
Turning Tables

Chapter 4:


Jimin’s POV:


Jeon Jungkook?

My heartbeat rate started to rise. I can already feel my chest tightening up, making it harder for me to breathe. I just didn’t know what to do. I already felt like passing out when Namjoon suddenly wrapped his hands around my shoulders.

“Hey, Jungkook! Welcome back. I’d like you to meet Jimin. Jimin, meet Jungkook.” Namjoon practically shouted, as the other members, including Tae, have already started surrounding Jungkook to get food from him.

“Hi, Jimin! Namjoon-hyung, we don’t need further introduction. I’ve met him before.” Jungkook only managed to say for all the other members already looked like wrestling for a bag of chips that Jungkook has put on the bottom of the bag he was carrying. I don’t know why, but as my name left his lips, I felt my face heating up. I got so embarrassed that I had to make an excuse, just to hide my rapidly reddening cheeks.

“Hey, Tae!” Tae looked around, trying to find the source of the sound until our eyes met.

“I’ll just go to the porch. My phone doesn’t have a signal here.” I said to him waving my phone in the air. He nodded at me as I turned to go for the safe spot.

I swear I never found the night breeze as comforting as it was right now. I just stayed there for around fifteen minutes when I already heard someone calling my name.

“What is it?” I asked as I began heading inside. As soon as I’m inside, I already smelled food. GOOD food. My mouth started to water, and it’s not long before I found my way to the source.

“That looks so delish, Jin-hyung!” I said, while trying to look cute to force him to let me taste the food in the pan. Like I expected, my charms worked for me this time, like they always have.

“Ok, fine. Get your spoon there. Only taste it ONCE! We don’t want eating salivated food. And be careful – “ Jin explained. His words were cut when I started screaming in pain.

“Too hot,hyung! It’s too hot!!!”I screamed as I started running around the kitchen to find anything cool to drink.

“Well, that was what I was about to say to you before to screamed. I was about to say the food just finished boiling, so it is really hot.” Jin chuckled while holding back a laugh seeing me in desperate need for water.

“Well, I must say hyung, the food tasted as delicious as it looked and smelled.” I smiled at him after drinking a glass of cold water.

“Thanks! Actually, I called you because I knew you were not too occupied, since you were quiet and alone in the porch. I want you to call the other members to the table, dinner is about to be served.” Jin told me.

“Ok hyung!” I answered before going to the living room to call the other members.

“Hey guys! Dinner is almost ready! Jin-hyung told me to gather you in the dining area. He’ll be serving the food soon!” I shouted at them so they will notice me, because they are really loud and noisy. When they heard me, they all stopped and looked at me. Including Jungkook. I was about to run for the porch again to cool my already hot cheeks when all of them suddenly stood up and ran past me. I was too shocked to realize what just happened.

“Hey guys! Wait for me!”I turned and ran towards the dining room as well.

The table had seven chairs around it. Tae sat on one chair and reserved the one beside him for me. On his other side is Namjoon, followed by Hoseok, then Yoongi. One seat was empty after him, then Jungkook’s. I almost declined Tae’s offer when I realized how awkward the layout was for me. Only two seats were left, both of which are on either sides of Jungkook. I decided to sit between him and Tae. That is way better than sitting down between him and Yoongi. A few moments later, Jin came in carrying bowl a bowl of the dish I saw cooking earlier, as well as a pot of rice. After setting the food down on the table, he sat down beside Jungkook, which was the only spot left.

“Ok guys. Time to eat!”Jin announced, making all the other members hurry in getting food from either containers.

“Hey, Jimin. Why don’t you start getting yours too?” Jungkook asked me, making my already sweaty nape sweat even more.

“Uhm, I-I think I don’t want to fight for the food. There will be something left after all of you get your servings.” I managed to say, but not without stuttering. I was surprised when he suddenly grabs my bowl and fills it with food.

“Here, Jimin. Eat while the food still lasts.”Jungkook smiled, making my cheeks go pink.

“Ok, thanks. And uhm, by the way, you are the maknae of the group, right? I think you should be calling me Jimin-hyung.”I told him as I began eating my food.

“Ok, Jimin” he laughed, making my heart beat faster, ad my surroundings a bit hotter. I don’t know what made me feel this way – the fact that he didn’t call me hyung after I told him to do so, or the fact that I was the reason for his laughter. Either way, it really made me want to end the night and go to sleep.

At last, supper was done. I was about to rise from my seat to take a shower when Namjoon started talking.

“Ok guys… We are going to draw lots to know who will be roommates. You see, there are only four rooms in this house, one room being big enough to hold only one person.” Namjoon said as he lifted a box with seven folded papers inside.

“Hey, Namjoom-hyung, can’t we just pick the person we want to be with?” Tae asked, making me feel a bit more comfortable and at ease because I knew he meant he wanted to share a room with me.

“I think it will help us build a strong relationship with each other if we don’t choose our roommates. And, besides, isn’t it more fun to have some suspense?” Jin answered to Tae with a smile. I really found his suggestion convincing and sensible.

“Ok, Jin-hyung!” Tae returned his smile with his signature ‘box’ smile.

“Ok, since it seems like we all agree to this, can we start now?” Namjoon asked as he picked a piece of paper out of the box. He then passed it to Hoseok, and the box continued to move around the table, making Tae the last person to pick from the box.

“Ok, open your papers now… But don’t let others know what you room number is. Just take a look. I thought of a way to make this a little bit more exciting. All of you take a blindfold. Wear it. Ok, everyone done? I’m announcing mine… I got room no. 4.” Namjoon said, earning a grunt from the others. Room no.4 was the solo room.

“Ok, starting with Jungkook, our maknae. Remove your blindfold, and silently head for you room.”

I felt Jungkook rise from his seat beside me. In a few seconds, he was gone, and I heard a door open and close.

“Ok next…”

I felt like I’ve been waiting for my turn for an hour. Finally, Namjoon called me and told me to go to my room. Room no. 3.

When I entered the room, I already knew someone was inside already. His things were neatly put in one corner. Suddenly, I heard someone singing from the bathroom. I suddenly remembered the feeling that I had when we were training for singing earlier during the day. I’m going to marry that voice, I swear. I let myself lie on the bed, listening to the song the person inside the shower was singing. I suddenly felt lucky to be in the same group with a person with a very mesmerizing voice. My eyes started to feel heavy, and I let them close for a moment, but I didn’t sleep.

The singing stopped. I heard the door of the shower open. I sat up and opened my eyes. I swear I felt like dreaming when I saw the person standing before me wearing only a towel around his waist.

“Hi, Jimin! So you are my roommate!” I suddenly felt the room become very hot when Jungkook smiled at me. Damn, he’s very hot!

“Oh, h-hi J-Jungkook! And please call me h-hyung.” I managed to answer, even though I was running out of breath and feeling some kind of a lump blocking my throat.

“I am happy you were my roommate, because of all the members, you were the one I was most comfortable with.” Jungkook continued, making my face become redder.

“Ah, yeah, I’m happy too!” I quickly said while searching my things for my bathing stuff. “I think I shall go shower now, I really feel very hot today… hahaha!” Everything I said was true.

When I entered the shower, I felt the after-shower warmth that usually fills a shower room when someone just walked out of it. Surprisingly, I found it cooler and more comfortable here. I started to strip as I turned the shower on. I spent a moment to feel the soothing water slide down my skin. I let the water cover my face until I was sure it was back to its normal color.

Like I usually did when I shower, I started singing, not caring if Jungkook hears me or not. After all, it might help me build my image, because I know I have a good singing voice.

After about thirty minutes in the shower, I started drying myself up, wrapped a towel around my waist, and headed for the door.

“Hey, Jimin do you have—“ Jungkook asked, but he suddenly stopped talking when he turned his head to face me. He looked shocked for a moment, but his face became softer and the next thing I knew, he was already smiling at me.

“You got a really nice body, hyung!” I felt like all the goodness of my shower was gone when the temperature suddenly rose again. I forgot I was wearing only towel wrapped around my waist, exposing my toned upper body.

“Thanks, both for the compliment and the name.” I answered. I was surprised, because I honestly didn’t know where the sudden burst of confidence came from.

“I also heard you sing. Your voice sound familiar. Were you the person—” Jungkook asked.

“Yes, I was the one who sang the high note during the last part of that song, during you part.” I continued. Good, Jimin, you’re starting to get more comfortable with him. You’ll need all confidence to get him. Wait, what am I saying? I suddenly hit my head with my own hands to stop my trail of random thought.

“REALLY?! Then I must be very lucky this year! I get to meet you and the other members, I get to become your roommate, and I already sang a song with a great singer even before I debut!” Jungkook said with such excitement, making him look like a kid. After all, he’s still too young. If he was younger than me (I’m 19), he must be really young, about 17. Cute.

When he started calming down from his sudden outburst, he went to the kitchen. He said he was going to drink water before going to sleep. While he was gone, I started to settle myself on the king-sized bed. I lifted the blanket to my neck, suddenly aware of the growing coldness of the night, I started dozing off to sleep when I felt Jungkook sliding to the bed and taking his position beside me.

Destiny… that must be it. The odds are going my way. This must be sign! This means that I should pursue him. I happily accepted the thoughts flowing in my mind this time until I heard a snore beside me. Cute. Very Cute. I said to myself as I started drifting to wonderland.

I hope this time my trip there will be with him.


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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)