
Turning Tables

Annyeong!!! Hahaha

I really loved the comments!!! OMG you are the best readers an author like me can have. I swear, I am really thankful that you are affected by my story. Sorry if this going to take some time reading, because I really would want to express my gratitude to you guys. To the reader asking if I was a Filipino, yes, I am a proud Filipino. Why did you ask? Hahaha

Seriously guys, I don’t even know how to thank you. Some keep wondering why I update so fast. One even commented this story is the reason why he/she always checks for updates in this site. Thank you so much for that. The reason why I love updating is because you guys are worth updating for. After posting a new chapter, I check my account every few hours to check for comments, and after a few hours, I start making the next chapter. That’s why I can update often, because you guys motivate me.

And guys… we are really close to the ending. I really can’t say how many chapters are left, because I still haven’t written them. But I think this will be the second to the last. So maybe, next chapter will be the finale.

But wait! Once the story’s finale is uploaded, don’t unsubscribe just yet! There are some… matters I would be sharing here after the last chapter.

So… here is your chapter! Enjoy!(?)


Jimin’s POV:

Jungkook left me at the cliff alone. I was still trying to catch my breath after the kiss. I slowly lifted my hand and touched my lips. W-what was that? Why did he kiss me? And why did I kiss him back? I asked myself, still touching my lips, not believing what just happened. But one thing was for sure – I was affected by his words. When I decided to go meet him, I was planning on making him feel even worse by putting all the blame on him, and making him realize how much he hurt me. But I ended up talking to him and letting him explain why he did it. I never thought I would find it in myself to feel bad for him. The whole time I was convincing myself that Jungkook deserves everything that he is feeling because he hurt me so much. And yet it took him only a few minutes to make me feel this way.

I wasn’t crying. The tears just kept on flowing right when his lips met mine. I felt all the love he was trying to give to me through that kiss. Right when our lips started moving, I felt it. I remembered the most important thing that I forgot when the sad memories came back.

I remembered the feeling of loving him.

Maybe that’s why it took everything in my power to convince myself that he deserves the pain. Maybe that’s what is stopping me from stopping to care about him. Maybe that’s why when I found out that Jungkook’s is sick, I couldn’t help but worry. Maybe that’s why after all the hurt I’ve been through, I couldn’t make myself hate him and forget about him. All because I still love him.

At least now you know how you really feel. At least now, you know that you still love him. I said to myself, as I took a last glance at the sunrise and turned to walk back to our house. Instead of jogging, I just walked, taking every moment to feel the surroundings. When I got home, I headed straight my room, but hesitated to open it just before the door. What if he’s here? I asked myself, but decided to face him anyway, if he was there. And when I opened the door…

No one.

I’d be lying if I say I didn’t feel disappointed when I came inside my room and no one was in there. I headed straight to the bathroom sink and looked at myself in the mirror. Somehow I feel… lighter. I feel freer. I turned the faucet on, and washed my face with the cold water. After patting my face dry, I touched my lips again. The feeling was still very real to me, even though it happened a while ago. And I found myself blushing at the thought of kissing him. Ah… there it is. I said to myself. I’m still into him.

I went to the porch and just felt the wind hit me. His promise that he will never hurt me again is was so clear to me, and it would only take me a few days before I finally forgive him. I just stared at the streets and smiled, as a bus passed by. There was something about that particular bus that made me look at it and follow it with my gaze until it was out of sight.

“Yah, Jimin!” I turned around and saw Jin looking at me, beckoning for me to come inside. “Can you help me prepare breakfast?”

“Of course!” I said as I followed him to the kitchen. “But where’s Tae?” I asked him as we gathered the ingredients at the counter, and started cooking the breakfast.

“He doesn’t want to come down yet. Unfortunately, he was asking me again to carry him, but I decided not to, because I can’t cook with him riding my back.” Jin chuckled.

“You know what, Jimin? I’m happy you were finally able to open to the world again. You and Jungkook, actually.” I felt his hesitation before saying Jungkook’s name. “I am glad that you are beginning to become yourselves again.” He continued. I just smiled to him in response. And mind you, that smile I gave to him was genuine.

We continued cooking the breakfast, pacing back and forth across the kitchen, until we heard footsteps coming down from the stairs.

“Good morning!” Namjoon greeted us with a smile.

“Good morning, hyung.” I answered him. I don’t know, but people seemed to be livelier today.

“I texted Jungkook what time is he coming back, but he didn’t reply.” Namjoon said.

“Uhmm… Maybe he’s still asleep in the studio?” I answered him. Of course they don’t know I just met Jungkook this morning. When Jungkook, texted me last night, asking me – begging me to meet him at the cliff, I tried to keep my bored expression. I tried my best to not let them know that I’ll be meeting Jungkook.

“I don’t know… He just put his gadgets down on my table since he started to stay in there. But this morning I didn’t find them there anymore.” Namjoon said, and I started to feel uncomfortable and a bit nervous. “Or I just didn’t notice that they were already gone since last night? I got tired worrying about him that I just went to bed as soon as we found out he was in the studio.” Namjoon continued. Ah… yeah, maybe he just didn’t notice them last night.

We continued to cook while Namjoon went to the living room. Just after we were done cooking the breakfast, we heard a knock at our door.

“Hyung, maybe that’s Jungkook.” I said to Namjoon, who was beginning to stand up from the sofa and headed for the door. I waited for them to start talking, but the house remained silent. I was shocked to see who our visitor was.

“Oh… manager-nim! Good morning!” Jin greeted our visitor as he wiped his hands on the hand towel and went to the living room. I washed my hands and followed him.

“Good morning. Please call the rest of the group.” The manager said. “There’s something I need to tell you.” Why am I feeling nervous about this?

“Ok.” Namjoon said as he went to the room shared by Yoongi and Hoseok. Jin disappeared into his shared room with Tae, leaving me alone with the manager. He looked at me from head to toe, making me almost feel uncomfortable. His expression turned to a concerned one.

“Jimin, are you alright?” He asked me. I raised my brow, confused by his question. I felt my heart thumping faster. No, there’s no way he did that. Did Jungkook tell him what’s happening?

“You look like you just recovered from fever.” He continued. “Did you transfer your sickness to Jungkook? You shared a room, right? Because last night when he came to me, he was sick.” He explained. Wait… what? Jungkook talked to manager-nim last nigh –

“Good morning, manager-nim!” Hoseok greeted cheerfully as he went down the stairs, with a sleepy Yoongi trailing behind him. Giggling Tae being carried by Jin went down a few seconds later.

“He’s in his 4D mode today.” Jin stated. The manager just nodded and motioned for us to sit down.

“So… what is this meeting about? And is it alright if Jungkook is not yet here with us?” Namjoon asked, since he had the authority as the group leader.

“As you all know, Jungkook went to the company last night.” The manager started. With each word he said, my nervousness grew. “And we talked about a vacation. He asked me if he could have a vacation.” He continued.

“YEHEY!!! VACATION!!!” Tae shouted excitedly, wiggling while holding Jin’s shoulders.

“Alone. Jungkook asked for a personal vacation.” The manager continued. Tae looked disappointed and pretended he’s hurt, but all of us looked a sad. Why would he want a vacation?

“And his flight is in two days.” He continued. My eyes widened with what I just heard. Did he just say flight?

“Flight?” Namjoon asked. I was about to ask the same question, and I’m glad he beat me to it. I’m not sure if I would not stutter if I were the one to ask the question.

“Yes… he said he wanted some time alone in the US.” The manager continued. My heart stopped upon hearing his words.

“W-Why?” I stuttered, already feeling tears beginning to well up behind my eyes.

“I don’t know. He said he wanted to have some time alone with his self.” He explained. And with that, he stood up, and left the house.

All the other members went back to their own business. I just stood there, shocked with what I just heard. No… it can’t be… I couldn’t believe it, so I ran to Namjoon’s room and rummaged through his closet. I checked every container that was in there, searching for his clothes. I failed to find any of his belongings except for his pillow. I looked at the place where our suit cases were hidden, and didn’t find the large black and red suitcase he owned. I felt my knees going weak at every place I checked where I found nothing.

“Jimin! Breakfast is ready!” Jin shouted from the dining room, snapping me back to reality. I took a few deep breaths to keep myself in check and went to the table to start eating. I sat down on my chair, and stared at my empty bowl. I missed how Jungkook would usually fill my bowl with the food. But this time, I had to do it myself. The empty seat beside me became more noticeable for me. I felt incomplete when I finished eating without him. Instead of helping Jin with the chores, I headed straight to my room and locked the door.

I headed straight to my bed and lied down. So that’s what he means… that’s what he meant with those words… I said to myself. I expected that when he said ‘you won’t suffer like that anymore’, he meant that he will make it up to me. But no.

“So this is what you mean, huh?” I blurted out to no one.  “SO THIS IS WHAT YOU MEAN?!” I said again, stronger this time, as I grabbed my pillow and threw it across the room. “YOU’RE GOING TO LEAVE ME? I THOUGHT YOU LOVE ME? I THOUGHT YOU LOVE ME!” I burst into tears while throwing all the things on my bed to the wall. “YOU SAID YOU LOVE ME! YOU SAID YOU’LL ALWAYS LOVE ME!” I collapse onto the bed, as a river of tears began wetting the bare mattress. “But why are you leaving me? Why Jungkook? Why now, when I’m ready to love you again…” my voice started to get weaker and weaker. Breathing became hard for me.

“Why Jungkook? You said you’ll never hurt me again… but why did you leave me?” I closed my eyes and let the exhaustion take me.

I was woken up by a persistent knocking at my door. “Hyung… please answer me, what happening?” Tae asked from the other side of the door. For a moment, I was confused by what he was talking about, but when I saw the beddings on the other side of the room, I remembered what happened. I couldn’t help but tear up again at the thought of what Jungkook decided to do.

“N-Nothing, Tae. Nothing to worry about.” I answered him without standing up from the bed. “Go now. I’m alright.”

Silence. There was a few seconds of silence. I thought Tae went away, but he talked again. “Hyung, you skipped lunch. And I can’t let you skip dinner.” What? How long have I been sleeping? I jumped up from bed and got my phone. 7:30 pm.

“Yeah, coming!” I shouted as I quickly collected my beddings and fixed the bed. I went for the door and opened it, making Tae, who was leaning on my door, stumble and fall hard on his . For a moment, I forgot I was crying over Jungkook’s decision to leave me, because Tae’s fall was really funny.

“Yah! Why are you laughing?” Tae asked as he stood up rubbing his .

“Sorry, Tae. I just can’t help but laugh at you.” I answered. With each huff of air I let out while laughing, I felt the tension that built up inside me come out as well. When he finally recovered, we went to the dining room to eat dinner.

When we reached the table, the members were already seated. I stared at my chair, and the empty chair beside it, calling out to me, almost emphasizing the fact that Jungkook was gone. I tried my best not to breakdown again as I sat down on my chair and filled my own bowl with food. The table was silent, save for the clanging of utensils. Even if I don’t look up, I can feel the gazes of my group mates burning into me. I looked up and met their gazes.

“What? Even with my eyes closed, I could feel your gazes digging into me.” I asked them. They all looked at each other, but no one answered.

I was about to ask again when someone talked. “J-Jimin-hyung, we heard your screams earlier this morning.” Tae finally answered. “What was happening?”

I was glad I didn’t have food I my mouth to choke on when Tae asked that question to me. But even so, I felt a lump form in my throat. I wasn’t ready for that question. I wasn’t ready yet.

“I-It’s nothing. It’s nothing.” I answered him. I’ve been keeping it all in since I walked out of my room, and I’m starting to lose the fight. I felt my eyes welling up with tears, and I failed to keep myself under control and began to break down. Tae held me in for a hug and dragged soothing circles on my back. I hugged him, and let it all go. I cried to his shoulder, and all the other members stood up and went to me. I just cried and cried, trying to remove the heavy feeling that started to fill my chest. I’m just beginning to stand up again and recover from the pain of recalling my sad past with Jungkook, and now, after receiving another blow from fate, I don’t know if I can recover when I’m back to zero.

“Hyung, don’t worry, just cry it all out.” Tae said comfortingly, patting my back.

“Jimin, it will be alright. Just let it out. We’re here for you.” Namjoon said as he joined me and Tae into the hug.

“Don’t worry about thinking; you don’t have to answer us now. Just… cry.” Jin said as he patted my head and caressed my hair. I continued to cry it all out, wetting Tae’s shirt with my tears. Jungkook… you told me you love me. But why are you leaving me? Why are you doing this?

Tae and Jin helped me up and led me back to my room. They helped me to bed and left me alone when they were sure I was settled. I pulled the pillow from below my head and hugged it. But the pillow was too small and felt too cold. Jungkook, why? I want you here; now… you promised that you’ll never hurt me… you promised… I tried to hug the pillow tighter, trying to recreate the feeling of having Jungkook beside me. Trying to imitate the feeling of loving his warmth by my side.

But no matter I how hard I tried to convince myself that he’s still beside me, he’s not.

He’s gone.

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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you wrote...it's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)