The Kim of Seokjin

Turning Tables

Chapter 17

The Kim Of Seokjin 

Jin’s POV:


“Good morning, Tae.” I said after waking up, still not opening my eyes from sleepiness. When there was no response, I looked at the side of the bed where he was supposed to be sleeping. I found it empty.

Before the accident, I was used to waking up to a snoring Tae beside me. It was usually me who woke him up to help me prepare the breakfast. Since the accident, I usually wake up alone in bed, and I haven’t gotten used to it. Not yet. Gotta stand up and prepare breakfast.

Still sleepy after a busy day yesterday, I went straight to the refrigerator to check what food we still have left. I first felt the coldness that the fridge emits before really checking the insides to look for food items. After about a minute of tossing the bags inside, I realized that there are only vegetables left. Vegetables only, no pancake mix, no meat. NO MEAT. I’m sure Tae’s not going to like it when he finds out. He’s not going to eat breakfast. There SHOULD be meat.

My mind was focused on one thing – look for meat for Tae. Tae is like a child during the morning. He doesn’t like vegetables. He never craved for any vegetable. He only eats them when they are hidden, masked by the meat, or required to be eaten. In addition to that, the diva-ish behavior of Tae becomes more evident during breakfasts. During the first few days of the group together, most of the members, especially Yoongi, were easily irritated by Tae’s childish demeanor. As time went by, the members eventually found this childish side of him cute and adorable. He was even considered one of the mood setters of the group, along with Jimin and Hoseok.

I was in deep thought on what to do about the lack of meat when I heard a door open and close. I turned to see a sleepy Jungkook approaching. He doesn’t look happy.

“Good morning, Jungkook.” I greeted him.

“Morning hyung.” He replied. It was obvious that he purposely left out the word “good”.

“Where’s the good?” I asked him, trying to uplift his mood. He only gave me a depressed look. Something must be wrong.

“What’s wrong, Jungkook? You can tell hyung.” I said to him as I approached him to pat him on the back.

“Nothing serious hyung. It’s just that I woke up in bed alone. Jimin-hyung left me.” He confessed. I tried, but I can’t hide the smile that crept up on my face. Jungkook noticed.

“What are you smiling about? There’s nothing funny!” Jungkook said to me as he pushed me away from him. It’s then I lost it. I just laughed the hell out of me.

“Hyung, it’s not funny!!!” He screamed. I don’t know if his voice was too soft, or the members are just very tired from yesterday, but that scream didn’t wake up any of the three who are still sleeping.

“Sorry, Jungkook. I just found it cute… the way you become depressed when Jimin isn’t paying attention to you.” I said to him as I went down from my laughter .

Jungkook just nodded and looked around. After some moments, it was his turn to ask me.

“Hey, hyung, are you alone?” He asked.

“Uhm… yeah. You see, Tae was gone when I woke up.” I answered.

“So… Jimin-hyung must’ve gone jogging with Tae-hyung. But why the two of them? Why does it have to be Tae-hyung? Why didn’t he wake me up?” Jungkook continued ranting.

So that’s where Tae is. Tae is with Jimin. Well, what’s new? They’ve been bestfriends for a long time now. They are inseparable – if you don’t know them, you might jump into the conclusion that they are lovers. I thought to myself. Then, images of the two of them jogging together came flashing in my mind. They must be waiting for the sunrise right now. What are they doing while waiting for it? Talking? No, both of them are not the type that would only talk on such occasions. Maybe they are running around right now, chasing each other. Maybe they are rolling around like idiots. Maybe they’re…

I kept on enumerating the possible things that they are doing for the moment. Maybe they’re… no… Jimin doesn’t like Tae.

“Hey, hyung! Are you ok?” Jungkook said while shaking me, snapping me out of my imaginations and making me go back to reality.

“Oh… yeah. Sorry. I’m just… thinking about something.” I said to him as I turned around to face the fridge again. I don’t want Jungkook to see me getting depressed on things like that.

After some moments of aimlessly tossing the packs inside the fridge, I finally finished collecting my thoughts and spoke to Jungkook again, who was apparently just standing behind me all the time.

“Jungkook, it seems that we’ve already ran out of meat. Can you please buy some? Here’s the money.” I asked him as I handed him the money to buy the meat that I need.

“But hyung, there’s vegetable. We still have food to eat. Why buy now?” Jungkook asked as he scratch the back of his head. Typical lazy teenager.

“Uhm… I need some. This isn’t enough, you know. Don’t you want meat as well?” I reasoned to him. Apparently, he was easily convinced by my excuse.

“Ok hyung.” Jungkook said as he disappeared around the corner.

Once Jungkook was gone, out to buy meat, I had some time to think my feelings over. What am I feeling? Why am I thinking about those things? What has gotten into me? And so what if they are jogging together? Why do I care? I said to myself. This is nonsense, Kim Seokjin. I ended thinking as I proceeded to cooking the breakfast using the available vegetables.

After a few minutes, I heard another door creaking open. “Good morning, hyung! Why are you up so early? There’s no schedule for today.” Namjoon said as he sleepily lumbered towards me.

“Good morning, Namjoon. I have to prepare breakfast for you guys, so I woke up early. I’m glad I woke up early because if not, I wouldn’t have found out that we’ve ran out of meat.” I said to him, showing him the bags to beans and carrots that I just brought out of the refrigerator.

“Ok, hyung, thanks. Do you need help?” Namjoon asked.

“No, not from you. You might end up destroying the kitchen if you work here.” I said to him, laughing at his talent at destroying things within reach. He already destroyed one of his shirts in a LIVE performance. Well, Jimin also ripped his, but not as bad as Namjoon did. Lately, he just wrecked a one-month old lamp in the living room. He’s literally a living siege weapon.

“I know. What I mean is do you want me to wake the others up to help you?” Namjoon asked. He’s one serious fellow.

“No, thanks. Let them rest. I’ll do just fine here.” I said to him.

“There’s no need to wake us up.” Hoseok said as he climbed down that stairs.  Trailing behind him was Yoongi, who looked irritated that he got up this early.

“Oh, you’re awake already? Good morning!” I energetically greeted the two of them. Hoseok smiled to me. Compared to Yoongi (well, compared to most of us), he was more easily uplifted because of his generally positive attitude. Yoongi, on the other hand, just nodded at me. No smile. No nothing.

“Well, we got woken up by the sound of a screaming maknae. Where is the pabo?” Yoongi asked with a little fury. So they were woken up by the scream?

“Sorry about that, Yoongi. It was actually my fault. I asked Jungkook to buy some meat from the convenience store. He’ll be back in a moment.” I told him.

“Why? Are there no vegetables?” Yoongi asked.

“There are, but…” I tried to explain, but I don’t want to tell them Tae will not like it.

“But what, hyung?” Hoseok asked.

It took me a moment before I found an answer. “Nothing. Ok, fine. You hungry? I’ll cook now. Is it ok if we eat an all-vegetable breakfast?” I asked them. I did not expect them to say yes, but they did. That left me with no choice but to start cooking without the meat.

After about half an hour of cooking, the deed was done. I served the food to the three members who were there at the moment.

“Where’s Jungkook?” Namjoon asked.

“Right, where’s the noisy pabo?” Yoongi asked. Hoseok elbowed him.

Now, where’s Jungkook? It should only be a few minutes of walk away from here. What is taking him so long? I was still asking myself where the hell Jungkook went when a pair of loud voices came through the front door. One was high-pitched, while one was deep. There’s no question from whom the voices belong.

“Hey, hyung, you’re tired! You’re getting old!” The deep voice said.

“No I’m not! I can even wrestle with you right now and still win within a minute!” The high-pitched voice chuckled. Then a loud scream was heard. Then laughing, and then screaming.

“Hey get off of me!” The high-pitched voice said.

“No! I thought you said you can beat me in a wrestling match? Prove it!” The other one said. Then more laughing was heard.

“Hey, we’re here! Relax now! I’m starving!” Jimin said as he opened the door, revealing a Tae that rode him on the back, laughing.

“Tae get off of me! I want to eat!” Jimin pleaded. Tae just kept on laughing and held on more tightly. Why are they acting like that?

“Nope!!! Prove it to me!” Tae said while tickling Jimin. Jimin turned and twisted, trying to remove Tae from him. His efforts were no use. When will they stop?! Tae get off him! Wait, Jin, what the hell. Let them be! I said to myself. I didn’t notice a slight frown that made its way to my face.

“Tae, it’s starting to hurt! I haven’t fully recovered yet!” Jimin continued pleading. Tae heard him, and immediately jumped off Jimin.

“Hyung, SORRY! Are you alright? Where does it hurt?” Tae worriedly asked while scanning Jimin. Jimin just looked at him in silence. Then, he laughed. Go here! Eat!

“What’s funny?” Tae asked. “So you’re lying?! YOU - ”

“Hey you two! Get here and eat breakfast!” Hoseok said to them just before Tae was about to tackle Jimin. The two looked at us, and then rushed to the table. When they got to the food, Jimin looked at the food first, before heading to the kitchen to wash his hands. Tae, on the other hand, pouted when he saw the food.

“What’s the matter?” I asked to him, even though I already know what was making him sad.

“Hyung, you know I don’t like vegetables.” Tae said to me.

“I have no choice… There was no meat in the fridge; neither is there pancake mix left. So I had to cook a vegetable breakfast.” I explained. Tae just pouted even more. Cute… wait what?

Just in time, Jungkook came in, carrying a bag, which he handed over to me. Tae went to the porch to pout forever, while Jungkook settled in the table and waited for Jimin, who was now returning to the table after washing his hands.

While cooking the meat, I watched as Jungkook did his routine every meal. He took Jimin’s bowl and filled it with the food. The two of them happily munched at the healthful food that was on the table. They look perfect together. Jimin should be with Jungkook, not with Tae. Jin, what the hell are you thinking?!

The other members were already done eating breakfast when I finished cooking the meat. When I returned, the table was already deserted except by a Tae that stared into the pot of vegetables in the table. He looked like as if he was going to cry. I approached him, and fanned to him the scent of the meat from the pan I was carrying. When he detected it, he closed his eyes and sniffed around. When he saw me carrying a pan of meat, his eyes widened in delight.

“WOW!!! MEAT!” Tae excitedly exclaimed as I set the pan before him. When I finally let go of the pan’s handle, Tae immediately hugged me. I felt my cheeks starting to burn from the close contact.

It was beginning to become uncomfortable for me, so I asked him to let go. “Uhm, Tae, your… meat is waiting.” Wait, that doesn’t sound right.

Tae looked at me, and then smiled with his signature box-smile. Cute.

As the two of us began to eat, Tae started a casual conversation. “You didn’t say you are going to cook meat just for me!” Tae said with his mouth filled with the food.

“I-I really wasn’t sure because Jungkook didn’t return that early.” Why the hell are you stuttering?

“So you asked Jungkook to buy meat just for me?” Tae asked. I only gave him a nod.

“And you didn’t eat until the meat came?” Tae asked again. I gave him another nod. JIN, TALK!

“That’s so sweet of you, hyung! Thanks!” Tae said as he continued eating the breakfast I prepared for him. Only for him, and me.

After the breakfast, Tae volunteered to help me with washing the dishes. Of course, I didn’t object to his suggestion. In fact, I was more than happy to have him help me. I enjoyed every moment I spent washing the dishes with him. For that moment, when we were alone together, everything just felt right. Everything just felt good. I didn’t even bother suppressing my feeling that I’m so happy when I’m with Tae.

After washing the dishes, Tae thanked me again for the food, and then he headed to the living room. I was still in bliss when I followed him to where the other members were. It was like that until I saw him. He was pulling Jimin up to our room. Jimin again?

Then, all the happiness I felt was gone. I felt… sad. I felt… betrayed. Why is he going after Jimin? Why always Jimin? Why does it have to be him? Can’t he see Jungkook is trying to spend time with Jimin? Why does Tae always have to be with Jimin? Those were the things running in my mind during those times. Then, I met Jungkook’s eyes, which were looking at me. It’s as if our eyes talked to each other. Jungkook stood up and went to my direction. When he got to me, we headed to the porch.

“What’s the matter, hyung?” Jungkook asked. I’m not yet ready to talk about it, but here it comes.

“Jungkook, how do you feel when you get to spend some time with Jimin?” I asked him. He looked at me, bearing a serious mood with him.

“I feel happy. Happier than ever. In fact, I feel like I was at my happiest, I have to say. It felt like everything just feels right for the moment.” Jungkook explained. I knew it.

“Can you say that’s because of how you feel towards Jimin? Do you it’s because you love him?” I asked. He looked at me, then gave me a smile, and then he nodded. So does this mean I love Tae? But… why? He’s a childish alien with a deep voice, in fact, deepest in the group. He is a cutie, with nice hair and complexion. Most of all, he has this signature smile of him that melts my insides whenever he directs it to me.

That explains everything. The way I wanted him to feel happy. Why I was too worried when there is no meat in the fridge. The reason why I hated Jungkook back when Tae was crying over what happened to Jimin. Why I was jealous when I see him with Jimin. It’s because I love him.

“Hey, is my hyung in love?” Jungkook asked. I only nodded.

“I knew it! Haha. Tae-hyung better watch out for your moves, hyung.” Jungkook chuckled.

“How did you know it was Tae? AND PLEASE… keep it down. They might hear us. He might hear us!” I said to him, worried that he was being too loud, just like how loud he was earlier in the morning.

“It takes one to know one. I’m also in love with a person that doesn’t know I am in love with him. It isn’t too hard for me to notice that you love Tae-hyung. It can be seen from the way you look at him, the way you smile when you see him smiling. Even from the way you frown when you see him with Jimin…” Jungkook paused for a while. His eyes widened from the sudden realization.

“Oh! You’re jealous! You envy Jimin-hyung! He gets to spend more time with Tae-hyung than you do.” Jungkook exclaimed.

”Ok fine, you got me. How could you be such an expert at such a young age?” I asked him

Suddenly, Jungkook grabbed me by the shoulders and begged. “Please spare Jimin-hyung. He does not mean to take Tae-hyung away from you. Please don’t stop providing food for him.” Jungkook pleaded. What the hell is this kid saying?

“What do you mean?” I asked him.

“You see, you are jealous of Jimin-hyung. You are the house’s cook. Because you are in control of the food, you might take revenge on Jimin-hyung and exclude him from the food you cook.” Jungkook explained. I’m not a bad person.

“Hey, who says I do that?! I’m not a bad person! If I am going to play, I’m playing fair and square.” I reassured him.

Jungkook nodded and relaxed before he spoke again. “So, what can we do about it?” Jungkook asked.

“I don’t know. It’s my first time, you know, and I don’t know what to do.” I explained. Jungkook laughed.

“What are you laughing about?” I asked him.

“Now you know how it feels! It took me so long before I had you guys realize that the reason why I rejected Jimin-hyung back in the past is that it was my first time to fall in love and I don’t know how to handle such things. And now, here you are, telling me it’s also your first time!!!” Jungkook explained as he laughed.

“Ok fine. I’m sorry. But you also know how it feels, right? Then help me.” I said to him as he went down from his fit of laughter.

“Don’t worry, hyung. I am going to help you even if you don’t ask. I know how it feels.” Jungkook explained. “But, I’ll help you, only if you’ll help me with Jimin-hyung.” He added.

“And who are you to demand from your hyung?” I asked.

“I’m just the person who knows that you secretly in love with Tae-hyung, and – ” Jungkook said.

“Ok stop! Ok fine, I’ll help you. Deal?” I asked him as I held my hand out for a hand shake.

“Deal.” Jungkook responded as he took my hand for a hand shake. We headed back to the living room.

“Though making Jimin starve to death is a good idea to eliminate him.” I said to Jungkook.

“Hyung!!!” Jungkook screamed.

“Ok stop! Just kidding!” I said to calm my new ally down.


Guys... I don't really know if you ship TaeJin... But please let me know. If you don't like them together, tell me.

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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)