Plan No. 2: Double Date?

Turning Tables

Many readers commented that they want more JiKook than TaeJin… sorry about the last chapter if it disappointed you. But it is part of my plot and I can’t do anything about it. So here, this chapter is still TaeJin, but I made it contain more JiKook.

Really sorry… T.T


Author’s POV:

“Hyung, wake up!” Tae said as he shook Jin by the shoulders. Jin slowly and sleepily opened his eyes. His vision is still blurred, but he knows that it was Tae in front of him. When it comes to Tae, he doesn’t make a mistake.

“Hyung, we have rehearsals today, and we need to be there by 8:30.” Tae said, still shaking his hyung. Jin sat up and rubbed his eyes to see clearer. In front of him is a worried-looking Tae.

“I know, I know. But look at the time Tae. It’s just 6:30.” Jin said after looking at the clock hanging on the wall above the bathroom doorway. Tae laughed, and then slapped Jin’s wide shoulders.

 “Hyung, we need to eat breakfast before going to the practice. And in order to have breakfast to eat, we need to cook breakfast.” Tae explained to a currently yawning Jin. Upon hearing Tae’s words, Jin’s sleepy eyes widened. Then, Jin stood up, and went to the kitchen.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier Tae? Now I will be rushing the cooking of the breakfast!” Jin complained as he hurriedly took the hotdogs out of the freezer. “Since we got no time, I am going to cook the easy hotdog-and-egg breakfast.” Jin said. Beside him, Tae just smiled.

“Hyung, when you woke up, that was actually after about ten minutes of me, shaking you, telling you to wake up because we need to cook breakfast.” Tae said as he helped Jin open the bag of hotdogs. Tae looked at Jin, and saw the eye bags that were present under his eyelids.

“Yah, hyung, isn’t it I told you to sleep?” Tae said to Jin. Jin stopped, and then looked at the mirror. Oh. My. God. Eye bags.

“Y-yes. I know. But you were sick last night, and I couldn’t get peaceful sleep knowing that you might wake up anytime.” Jin explained as he sat down on the chair. Tae looked at Jin, and blushed at the thought that Jin was worried about him last night that he chose not to sleep.


Meanwhile, Jimin and Jungkook were inside their room, peeping from their door, checking on the people already downstairs.

“Hyung, do you think it worked?” Jungkook asked as he opened the door a bit wider to have a better view on the kitchen.

“I really don’t know, Jungkook.” Jimin answered. “And we will not know unless we get down there and see for ourselves.” He continued. With that, Jimin pulled the door open, and made his way down the stairs, with Jungkook closely trailing behind him.

“Good morning guys!” Jimin screamed as he reached the kitchen. Jungkook was just there behind him, scanning the reactions of Tae and Jin.

“Good morning, hyung.” Tae answered. Jin just sat there, staring at blank space, yawning for like the fifth time since he woke up. Jungkook came forward and looked at Jin.

“Hey, hyung, what happened? You look like a zombie waiting for a piece of brain to fall from the sky.” Jungkook said as he came closer to Jin. Tae couldn’t help it but frown at the closeness of the maknae and the oldest member.

“Last night, I got sick.” Tae said to Jimin and Jungkook. Jimin suddenly became worried, and rushed to Tae to check if he’s ok.

“Really? How are you feeling? Are you alright now?” Jimin asked as he flipped Tae’s head from side to side, and checking his body temperature by holding his forehead. Jungkook suddenly backed off from Jin and scooted closer to Jimin, who was still performing his own version of check up on Tae. Jungkook was just behind him, pouting.

“Yah, hyung stop it.” Tae said as he removed Jimin from him. “And yes, I’m ok now. Thanks to Jin-hyung. He stayed up all night to take care of me.” Tae continued. “And that is why as you can see, Jin-hyung is still not in his own self right now. He’s blasted from lack of sleep.” Tae went closer to Jin as he finished his explanation. Jimin and Jungkook just stood there, watching as Tae lifted Jin up from the chair. Apparently, while Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae were there, Jin has taken the chance to sleep again. Tae lifted Jin from the chair and carried him back to their room. Jimin and Jungkook remained in the kitchen.

“So… you think it worked?” Jimin asked Jungkook, who was still pouting from what he saw earlier.

“I don’t think so, hyung. If Tae-hyung got sick last night, it means that they didn’t have the time to talk about it.” Jungkook said to Jimin.

“What do we do now?” Jimin sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. Jungkook just stared at him, swallowing hard at how hot Jimin looked right then. Jungkook just continued staring at him, not realizing that Jimin was actually asking him a question.

“YAH! JUNGKOOK! What are we going to do?” Jimin asked as he slapped Jungkook’s face. Jungkook snapped back to reality. Jimin noticed that his cheeks suddenly became red. “Oops, sorry, did that hurt? I didn’t mean to slap you that hard!” Jimin apologized as he put his face closer to Jungkook’s to examine the part that he just hit. Jungkook is feeling uncomfortable right now. He knew that the redness of his face wasn’t because Jimin’s slap was too strong. It was because he just had contact with Jimin. And with Jimin’s face so close to his, there’s no way the redness will go away.

“Uhmm… I-It’s alright… I doesn’t hurt.” Jungkook said as he tried to step back to have some distance from Jimin. What’s wrong with you Jungkook? I thought you were confident? Jungkook said to himself as he successfully produced space between him and Jimin.

“Then why did it turn red? It can only turn red if my slap was strong enough. And apparently, it was strong enough.” Jimin said as he closed the distance between him and Jungkook. “It looks painful.” He said as he examined Jungkook’s red cheeks. Now, even his ears are turning red.

Jungkook was struggling to control himself from exploding right there. He was ready to push it when suddenly, Tae shouted.

“YAH! The two of you!” Tae said as he rushed to the two currently having their moment in the kitchen. Tae didn’t care, though. “Why did you tell us to go the porch last night, when you are not coming there?” Tae asked. “Hyung, you told me yesterday at practice that we need to talk. But why didn’t you show up?” Tae asked to Jimin. “And you…” he said, turning to face Jungkook this time. “You said the same thing to Jin-hyung. Why didn’t you come?” Tae asked. Jimin and Jungkook just stood there, looking shocked by the sudden outburst of Tae.

Jimin and Jungkook both had their excuses ready. Jimin was the first one to speak. “Tae, I really wanted to talk to you last night. However, my stomach got upset, so immediately after dinner, I had to go to the comfort room. When I went to the porch afterwards, you weren’t there.” Jimin said. Tae seemed to be convinced with Jimin’s excuse.

Unfortunately, Jungkook had the same excuse in his mind. He cannot think of another possible excuse, so he just stuck with his prepared one. “Yeah, same thing. I had to use the comfort room, so I did. But when I came the porch, Jin-hyung wasn’t there anymore.” Jungkook said. Both Tae and Jimin raised their eyebrows on Jungkook’s excuse. Jungkook was busy fiddling the bottom of his shirt with his fingers.

“So… you and Jimin-hyung… used the comfort room at the same time?” Tae asked. Jungkook was taken aback by Tae’s question.

“YAH! Could I not use the one here downstairs? Jimin-hyung used the comfort room in our shared room, so I had to use the one here!” Jungkook shouted at Tae. Tae nodded and then turned. Jungkook let go of a sigh of relief. He was going to help Tae cook the breakfast when Jimin held him.

“Couldn’t you think of a better excuse?” Jimin asked, whispering into Jungkook’s ears. Jungkook reddened again from the sudden closeness.

“H-hyung. I-I couldn’t. Your excuse was the same as mine. Why didn’t we talk about this before?” Jungkook said to Jimin. Jimin backed off from Jungkook and patted his back.

“Anyway, you really handled the situation well. You’re quite good at lying, huh?” Jimin said as he followed Tae, leaving a blushing Jungkook.

What the hell has gotten to you, Jungkook? I thought you were already back to your confident self? Jungkook internally scolded himself as he stood there. He breathe in and out a few times to calm himself down before he went to help the two.

The maknae line cooked the hotdogs and eggs that Jin took out before he fell asleep on the chair. Even though they are not experienced cooks, they are old enough to know how to cook eggs and hotdogs. While Jimin and Jungkook worked on them, Tae tried making buttered toasts. He was so proud of himself when they turned out to be quite well.

After they finished cooking the breakfast, Tae went up to wake Jin and the others up. Jimin and Jungkook were left to serve the food on the table. When the members got down from their rooms, they headed to the dining room and were quite disappointed with what they saw. All that was on the table was a plate full of hotdogs, another filled with scrambled egg, and another plate with buttered toasts.

“Light breakfast guys!” Jimin said as he sat down on his chair, smiling, proud with the food that they cooked without Jin. The still sleepy members that just got down from their rooms frowned.

“Light breakfast? Why?” Namjoon asked as he lifted one toast from the plate. It was easy to tell that they he wasn’t exactly in the mood for light breakfast.

“Jimin, you can just say that you really don’t know how to cook other things except for hotdogs and eggs.” Hoseok added, making Jimin’s smile disappear.

“Guys, don’t judge! We tried our best!” Jungkook said as he got Jimin’s plate and put toast, hotdog, and egg on it.

“But why didn’t you just let Jin-hyung decide and cook?” Yoongi asked the three maknaes. Tae sighed before answering.

“I got sick last night. And being the responsible, thoughtful hyung that Jin-hyung is, he took care of me. He didn’t get enough sleep just to do that.” Tae said as he gave the coffee he made for Jin. “Here, hyung.” Tae said to Jin. Jin smiled at Tae and gave his thanks before taking a sip of the coffee. Tae smiled, and then sat down on his own chair.

“Don’t worry, he can get some rest later.” Namjoon said as he sliced the hotdog that was on his plate. “The rehearsal is going to end earlier than usual, because there’s some business that we need to attend to.” He continued. Jin sighed, and then yawned.

After the breakfast, the members went to their own rooms to prepare to leave for the practice. Tae remained in the kitchen to wash the utensils that were used, while Jin went to the room to take a cold bath to wake him up. Jimin and Jungkook headed to their room and closed the door.

“Hyung, it didn’t work. What do we do now?” Jungkook asked as he sat on the bed. Jimin was already stuffing his bag with extra clothes that he will need later. Jungkook jumped up from the bed and went closer to his hyung. “Why don’t we just tell them that the feeling is mutual? Then it will be all finished!” Jungkook suggested.

“No, we can’t. If we want the relationship to last long, they figure it out on their own. We’re not going to spoon-feed them. We are here to just give them opportunities to talk. I guess we should proceed to plan number 2. What’s plan number 2?” Jimin asked. Jungkook didn’t need to reach for the notebook where their plans were written. Plan number 2 was already written on his mind, and he was very happy that Jimin decided to use it.

“Double date. Plan number 2 is double date plan.” Jungkook said to Jimin, trying not to sound as overjoyed as he is right now. Jimin stopped, and then sighed.

“Ok… double date it is then. We’re gonna have to do some award-winning acting on this one.” Jimin said to Jungkook, making the younger suddenly sad. So… he really doesn’t feel the same way? Is it really that hard for him to love me back? Jungkook asked himself. But instead of continuing sulking, he just focused on the plan.

“Since were going to… act like we’re in love with each other, it means that we have to continue acting until they finally realized their love for each other, am I right?” Jungkook asked, eyes gleaming with excitement.

Jimin took another deep breath and sighed. “Can’t we just proceed to plan three?” Jimin asked, suddenly feeling discourage by the question Jungkook asked.

“NO!” Jungkook shouted, startling Jimin and making him slap Jungkook on the shoulders. And that slap was quite strong.

“Sorry! Sorry Jungkook, I am very easily startled. I am so sorry!” Jimin said, apologizing to Jungkook.

“My fault, I shouldn’t have shouted like that.” Jungkook said to Jimin, who was still looking at the floor, feeling bad that he just hit Jungkook the second time in the day. “What I was trying to say is that, we can’t jump to plan three, because it would take some time to prepare it.” Jungkook said, thinking of an excuse just to make Jimin agree with going for plan two. Jimin just nodded.

“You’re right. Ok fine. Get ready then… but warning, you might fall for me. I know my charms are hard to resist.” Jimin said to Jungkook. It was Jungkook’s turn to hit him this time.

“Yah! Don’t be overconfident!” Jungkook said to Jimin. It’s too late for you to say that, hyung. Jungkook thought to himself. “And who knows, it might be you who’ll fall for me. After all, I wasn’t put into the visual line for nothing.” Jungkook smirked, making Jimin laugh at him.

After about an hour of preparation, the group left the house and headed to the dance studio, where they are going to have their rehearsal. In contrast to their usual rehearsals that lasted until sunset, this day’s rehearsal only lasted until after lunch. The group had their lunch in a nearby restaurant, still seated in the order that they use in their dining table. Jungkook still did his usual routine of serving Jimin, even though they are outside now. It was actually their plan to make the routine more obvious today, so that they could convince Tae and Jin that they’ve become an item now. After the lunch, they went back to the dance studio two practice a little bit more.

“Ok, that’s it for the day!” The choreographer shouted he announced the end of the practice. All the members thanked the choreographer before he left. It wasn’t long before Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon stood up too and prepared to leave.

“Guys, we need to go now. Jin-hyung, if you still feel sleepy after everything we did today, feel free to sleep.” Namjoon said as he and the rest of the rapper line headed for the exit door.

Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other and smiled. It’s as if they are talking to each other using their eyes and nods. Jin and Tae stood up and prepare to leave.

“Ok, now.” Jungkook said to Jimin as he popped up from the floor. Jimin also did the same, and together, they approached the other two.

“What?” Tae asked when he saw the two standing before him and Tae. Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other.

“Uhm… we’d like to share something with you.” Jimin said. “And please keep this for ourselves for now.” He continued.

Jungkook cleared his throat before he started. “Actually, uhm… Jimin-hyung and I… are… uhm…” Jungkook said to them, having a hard time getting the words out of him. He couldn’t say it, because he was starting to feel embarrassed.

“Oh god, just say it already, Kookie.” Jimin said as he elbowed Jungkook. Jungkook was shocked by the sudden nickname. He wasn’t prepared for it.

“Ok… Chim-Chim and I are… together now.” Jungkook said, looking at the floor, then at the ceiling, then at the wall, then at the floor again. Well, anywhere, but the other three people inside the room.

Tae and Jin looked at the two people in front of them, shocked by the sudden revelation.

“I knew it…” Tae said as he let go a sigh.

“What do you mean you knew it?” Jimin asked Tae, who was currently smiling at the two.

“What I mean is… I already felt like you were actually an item now. The way you looked at each other… the way you smile to each other… every action just gave it away.” Tae explained.

“Yeah, Tae’s right. I was also starting to notice that the two of you are always talking with each other privately. It didn’t really cross my mind – that you became a couple now.” Jin said to Jimin and Jungkook. Jungkook was already blushing like hell, because he was enjoying the feeling. Jimin, on the other hand, focused on his acting.

Tae and Jin looked at each other with confused faces. “So… why are you saying this to us now?” Tae asked. Jungkook was finally able to drive the embarrassment away, so he answered Tae.

“Actually, Chim-Chim and I are planning to have a date. We want to go to the amusement park this afternoon, and try all the rides, but we can’t go there just the two of us.” Jungkook explained. Jimin was just trying to hold back a laugh ever since he heard the nickname Jungkook decided to use for him. Chim-Chim… how cute. Suits me. Jimin thought as he reached for Jungkook’s hand and held it. Jungkook who busy explaining things to Tae and Jin, started to blush and sweat from the feeling of Jimin holding his hand. OmaygadJiminholdingmyhandomaygad! Jungkook was internally fan boying right there.

“Why? You two are surely old enough to handle yourselves out there!” Jin said. Jimin and Jungkook had this one planned carefully, and they are prepared for that question.

“Yeah… but the people will see us. We don’t want to make our relationship public just yet, right, Kookie?” Jimin explained as he pulled Jungkook closer to him and wrapped his arms around the younger’s waist.

Jungkook froze. He was going to explode any moment, even though he knows that this was all a show. If he’s this sweet during acting, how much sweeter could he become when we are actually together? Jungkook asked himself as he rested his head on Jimin’s head. Tae and Jin gasped when they saw the closeness of the two.

“Ok, we’ll go.” Jin said as he pulled Tae with him by the wrist, making him blush from the sudden contact. He didn’t object though – he just let Jin drag him.

“Ok! Let’s go, Kookie!” Jimin chuckled as the two of them followed Jin and Tae to the van.

Along the way to the amusement park, Jin and Tae sat on the middle row, while Jimin and Jungkook sat together on the back most row of the van.

“Hey, Jungkook” Jimin whispered to Jungkook when he noticed Jin and Tae are talking too loud already to hear them. “You really did great there, huh. Very convincing. You have a great future as an actor. And I really liked the Chim-Chim.” Jimin said to Jungkook, making Jungkook feel mixed emotions. He was sad because Jimin really thinks of the things they are doing as pure show to put TaeJin together, but at the same time happy because Jimin commended his acting skills and he liked the endearment.

“Yeah… Thanks, Chim-Chim.” Jungkook replied to Jimin, making Jimin smile. That cute eye smile, really… Jungkook thought to himself. At first, he was trying to resist pinching Jimin’s cheeks, but realizing that they are acting right now, he thought that he has a valid excuse for doing it.

“YAH! Let go of my cheeks, Ju-Kookie!” Jimin shouted, almost calling Jungkook by his name. Tae and Jin turned to see Jungkook pinching Jimin’s cheeks, while Jimin was trying to break free from Jungkook.

“Uhhh… JiKook really very sweet.” Tae said as he clapped and cheered for Jimin. Jin though, just smiled at the ‘cuteness’ of the ‘couple’.

When they reached the amusement park, they happily went down from the van and headed to the center – the carousel. Once they were there, they stopped for a while to talk about what they are going to do.

“So… which ride goes first?” Jin asked the three maknaes. Jimin looked at Jungkook and signaled him to initiate the first step.

“Chim-Chim, I want to ride the Ferris wheel.” Jungkook said, tugging at Jimin’s shirt and pointing at the tall structure that was already spinning.

“I think my Kookie wants to ride the wheel.” Jimin said to his hyung. “Come on guys, let’s go there!” Jimin continued as he dragged a blushing Jungkook. Jin and Tae, who were just there, adoring the cuteness of the two, followed them to the ride.

Once they were in the line, Jimin talked about the ride.

“I think the Ferris wheel only accommodates one pair per cart.” Jimin said as he went inside one and pulled Jungkook with him. “Hyung, I think you and Tae will have to go to the next.” Jimin continued as him and Jungkook settled on the seats.

“Enjoy the ride, Jin-hyung!” Jungkook teased as he gave Jin a wink before closing the door of their cart. Tae and Jin were left outside, waiting for the next cart.

“So… how’s your day so far, Tae?” Jin asked awkwardly, obviously just trying to start a conversation with Tae.

“Good, hyung. Especially because we get to enjoy the time in the amusement park. It’s been a while since I’ve been in one.” Tae answered. Jin just nodded; thinking of another topic that he thinks will last longer than that.

“Oh… how’s your health? Are you feeling better now?” Jin asked.

“Yeah… much better than last night. But still not feeling as good as normal.” Tae answered as he stepped into the cart that stopped in front of them. Jin followed him inside. “And by the way, I didn’t have the chance to thank you for staying up last night to take care of me.” Tae continued, but not without blushing. Jin didn’t see it though, because he was looking outside, trying to hide the blush that was also on his face.

“What do you think are they talking about right now?” Jungkook asked to Jimin, who was busy looking at the sight below him.

“I don’t know… how am I supposed to know? We’re both here!” Jimin reminded Jungkook, making Jungkook pout.

“Hyung? Are you mad?” Jungkook asked Jimin. Jimin turned to face Jungkook.

“What? Why am I going to be mad at you?” Jimin asked. Then realized how bad his tone was when he answered Jungkook. “Oh… that… sorry. I really didn’t mean to answer you like that.” Jimin apologized to Jungkook. Jungkook quickly accepted the apology.

“What do we do next? Jungkook asked Jimin again. “I mean, if they didn’t talk about that in the cart, where are we going next where they talk privately?” he continued.

“Let’s give the boat ride a try. Only two people can occupy a row there, so they can talk about their feelings there.” Jimin answered Jungkook. Jungkook nodded, then settled on his own seat as he stared at Jimin in front of him. I hope they don’t realize their feelings soon… Jungkook thought to himself.

That plan of theirs was put to waste when they came down from the ride. Jungkook and Jimin waited for Tae and Jin at the entrance of the ride. When they saw the two, they were surprised to see Jin having his arm wrapped around Tae’s waist. Jimin and Jungkook almost jumped in success when they saw Tae’s bewildered face.

“Hyung, what happened?” Jimin asked as he approached the two.

“Tae isn’t feeling that well. I think we should go now. I’ll just tell the driver to come back later to pick you up.” Jin said as he supported Tae to the van.

“Hyung, we’re going with you.” Jimin said to Jin. Jin turned around and faced Jimin and Jungkook. Right now, Jungkook was wishing that Jin will not allow them to go back home.

“No. You can enjoy your date with Jungkook. Take care of him, ok? I’ll take care of Tae.” Jin said as he stepped inside the van. Jimin watched as the van drove away, leaving him and Jungkook in the amusement park. Alone.

“Plan no. 2, failed.” Jimin declared as he sighed. “What do we do now? We don’t have any business in here.” Jimin said as he faced Jungkook, who was trying his best not to show Jimin how happy he was.

“Yeah, this plan failed. We can’t just stand here and wait until the driver’s return. Why don’t we try other things?” Jungkook suggested. Jimin sighed before standing straight and following Jungkook into a horror house.

“YAH! Not that one, Jungkook. You know how easily scared I am, right?” Jimin said as Jungkook continued pulling Jimin into the house. Jungkook isn’t really affected by stuff like this – he just wanted to go in there to see the ugly faces of the people dressed as ghouls. “Yah! Jungkook!” Jimin continued begging.

“Hyung, they are just people too. And besides, horror houses aren’t really that scary.” Jungkook said to his hyung, who was already shaking from nervousness.

As they entered the horror house, Jimin was ready to jump in case he feels anything, because right now, his eyes were closed, and he was just being led by Jungkook who was holding his hand and dragging him. Jimin was already sweating, and Jungkook could feel that through his palms. He looked at Jimin and smiled at how cute his hyung was, seeing him in his scared state. Jungkook decided to experiment, and he let go of Jimin’s hand.

“Jungkook? Jungkook?! Where are you?” Jimin panicked as he felt the space around him. Jungkook just stood back as he tried to avoid being touched by Jimin. “Jungkook?! Don’t leave me!” Jimin said as he continued feeling around him, until he got hold of the furry statue that’s supposed to be a werewolf. But when Jimin touched it, he screamed and jumped away from it and curled into a ball. “JUNGKOOK!!! I’M SCARED!!!” Jimin screamed, alerting Jungkook that he’s gone way too far into experimenting. He took hold of Jimin’s hand, but Jimin refused to hold him as he continued curling. He was crying already. Jungkook felt a pang of guilt hit him as he tried to carry Jimin out of the horror house.

When they got out of the horror house, Jungkook put Jimin down on a chair and shook him, saying that they are out now, and that he’s safe. When Jimin uncurled, Jungkook saw his face.

“Hyung! Are you alright? You look so pale! I’m so sorry hyung! Wait here, ok?” Jungkook said to Jimin as he ran to the nearest water vendor. He opened the bottled water and gave it to the still shaking Jimin. After a few minutes, Jimin recovered from his Yoongi-like state.

“YAH! Why did you do that? Why did you let go of my hand?” Jimin asked. Jungkook was just looking at the ground, feeling sorry for what he did.

“I’m very sorry hyung.” Jungkook said again to Jimin. Jimin stood up from the chair, and pulled Jungkook up.

“It’s ok. Thanks for helping me out of that freak place.” Jimin said to Jungkook as he pulled Jungkook’s chin up to look at him. Their faces are just very close to each other, making Jungkook blush and swallow hard. It was his turn now to sweat. Jimin went closer and closer to Jungkook, making Jungkook close his eyes and his lips in anticipation. He was ready and waiting for the kiss, but then, he felt Jimin collapse on him.

“Hyung! Hyung are you alright? Hyung?” Jungkook asked as he helped Jimin up. Jimin stood up with Jungkook’s help.

“Yeah… I’m just a little weak from what happened.” Jimin said as he reached for his phone in his pocket when he felt it vibrate.

From: Jin-hyung

Jimin! The driver is already on his way now back there. Meet him at the gate.

“Jungkook, the driver is going to be back now, anytime soon. We should go to the gate now.” Jimin said. Jungkook nodded as he helped Jimin walk to the gate. They waited there for a while, before the van came and took them back home.

After dinner, Jungkook headed to Tae’s and Jin’s shared room, and took out the box of love notes. He took another note out and wrote on it.


Today, the show started. Jimin and I are going to act like we are together, at least in front of Tae-hyung and Jin-hyung. Though it’s sad that this is all just for show, I am still going to enjoy every moment of it. I’ll take this as an opportunity to show my love for my Chim-Chim. And yes, that’s our endearment. I call him Chim-Chim, while he calls me Kookie.

I am really happy to have this day with him as his boyfriend, even though it’s all an act.

And I am looking forward to the day that all of this will be true.

Jungkookie <3


After Jungkook wrote the letter and hid the box, he went to their shared room, but he didn’t find Jimin there. But he was far too tired to bother for now. Anyway, I’ll wake up with him beside me tomorrow. Jungkook said to himself as he fell asleep.

Jimin was alone in the porch thinking about his day. Why did you do that Jimin? Why? You must be thankful that you threatened to faint. If not, you might have ended up kissing him on the lips. What has gotten into you? You… you can’t be falling for him, can you? No… that’s just nonsense. Jimin argued to himself. He was pacing back and forth in the porch, thinking about the near-kiss situation earlier in the park. So what if he just saved you? He just carried you to safety with those strong arms of his. He was also very caring when you were feeling helpless and he looked – YAH! Why are you thinking about that! Stop it Jimin! Stop! Hajima! Jimin talked to himself. Irritated and confused by his own feelings, he went back to their shared room to find Jungkook already asleep. Fortunately, he was already in bed when his headache in again.

“Jimin, can you not be very clingy to me? It’s just a little bit too much at times. I feel a bit uncomfortable.” The voice in Jimin’s head began speaking again. Before, he couldn’t recognize the voice. But this time… it was a bit less distorted. The voice seemed to be familiar to Jimin, but he didn’t have enough time to think about it as the headache sent him to sleep.


HAHA... Longest Chapter yet... two days in the making... 

I am currently having writer's block, but i hope i will have some new idea soon. 

Thanks for supporting! Love you guys!

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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)