The Truth Pt.2

Turning Tables

Annyeong!!! Here's part 2!!!

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Author’s POV:

“… what was that?” Jimin asked to no one when the flashback stopped. He was still holding the red, black, and white box that caused the memories to return. “So that’s how head over heels I was for him before, huh?” Jimin laughed, but a small one, since his head was still aching from the last rush of memories. He curiously looked at the box, and after a moment of hesitation, opened it. Small pieces of paper of different colors fell from the box. He hurriedly collected the pieces of paper and began stacking them again inside the box when his eyes fell upon one of the notes.

Jimin stared at the note before realizing that it was actually his own hand writing. He brought the piece of paper closer and read what was written on it.


Fan meeting happened today. We were all nervous and excited at the same time. But what was really memorable today is when Jungkook and I had a bonding time. Tae said he was going to help me with Jungkook. I think his teasing was his way of supporting me. It didn’t help that much though…


After reading the paper, Jimin’s head started to ache again. Then, another flashback came running in his mind.

“Yes, hyung, I know. That’s why we continued being cute, because we knew it will make the fans happy.”

“Seeing the fans so happy when we did that, it just filled my heart. It’s like an achievement unlocked moment!”

“Look, hyung. Don’t be hurt by what you just heard. After all, you still had a moment with him right?”

“No, it’s ok Tae. It’s my fault if I put my hopes too high. I shouldn’t have expected it to be true.”

“You’ll be alright, hyung. Now, let’s go back inside. Sleep will surely cheer you up.”

Jimin held his head with one hand and the edge of the table with another. This time, it just wasn’t his head that was hurting. He felt it hurt somewhere else – somewhere deeper. He turned the note over and read the smudged writing.


It hurts! It hurts so bad! So everything that happened was just for show, huh? Why? Why does it hurt this bad? It wasn’t supposed to hurt like this, you know. Jungkook, of course. He just wants to please the fans. Alright then. I have to sleep. Hopefully, tomorrow, it won’t hurt this bad.


As Jimin read the note, he felt his legs go weak, but he didn’t notice the tear that started to roll down his cheeks. This time, the hurting feeling was more in his chest, rather than his head.

“Did you have fun today?”

“Of course. It’s so fun seeing the fans happy.”

“Jungkook, about the cute things we did today… we d-did that f-for the fans, right?”

“Of course. We’ll do anything to make the fans happy, right?”

“Yes. Anything for the fans…”

So… is that really how dense Jungkook was? Is that how oblivious he is to others’ feelings? Jimin asked himself as he remembered how Jungkook ignored Jimin’s reactions towards things. How Jungkook didn’t consider what his actions were doing to him. But even if it was starting to hurt so bad in a different way, Jimin didn’t stop. He had to know everything… he had to know what happened in the past. Maybe, after that, he will no longer keep looking for the missing piece to his relationship with Jungkook. So with shaky hands, he took another note and read it.


So… that’s it? Why do I keep hurting because of him? Why did he not let me speak? Why is he like that? Did he even listen to me when I told him I like being with him? It all happened last night, but the wound in my heart is still fresh. He told me he don’t want me to be clingy to him. Does that mean he doesn’t want me around him at all? But he also said he felt a bit uncomfortable – does that mean he’s feeling awkward with me around him? If that were the case, that means he also likes me, right?


Jimin held the piece of paper tightly while he just let all the memories flow into his mind.

“Kookie, how was your day?”

“It was fun. Especially because I got to eat my favorite food again.”

“Me too, I had fun today. Thanks for the day Kookie.”

“Huh? I did nothing for you today, Jimin. I just followed you to the convenience store.”

 “The fact that you let me take you to the convenience store made my day.”

“Jimin - ”

“Kookie, I really like being with you. I hope we can have more time together…”

“Jimin, can you not be very clingy to me? It’s just a little bit too much at times. I feel a bit uncomfortable.”

“Sure thing, Kookie, if that’s what you want.”

Jimin started to cry when he remembered that night. That night when he first tried to confess to Jungkook his feelings, but ending up hurting again. It really wasn’t a rejection, he knows that now. He also started to remember how high his hopes of getting Jungkook were before the accident. He remembered how much effort he was trying to exert to show Jungkook his affection. But why exactly would he hide these from me? Why would he think that this information will affect our relationship? Jimin asked himself as he continued to look for a note to read. One caught his attention – one that was barely legible with all the smudges that looked like coming from getting wet.


Why? Why does he doesn’t see US? I can almost smell it – we can be together. But why doesn’t he? Is there something wrong me? Do I look ugly? Do I smell bad? Then what’s wrong?

I tried everything to make him feel my love. But why won’t he say something? Why won’t he say the reason? Please Jungkook. Say something. I’m about to give up on you…


As Jimin finished reading the note, he felt more tears flow down from his eyes. He clutched his chest that was already starting to hurt more than he ever remembered it hurt. Another wave of unpleasant memories came rushing into his mind.

“Jungkook, I have something to tell you.”

“Look at me Jeon Jungkook.”

“What is it Jimin?”

“I’ll keep this straight and simple. Jungkook, since the first time we met, I came to like you. You’re appearance, it’s just stunning. You voice makes me feel at peace. The way you move when you dance is just perfect for me. Jungkook, I like you. No, wrong, I think I’ve fallen in love with you.”

“Jimin, I think we should go home I’m feeling drowsy and - ”

“Jungkook, I’m serious here. Aren’t going to say a thing, just like the way you ignored me last night?”

 “Jimin, I’m sorry about last night. I’m very tired back then. I didn’t even understand a word of what you said.”

“Jungkook, don’t do that again this time. Please, just, say something…”

“I’m sorry. I just don’t see us being more than this. More than bandmates. More than friends. I’m happy with the way we are right now. I just can’t see US. I’m sorry, Jimin. Let it stay as it is right now.”

“Jimin, I think I should go now.”

“Thanks, Jungkook, for not ignoring me this time.”

Jimin began to sob uncontrollably. He was being reduced to a crying mess right now, inside another person’s room. He was trying his best to pull himself together, but he couldn’t. He felt very weak – like he was robbed of every ounce of strength he has been trying to gain after the forbidden accident. Now, Jimin is beginning to understand everything. It’s all beginning to make sense to him now. Why Jungkook hid everything from him. Why Jungkook never spoke to him about the past. Why he himself was feeling like there’s something wrong if he was going to be with Jungkook. Why everything just didn’t feel right.

Just when Jimin thought it was all over, just when he thought he now knows everything about the past, a pang of pain began in his head. He scrambled to get up and walk back to their room, but his strength failed him, causing him to fall again, hitting his arm on the edge of the bed. The pain from the fall, combined with the pain in his head, caused Jimin to close his eyes and faint.

Jimin woke up in the place he didn’t expect to be at. He woke up in a bathroom. He looked around, and it took a few moments before he realized he was actually in the bathroom of the dance studio. He looked into the mirror, and scanned his face. He looked just exactly like how he looked when he entered the room of Tae and Jin. But all of a sudden, his ‘reflection’ began to cry. Jimin touched his own face, but it was dry.

“You thought you already know everything?” The Jimin in the mirror asked. Jimin was completely shocked by what he was witnessing right now. Did my reflection just talk to me? Gaining my memories of Jungkook made me into an insane person? Jimin thought to himself as he started taking small steps backward.

“W-who are you?” Jimin asked as he backed off from the mirror.

“My name is Park Jimin…” the image answered. Then, its clothes changed to something that looked very familiar to Jimin, but he couldn’t remember it. “…I am you, before the accident.” The image continued. Jimin couldn’t believe his eyes and ears. He was very shocked and scared, and started bolting out of the bathroom and found himself watching two people talking. One, he knows – it was the image that he was trying to escape from when he went out of the bathroom. The other was a taller one. It took time before Jimin remembered who the person was –

“Jungkook” Jimin mumbled. It was just a statement. But even though he knows everything, he realized that he still didn’t remember how he got into the accident. Then, the two figures started talking.

“Hey, Jimin. Here’s your ice cream.” Jungkook said as he tossed the other Jimin an ice cream while eating his own. Jimin, who was just watching, noticed how Jungkook’s action made his image blush.

“Jungkook, tell me, do I have a chance?” Jimin asked. Jungkook turned bearing a shocked look in his face.

“What do you mean?” Jungkook asked in return.

“Do I have a chance of getting to be with you?” Jimin asked again. Jungkook just kept silent and continued walking to the corner. Jimin tried to follow him. He grabbed Jungkook’s shoulder to get his attention. Meanwhile, the real Jimin who was just watching earlier began to feel that familiar hurting feeling in his chest.

“Jungkook, I love you, please - ”  Jimin’s words were cut when Jungkook turned  to free himself from Jimin’s grasp. Jungkook pushed Jimin, who luckily had enough strength to prevent himself from falling. The action almost made the real Jimin jump into action, but he found himself frozen in his spot. The next events made Jimin want to run away or close his eyes and ears, but he couldn’t. Then, all the words he never thought he would hear again echoed across the room.

“Can’t you see Jimin?! I DON’T LOVE YOU! You keep wondering why I don’t call you hyung? Let me tell you why – you are two years older than me but I’m taller. You are a short, chubby, ugly piece of clingy thing that I want off of me! Jimin, don’t you see it?! THERE WAS NEVER AN US, THERE IS NO US, AND THERE WILL NEVER BE AN US!” Jungkook shouted at Jimin, who was just staring at him the whole time. “ OFF JIMIN, QUIT IT!”

“Oh, ok. I-I g-get it n-now…” Jimin said at the same time as the Jimin talking to Jungkook said it. He watched his own image walk away.

While Jimin was watching, he felt his strength leave him as he fell to the floor, sobbing. “NO!!! YOU DIDN’T MEAN THAT!!!” Jimin shouted, but no one seemed to hear him. Jungkook just continued with his practice, as if nothing happened. Jimin was crying like there’s no tomorrow. He became a poor ball-like thing crying inside the room, but Jungkook, who was inside the room with him, couldn’t see anything, nor hear anything. Jimin rubbed his puffy eyes, and looked up, seeing he was in another place – this time, he was in the streets. He was crumpled in the corner of the intersection. He watched as the people hurry to cross the street as the stoplight was already turning red. Just when it became red, Jimin noticed another person walk to cross the street. It was his image, with a large wound on his arm.

“NO!!! NO!!! DON’T – “ Jimin tried to stop his image, but was shocked to see it flying several meters after being hit by a vehicle. And just like in the studio, he couldn’t do anything, but watch as blood flowed from his own body. He was crying like hell, and he couldn’t breathe. He was trying so hard to stop himself from crying, but he can’t. It’s like he totally lost control of his body. He felt the overwhelming pain envelop him, and he closed his eyes. He doesn’t want to see anything anymore.

Now… you’re complete. What happens next… it all depends on you…


Jungkook entered the still silent house with Tae and Jin trailing behind him. He quickly set the baggage down before he bolted up for his shared room with Jimin. He opened the door.

“Good morning, Chi – “ Jungkook said happily, but he stopped when he saw the room empty. He checked the bathroom. No one in there. Jungkook went to the porch, to the kitchen, to the living room. He even checked under the sofas. He laughed at himself for a moment before realizing that Jimin is missing. He panicked, and paced back and forth across the house. Jin noticed this and sighed.

“Jungkook, what’s happening?” Jin asked.

“Hyung, Jimin-hyung is missing!” Jungkook answered. Jin gave his phone to the younger as a response.

“Call him, maybe he’s out for a jog.” Jin said as he went to Tae. Jungkook dialed Jimin’s number, and was surprised to hear it ring in their room. He ran back to their room, and saw Jimin’s phone lying on the table top. He put Jin’s phone down and went back outside. He was about to go to Yoongi’s and Hoseok’s room when he noticed Tae’s and Jin’s room. The door was slightly open. Jungkook’s heart started to beat faster. He slowly went to their room, suspense weighing down on him. He slowly and carefully opened the door, but he almost jumped to when he saw what was in there.

Jimin was lying motionless beside the bed, hands clutching a note, and a red, black, and white box lying beside him. Jungkook felt nervous, but he immediately went to Jimin and shook him to wake him up.

“Chim! Chim! What happened?” Jungkook frantically asked as he tried to wake Jimin up. He touched Jimin’s face, and felt its wetness. He was crying… Jungkook thought to himself as he looked at the note Jimin was holding. As soon as he finished reading it, he turned ghostly white. He turned his head to look at Jimin, but was stopped when he felt a strong push coming from the previously-motionless body. Jungkook stumbled back and looked at Jimin, not expecting to see nothing but tears flowing down from eyes filled with fury and anger, but most of all, utter sadness.

“Why did you do this to me?” Jimin asked. “You destroyed me. Why?” 

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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)