Confession Pt.2: A Night of Neglect

Turning Tables

Hi readers! I'm asking for permission to not post an update very soon. My finals are nearly over yes, but school work is just flooding me right now. Anyway, Chapter 10, here you go! Longest chapter so far i think...

Chapter 10

Confession Pt.2: A Night Of Neglect 

Jimin’s POV:


I kept running. I can’t even feel the tiredness that was supposed to have taken over me by now. Maybe my jogging sessions every morning helped increase my endurance. I looked at my clock – it’s just 3:30 in the morning. I was only jogging for half an hour, yet I thought I’ve been jogging for hours now. Well, this is better than staying in the house and sitting in bed trying to get sleep. After what Jungkook said to me, I don’t think sleep will come any easier these days.

“Jimin, can you not be very clingy to me? It’s just a little bit too much at times. I feel a bit uncomfortable.” Jungkook said to me. I answered. But I don’t think he even cared enough to wait for my response. I don’t know if he heard me answer his request. Well, it doesn’t matter anymore. But what else matters?

“Sure thing, kookie, if that’s what you want.” was all I managed to say to him. Even if it hurts me. If he wants me to keep a distance, I will. I was starting to doubt the idea of confessing to him. Why did I even to decide to confess anyway?

I continued jogging for some time, thinking about what Jungkook said to me last night, which wasn’t that long ago. He said he felt uncomfortable with me being clingy to him. Does that mean he also feels something for me? He doesn’t have to feel uncomfortable when it’s alright. Well, never mind. There’s no way he likes me too.

I checked the clock again. Wow, it’s already 6 am?! I’ve been running for hours already? I’ve been thinking about Jungkook for too long. I didn’t even notice the passage of time – that I’ve been running for three hours now. I think this jogging is enough – I have to go home now.

Before going back to the house, I stopped at a convenience store along the way to buy food for the members. This has become my usual morning routine – jog for about an hour, then return home with food for the members. I picked the food that I know everyone can eat which means I picked fewer vegetables, because Tae doesn’t really like vegetables. He doesn’t crave for them, unlike me who sometimes want to eat a vegetable dish.

While I was scanning the stalls for food that I can buy, my eyes came across a collection of meat products. I immediately saw the Jungkook’s favorite. I put two in my basket, because I know he likes the dish very much. Seeing him happily munching at the food I bought makes me happy too. So I happily went to the counter and bought all the food that the money I brought could afford.

When I got home, I found no one already awake. So silently, I went to my room and showered after putting the food in the fridge. I spent about thirty minutes in the shower before I came out of the shower room. Jungkook wasn’t on our bed. He woke up on his own… Wow, a rare occasion.

After getting dressed, I went out to find all the members already awake and talking to each other about random stuff. Well, except for Tae and Jin who are preparing the breakfast. Instead of going to the living room to join the chatting people, I headed to the kitchen to help them cook the food. I want to learn how Jin cooks, because Jungkook really likes the taste of the food that he prepares every time. Actually, all of us think Jin really cooks good food.

“Good morning Jimin! Nice to see you help us again with preparing breakfast!” Jin said to me.

“Good morning, hyung! Sorry for not being able to help lately.” I replied to him while taking the food that I brought earlier out from the fridge. “Here, I bought some additional food for us.”

“WOW, Jimin-hyung, you really bought these? No vegetables? Thanks!” Tae exclaimed when he saw the all-meat food that I took out from the bag. He is in such a childish mood today. There’s no way I’m going to be able to confide to him…

“Hyung, is there as problem?” I was shocked to hear his voice, which became suddenly serious. I really can’t keep anything from him.

“Uhm… Will you believe me if I say there isn’t?” I asked jokingly. He just smiled at me and told me to talk to him after breakfast. So we continued preparing the breakfast for everyone. When we were almost done, Tae was instructed to call the other members to the table.

When we started eating, I was a bit hesitant if I should get the food I bought for Jungkook and put it in his bowl or let him get his on his own. The former won. As I filled his bowl with his favorite food, he simply looked at me said a ‘Thanks’ before munching at the food. That action of his hurt me, but I think that is way better than him not letting me fill his bowl with the food I bought.

“Jimin, you go first or I’ll go first?” Jungkook asked. “We still have a lot of time to get to the rehearsal. It will start later than usual.”

“Uhm, you go first, I and Tae have something to talk about.” Jungkook nodded at me before entering our shared room to shower and get dressed. I went to the porch to find Tae already waiting for me.

“We’re going to keep this fast and short, hyung. What happened?” Tae asked. I suddenly became afraid of him. He looked and sounded really serious.

“Tae, I think he just rejected me last night.” I said to him. I was shocked to see the surprised look in his face.

“REALLY? That kid! He’s going to pay for it.” Tae exclaimed as he prepared to leave and confront Jungkook.

“No Tae, stop. I just told him that I really like being with him and how I hope we could have more time together. He didn’t answer me, instead, he told me not to be too clingy to him, because it makes him feel a bit uncomfortable.” While I was telling the story to him, I saw a mixture of emotions on his face. He looked angry, but he also looked amused, but at the same time concerned and sad. He confuses me.

“That’s it? Don’t worry hyung, he didn’t reject you.” Tae said while patting my back. Recalling the events last night made my chest feel tighter and my eyes become teary.

“It will be alright. He’s still a kid after all. Maybe he didn’t get the meaning of your words. Let’s try a more direct to the point speech.” Tae said as he pushed me back into the house.

“But what about the one when he told me to stop being clingy? Doesn’t that mean he doesn’t want me around him?” I asked, trying to fight the tears back. So far, I’m successful. Because of Jungkook I became a crying mess lately.

“Of course not! Maybe he just don’t like skinships and stuff like that. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want you near him. That’s a different thing. And to be honest with you, you were really clingy to him these past few days.” Tae said to me. I was slowly regaining my motivation to pursue Jungkook.

“You know what; I think I should forget about last night and start thinking of a new plan on how to confess to him in a better, more direct way.” I said while happily skipping to my room. Luckily, when I got there, Jungkook was already done preparing and was already exiting the room to go and wait downstairs.

While I was taking a shower, I was trying to think of a cheesy way on how to confess to Jungkook. What about a candlelight date? Hm… he will not like that. What if I take him to the amusement park, and then make us ride the Ferris wheel and confess to him while we are on top? Nope, too common. Besides, I’m not even sure if he will go with me. I continued running down random ideas on how to make my confession as romantic as possible, until my mind gave up. There’s no cheesy way that Jungkook will appreciate. I just let the water trickle down my body as I tried to relax my mind after too much thinking. I stared at the stream of water that fell from the strands of my hair, the  I finally thought of something. Yes! That’s it! The Dancing fountain! I’ll take him there! Then I will confess! The dancing fountain just officially opened, so it will not be a common idea, at least for Jungkook. He will like it there. I can already imagine how it would be – the two of us sitting in front of the jets of water that dance to the melody of a romantic music, eating delicious food prepared by Jin. Yes! I need to ask Jin for favor and tell Tae about my plan.

I immediately dried myself, got dressed and headed downstairs. I finished just in time, because they are already downstairs, waiting for me. I can see that they haven’t been there for too long because they didn’t look bored and impatient. While we were on our way to the studio, I sat beside Tae and pulled him to the spot farthest from Jungkook. We sat beside the driver, while Jungkook was sitting at the backmost seat of the van.

“What is it, hyung?” Tae asked

“I have a plan.” I said to him, then I started explaining my plan to him. After I explained in to him, he looked excited.

“Yes! That’s a good plan! I’ll help you! What can I do… uhm… I know! I’ll ask Jin-hyung to cook delicious food for the two of you. I’ll also take responsibility of the excuse to make to other members when they notice you and Jungkook are missing during dinner.” Tae said excitedly. He can easily get excited. He is like a child that received news of getting a new toy if he would help clean the house.

“Thanks for the support Tae. You really are a great friend.” I said to him. He gave me a hug, which I gladly returned to him.

We reached the studio and practiced the new dance that was being taught to us for a week now. We already know the steps, but making the routine synchronized proves to be a more challenging task. The half of the day quickly passed. Before I knew it, we were already on our way to a restaurant where we ate today’s lunch. I was shocked when Jungkook took another sit, which was away from me. Why? Is he really avoiding me?

I was already starting to feel depressed again. I was starting to lose my appetite when I reminded myself of my plan later. No, I can’t lose hope. It just happened that he sat on that chair. It doesn’t mean anything .Tonight, everything is bound to change. While running those thoughts in my mind, my mood slowly shifted back to being bright and happy. I was too absorbed with my thoughts that I didn’t realize we’re already leaving the place to return to the studio. Along the way, Tae told me that he already asked Jin to cook for him, and only said he wanted to eat food. He also bragged about how Jin was never able to resist Tae when Tae is asking something from him. With the food settled, and the excuse out of the way, the only thing I need to do is to ask him out.

Compared to the rate at which the first half of the day passed, the afternoon practice seemed to last forever. I was growing more and more impatient each minute, looking at the clock every now and then only to find out that only five minutes have passed since the last time I checked. I almost sighed when we were dismissed by the choreographer. This is it. It’s now or never.

While all of us are walking out of the building, I pulled Jungkook from the mass and talked to him.

“Jungkook, do have any plans for tonight?” I asked him. He was starting to look uncomfortable again.

“Nope, none. Why?” He replied. Ok, fine, I was wrong to think he’s embarrassed.

“Uhm… You see, I’m going to the dance fountain later. Do you want to join me?” I nervously asked. Please, say yes.

“I don’t know if-”

“Please, Jungkookie.” I begged him. He took a deep breath and sighed.

“Ok, but what about the food?” He asked. I knew you’re gonna ask for that.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take charge.” He nodded. Mission accomplished! My heart is clapping right now.

When we got home, I immediately told Tae that everything is settled. With that, he went to Jin and told him to begin preparing the food. They disappeared into the kitchen in no time at all. When they are gone, I went to the porch to practice what I am going to say. I spent about an hour there trying to think of lines that will make Jungkook’s heart melt. When I found one, I kept repeating it in my mind while going to the room to have nap. Tonight will be a long night. Better get some sleep now.

When I woke up, I went to the shower room to clean myself. This is probably the shower when I cleaned myself the most. I swear I almost used up all the soap in the shower room to make myself squeaky clean. When I got out, I found Jungkook playing on his phone.

“Kookie, prepare now, we’ll leave soon.” I said to him.

“Ok” He replied without taking his eyes off the phone’s screen.

He eventually stood up and headed to the shower room and closed the door. Not long after he was gone, he opened the door again.

“Jimin, do we have more soap? You seemed to have eaten the soap. It was almost gone even though it was just opened two days ago.” Jungkook asked, while scolding me. I hope he would be that mature later.

After I handed him a new bar of soap, I began fixing myself. I styled my hair so that it was messy yet it looks good. Tae says that I look better and hotter when my hair isn’t just falling in front of my face. Then, I wore the best clothes I have. I also prepared to wear my favorite perfume. I really find the smell of this perfume very attractive and y. I was about to spray the cold liquid on my body when I remembered that Jungkook’s nose is very sensitive. He sniffles a lot. He easily catches runny nose and he also doesn’t stop sneezing once he smelled something that irritates his cute nose. Even though I knew that he might like the smell, I can’t take the risk of ruining the night with his constant sneezing.

“Ok, Jimin, I’m ready.” Jungkook said as he prepared to leave the room. I didn’t even notice him get out of the shower room. And how did he get dressed without me noticing?

“Woah! Since when did you get out of the shower room?” I asked, surprised by the stealth he just displayed.

“Just now. If you’re wondering why got dressed so fast, I dressed inside the shower room.” He answered coldy. Does dressing in a shower room make a person look as good as you do?

“Hey, Jimin, what are you waiting for?” He asks. He was becoming impatient. I understand because he doesn’t really want to be with me tonight. I only begged him.

“Ok, Kookie, relax. We’re going now.” I said as I went towards him and closed the door to our room. In a few seconds, we are out in the streets. We walked to the slowly walked to the fountain. We had little conversations about random stuff along the way to the fountain. The topics were from the lightest ones to the more serious ones – how Tae’s personality constantly and quickly oscillates from being the serious and intimidating Tae to the emotionless Tae to the alien Tae, how difficult the dances were, to how quickly has time passed by, how normal our lives were before we became part of BTS. Thinking about all the things in the past just overwhelmed me. A lot of things have changed.

When we reached the fountain, we found a spot where we sat down and rested. We walked for nearly thirty minutes, and all the goodness of my shower was gone.

“Here Kookie, I brought some food for us.” I said to him while handing the container of food that Jin made for us.

“Wow! My favorite!” He exclaimed as he grabbed the container from my hand and opening it. He sniffed in all the aroma of the food before trying to eat it. But before he started eating the food, the dancing fountain did a very beautiful display. This made Jungkook stop eating and stare at the jets of water that dance before him. I only looked at him, treasuring and feeling the moment of being alone with him in this very romantic and beautiful night. When the music changed to a slow, romantic song, I knew the right time has come. This is it.

“Jungkook, I have something to tell you.” I said, trying not to sound as nervous as I really am right now.

“What is it Jimin?” He asked, not taking his eyes off the display.

“Look at me Jeon Jungkook.” I said while touching his shoulder so he had to look at me. Then our eyes met. There’s no turning back now.

“I’ll keep this straight and simple. Jungkook, since the first time we met, I came to like you. You’re appearance, it’s just stunning. You voice makes me feel at peace. The way you move when you dance is just perfect for me. Jungkook, I like you. No, wrong, I think I’ve fallen in love with you.” I said, not taking my eyes off his. I was searching for something in his eyes. Unfortunately, all I can see was confusion. And something else.

Jungkook just stared at me for a few moments. I swear I could’ve died right there if our eye contact lasted a bit longer. He looked away, and stared at the dancing water fountain again.

“Jimin, I think we should go home I’m feeling drowsy and - ”

“Jungkook, I’m serious here. Aren’t going to say a thing, just like the way you ignored me last night?” I said to him. My emotions are starting to take over. I can already feel tears threatening to fall any moment.

“Jimin, I’m sorry about last night. I’m very tired back then. I didn’t even understand a word of what you said.” Jungkook explained. Ouch.

“Jungkook, don’t do that again this time. Please, just, say something…” I lost it. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

“I’m sorry. I just don’t see us being more than this. More than bandmates. More than friends. I’m happy with the way we are right now. I just can’t see US. I’m sorry, Jimin. Let it stay as it is right now.” He said to me without looking at me.

It hurts like hell. It was like my heart was pricked with thorns from the roses that I wanted to give to him every day when he wakes up in the morning. It’s like the hot water that I wanted to use to make him coffee was poured unto me. The unfair reality slapped rejection right at my face. It just hurts like nothing in this world.

“Jimin, I think I should go now.” Jungkook said to me before leaving me. He didn’t even ask for my consent. He didn’t even ask me if I wanted to go home with him. He didn’t. He sounded like he never cared. Never.

“Thanks, Jungkook, for not ignoring me this time.” I managed to say before breaking down to cry on the bench, lying on the spot where he used to sit a few moments ago. When my heart was still whole. Just a few irreplaceable moments ago…


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Update: Chapter 2 is up!


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Chapter 44: Oh my god such a dramatic roller coaster story!!!! I am in love with this... I just felt like I am watching a kdrama!!! I love the way you's awesome dear!!!!!!!!!! I love you authornim
Kfrees #2
Chapter 2: I love the tease at the end.... cheesecake.
lmnt96 #5
Chapter 2: The cheesecake!
Kookielove1 #6
Sort I love fluffiness. <3
chrysantemild #7
Chapter 14: You know.. this is one of the best jikook fanfic that i've ever read.. ♡♥
Btw i read this in wattpad, i just know that u also published here.. ~ thankyou for making this beautiful fanfic.. made me love jikook more ~ keep up ur good work! Fighting!! (excuse my bad eng) >○<
onlygayships #8
Chapter 45: Really liked this fanfic! (♡ >ω< ♡) keep up with the hard work!
Merve123 #10
Chapter 47: I don't know if you're gonna read this but I decided to just write what I think. So first of all this story is more than fluffy and I'm actually not a fan of fluffy or cheesy things but I really liked your story anyways. I'm a bit disapointed that Jungkook and Jimin haven't had with each other but that's just because I like . I actually never read fluffy fanfics but I don't know how it came that I liked, no loved your story. And before I forget it can you please recommend me fanfics I can read on asianfanfics with a lot of chapters and about Jikook? That would be really nice of you! :)