uncomfortable I become. He wasn’t looking at me, and that’s in my favor, because if he did, I might die right there in front of him. I’m just feeling out of control right then. I feel like I can’t do anything. I slowly joined him under the stream of water. Then, he moved and lathered soap on his body. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling as I tried to push the fact that I was showering with Jungkook to the back of my mind. After getting myself wet, I turned around to lather myself up when I saw Jungkook looking at me. I quickly covered my sensitive area and closed my eyes.

“YAH! JUNGKOOK! STOP LOOKING AT ME!” I said to him, making him laugh.

“Hyung, why? There’s nothing to be ashamed of! You actually got a big one down th – ” Jungkook said but I pushed him to the shower.

“YAH, JUNGKOOK JUST FINISH THE SHOWER OK?!” I said to him as we switched places, for it’s my time to use the soap. Jungkook was still giggling at my reaction.

“And hyung, you got some there.” Jungkook added, making blood rush to my face. It’s good that we are in a place with much water that I can use to wash the heat away. I was still wondering: where did this guy get all of this confidence? Since when did he become this naughty?

“Jungkook, please.” I said to him in a low voice, making Jungkook stop laughing and just continue through the shower. And finally, after what seemed like an eternity to me, we finished showering and we got outside to get dressed. After preparing the things that we are going to bring for the practice, we headed outside to the living room, and found no one there yet.

“Jungkook, where are the others?” I asked the person walking just behind me.

“I don’t know! Why ask me if we were in the room together ALL THIS TIME?” Jungkook answered, putting emphasis on the last three words, and making my cheeks become red again. In order to distract myself, I went to the clock hanging on our wall and checked the time. 8:10.

“WHAT? THAT WAS ONLY TEN MINUTES?” I asked to no one in particular. I really felt like it was an eternity that just passed while the two of us were inside the shower room.

After a few moments, the other members went down from their rooms. They all looked rather shocked to see me and Jungkook already waiting downstairs.

“Wow… how come you finished all the preparation that fast?” Namjoon asked. Isn’t this guy supposed to be the one to finish preparing first?

Yoongi raised his eyebrow at us and smirked. “Don’t tell me the two of you showered together.” Yoongi said. I was trying hard not to look like crying.

“Ah… Yeah. We did. That’s why we finished fast.” Jungkook answered. And he really admitted it to the other members?

“Wow… you also took the shower together but managed to finish faster than Jinnie and me.” Tae said, while he was going down from their room with Jin behind him.

“And Jimin really agreed to do that?” Jin asked to us. I was starting to blush again.

“Yeah… it took a while to explain it to him, but he eventually agreed.” Jungkook said to them. How come he’s so comfortable about this?

“Ok then, now that everyone’s ready, we should get going.” Hoseok suggested, and everyone nodded as we went outside and boarded the van that will take us to the dance studio.

Fortunately, we made to the studio just in time. The rehearsal started right away. That was the only time that I was able to push Jungkook away from my mind as I concentrated on the dance that we are trying to learn for the upcoming shows. I really enjoyed dancing right from the start. I was glad to realize that at least dancing is still able to remove Jungkook from my mind. I still love dancing more than I love him.

We continued dancing for hours, stopping only to take water breaks and lunch break. Then, the choreographer dismissed us at around 4 pm.

“Guys, let’s eat outside.” Tae suggested. The other members agreed to him suggestion as we went outside and headed to a nearby restaurant. I remembered the restaurant that we were approaching.

“What do want? I’ll take all of your orders and I will be the only one to line order to make it faster.” Namjoon offered. I looked at the dishes in the menu, and my eyes were drawn to one spot.

Cheese cake with chocolate drizzle served with caramel macchiato.

Just by reading the name and looking at the picture on the menu, I already found my mouth water. I remember eating it after my audition; I can’t get enough of the delicious desert. I went to Namjoon and told him the dish that I want as he listed it down on a piece of paper. I went to the corner table where there was no one sitting and arranged the chairs to make a table with seven chairs around it. We all sat down on the chairs and chatted over random things that we had in mind while waiting for the dishes to be given to us. And when it arrived, I couldn’t contain my excitement. It really looked good.

When all of the members finally got all the dishes that they ordered, we started eating. The carefully and beautifully garnished cheese cake became a mess in no time at all. I just sliced and sliced and scooped and ate. I was still enjoying the moment when my head suddenly ached again.

Ok then, nice meeting you, but I’m sorry I have to go. I think I’m already late for my audition.

The voice in my head came again, it this time, I can recognize the voice. J-Jungkook? I asked myself as I tried to put my utensils down and held my head. I can really hear the voice… it sounds like him… only higher. It was a bit higher than Jungkook’s voice now, but I was sure by the quality that it was really Jungkook’s voice. After a while, the pain subsided, and I picked my utensil again to continue eating.

“Hyung, are you alright? You looked like in pain a moment ago.” Jungkook worriedly asked me. I looked at him, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Jungkook surely didn’t change anything… but why does he look better to me now than a few seconds ago?

“Y-yeah… I’m ok… just a little headache. I’m fine.” I answered him. I still couldn’t get my eyes off him, and I noticed he was beginning to blush. He was the one to look away first this time, but even though he already looked away, I still couldn’t get my eyes off him. I just felt like I should look at him.

After eating outside, we went back to our house and ate dinner. It was the usual dinner, but I still kept on wondering why everything about Jungkook started feeling a little different. It felt like there’s something that happened in the past that could’ve changed what’s happening right now. But even so, I couldn’t remember it. I didn’t even care now if I would remember or not. Jungkook still did the little routine he was doing all the time, but I suddenly felt the urge to get his bowl and fill it with food. Jungkook looked at me with shock in his face.

“Hyung, why did you do that?” Jungkook asked, but there was slight fear in the way he asked me.

“I just felt like doing it. Don’t get used to it – it might be for this time only.” I said to him as I proceeded to eating. I need to talk to Tae after this.

When the dinner was done, I called Tae’s attention and pulled him to the porch, where all the talking happens.

“Tae… I know you want to be with Jin-hyung right now, but I want to talk to you.” I said to him. Tae looked at me with slight confusion in his face.

“What is it?” Tae asked.

“Ok… I know you want to thank me for helping you and Jin-hyung get together. But you can do one thing for me. It will be enough to call it quits.” I said to him.

“Yeah… Thanks, hyung. I really appreciate your efforts with Jungkook.” Tae said. “What can I do to help you?” He continued.

I took a deep breath before continuing; knowing that once I did it, there’s no going back. “Tae, I have a question, and I know you know the answer, since we are close to each other. And please, I’m begging you; I want you to be honest.” I said to him. I can already see how uneasy I was making Tae feel.

“O-Ok. I’ll answer your question truthfully.” Tae hesitantly agreed. I took another deep breath before asking him.

“Tae, is there an instance in the past before the accident, that by any chance, I…” I asked.

“You what?” Tae asked.

“That I fell in love with Jungkook?” I blurted out. Tae looked at me with shock written all over his face. He looked petrified by my question. “Tae, I want you to be honest with me.” I repeated.

Tae swallowed hard before he finally answered. “Yes, hyung. You used to love Jungkook.” Tae answered weakly. It surprised me quite a bit, but honestly speaking, I was expecting to get that answer. It was really what I was feeling – like I already fell in love with Jungkook in the past. It all started with the memory that came back after I ate the cheese cake.

“So… that’s it. That’s my question. Thank you for being honest, Tae.” I said to Tae, who looked at me with utmost confusion. He was about to ask another question when Jin called his name, making him jump and run to him.

After we talked, I headed to our shared room, and saw Jungkook already sleeping. I was feeling something weird about him, but I just pushed the feeling away and slid to the bed with him. Then, another voice came rushing in my mind, but this time, it was without a headache.

Well, I just want to remind you to control your urges and try not to pounce on him while he’s sleeping. He’ll definitely not like it.

It was a different voice this time. It sounded much deeper than mine or Jungkook’s. But I just ignored it and proceeded to sleeping.


Sorry for having you wait for too long! Hahaha... Thanks for the support! BTS Comeback... my playlist just kept playing in everything I do. Kekekek

♥♥♥ I NEED U Choreography gosh really great. Hahaha....

Heungtansonyeondan... i really like the song.

Thanks!!! Take care! There MIGHT not be an update tomorrow. Sorry...

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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you wrote...it's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)