Call Me Baby

Stay Away From Me

Despite all the excitement, Jimin soon drifted back to sleep in my arms as I his hair. I giggled to myself as he snored softly into my neck. He must have been really tired to just fall asleep like this. What time had he gone to bed last night? I turned my head and kissed his hair, grateful that he had taken care of Young Jae for me. Poor little baby; he always had to take care of drunk people.

I had woken up last night when he wrapped his arms around me and whispered that he loved me. I’d lain awake for what felt like hours, listening to the sound of his unsteady breathing and feeling his tears cascade onto my shoulders. I’d heard him plead with me not to leave him, that he couldn’t live without me. He’d fallen asleep soon after that, but I’d stayed up with tears of my own to keep me company. I’d woken up wanting him, that was true, but I’d also woken up with the intense desire to let him know that he was wanted. That I had no room in my heart for anyone but him.

When I’d laid on top of him and whispered that I loved him, I felt his short, staccato breaths and seen the crimson blush stain his cheeks. Since when had my boyfriend become so affection-starved that even a simple “I love you” was enough to send him over the edge? Why had he come in from taking care of Young Jae with such a defeated attitude? What had Young Jae said to him?

I kissed Jimin’s ear, desperate to show him some affection even if he was sleeping. What wasn’t he telling me?

I sighed softly to myself. I didn’t want to move, but it was time to wake up Young Jae and send him on his way. What was I going to do about Young Jae? He told me he loved me last night. What the was that? We hadn’t even known each other that long. He couldn’t possibly love me.

To be honest, all of this drama had started to wear thin on my nerves. The guilt I felt towards Young Jae mostly related to how suddenly I had ended things. It really seemed unfair to him. But there was nothing I could do; I loved Jimin and I wanted to be with only Jimin. Young Jae had known that all along.


I gently pushed Jimin off of me. He groaned and blinked at me. I kissed his nose. “Go back to sleep.” I whispered softly. I sat up and started to climb off the bed. Jimin clutched my shirt and tugged me back.

“Don’t go.” He mumbled sleepily.

“I’ll be back.” I reassured him, prying his fingers off. “I’m just going to see if Young Jae is still here.”

Jimin clung to my shirt and dragged me closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my side.

“Don’t go.” He pleaded. “Just stay here with me.”

I patted his head. “Honey, I’ll be back in a second. And then we can cuddle all you want.”

“No.” He insisted stubbornly. “I won’t let you leave.”

I sighed. “You’re being so annoying right now.”

“I don’t care.” Jimin muttered.  “He can’t see you in your adorable morning state.”

“I’m not even adorable right now.” I grumbled. “I’m pretty sure I’ve got yesterday’s eyeliner smudged around my eyes.”

“It’s pretty.” Jimin said softly. “I want to be the only one who sees you this way.”

I laid down next to him with a sigh. He gently rubbed at the eyeliner in the corner of my eye with his thumb.

“You’re beautiful.” He whispered. “Don’t show your sleepy face to other boys.”

“I hate to break it to you, Jimin, but you’re not the only boy to see me this way.” I lightly patted his cheek.

“Yeah, but I wanna be the last.” He murmured. “I wanna be the only one you wake up next to for the rest of your life.”

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before I sat up and climbed off the bed.

 “I’ll be back in a minute.” I told him. “Go back to sleep and you can wake up to my beautiful face again.”

“Throw a sweatshirt on before you go.” Jimin instructed in his husky morning voice. “Or better yet, a bra.”

“Nah.” I said, climbing out of bed. “That’ll be too much of a pain for you to take off when I come back.” I winked at him and he smiled shyly back at me.


I picked out a hoodie from Jimin’s backpack and threw it over my head. I sniffed it and Jimin giggled softly.

“You’re so weird.” He whispered. “You’re always just smelling me and all the things I touch.”

“I love your smell.” I told him. “It smells like home.”

“Let’s get married.” Jimin mumbled, burying his face in my pillow. “I’ll never find a girl more lovable than you.”

“Damn right.” I chuckled. “I’m the best you’ll ever have.”


I tiptoed out of the room as Jimin let out a long, sleepy sigh. He sounded like a little kid settling in for a nap. I closed the door behind me with a soft click and walked into the living room. Young Jae was still asleep on the couch. I didn’t have a hard time believing that he slept through all the noise we made; I knew from personal experience that he was an abnormally deep sleeper. But once he was up, he was ready to go. One of the traits of being an abnormally cheerful person, I guessed.

I walked over to him and shook him gently. “Young Jae.” I said softly. “Wake up.”

He didn’t move. I crouched down next to him and pulled his cheek. “Young Jae, wake up!” I said, a little louder. He opened his eyes and blinked sleepily at me. I let go of his cheek and stood up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back down.

“Sorry.” He mumbled drowsily. “Sorry for sleeping here.”

“It’s okay.” I told him, taking my hand out of his. “Your breath smells really horrible.”

Young Jae laughed and sat up, rubbing his eyes. “I surprisingly don’t feel that bad. I don’t even think I’m hungover.”

“That’s surprising. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drunk like that.” I studied him for a minute, worried.

“Well, it’s been a while.” He said ruefully. “I don’t drink like that anymore.”

“So many secret sides to sweet Young Jae.” I laughed, standing up. “You want some tea?”

“Yeah, let me change my clothes.” Young Jae stood up as well and scooped his clothes up off the ground. I went into the kitchen to put the kettle on and feed Yukon as Young Jae disappeared into the bathroom.

He emerged a few minutes later, looking disheveled in a wrinkled sweater and stained jeans.

“You look terrible.” I told him. “You definitely need to change before coming in to work.” He laughed and sat down at the table. I set a cup of tea in front of him.

“Oh, gee, thanks. You don’t look so great yourself. What, did you not take off your makeup before sleeping?” Young Jae teased.

“I’m gorgeous. Anytime, anywhere, any outfit.” I replied, sitting down across from him.

“Sure, sure.” Young Jae smiled, sipping his tea. “I’ve missed this.” He added softly.

“Yeah, me too. Although why I would miss having a punk like you around is beyond me.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Well, I’m sure Jimin causes you enough trouble.” Young Jae said quietly. “He’s always been a handful. But tell him thanks for me. Poor kid. I’m still causing him trouble.”

“Don’t tell me you really were a player back in high school?” I demanded, intrigued. “Did you really drag Jimin to parties and clubs?”

Young Jae scowled at me playfully. “Did Jimin spill all of my secrets?”

“No.” I said softly. “No, he won’t tell me a word. Besides that you cheated on a lot of girls.” I pointed my finger at him accusingly. “That’s really the lowest. Have you ever been cheated on before? It’s a horrible feeling.”

Young Jae shook his head. “No. I wasn’t a cheater. I never had a steady enough girlfriend to even cheat on one.”

“Boy toys can cheat, too.” I muttered, recalling unpleasant memories. “Just because you’re not serious doesn’t mean you can just lie about sleeping with other people.”

“I wasn’t that kind of guy.” Young Jae reassured me. “But I wasn’t a nice guy, either. And who the hell would cheat on you? Who could even look at another girl if you were in his life?” He ducked his head down, embarrassed.

“That’s what Jimin said when I told him.” I murmured. “I’m really not that great, though.”

“You’re perfect.” Young Jae whispered. He glanced up at me shyly. My heart skipped a beat at the tender expression in his eyes. He was looking at me like Jimin used to look at me. , Jimin was right. Young Jae did care for me, a lot.

“Um…” I fumbled for words, feeling caught off guard.

Young Jae stood up abruptly. “I should go.” He said awkwardly. He walked over to me, hesitating before he bent down swiftly and kissed me on the forehead. “Jimin’s really lucky.” He whispered in my ear. “Make sure he knows that.” He drew back and gazed at me wistfully for a moment,

“I’m the lucky one.” I said softly, looking at Young Jae seriously. “I’ve always been the lucky one in our relationship.”

Young Jae tweaked my nose. “You’re cute when you’re in love. Don’t show that face to other guys besides Jimin. They’ll all fall for you and he’ll get too jealous.”

I laughed. “You’re being ridiculous.”

He smiled back at me ruefully. “If that ever breaks your heart again, call me and I’ll beat him up for you. I know all of his weak spots.”

“Thanks for the offer, but I can beat him up myself.” I grinned. Young Jae kissed my forehead one last time.

“Bye, baby.” He whispered softly.

“Bye, Young Jae.” I murmured sadly. “And don’t call me baby.”

“Just once.” He told me, walking backwards towards the door. “I just wanted to once.”


I heard the door shut behind him and let out a long sigh. Stupid boys. I abandoned my tea and walked over to my bedroom, slowly opening the door so I didn’t disturb Jimin.

He was snoring peacefully into my pillow. I crawled into bed and snuggled up next to him. He blinked at me for a moment before wrapping his arms around me.

“Hey, baby.” Jimin murmured as he kissed my hair.

“Say it again.” I whispered into his chest.

“Say what again?” Jimin yawned.

“Call me baby.” I murmured. “Please?”

“Okay, baby.” Jimin said softly. “Anything for you, baby.”

I sighed contentedly and kissed his chest. “I love you, Jimin.”

“I love you, too, baby. Now let me sleep.” Jimin yawned and snuggled me in closer. He fell asleep within seconds and I found myself drifting off, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart.

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jiminniewa #1
I’m re reading this fic in 2020????
Chapter 48: Where's Jungkook when someone like Jimin is stealing my heart like this?!-_- Gooossh i really like this story! Daebakk!!! I really cried jinjja, my drama queen mode was as I read every chaps. Those 'I love you's' really get me huhuhu can't I just get married like right now? To Jimin? I mean Jungkook hahahahaha I should be loyal hahah but then I've read this chim chim story <3ahahaha
Chapter 48: This is a major cliff hanger! Oh Ma god, Ma hearteu!!!
Chapter 15: This is breaking my heart!!!
Subin1592 #5
I am reading this for the third time, and everytime I read it I eventually cry because your fanfic is so sad ans amazing at the same time. You are perfect at describing things such as emotions, especially sorrow and heartbreak. I even got heartbroken reading this fanfic. Thank you for writing such an amazing story, I really learned from you a lot. To be honest, it's the best fanfic I have ever read in my life T^T
_libbon #6
Chapter 38: why always fight over the childish stuff,,with the stubbborn each others dont want to become a loser,,so irritating but im so coriuos the end of this stories bcse i love jiminie ,,so exhausted when i reading ,,feel excited,,feel sad..feel annoying,,feel tired felt wooaahhh,,^0^...

but i love it,,i reallly like it,,im continued reading till end,, love ur stories authornim.. >_o
machichrlak #7
Chapter 50: this has been so goooood like i can t even explain or remember how many times i teared up over it like hell yes i m getting teary eyes rightt now anyways i read the prequel then i read stay away that s the good approach because i know everything and it s like i ve grown with their relation and been there through every step love it off to read the sequel <3<3
ivanka #8
Chapter 50: The story is good... But why that sentence“i love you” appear so many times(love can be showed by actions) also the arguments are little bit nonsense, also the oc‘s thinkings are a little bit strange... Just opinions, no offense
Deez2016 #9
Chapter 48: I freakin love that last line!!!! I could die of happiness