The Matchmakers Pt.2

Turning Tables

Jungkook’s POV:

Is there something wrong today? Why didn’t he thank me for filling his bowl with food for him? I asked myself when I gave Jimin his bowl which I filled with food. I always do that for him every meal – it is very seldom that I don’t. And every time I do that, he always smiled to me and thanked me. It just makes my day. But, why didn’t he thank me now?

I decided to ask him about it. “Hyung, aren’t you going to say thanks?” I asked him and gave him an innocent smile. Please say you just forgot about it…

“Oh, yeah, I forgot. Thanks for the food.” Jimin answered, and I felt relieved. Thank god he just forgot about it… I was about to go back to eating the food that I just got when Jimin suddenly called me again.

“Jungkook” Jimin said to me, making me turn my head again to face him. He was bearing a serious expression. “I think it’s time we talk. Meet me at the porch after dinner.” He continued. Right after he said those words to me, he turned his attention back to his food and started eating.

What did hyung just say? What are we going to talk about? What’s about to happen? I asked myself these questions as I continued eating. Eventually, I found myself internally smiling at the thought that Jimin and I are going to talk. Privately. I was so excited that I actually hurried to finish my food and go there as soon as possible.

After I finished eating the dinner, I immediately headed to our room. The other members, including Jimin, are still not yet done eating. They were actually quite surprised that I was the first one to finish eating because usually it was Tae and I that finish last because we kept on eating until there’s nothing left. When I reached our room, I immediately headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Of course, I have to smell good in front if Jimin later. I have to make a good impression on him. And who knows, maybe we are going to have our first kiss there?

After brushing my teeth, headed to our meeting place – the porch. I noticed that this place have become the place where people talk about their lives, especially during heart-to-heart talks. And if Jimin and I are going to talk in the porch, then maybe we are going to talk about some serious stuff. What if… this is a confession? Should I accept it anyway? Of course! But… what if… this is going to be about the past? What if… he’s starting to remember the things that I did to him in the past? Is he going to push me to my death? Yah! Stop thinking about negative things, Jungkook! My mind was full of different thoughts, still thinking about the possible reason why Jimin would want to talk in the porch.

Then, Jimin came to the porch. I can tell that he headed straight to this place after he finished eating. I was waiting for him to talk, so we just stood there in the porch, leaning on the rails and watching the city streets. The air was quite cold in here for a summer night. It was like that – the days are very warm, while the evenings are quite cold. I was starting to feel awkward just standing there and waiting for him to talk, so I turned around to ask him first.

 “So… w-what is it that we are going to talk about?” I asked. I was starting to feel nervous but excited at the same time, because I am really thinking of this as a heart-to-heart talk about of feelings. Jimin took a deep breath before he answered me.

“Jungkook, actually…” Jimin said. Actually what? Don’t make me so excited hyung! I was mentally screaming, and it was showing because I can feel my fists clenching from the tension and excitement I was feeling.

“Actually, it’s about Tae.” Jimin finished. Oh, yeah. I thought… I was wrong to expect that this early. I said to myself. The excitement I was feeling earlier was replaced with utter disappointment. I was really disappointed that it wasn’t what I was expecting. I hurried through the dinner, and now, it wasn’t what I imagined it to be. Not one bit. Not even close. “I thought it was about us.” I accidentally said under my breath. When I realized what I just said, my heart started to beat faster. Oh my god… I hope he didn’t hear that…

Jimin looked at me and asked. “Jungkook, what did you say?” Oh gosh he didn’t hear it. I tried to stabilize my heart rate first before answering his question.

“Oh, nothing. It’s nothing, hyung.” I said to him, turning to face the busy streets again. I was still quite disappointed, but I didn’t matter now. “So, what is it about Tae-hyung?” I asked him.

Without even thinking for a few moments, Jimin immediately answered my question. “Jungkook, I think you should keep some distance with Jin-hyung.” Jimin said straight to the point. Woah… wait, I thought this is about Tae-hyung? Then why is he talking about Jin-hyung now

 “Wait, I thought this is about Tae-hyung?” I asked him. This is totally confusing me. He just said that this is about Tae, but now his talking about Jin.

I noticed Jimin take a deep breath before he answered. “Yeah, whatever it was, just… back off a bit from Jin-hyung.” He repeated. Why do feel like there’s something wrong?

I looked at Jimin in the eye and went closer to him. I am going to try to make him tell me everything. “Why do I have to do that? Any valid reason?” I asked him as I gave him a smirk to make the situation a bit more uncomfortable for him. Apparently, it’s working, because he had to swallow hard first before he finally got to answer my question.

“Just listen to me, Jungkook. Keep some distance between you and Jin-hyung.” Jimin said in a serious tone, as if trying his best to convince me. It’s not working though. Why aren’t you saying anything about the reason? What is that reason? How secret is the reason that you can’t just tell me? I decided to push further. I had to know the reason, whatever it was. So I hardened my expression and went even closer to him, still looking at him in the eyes.

“Why? Are you… are you jealous?” I asked him. I noticed his usually narrow eyes widen when I asked him the question. Actually, I just asked the question to force him to telling me what the real reason was. But deep inside me, I was still hoping that he would say ‘Yes! I’m ing jealous so just leave Jin-hyung and stay with me!’, even though I know that he wouldn’t say that. There was no chance that he would say yes. None, at least for now.

“What the hell, NO!” Jimin shouted. I got startled by his very sudden outburst that I had to jump back from him. The way he reacted scared me, but somehow, I thought it was because he got embarrassed by my question. So I looked at him, searching for any sign of embarrassment. Any sign… blushing, heavy breathing, shaking, or sweating, or anything. Just anything to indicate that it had an effect on him. unfortunately, I found nothing of that sort. Jungkook, don’t expect… it will just hurt you more.

Jimin then went closer to me. “Oh, sorry. No, it wasn’t that. Why the hell should I be jealous?” he said to me. He’s right… why the hell should he get jealous? Jungkook, quit it… it’s not what you think. I convinced myself that whatever I was expecting for coming here is not going to happen. No confession. No Kiss. Just… talk about Tae… or Jin.

My mood started to get destroyed, so the next words came out from me very weakly. “Then what’s the reason, hyung?” I asked him. Jimin looked at me for a while, and then sighed, carrying a look of defeat.

“I really didn’t plan on saying this to you, but I guess I have to. And please, don’t act like you know it, especially since you are close to Jin-hyung.” Jimin explained to me. It was starting to get interesting again, so I went in closer to listen carefully. He was going to say the real reason as to why he wants me to back off from Jin.

Jimin sighed again before he continued. “Tae is…Tae is in love with Jin-hyung, and he’s getting jealous every time you steal Jin-hyung from him.” Jimin said. Wh-What? Did I hear it right? Did Jimin just say that Tae-hyung also likes Jin-hyung? And that he is jealous with me? It took me a while before I fully absorbed the information that Jimin just said to me. And when it finally sunk in, I couldn’t do anything but laugh at the turn of events… So Jin-hyung doesn’t really have to do more effort to get Tae-hyung? I continued laughing, while Jimin just stood there, looking at me, confused as to why I was laughing like there was no tomorrow.

 “YAH! WHAT’S SO FUNNY ABOUT THAT!?” Jimin asked as he grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me back to my sanity. It took me some time before I finally got down from my fit of laughter.

“Jungkook, what’s so funny about Tae liking Jin-hyung? I don’t find anything funny about it.” Jimin said as he hit me on the shoulder.

I remembered that Jin told me not to tell anyone else about his feelings for Tae, but since Jimin already told me about Tae’s feelings for Jin, and also because I had no other reason to say as to why I was laughing so hard a few moments ago, I decided to tell Jimin the real reason. “Actually, if you know what I know, hyung, you’ll also find the situation funny.” I said to him. Jimin looked at me with a confused expression.

“What do you mean?” Jimin asked. I can tell from his look that he really is confused right now.

“Since you were so game into telling me Tae-hyung’s feelings for Jin-hyung, I think I can share to you the secret.” I said to him. Jimin suddenly pushed me.

“Yah! Stop teasing me! Just tell me already!” Jimin said, desperately excited to know what I was talking about. He was always like that… easily getting excited about stuff that he’s about to learn.

I looked at the streets again before I spoke. “Ok, ok! Here you go. Actually… Jin-hyung also loves Tae-hyung. That’s why we are always talking to each other. He’s always confiding to me when… you know… you and Tae-hyung are getting close to each other.” I said to him. I didn’t hear him talk for a while. I didn’t even hear a reaction from him. When I turned around and checked, he was staring at me with widened eyes. He was shocked from what I just said. Then, suddenly, he laughed. He laughed so hard that his face was beginning to turn red from the pressure. He was jumping up and down like an idiot. But I really find him cute. Very cute. His laugh was very contagious and good to hear.

I didn’t stop him from laughing though. I just let him laugh his heart out, because I know the feeling he’s getting right now. When everything is starting to make sense. When you realize that they don’t really have to put too much effort to build their relationship.

After Jimin recovered from his fit of laughter, we started talking about it. “So, what are we going to do about it?” I asked Jimin, who was now breathing normally again.

“First of all, now that you know the reason, can you back off from Jin-hyung a bit from now on?” Jimin asked. Now that I know the reason, it didn’t take me long to answer.

“Ok, why not? I will not interrupt their moments anymore. But I will still talk to him when he wants to talk. It that fine with you?” I asked him. Jimin just nodded.

“So, is that also the reason why you and Tae were always talking?” I asked him. I remembered that night – when I saw Jimin and Tae hugging each other in the porch. I really wanted to ask him about that, but now is not the right time. I suddenly felt stupid for crying over seeing them, now that I know what it was all about.

“Yes. We are talking about what to do to make Jin-hyung notice him.” Jimin answered. After a few moments of silence, Jimin spoke again. “And what was the cold shoulder all about? Remember the time when Jin-hyung ignore Tae for days?” Jimin asked. Oh, yeah, that.

“Oh… that thing? I remember that, of course. That was only a few days ago.” I said to him. “Actually, it was all planned.” I continued. Jimin looked at me with a curious look.

“Planned? What do you mean planned?” Jimin asked.

“It was one of the things that we talked about. Jin-hyung wanted to do something to make Tae-hyung notice him. Jin-hyung wanted Tae-hyung to crave for his attention again. So we thought that maybe if he ignores Tae-hyung for a while, then maybe Tae-hyung will try to spend some time with him.” I explained to Jimin.

“And it didn’t turn out to be a good plan, because all that happened is that Tae became mad at Jin-hyung.” Jimin chuckled. We laughed at the event for a few second before we continued our conversation.

“I know right! Jin-hyung had a mental breakdown when he realized that Tae-hyung got mad at him! That’s why the food in one of our breakfasts isn’t as good as the ones that he used to cook.” I said to him, still laughing at the thought of seeing Jin in such a state.

“You know what, actually, it wasn’t that bad at all.” Jimin said.

“What makes you say that, hyung?” I asked him.

“Actually, that day, when Tae was mad at Jin-hyung, he had a nightmare about Jin-hyung dying. He came to me, and told me that because of that dream, he realized how important Jin-hyung was to him.” Jimin said. I suddenly felt sad, because that is exactly what I felt when I realized I love Jimin – when I was about to lose him.

“So, shall we make our plans then?” Jimin asked. I looked at him and gave him a confused look.

“Plans? Plans for what?” I asked him. Jimin went back inside for a few moments, and returned with a pen and a notebook on his hand.

“We are going to help them become officially together.” Jimin said to me as he pushed me down to sit on the floor of the porch. This is going to be a long night. But helping them with their relationship isn’t a bad idea.

“Ok, sounds like a plan to me.” I said to him as he opened his notebook and wrote down ‘Matchmaking Plans’. He’s really so into it huh?

“Ok, first plan… what can we do?” Jimin asked as he thought of an idea. I was also thinking about a plan, so there was some silence while we sat there, thinking.

We remained seated there for about an hour, thinking about matchmaking plans that we think can be done for the two. We thought that we can set them up for a candle light dinner. It was Jimin’s idea. He wrote it down, even though I already told him that we won’t be able to do that with the busy schedule. There was also one plan that Jimin thought of – we are going kidnap them, and hide them in a room. There, maybe, thinking that they are about to die, they will say their feelings for each other. It sounded like a good plan, so we kept it. I suggested on plan – that the four of us go on a blind date (of course, I wanted to help them, and it can also help me). Jimin thought that the idea was a good one, but we would have to put up one hell of an acting to do that. We laughed at the thought, but deep inside, I was kinda hurt because it means that even though it won’t be acting for me, Jimin found it to be something that needs to be acted out. And he said it has to be one hell of an acting. Well, that’s for him. There was another plan that was very simple, yet, we thought it could do some magic. Jimin would tell Tae he wants to talk in the porch, while I would do the same with Jin. Then, the two of us won’t show up so that the two of them will have each other to talk to. We had more plans, but they are too many to mention. And besides, some of them were easily ruled out due to impossibility.

Jimin closed his notebook and lied on his back. “Wow. We got so many ideas. We are like legit matchmakers!” Jimin said as he stretched his legs. I was just looking at him.

“Yeah, I know right.” I answered him. I couldn’t match his energy because I was beginning to feel sleepy, but I don’t want to end this night with him.

“We should get a name for this tandem!” Jimin said. What did he say? A tandem name for the two us?

“What? What tandem name?” I asked him. Jimin looked at me and smiled.

“Like… a name. For example if we are going to build the first matchmaking company, what would its name be?” Jimin said as he looked up to think of a name. I wasn’t really into his idea, but as if my mouth had a mind of its own, I spoke.

“JiKook” I said, but as soon as the word left my mouth, I covered it with my hands and tried to pretend as if nothing happened. Then Jimin looked at me. Oh I’m screwed.

“Oops… Just ignore what I said and let’s – “ I said hurriedly, wanting to take back what I just said or just ignore it all in all. But Jimin cut my words when he spoke.

“No, actually, I find the name quite cute! JiKook Matchmaking Company. Wow” Jimin said as he looked up and motioned his hands in the air as if tracing the name of our tandem. Then, he laughed and clapped, his eyes disappearing, being replaced by two slits. Cute.

Then I imagined our future together. I can see myself walking in the halls of a tall building. I walked to the room, where Jimin was waiting for me.

“Hi, Jiminie!” I said to him as he stood up to greet me with a hug.

“Hello, Kookie!” Jimin replied as he broke the hug and pecked me on the cheeks. I pouted to his actions. Jimin looked at me.

“Yah, what’s wrong?” Jimin asked me.

“Why is it just on the cheeks?” I asked him as I pouted my lips towards him. Jimin smirked, then planted his own lips on mine. After we kiss, we walk towards the front of the building.

“Where do you want to eat lunch?” Jimin asked.

“Anywhere. Anywhere, as long as you’re there too.” I said to him, making him blush a bit. Jimin pinched my cheeks and led me to the outside of the building. Before we stepped into the car, I turned around to look at our company’s building. Its name are written in big letters – JIKOOK ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. Then I stepped into the car where Jimin was –

“YAH! You’re spacing out again!” Jimin shouted as he slapped me. Oh… what am I thinking? Jungkook, don’t get too ahead of yourself.

“Oh, sorry, hyung. I was just thinking… about, something.” I said to him. Jimin accepted my apology, then talked again.

“So, which plan are we going to try first?” Jimin asked. He was VERY into this. Oh, yeah, we’re planning.

“Maybe we should try the one where we set them up on the porch. That would be very simple, but good start.” I said to him, Jimin nodded. Then he stood up and jumped. “Jikook will start working tomorrow!” Jimin said in a proud tone. I can feel my cheeks heating up from the name, but I just ignored it and stood up. “Ok, now, let’s get some sleep.” Jimin said as he put his arm around my shoulder and walked me to the room. My cheeks were getting hotter and hotter by the moment.

When we reached the room, I showered first. Then, when I was done, Jimin went inside for his turn. After drying up and getting dressed, we slipped onto our beds.

Tae-hyung and Jin-hyung are really lucky. They have me and Jimin-hyung to help them. Also, they are already in love with each other. I said to myself as I closed my eyes to sleep. How I hope it was also the same with Jimin-hyung and me. I hope this feeling is mutual. Or at least, I hope it will be mutual soon.

My sleepiness was already gone, but Jimin’s snore became my lullaby that put me to sleep.

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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)