Wrong Move

Turning Tables

Jin’s POV:

“Jungkook! Jungkook! I have something to tell you!” I shouted to call Jungkook’s attention. I saw him when I got out of my room to cook breakfast. He was drinking water. Cold water in early morning?

Jungkook stopped, and turned around to face me, and gave me a confused look. “What are you saying, hyung?”

I half walked-half ran to get to him. I needed to get closer to him, because we can’t afford having someone else hear what I was about to say.

“Jungkook, it worked! Our plan worked!” I excitedly told him once I got close enough to him. Jungkook looked unconvinced.

“How do you know, hyung? Did Tae-hyung beg for your forgiveness? How sure are you?” Jungkook asked. He really doesn’t believe that the plan worked.

“Well, Tae is frowning while sleeping.” I answered. Instead of being enlightened, Jungkook’s confused expression just became more evident.

“So?” Jungkook asked, his eyebrows slightly rising.

“Jungkook, we all know how positive Tae is. Even in his sleep, he’s also smiling. If he isn’t smiling, he bears a blank expression. But I never saw him sleep with a frown on his face. That must mean he’s really affected by our plan.” I explained to Jungkook. I didn’t expect him to laugh at me.

“Yah! Why are you laughing? Did I say something funny?” I asked. Jungkook tried to calm himself down as he answered.

“Hyung. Hyung, hyung, hyung. You must be really, truly, crazily in love with Tae-hyung.” Jungkook said. I could already feel my face slightly heating up, but I think I’m really good at hiding embarrassment that Jungkook didn’t seem to notice.

“What are you saying, Jungkook? What do you mean?” I asked. He continued smiling like there is no tomorrow.

“You see, how did you manage to memorize Tae-hyung? He’s a very random person you know. And yet, you know him like you’ve been with him for a long time.” Jungkook said. “So you mean you stare at his face when he sleeps? Is that how you memorized his face? You’re such a creep, hyung.” Jungkook continued. I wasn’t amused by what he was saying.

“Yah! Jungkook!” I blurted out. Jungkook just ignored me and continued his teasing.

“Even I, who was in love with Jimin-hyung, doesn’t memorize his face when he’s sleeping. Yet, you, you managed to look at him during bed time? You must be madly in love with him!” Jungkook said.

It took me a moment before I finally got to answer him. “You know why you don’t’ memorize Jimin’s face? It’s because you never had the opportunity to do so. He always wakes up ahead of you.” I said to him in a serious tone.

“Yah! No, it’s not like that! He doesn’t always wake up ahead of me!” Jungkook said in defense.

“Yes, he does. You even get mad when he doesn’t wake you up for jogging.” I teased. Jungkook looked like he was going to smoke in embarrassment.

“YAH! I – ” Jungkook was about to say something else but I accidentally cut his words because I continued talking.

“And besides, what really convinced me that our plan worked is what I saw last night.” I said. Jungkook stopped, and gave me a curious expression. “Last night, after washing the dishes with him, I immediately headed to our room and waited for him, pretending to be asleep. I did not expect him to look as irritated as he looked last night. It was like he was ready to kill me any moment. I actually got scared…” I said to Jungkook, narrating the events that happened last night. Jungkook smiled at me, and clapped softly.

“Really, hyung! Well that’s saying something! Congratulations!” Jungkook said while still clapping.

Then, out of nowhere, we heard someone talk.

“Congratulations for what?” We turned around to see Tae going down from our shared room, still looking half-asleep, with his hair all messed-up. He actually looks hot with his hair like that.

We were shocked when we saw Tae there. I looked at Jungkook, who was staring at Tae, mouth wide open. I bet he was too shocked to react. And here I was, just scanning their faces, while mentally complimenting Tae’s morning look. It took me a while to notice that the frown that was in his face when he went to bed last night was still there.

“Congratulations for what?” Tae repeated. Jungkook was still shocked, so I had to handle this by myself.

“It’s nothing, Tae.” I said to him. Tae looked at me, as if he’s about to say ‘Really? I don’t believe you!’. My throat is already starting to feel dry.

Instead of insisting to know what I and Jungkook were talking about, Tae just went over to us and started arranging the utensils. “Jin-hyung, I’ll help you prepare breakfast.” Tae volunteered. I wasn’t really expecting him to do that. Is he… trying to make it up to me? Does he think I am mad at him? I was amused by my own thoughts as I watched Tae move around the kitchen. Play some more, Jin. Play some more.

“No. Don’t Tae.” I said to him as I hardened my expression. Tae stopped and looked at me.

“Why?” Tae asked as he continued his work.

“You better go with Jimin. Go jog with him instead.” I said to him, still with a blank expression.

“Hyung, Jimin-hyung is better now. I think it’s about time that he jogs alone.” Tae said to me. I can feel that something wrong might happen if I continue, so I just pretended to not have heard him, but Jungkook, who was previously shocked, had recovered, and joined the conversation.

“Tae-hyung, I think Jin-hyung is right. Jimin-hyung needs someone to jog with.” Jungkook said as started putting on a hard expression as well. Tae looked at the two of us. His eyes, which were previously filled with confusion, turned to eyes of anger.

“YAH! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU GUYS! IF YOU’RE MAD AT ME, YOU COULD’VE JUST TOLD ME! JIMIN-HYUNG NEEDS SOMEONE? THEN WHY WON’T YOU GO WITH HIM, HUH, JUNGKOOK?! AND YOU, JIN-HYUNG, WHAT DID I DO TO YOU? IGNORING ME? FOR WHAT?! I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!” Tae shouted at us with maddened rage as he stormed out of the kitchen and returned to our room, closing the door with a bang that could be heard even from the streets.

We stood there in the kitchen, shocked by what just happened. We didn’t expect Tea to become affected THAT much. All we planned is to make Tae feel guilty so that he will become nicer to me. Making Tae mad isn’t part of it. Not at all.

“Kook, what just happened?” I asked Jungkook, still staring in the direction where Tae went – staring at the door of our room.

“Hyung, I think we just crossed the line…” Jungkook answered. “I think we went way too far into this plan.” Jungkook continued. I didn’t know how to react. My body felt like it was paralyzed. My legs and hands are trembling. Instead of making Tae guilty, I was the one who’s feeling guilty right now. Oh . Ohohoh. Jin, you f-ing messed up.

“What do I do now? Jungkook, I need to do something about this.” I asked Jungkook, who recovered from the shock faster than me this time.

Then, another sound of a door opening and closing was heard. He turned our gaze to Jungkook and Jimin’s room, where a curious-looking Jimin emerged. He was already in his jogging attire.

“What was that?” Jimin asked as he went down the stairs to go to us.

“Uhm… It was…” I tried to answer him, but my mind hasn’t fully recovered yet. Jungkook was too awe-struck with Jimin to answer. He was just staring at his hyung, like he was possessed or something.

“I heard a loud banging of a door. It was very strong that some things on our table overturned.” Jimin continued as he approached Jungkook. All I managed to answer was a sigh.

I tried changing the topic. ”Jimin, why did you wake up late to jog? You usually wake up ahead of everyone, even me.” I asked him. Jimin looked at me and smiled.

“Hyung, I was already awake at around 4 am. I already got dressed a long while ago, but I couldn’t go out because I can’t find my shoes.” Jimin explained, looking down at his bare feet. “I was actually waiting for Jungkook to wake up, so that I could ask him if he knew where they were. I just went to the comfort room, but when I finished, Jungkook was already not in the bed, so I thought he was already down stairs. I tried looking for my shoes a little bit longer until I heard that loud bang.” Jimin ended his explanation as he approached Jungkook, who I could see is already slightly blushing.

“I knew it, Jungkook. Jimin always wakes up ahead of you.” I teased Jungkook. Jungkook didn’t react.

“So, Kookie…” Jimin called the attention of Jungkook. Jungkook’s blush became more evident when Jimin called him ‘Kookie’. “Have you seen my shoes?” Jimin asked.

“Y-yeah. They are near the washing machine.” Jungkook said.

“What? What are my shoes doing there?” Jimin asked as he left for the shoes. “By the way, Jungkook, do you want to join me?” Jimin asked. Jungkook’s face brightened up when he heard Jimin ask him.

“Y-yes hyung! Wait for me, I’ll be back in a moment!” Jungkook answered as he bolted back to their room to get dressed.

Actually, Jimin’s shoes used to be in their room. But yesterday, Jungkook took them. He cleaned Jimin’s shoes himself. What he couldn’t do even to his own shoes, he did to Jimin’s. He wasn’t really the type of person to clean things up, but surprisingly, he wanted to clean Jimin’s shoes. He failed though, because he didn’t know what to do first and which soap to use. So I went to him to instruct him what to do. That was also when we devised our plan on making Tae notice me.

This is unfair. His plan for Jimin worked, but mine miserably failed.

A few moments later, Jungkook returned, while Jimin was waiting for him in the living room.

“Jin-hyung. It’ll be alright.” Jungkook said. After saying that, he smiled. “Bye, hyung. Jimin-hyung and I will be back.” Jungkook said as he headed for Jimin, who was patiently waiting for him in the living room. And then there’s me. Alone.

Not wasting more time just standing there, I began cooking the breakfast for the other members.

I never thought in my entire life that I would ever have a hard time cooking. I was just starting by washing the meat, but every now and then, they would fall from the basin, so I had to wash it again. Then, when I was peeling the carrots, I couldn’t remove all the skin. I would set them aside, only to find out later that there aren’t fully peeled yet. Then, the cutting of vegetables. I almost cut my own finger when the knife slid off the potato. Luckily, I still had some reflex with me. I mindlessly moved around the kitchen as I cooked the breakfast. I even burned some of the pancakes that I used to make perfectly.

“Hyung, what happened with the pancakes?” Hoseok asked as he eyed the dark brown pancake that was in the serving plate. I just sat there, ashamed, and feelings like all members are going to criticize the food that I cooked today.

Namjoon looked at pancakes, and decided to try the soup. At least, I never get the soup wrong.

“Jin-hyung, are you alright?” Namjoon asked after he took a sip of the soup.

“W-why? Is there something wrong?” I asked him. Please don’t tell me the soup is a disaster…

“Well, the soup, it’s kinda… salty?” Namjoon said. “But, hyung, it’s still good! I still like it!” Namjoon continued as he took more sips of the soup. It doesn’t take a genius to know he was just forcing it down his throat.

Yoongi wanted to say something, but I thought I should break my silence. “Guys, I’m sorry about the food. I don’t know what happened. I’m really sorry.” I apologized as I looked at Tae, who was slowly cutting the pancake that was on his plate. It was the only thing on his plate.

Yoongi sighed. “Hyung, it’s nothing to be depressed about. We just got used to your food being very delicious and perfect. This breakfast is still good, but the other foods that you used to cook for us were better.” Yoongi said. At least, I felt a little relieved by his words.

Then suddenly, Tae dropped his fork on his plate and stood up. Without saying a word, he left the dining room and headed back to our room. He slammed the door shut, but at least, this time, it was less loud.

All the members on the table looked at each other, bearing shocked expressions on their faces.

“What just happened?” Hoseok asked as he looked at the door again.

“I don’t know either. This morning, he also slammed the door shut when he entered the room. Maybe something came up – ” Jimin said, but he was stopped by something. He looked at me and Jungkook and swallowed hard.

Oh crap. Of course Jimin knew about what we did to Tae yesterday. The two of them are buddies. Tae would’ve surely consulted Jimin yesterday. Jimin knows that we’ve been ignoring Tae since yesterday. I thought to myself when I locked gaze with Jimin. After a few moments, he continued eating his food. I looked at Jungkook, who was also completely shocked by the events that he’s witnessing. We continued eating the food that I made.

When we finished eating, all of the other members left the dining room to do their respective businesses. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok all went to Namjoon’s room, where they stayed when they are talking about our songs and schedules. Jimin went to the living room, where he turned the TV on to watch some morning news. Jungkook, on the other hand, stayed seated and waited until the other members are out of hearing range. When he noticed everyone is already gone, he stood up went closer to me.

“Jungkook, I really don’t know what to do…” I said to him. He patted my back and sat down beside me.

“Hyung, what happened with the food? That’s not how your cooking tastes… that’s not even how it looks like.” Jungkook asked. I just stared at the floor.

“I really don’t know what happened. I had a hard time in the kitchen earlier.” I said to him. I was still in a mental-breakdown state.

“Hyung, just stay calm. This can be resolved. Tae may be mad at you, but remember how mad he was at me too in the past? He was just waiting for the opportunity to kill me. But look at us now, we’ve become close to each other.” Jungkook said as he tried to ease some of my anxiety.

“What should I do?” I asked as I looked up at Jungkook. He was very calm about this.

“Hyung, we went way too far into playing with Tae-hyung’s feelings.” Jungkook said. “He actually thought that we are mad at him for nothing, and now, he despises us for being too unreasonable.”

“How can I solve this, Jungkook? I can’t just go in there and tell him this was just all a plan to make him notice me!” I asked him. Seriously, we can’t tell Tae that I’m just doing all of this to get his attention. That would be like confessing to him. Especially now, when he is steaming mad at us. I might get instant rejection from him.

“Maybe you should get everything back to normal, hyung. Just treat him like the way you do in the past, only a little bit nicer. In that way, you could make it up to him without him knowing that everything was just part of a plan to make him crave for your attention.” Jungkook suggested. Sometimes I feel like he’s actually older than me. He know more things about love than I do.

I paused for a moment to think about his suggestion. Unfortunately, there was no other way. “Ok fine. If it means being Tae’s slave for some time, I’ll do it. I don’t want us to be this way for long.” I said to Jungkook.

“Ok, hyung. Good luck. We all know how cocky our DivaV becomes when he is not 4D” Jungkook chuckled. It’s alright to me, even if he’d tell me to the floor, I’ll do it. Even if he’d ask me to clean the room, I’ll do it. Even he asks me to bathe him, it’s ok. No, that would be perfectly fine to me. Everything just for him.

After we talked, Jungkook stayed for some time in the kitchen to help me wash the utensils that were used in cooking and eating. We had difficulties cleaning the pans and pots. The pan that I used to cook the pancakes was burned. They had soot on the underside, and toasted layer on the inside. Jungkook had to do some harsh scrubbing just to get that single pan clean again. The pot that I used for the soup was less dirty though. It only had some spill marks on its sides, and some soot on the underside. The pan that I used to fry the meat first was also a pain in the to clean, because the grease has turned sticky and yellowish, and it was hard to get the pan back to its squeaky clean state.

After washing the utensils, we cleaned the work station where I prepared the food earlier. The vegetable peels were scattered everywhere. Even the hole in the sink was clogged by the peels that I removed earlier in the morning. The leaves were everywhere. Meat drips were also on the table top. It took us about an hour to get everything back to their normal state.

“Hyung, you must’ve had a mental breakdown earlier. Judging from how dirty this place has become, it seems like you were not yourself earlier.” Jungkook said to me as he wiped his hands dry.

“Actually, yes. I was having a mental breakdown while I was cooking. I really never thought I would be in such a state in my life.” I said to him while removing my apron and getting it hung on the nail on the wall. “You really think Tae will be alright?” I asked him. Jungkook just gave me another warm smile.

“Of course, hyung. Tae-hyung is not the type that’s going to stay depressed or mad for too long. Anyway, good luck!” Jungkook said as he left to join Jimin in the living room. He needs to settle his own love problems, too.

After Jungkook left, I went to mine and Tae’s shared room. Before I opened the door, I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. “Tae, can I come in?” I asked. I am not really expecting him to give me an answer.

I slowly opened the door to our room and went inside to find Tae holding his phone, tapping on the screen VIOLENTLY as he played. It’s like he was releasing all his frustrations on the poor phone.

I really need to make it up to him. Jin, get ready to become his maid.  I thought to myself as I went to the table to do my own business.

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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you wrote...it's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)