The Matchmakers Pt.1

Turning Tables

Jimin’s POV:

Jungkook and I were really beginning to become buddies now. We are always together everywhere we go, well, except when we have to deal with our… private affairs. And I never thought I would have so much fun being with him. Ever since Tae told me how he felt for Jin, we’ve been spending less time together.  But I didn’t feel lonely at all, because Jungkook unknowingly took his place. I guess this is because Tae has to spend more time with Jin now, so that they could know each other better and Tae could make his move.

I remembered how Tae reacted whenever I with Jin. I never thought I would live to see the day that he will become a blushing mess! There are even times that I wasn’t doing anything but watch him, then he would just blush forever and then rush at me like he was allowed to commit murder. It was just so much fun seeing Tae like that. I remembered the first time I with Jin. We were on the park benches then. Tae teased me because Jungkook texted me about getting home as soon as possible. When he received a text from Jin, I also about it. It only made him furious. I assumed then that maybe it just isn’t going to happen. Seeing him now like this – blushing at every little contact and communication with Jin, it makes me think just how funny how life is.

I was just mentally giggling at the turn of events lately, when suddenly…

“Yah! Jimin-hyung, what’s happening to you?” Jungkook asked. What? What’s happening to me?

“What do you mean?” I asked Jungkook. Jungkook sighed.

“Hyung, it seems that we have to take you to the mental institute. You’re laughing alone at nothing in particular, and then you’re going to ask me?” Jungkook answered. What!? I was just mentally laughing! There’s no way you can hear that!

“Since when did you have the ability to read minds, huh, Jungkook?” I asked him, making him give me a confused look. “I was mentally laughing, and there’s no way you could’ve heard it.” I continued.

“Hyung, you weren’t just mentally laughing. You were laughing out loud, even though there’s nothing funny about sitting on this sofa.” Jungkook said, patting the sofa where we are currently sitting on.

“Oh… really? Sorry about that… I really didn’t realize that I was already making a noise.” I said to Jungkook. Jungkook just laughed at me before he talked.

“No, hyung, it’s alright to me. Your laugh is actually very cute.” Jungkook said to me as he smiled with his signature puppy smile. Why do I think Jungkook has been complimenting me often these past few days?

“Uhm… Thanks?” I hesitantly said to him, as I couldn’t think of anything more to say. “Uhmm… yours too.” I continued as I looked at him. I watched as his cheeks gradually become dusted with pink.

After thanking Jungkook for his compliment, I headed to the kitchen to get a drink. I was quite surprised to find out that Jin wasn’t in the kitchen, because he used to be always in the kitchen. If you’re looking for him inside the house, the first place that you should go to search is the kitchen. After getting my thirst quenched with a glass of cold water, I headed back to the living room. Instead of seeing Jungkook there, I saw Tae and Jin, seated on the sofa, talking, while Tae was playing a game in his phone. So that’s why Jin-hyung wasn’t in the kitchen.

“Hyung, how do I get through this level?” Tae asked Jin as he scooted closer to the older guy. Oh Tae… just doing his moves pretty well.

“Tae, seriously? That level is very easy!” Jin answered as he took Tae’s phone from his hand and tapped on it. Tae suddenly blushed from the contact and stared at his hand for some time. It seems like he was so happy as if he just got touched by a deity.

I am really happy for the progress Tae was making with his feelings for Jin. For a first timer, he was doing quite well, even though he never went to me to ask for advice, like what he should do, what he should wear, how he should act like. He was actually moving like a pro, except for the part that he was easily embarrassed, and he becomes a blushing mess 80% of the time.

I was still mentally congratulating Tae for his great progress when Jungkook suddenly came dashing into the scene. When he got to the two, he pulled Jin up from the sofa, as led him to the porch, were they began talking. They started off with Jin hitting Jungkook on the shoulder. Then I turned my attention to Tae, who remained seated on the sofa. The happy, blushing Tae that I was watching earlier was gone. It was replaced by a pouting Tae, looking unhappy after Jungkook interrupted his quality time with Jin.

I went to Tae. He was so sad that he didn’t even acknowledge my presence when I sat down beside him. “Hey, Tae, you really are doing well with Jin-hyung.” I said to him, hoping that it would make him feel better without actually talking about the real problem. I was a fool to believe it though.

“Yeah right.” Tae weakly answered to me as he continued pouting.

I decided to give up on trying avoiding the topic. “Ok, Tae, what’s making you pout this early?” I asked him as I went closer to pat him on his back.

Tae sighed before he answered my question. “It’s Jungkook, hyung. He’s always with Jin-hyung.” Tae complained. So it turns out that he wasn’t sad just because Jin left him. He’s sad because Jin left him for Jungkook.

“Why does Jungkook have to ruin our bonding all the time? He’s always stealing Jin-hyung from me.” Tae continued.

“Yah, Tae, don’t think about that! Jungkook is just close to Jin-hyung. Maybe they got something to talk about.” I said to Tae. It didn’t work though.

“Even so! The day is very long! There’s a whole lot of other time in the day that he could go and talk to Jin-hyung! Why does he keep on choosing to talk to him when we are together?” Tae ranted. He was being his childish self.

“Tae… just relax! It’s not like Jungkook likes Jin-hyung, too.” I said to him. Then, suddenly, Tae’s expression changed into a curious and shocked one.

“H-how do you know? Has Jungkook said anything to you?” Tae curiously asked. It was actually scary how fast his mood changes.

“No, but I just don’t feel like it. I don’t think Jungkook likes Jin-hyung. He’s not going to get him from you.” I said to Tae. And as if being enlightened or remembering something, Tae became calm.

“Oh, yeah, I actually forgot. Of course Jungkook doesn’t like Jin-hyung.” Tae said. I actually wanted to ask him about it, but I don’t think it is a big deal right now.

“But still, hyung! I don’t like how Jungkook always ruin everything. I’m here, trying my best to spend time with him, while Jungkook would just jump in and get him form me.” Tae continued ranting. Oh, I thought it was over.

Deciding that it would be the best thing to do, I gave Tae my word to help him with his problem. “Ok, then, if you don’t like Jungkook bothering your quality time with Jin-hyung, I’ll talk to him. I’ll tell him to stop bothering the two of you.” Tae’s eyes brightened up like a child seeing a chocolate fountain.

“Really, hyung? You’ll do that?” Tae asked.

“Yes, if that would be helping you and Jin-hyung become closer to each other.” I said to him. Then, Tae pulled me in for a hug.

“Thanks, hyung!” Tae said as we tightened the hug. Then, suddenly, he pushed me off him.

“Wait! No! Don’t do that! Don’t tell Jungkook about how I feel for Jin-hyung!” Tae suddenly blurted out.

“Of course I won’t! I would find another way to make him stay away from Jin-hyung, without letting him know what’s going on.” I reassured Tae. Tae smiled, and then pulled me in for another hug.

“Thanks, hyung!” he said again. Oh god, really, this kid.

The rest of the morning continued like that. It was all about me and Jungkook being with each other always. We would watch the TV together, while all the while talking about the things that we are watching. I didn’t want to talk to him about Tae and his problem for now, because it would be ruining the mood that we have. I don’t want to make the rest of the day a bit awkward. For the meantime, actually, it thought about not telling him, because the incident isn’t happening again yet.

“Guys, who wants to go with me to the grocery? We’re going to buy food to be cooked for lunch.” Jin announced while getting ready to leave. Of course, as expected, Tae was the first person to volunteer.

“Me! I’m going with you hyung!” Tae answered as he dashed to their room to get dressed. I really wasn’t planning on going with them, but Jungkook made me reconsider that when he spoke.

“Me too! I want to go with you!” Jungkook shouted as he also went to our room, dashing.

Ok… Jungkook is going to ruin it again. What do I do now? Tae will not be happy if Jin and Jungkook would just talk along the way. Maybe I should go with them now. Maybe if I go with them, I might be able to serve as distraction for Jungkook and give Tae and Jin their own time. I thought to myself as I went to the room to get changed too. “Hyung, I’ll also go with you!” I shouted to Jin, who was sitting in the living room as he waited for us.

“Ok! I’ll just go and inform Namjoon that the four of us are going to the grocery.” Jin said as he headed to the closed door where the three rappers are busy working on our songs.

Then, the four of us are already ready; we headed to the streets and walked to the grocery. I was right when I thought I could be Jungkook’s distraction while we are shopping. While we were walking to the grocery, the four of us are line up – it was Jin, Tae, me, then Jungkook. Junkook and Jin were unintentionally far from each other, so it wasn’t really hard to keep him from disturbing Tae and Jin.

While we’re walking, Jungkook and I talked about common fields of interest. We talked about dance and performing a lot. But every time I was beginning to talk about anything about the past that we shared, he refused to talk about it and skillfully change the topic to a more general one. It was like he was really trying to avoid talking about our past, though seeing how close we are right now, I don’t think there’s anything bad that he should be hiding.

Meanwhile, while Jungkook and I are talking about random things and non-sense, Jin and Tae are laughing while talking about something. Whatever that something is, I really don’t know. But I am just happy for Tae.

When we reached the grocery, there we started talking to each other as a group. We were arguing over what goods to buy. Jin, being the natural eomma he is, wanted to buy the least amount of everything, stating that we only need to buy what we need, because money is not unlimited, because if we don’t really need them, they might end up being thrown, and many other dramatic reasons, which I only hear from my mother and grandmother.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was just being the maknae that he is. That is, he likes EVERYTHING. He would look at a stall, then go to it and ask Jin if we could buy it. Of course Jin wouldn’t agree. If we don’t buy it, Jungkook gets depressed for a while, but after a few moments, we would see him asking Jin again to buy another product. It was just like that for him… buy anything you want to buy.

Tae, on the other hand, was not even trying to impress Jin by going with his principles. Instead, he became something like a more subtle version of Jungkook. He would also ask Jin here and there to buy him this good, but instead of receiving immediate rejection like Jungkook did, Jin would think about it for a while. When Jin agrees to Tae’s request, Jungkook would rebel, saying that it is unfair because Jin agrees to Tae’s wishes but not to his. Tae would only laugh about it and blush a little, while Jin laughs at Jungkook.

Though in the end, the decision will always be by Jin.

After we bought the goods that we needed and the goods that we wanted, we went back home. Along the way, I was thinking about not telling Jungkook anymore to back off from Jin, because he didn’t do anything that disturbed Tae yet. But when we got home, it happened again.

Tae was with Jin while in the dining room, eating ice cream together. They looked like they were having so much fun while doing so, because they were laughing about something. I felt happy just by watching them get along each other well. But all of a sudden, Jungkook came barging in again. He pulled up Jin from his seat and talked to him. While they were talking, Tae just sat there, being sad, but continuing eating the ice cream. I was about to go to him when Jin returned and sat down with him again. At least this time, Jungkook didn’t take too much of the time talking to Jin. But whether long or short, Tae was always sad about Jin being taken away from him by Jungkook. Am also starting to get a little curious as to why Jungkook and Jin are always talking to each other.

“I thought you’re gonna make him stop!” Tae whined when we talked to each other in the porch. He looked like he was about to cry. It’s been a long time now since I last saw the serious Tae.

“I am gonna make him stop… just, not now. I don’t want to ruin this day between the two of us, because we’re just starting to become really close to each other.” I said to Tae. Tae sighed, and went closer to me.

“I understand hyung. Just please… talk to him later in the evening. He’s really ruining the moments I am having with Jin-hyung.” Tae said to me and smiled. After talking to him, I finally got to a decision. I am going to talk to Jungkook. I am going to help Tae. After all, it probably won’t hurt Jungkook that much.

When dinner came, it was just like any other meal that the group had. Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi were talking about the new songs and stuff related to the group’s career. Jin came in with Tae, carrying pots of food that they cooked together. I really wanted to help Jin cook as well, but I decided not to, because like what I always say, I want Tae to have as much time alone with Jin as he could manage. Jungkook, as always, took my bowl from me and filled it with all the food, before he set it down before me and began filling his own bowl. Noticing that I wasn’t reacting, Jungkook spoke.

“Hyung, aren’t you going to say thanks?” Jungkook asked as he gave me a smile.

“Oh, yeah, I forgot. Thanks for the food.” I said to him. Before he fully turned away from me, I spoke again. “Jungkook” I said to him, making him look at me again. “I think it’s time we talk. Meet me at the porch after dinner.” I said to him and I turned to start eating the food. I didn’t want to see his expression and reaction.

After the dinner, I went to the porch, and found Jungkook already there, waiting for me. This is it Jimin, you have to tell him. For love’s sake. I said to myself as I nervously went to his side. For I few moments, we just stood there, feeling the cold evening air flow around us. I was about to talk to him when he spun around and spoke.

“So… w-what is it that we are going to talk about?” Jungkook asked. Why the hell are you stuttering?

“Jungkook, actually…” I hesitated to say what it was about. I saw Jungkook’s fists clench, and anticipation filled his eyes. Is he expecting something?

“Actually, it’s about Tae.” I finally said to him. Then, his expression turned from excitement to disappointment. It is as if he was really expecting me to say something else. I heard him sigh and mutter something, but it was too soft to be understandable. “Jungkook, what did you say?” I asked him.

“Oh, nothing. It’s nothing, hyung.” Jungkook said as he leaned on the rails of the porch. “So, what is it about Tae-hyung?” he continued.

“Jungkook, I think you should keep some distance with Jin-hyung.” I said to him, straight to the point. Jungkook looked at me with a confused expression.

“Wait, I thought this is about Tae-hyung?” Jungkook asked. Oh, yeah, he actually makes sense.

“Yeah, whatever it was, just… back off a bit from Jin-hyung.” I repeated. Jungkook looked at me in the eye and went closer.

“Why do I have to do that? Any valid reason?” Jungkook asked and then smirked. What is this kid trying to do? Is he trying to scare me away?

I swallowed hard before talking again. “Just listen to me, Jungkook. Keep some distance between you and Jin-hyung.” I repeated. Instead of listening to me, Jungkook went closer.

“Why? Are you… are you jealous?” Jungkook asked. What? What the hell is this guy saying?

“What the hell, NO!” I shouted at Jungkook. Jungkook jumped back, shocked by my sudden shout. “Oh, sorry. No, it wasn’t that. Why the hell should I be jealous?” I asked him, making his face drop into an expression of sadness. Oh great, now he’s sad.

“Then what’s the reason, hyung?” Jungkook asked weakly.

“I really didn’t plan on saying this to you, but I guess I have to. And please, don’t act like you know it, especially since you are close to Jin-hyung.” I explained to him. Jungkook listened intently. I let go a sigh before speaking again. “Tae is…Tae is in love with Jin-hyung, and he’s getting jealous every time you steal Jin-hyung from him.” I said to him. Jungkook’s eyes widened in shock when he heard the news.

But after a few seconds, Jungkook burst into a fit of laughter. He was laughing so hard that his sides could split any moment. I was starting to get confused by him.

“YAH! WHAT’S SO FUNNY ABOUT THAT!?” I said to him as I grabbed his shoulders to try to make him stop. Oh my god, what’s happening to Jungkook?

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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)