Epilogue: After All These Years

Turning Tables

Sorry about this chapter… I hope you guys haven’t been waiting for too long for this. Hahaha… And I’m not yet so sure about the bonus chapter… because of internet problems. I am going to try my best to get the bonus chapter done, I promise.

I’m on the verge of losing my internet. T.T I really hope you the best guys. If you don’t hear news about me, it means my internet is gone. I am sorry.

So yeah! Here is your Epilogue!!! Enjoy!(?)


Jimin’s POV:

I woke up in bed feeling a bit warm. I rubbed my eyes, and turned around to see the beautiful man lying beside me. He was still sleeping, of course, being the most difficult person to wake up. Especially now, because I noticed that he’s been working really hard with our last albums. He was producing with the three rappers, and I am so proud of him. I don’t know why he was suddenly very determined. Maybe he was already preparing for our future. Though that would’ve made me feel bad. After all, I am still the hyung in our relationship.

I should admit – I am a bit happy that he is a couch potato, because for a few moments after I wake up, I have the chance to just watch him. I just looked at his features, scanning his face. And I never get tired of looking at him. I’ll never get enough if this guy named Jungkook.

I turned around and let my hand fall over the edge of the mattress, as I tried to feel for something under the bed. When I touched it, I let out a sigh of relief. He still hasn’t noticed it.

It was my gift for Jungkook for this very special day. It was the reason why I woke up at 5 in the morning today, because I was excited. Because exactly five years ago, I thought I will die. Because five years ago, I thought Jungkook would leave me. And five years ago, we finally became an item.

Today is our fifth anniversary as a couple.

I am so excited to see his reaction when he sees my gift from him. And I am excited to give it to him, because it was such an effort to buy that gift.

“Hyung, can you please come with me to the mall?” Tae asked me. I gave him a confused look, because it was a bit random for him to ask me instead of Jin.

“Why me? Why not Jin-hyung?” I asked him. Tae looked at Jin, who was busy cooking something. Tae scooted closer to me and whispered to my ear.

“Hyung, you know about tomorrow right? I need to buy something for him.” Tae whispered.

“Yah! You mean your fifth anniversary is tomorrow, and you still haven’t bought a gift?!” I asked him, and he tackled me to the ground and held my mouth with his hand.

“SHHH!!! He might hear us!” Tae said in panic. I just laughed at how ridiculous he is. “So… will you come with me?”

I had to think about that for a while. Honestly, at first, I didn’t want to, because I want to cuddle with Jungkook forever in our bed. Tae noticed my hesitation, so he went closer to say something again.

“And hyung, isn’t it your fifth anniversary is also coming? I can help you buy a gift for you precious Kookie.” Tae chuckled. That really caught my attention. After all, he was right. And I need to find a gift for Jungkook for our next anniversary, and it has to be good.

“Ok fine. I’ll just tell Kookie that I’ll be going with you, and ask him if he wants anything.” I answered him. I left him in the living room and went upstairs to my shared room with Jungkook. I found him looking out to the window with his eyes closed.

“Kookie, I’m going to the mall with Tae. Do you want something?” I asked him as I wrapped my arms around his waist for a back hug. Jungkook opened his eyes and turned around to face me.

“And you’re not asking me if I want to go too?” Jungkook asked. I just smiled at him.

“Kookie, it’s… a best friend thing.” I lied to him. I don’t want to lie to Jungkook, not in my wildest dreams, but he really can’t come with us. Jungkook pouted and pecked me on the lips.

“Ok then. Uhmmm…” Jungkook said as he looked up and seemed to think about a good request. “Oh… can you buy me ice cream?” He asked in a cute way. He didn’t have to do that – I would buy him anything he wants anyway.

“Ok… Ice cream for my Kookie.” I said to him as I let him go to dress up. After getting dressed, I took a quick kiss from him and went outside to meet Tae.

“Ok! Let’s go!” Tae said as we called a nearby cab to take us to the mall.

When we got to the mall, Tae and I wandered around to find a good gift for Jin. It was fun to go out with Tae, except for the fact that he keeps goofing and running around like a dog. After about an hour of aimless walking, Tae finally settled in a shop that sells watches. Tae looked around, and when he saw what he was looking for, he smiled and asked the saleslady to get it for him. Tae turned and showed the watch with small, pink gems.

“Seriously, Tae, you’re going to get that for Jin-hyung?” I asked him. Tae just continued smiling and nodded furiously, and immediately paid for the watch. He happily skipped outside the shop.

“So… your turn!” He chuckled and we started walking around again. First stop was a shop that sells clothes.

“Yah, Tae, I already gave him a shirt on our first anniversary!” I said to Tae when he held out a red shirt. He frowned and returned the shirt to its place.

“How about this?” Tae asked, holding out a white hoodie.

“Tae, that’s what I gave him on our third anniversary.” I answered him with a laugh. He looked disappointed and headed to another place in the store.

“This? I never saw him wear one!” Tae said as he suggested a black and red snapback.

“Tae, that one is exactly what I gave him on our second anniversary.” I answered him. He threw the snapback to a pile and put his hands on his hips.

“Yah! This is too much effort! You keep looking for gifts for him every single year, and you never received one from him!” Tae said childishly. It hurt a bit, but I just went closer to him and patted his head.

“Tae, anniversaries are not all about gift-giving. I am not even asking him to give me one, neither did he. I am happy that he keeps on loving me, and I am contented with that.” I said to him. He smiled to me and just nodded as we continued looking around until something caught my eye. I scooted closer to the pair of red and black shoes that looked very appealing to me. They will look good on him.

“Tae… I like those pair of shoes.” I said to Tae. Tae looked at laughed. “What?”

“Apparently, that girl also likes those pair of shoes. And it says ‘last piece’”. Tae said. When I looked again, I saw a girl holding the pair of shoes and smiling. I half-walked half-ran to the girl. Those shoes are mine.

“Uhmm… Are you going to buy those shoes too?” I asked her. She looked at me and smiled.

“Yeah… I want to give them to my boyfriend.” She answered. The urge to say ‘me, too!” was there, but I easily fought it away. And seeing a slight blush creeping up her cheeks, I decided to put the ‘y card’ to play.

“Hey… actually I reeeeeeaaaaaally love those shoes.” I said to her as I inched closer. I ran my fingers through my hair and lowered my voice a few pitches down. “Can I have them instead?” I asked, of course with the killer smirk that people say I have. She nodded furiously and handed me the pair. I left her there, blushing and visibly sweating, and went to Tae to accompany me to the counter.

“Wow, hyung… what a hat trick! You really know your assets, huh?” Tae joked. “I really think Jungkook will have a bad time laughing when he knew you did that.”

“Yah! Tae… Jungkook.Will.Not.Know.” I glared at him. He just smiled at my threat as we went to the supermarket to buy ice cream for Jungkook before going back to our house.

I smiled at the memory of how I got the shoes. Jungkook was just there, beside me, sleeping serenely. I brushed his fringe aside and gave his forehead a soft kiss. It was so soft that I knew it wasn’t the reason why Jungkook woke up. He smiled at me and pulled me down to his lips.

“Good morning, Kookie.” I greeted him. He smiled and prepared to stand up.

“Good morning.” He sleepily answered and stood up to rush to the bathroom.

Weird… why didn’t he greet me a happy anniversary? He was the first one to greet me every year… I thought to myself. I just stood up and followed him. I waited in front of the bathroom door for him. When he came out, I smiled at him and gave him a big and tight hug. He giggled in my embrace and pecked my cheeks.

“Wow… Chim you’re so sweet and fluffy today, huh? Is there something?” Jungkook asked. I froze. What did he just say?

“It’s almost like you are very excited about something…” Jungkook continued. I released him from the hug. He immediately went out of the room and closed the door. I just stood there, shocked.

What did he just ask? Did he just ask if there’s something? I asked myself while staring at nothing in particular.

Did he just forget about our anniversary?

I shook the thought off as I opened the door of our room and headed downstairs. I saw Jungkook having fun with Jin while cooking breakfast. They were laughing and giggling, then Jin would frequently whisper something into Jungkook’s ears and he will giggle like a girl. Why do they look so…sweet? Yah! Park Jimin, don’t think about that! Maybe he’s helping Jin because he wants to surprise me with a delicious breakfast. I thought as I silently tiptoed to the living room and sat down on the sofa. I was already very excited at the food that Jungkook prepared for me. I decided to turn the TV on, and patiently waited for Jungkook to call me to breakfast. But after a few moments, he didn’t come yet. I was getting more and more impatient as my hunger rose. Then, I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen.

Ok, there he is… how are you going to react? Surprised? Or very happy? Or –

“Yoongi-hyung, Hoseok-hyung! Breakfast is ready! Come down now and eat with us!” My thoughts were cut off when I heard Jungkook shouting, calling for YOONGI and HOSEOK. Oh… maybe he just didn’t notice me.

“Namjoon-hyung! Breakfast!” He knocked at Namjoon’s room to call him to the dining room. What the hell?

“Jimin, let’s go and eat now.” I heard Jin calling me while standing near the doorway of the dining room. I stood up and heaved a sigh before turning to face Jin.

“Yes, hyung.” I answered him and I stole a glance toward Jungkook, who was now calling Tae from outside their door.

I went to the dining room and took my seat. I waited for the other members to come down, especially Jungkook. When all the members who were called down to the dining room were already seated, Jin went out and met Jungkook who was going down from our room. He was dressed a bit formally, and was carry a backpack with him. It was only then I noticed Jin was also dressed like he was going out somewhere. And it turns out that they are going out together. Alone.

Just before they were totally out of sight, I shouted to call their attention. “Hyung!”

Jin turned around and faced me. “Hmm?” He asked.

“Where are you going?” I tried to hide the suspicious tone in my voice.

“Mmmm… Jungkook and I are going somewhere.” Jin answered, and with that, he and Jungkook left. What the… didn’t even say goodbye to me? What’s wrong with that kid?

I always noticed how the two of them were always sticking to each other lately. Sometimes, I would see them talking about something at the porch, facing the door, so that whenever they were talking and they see me, they would suddenly stop, and then look at each other a bit nervously, and laugh. I never really paid attention to that until today. Until I noticed that Jungkook was kind of… ignoring me.

I was woken up from my deep thoughts by a hard slap on my shoulder. “Yah! The food’s getting cold, hyung.” Tae said as he continued eating a big slice of meat. I just sighed and nodded before getting my food from the pot. I was itching to say something, because the quiet was quite awkward for me. I cleared my throat, and then asked Tae.

“Tae, do you know where Kookie and Jin-hyung were going?” I asked him. He looked up at the ceiling, trying to recall if Jin actually said something to him about it.

“Not that I know of, hyung. I don’t really remember Jinnie saying something about it.” Tae said as he continued to eat. I just let the topic drop and proceeded to eating as well.

After eating, I didn’t feel like helping in washing the utensils that we used, so I proceeded to the living room and sat down to watch the TV. I wasn’t really paying attention to the show though, because I was still thinking about Jungkook’s weird behavior. No, Jimin, stop it. Maybe he just really forgot. It’s ok, he will eventually remember it. I thought as I stood up to get some water.

When I got inside the dining room, I saw Tae washing the utensils. He wasn’t alone though – Hoseok was with him, helping Tae with the chore. I saw them being a little bit too close to each other, almost like they were being fluffy. Tae was always laughing and hitting Hoseok on the shoulder, while the older was constantly pouring out jokes and smiling cheekily. I hate to say it, but I really found them a little bit too sweet to each other.

I really tried my best to ignore the feeling and the thought that was beginning to form in my very observant and deductive mind, but I found myself in my shared room with Jungkook, convincing myself instead that Jungkook loves me. It was all falling together like puzzle pieces.

Jungkook forgetting about our anniversary.

Jungkook ignoring me.

Tae being fluffy with Hoseok.

Jin sticking with Jungkook.

No way. Jungkook loves me. Jin-hyung loves Tae. Tae loves Jin-hyung. There’s no way that’s happening. I said to myself. Then, Tae’s statement came ringing in my mind.

“Yah! This is too much effort! You keep looking for gifts for him every single year, and you never received one from him!”

And this time, it actually hurts. But of course, I still believe that Jungkook still loves me. After all… he just kissed me this morning, right? And Tae still calls Jin-hyung ‘Jinnie’. Jimin… you’re over-reacting. I decided to set the feeling aside, and went down to the living room to continue watching TV. I sat down beside Tae, and I can’t help but feel awkward. I never felt this awkward around Tae before. I decided to strike a conversation and talked to him.

“Uhm… Tae?” I tried to call his attention.  He looked at me and smiled. With that smile, there’s no way him and Jin-hyung are having relationships problem.

“Hmm?” He asked.

“Do you think Kookie will like my gift for him?” I asked him. He just laughed.

“Of course! Jungkook loves red and black. Jungkook loves shoes. It will only make sense if he will love your gift!” Tae chuckled. Of course I knew he will love the shoes… I am just so desperate to start a conversation.

“Guys, what do you want for lunch?” Namjoon suddenly asked. All of stared at him at shock and amusement.

“Wow… Namjoon is going to cook for us today!” Hoseok chuckled. Namjoon glared at Hoseok to silence him.

“Nope, I am not cooking. We are going to order from a fast food.”  Namjoon stated, making all of us confused.

“Why? Jinnie is not going to cook?” Tae asked.

“Nope… Jin-hyung just texted me that he and Jungkook are not going home for lunch.” Namjoon answered. What?

I am not surprised by the fact that Jungkook and Jin are not going home for lunch. What shocked me was that Jungkook texted Namjoon. Not me. Why didn’t he text me? I took my phone and stared at it closely. Nothing. I even tried to restart my phone, thinking that maybe the message was just delayed. But after a few minutes, I gave up. Jungkook didn’t text me.

“Tae, did Jin-hyung inform you they are not going home for lunch?” I asked him.

“Nope… not a word from him.” Tae dryly answered. Why is it not a big deal for him?

I was getting more and more worried, and the thoughts that I tried hard pushing away just a few moments ago were coming back, and they were getting more and more convincing. I am starting to become more and more worried about my relationship with Jungkook. Is this his way of calling it off? I suddenly felt curious about how Jungkook would end a relationship. Would he just do it slowly, like he would gradually lower the amount of love that he’s been giving? Or he would break up with the person once and for all? YAH!!! JIMIN STOP!!! JUNGKOOK LOVES YOU!!! YOU TRUST HIM! HE SAID HE’LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU… FIVE YEARS AGO!

“Yah! Jimin, what do you want for lunch?!” Namjoon shouted to ask me. Apparently, while I was busy figuring out how Jungkook would act towards an end of a relationship, Namjoon was asking me for my order. My mind was so busy, I couldn’t think of a good dish.

“Uhm… whatever Tae wants.” I answered, and stood up, rushing to my room. I opened the window and took a deep breath to calm myself down. I needed air – I need all the air I can get to feel refreshed. I just stared at anything, trying to rid my mind of the negative thoughts. I was a bit successful at that, and when Tae came to my room to call me to the dining table, I am already in good mood again and in focus.

When I sat down on the table, Tae handed my order to me. I stared at the bowl of food in front of me and sighed. Even though it just happened last night, I was already missing him filling my bowl for me. And now that I’ve been reminded of his absence again, the negative thoughts came rushing in. What could be Kookie and Jin-hyung doing right now? Are they eating? What are they doing? Maybe Jin-hyung is laughing at Kookie devouring his food like he was starving for two days already. Maybe Jin-hyung is wiping the smear on Jungkook’s lips and – YAH!!! PARK JIMIN STOP THINKING!!! I couldn’t help but imagine what the two might be doing right now, and judging from the childish demeanor of Jungkook and the eomma nature of Jin, what I just imagined isn’t really impossible. My chest tightened with the thought. I didn’t even finish my food, and left the other members, saying an ‘I’m not feeling well’ as an excuse before heading to my room.

Oh my god, Jimin calm down. You need to calm down. I reminded myself as I threw the windows open again. No – this isn’t enough. I headed to the bathroom and started to shower with warm water. I closed my eyes, and felt the water slide down my body. I immediately opened my eyes when I began imagining Jungkook and Jin being fluffy. , Jimin I swear you need to trust him. After getting dressed and drying my hair, I plopped my body down on my shared bed with Jungkook. I felt under the bed and lifted the pair of not-so-affordable shoes and stared at them. Usually, when I look at the pair when Jungkook wasn’t around, I would feel excited. But now, I had to fight some tears back. No matter how hard I try to, I cannot remove the suspicion that maybe, Jungkook grew tired of loving me after five years, and had interest on Jin. I know it was improbable, but seeing everything in front of me, there’s no better explanation to it. I hated my mind for being deductive.

I heard the door creak open, and for a moment, I thought it was Jungkook, so I hurriedly hid the shoes under the bed. When I looked up, it was just Namjoon.

“Oh… hyung. What is it?” I asked him.

“Are you alright, Jimin? You seem… distraught.” Namjoon asked.

“Y-yeah! I’m not feeling that good, but I will be ok.” I answered him as I tried to flash the most convincing smile I could offer.

“Ok… good then. You see, Yoongi-hyung and I are going somewhere to meet certain people. Hoseok-hyung and Tae are coming with us. They say they are going to buy something. So is it ok for you if we leave you here?” He asked. I just nodded, and with that, I was alone in the house. I just continued to lie down on bed, until sleep took me.

“Chim… I’m so sorry. I can’t do this anymore.”

“So… i-it’s over? Again?”

“Yeah… I know I said I will always love you… but feelings can change right?”

“NO!!!” I was woken up from the worst nightmare of my life in five years, with tears already staining the white bed sheets. I just sat there, staring at nothing but thin air, until I heard my phone ring. I took it and quickly checked the time which reads 6:30 pm and opened the message. It was from Jungkook.

From: My Kookie

Hyung, meet me at this address…

My heart ached upon reading the message. No I love you. No happy anniversary.

Hyung. Not Chim.

I replied a quick ‘be there’ before sighing and picking the shoes up again. I put them inside my back pack and got dressed. Before I left the room, I pulled the drawer that contained the handkerchiefs. I took two out and put them inside my pockets, somehow knowing that I will need more than one. Finally, after texting Namjoon where I hid the key to the house in case they come back before I do, I went to the not-so-familiar address that Jungkook texted to me. The restaurant had no name on it, and judging from the lack of customers, I can tell that the restaurant is pretty new. Or it’s just that the people didn’t like the restaurant. So Jungkook is asking me to go here?

I can see through the glass door that the restaurant was pretty formal, because of the red table cloth that covered the table to the floor. The chairs where covered in light blue cloth, and each set had yellow light from the ceiling that shined on it. The live band on a small stage added to the romantic atmosphere inside. It was very romantic, and I really liked the place, until I saw him.

When I saw Jungkook, I froze. He was seating at a table with Jin, both laughing and Jin hitting Jungkook lightly on the head as the older drank a beverage through a straw. I really wanted to turn and go, and was about to when I heard him calling me.

“Hyung… here.” He waved, and I can sense his nervousness even from good fifteen feet from him. I was feeling the same.

I took a deep breath before walking towards him. We were alone inside the restaurant, save for the band that was playing a slow tune. I took my seat across the table from him, and lifted my gaze to his. He was leaking nervous, I can say that much.

“We need to talk about something very important.” Jungkook started. I was on the verge of crying, but not yet. Not now.

“I know.” I answered him, and I was shocked to see a confused and surprised look on his face. Do you think I am that dense to not notice it?

“R-really? Y-you know?” He stuttered. I sighed, and nodded slowly.

“I don’t know what happened, Kookie. I don’t know how this all happened.” I said to him, each word eliciting from him a more surprised expression than the previous one. I took a deep breath before continuing. “I don’t know why I deserve this. I don’t know what I did to deserve feeling this… way.” I tried not to say the word ‘hurt’, because it would be a bit of an understatement. “But before you say it…” I said and took my backpack from behind me and took the pair of shoes out. “Happy fifth anniversary Kookie.” I tried my best to sound as excited and happy as I could, but I couldn’t. Not when five years is apparently the longest that we could last.

I stared into his brown, puppy eyes that grew in excitement. He grabbed the shoes from the table and examined them. He put them down and smiled at me.

“Thank you so much, Chim!” He said to me. How I wish he could direct that loving smile to me for the rest of our lives.

I took a deep breath for like the nth time today and spoke. “That’s all. Now, whatever you are going to say, say it now. Spill it out. Let’s get this over with.” I looked down at my lap, where my hands clutched the two handkerchiefs that I brought with me. I could hear him getting up from his seat and moving. With every second passing without a word from him, my eyes watered more, and my grip on the handkerchiefs became tighter and tighter, my knuckles already turning white.

I heard him release a deep breath before he spoke. “First of all, I want to greet you a happy fifth anniversary. Sorry…” my chest constricted and my tears began rolling down my cheeks. “…that I didn’t greet you this morning. You must’ve thought I forgot about it, but I didn’t. I never forget. And I want to say sorry again for all the four years that I didn’t give anything as anniversary gift. I know you wouldn’t mind, but I want you to know that I really wanted to give you a gift. But I can’t, because I am saving up for this.” Jungkook stopped speaking. I slowly lifted my gaze up, and I was literally petrified by what I saw before me.

Jungkook was on his knees, sweating, holding out a box.

With a diamond ring inside.

“So… Park Jimin… will you marry me?”

My mind was going nuts. I couldn’t process what was happening around me. When I came here, I was about to die because I thought Jungkook was going to break up with me for Jin. And now, here he is, kneeling down in front of me, asking me to marry him? Just what the hell is happening here?

“K-Kookie…” I muttered. Jungkook’s sweat trickled from his forehead. Judging from all the sweating and all the shaking of his hands, I can see that he is really nervous.

“I d-don’t know if it’s a b-bit too early, Chim, but I p-promise you I w-will shower you with all m-my love.” Jungkook said hurriedly. Seriously, why is my mind not functioning when I need it? More tears flowed down from my eyes.

“Y-You’re not breaking up with m-me?” I asked him. Jungkook looked at me with confusion. “I-I thought you called me here t-to break up with me.” I continued.

“Why would I do that when I love you so much?” Jungkook asked.

“B-Because you forgot about our anniversary, and it’s like you’ve been ignoring me the whole day, didn’t even inform me that you will be having a lunch date with Jin-hyung. I-I thought…” my emotions are starting to get the better of me, and my breathing was starting to become labored. “I-I thought you didn’t l-love me anymore… And that J-Jin-hyung broke up with T-Tae. And s-since Jin-hyung is much p-prettier than me, you o-opted to love him instead.” I explained all of my thoughts to Jungkook. I was beginning to cry hard, and Jungkook stood up and gave me a hug.

“Of course not! Isn’t it I told you five years ago that I love you, and I always will? I’m never gonna break that.” Jungkook said to me as he kissed my forehead. I already forgot about the handkerchiefs that I brought with me, and wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

“So… is it a yes, or a no?” Jungkook asked me when I recovered. I slapped his chest and laughed.

“Of course it’s a yes, Jeon Jungkook.” I answered him. And with that, he slipped the ring into my finger. Perfect fit.

“YES!!! PARK JIMIN IS MY FIANCE!!!” Jungkook shouted and jumped up and down. I was still in a sort of bliss borderline mental breakdown. I just stared at the diamond ring on my finger and smiled at the sounds of joy that Jungkook was letting out. A romantic music that was very familiar to me began echoing through the building, as the live band started playing. Tae, Jin, and Jungkook went to the stage and began singing.

I give it to you

Jogeum eosaekhaesseotjiman ijen da jugo sipeo

I give it to you

Ttaeron ulgo useojuneun naegen neoppuniran geol

For you


Neoreul cheoeum bon sungan

Danbare neomu yeppeun gyobok

Geu moseumman saenggangna

Amudedo mot ga

Neodo ojik nal bwa


Nae mami wae ireonji molla

Na hangsang ni moseumman tteoolla

Naneun rideumi doego noraega doeeo

Neol wihae bulleojulge


(Good to you)

Naegen neo ppunya

(Good to you)

Naega meolli isseodo

Hangsang yeope isseojwo

(Good to you)

Naegen jeonbuya

Himdeun naeiri wado

Nae son jabajwo


I just watched in joy as Jungkook sang the song with Tae and Jin, who were holding hands with each other. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok came out of their hiding from under the tables and twisted the party poppers.

“So that’s why the table cloths were floor length!” I exclaimed and the three rappers went over to hug me and congratulate me. But all the while they hugged me, my gaze was on the Jungkook. Our eyes locked into each other, never looking anywhere.

I give it to you

Jogeum eosaekhaesseotjiman

Ijen da jugo sipeo

I give it to you

Ttaeron ulgo useojuneun

Naegen neoppuniran geor

For you

(Good to you)

(Good to you)


Good to you


After the song, he skipped towards me, and took my hand; he led me to the outside of the building. We stopped in front of the nameless structure, and he clapped twice. The cloth that was covering the supposed name of the building revealed a name I never expected.

JiKook Restaurant

“W-What is this?” I asked him. He smiled at me.

“Can’t you read it? It’s OUR restaurant, Chim. It really took a long time to earn enough money for this day. Producing music was really tough.” He answered. “Jin-hyung was the one who helped me with all the preparation, and this morning, I woke up quite later than I should have, because we had to prepare a lot of things to make this as romantic as we could.” He explained. And then, everything started to make sense to me in a good way. Jungkook became very interested in producing for our albums in the past five years, because he wanted to earn a lot of money. He didn’t give me gifts for the past four anniversaries, because he’s been saving up. He accidentally ignored me this morning, because he was already running late for his appointments. He was always with Jin, because they were planning for this day.

And all because he loves me.

I couldn’t help but feel bad. “I’m so sorry Kookie…” I whispered. He turned around and gave me a confused look.

“What? Why? You’re sorry for making me fall in love with you and spending this much? Don’t be, Chim, you deserve everything.” He said to me.

“No… because I doubted you and your love for me. I thought you are going to end your relationship with me to start a new one with Jin-hyung.” I said to him.

“Of course I won’t do that! I love you so much! And besides, it was my fault why you thought that way.” Jungkook said as he pulled me in for a kiss.

“I love you Kookie…” I breathe in between kisses.

“I love you too, Chim…” he answered me every time. When we pulled away, fireworks began rocketing to the sky, filling it with beautiful colors.

I was right when I thought Jungkook was going to end this relationship. But he ended it to start a new one, with me. I am looking forward to all the things that we will be facing in the future together, and I can’t imagine myself facing them with any other person. And now, I know he was feeling the same way.

Just when I thought, that after all this years, he grew tired of loving me, he decided to tie the bonds. It turns out that just like me, he also wants to spend the rest of our lives in each other’s touches…




and love.

And we can’t imagine spending the years to come in any other way.

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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you wrote...it's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)