Broom Closet Pt. 2

Stay Away From Me

I let out a long sigh. I couldn’t stand to be around Jimin any longer if I wanted to keep my sanity. Maybe his mom would let him wait tables while I washed dishes alone. She would probably refuse; I had a nagging feeling she was scheming to get us back together. As much as I hated to disappoint her, that wasn’t happening.

Jimin and I weren’t getting back together. I didn’t trust his sudden change of heart. Even if we got back together, what would change? Who’s to say he wouldn’t become insecure again? Who’s to say he wouldn’t just leave me again?

I breathed in deeply. Maybe the first few days would be the hardest. Maybe after a week or two things would calm down. And then he would be gone in a month. I could survive a month next to him, right?


Mrs. Park opened the kitchen door and poked her head in. “Hi, sweetheart. Where’s Jimin?”

“He, um, he stepped outside for a minute.” I said quietly, wiping the sweat off my brow.

“I see.” Mrs. Park said slowly. She came over to me and my hair soothingly. “How are you doing?”

“I’m okay.” I murmured. Jimin’s mom clucked her tongue at me.

“Tell me the truth, love. How are you doing?”

“Not so good.” I admitted. She took me into her arms and rubbed my back as I cried into her shirt.


“It’ll get easier with time. I promise.”

“It just hurts every time I see him.” I said softly.

“I know, honey. I know.” Mrs. Park murmured.

I heard the back door creak open behind us. Over Mrs. Park’s shoulder I could see Jimin’s expression of surprise.


She let go of me and turned around with a scowl on her face.

“Hey, Jimin, did I raise you to make girls cry?” She scolded him.

He looked over at me with concern. “Were you crying?”

I shrugged. “Ah…yeah. A little.”

“Jimin! What were you doing to her to make her cry?” Mrs. Park demanded.

“Ah, nothing, Mom. We were just talking. I just told her…how hard it was for me to be around her.” Jimin finished his sentence in a whisper.

“Hmm…” She murmured. “She was just telling me the exact same thing. The two of you are very foolish. If you’re in love, you should just be together.”

“That’s what I’m saying.” Jimin muttered.

“Don’t act like you’re so blameless.” His mom smacked the back of his head.

“Ouch, Mom.” Jimin rubbed the back of his head. It had already received some abuse today. I felt vaguely sorry for him.

Mrs. Park finished reprimanding her son and turned to me. “Join us for dinner tonight.” She invited me.

I flushed, feeling desperately uncomfortable. Jimin was looking at me hopefully.

“Ah…I already have plans with Young Jae tonight.” I lied.

“No, you don’t! Mom, she’s lying. She has to come to dinner.” Jimin hung onto his mom’s shoulder like a little puppy. I glared at him. He stuck his tongue out at me.

“Jimin, you little snitch.” I grumbled. Mrs. Park cleared and I looked down at my shoes, incredibly embarrassed.

“Children, stop fighting. You’re coming over for dinner and that’s that.” She looked at me threateningly.

“Yes ma’am.” I agreed politely. “Would you like me to bring anything?”

“Only your pretty face, sweetheart. It’s not like we’re strangers to each other. Just stay here until closing time and we can all go home together.”

She patted my shoulder and headed out of the kitchen. “Now, you two behave yourselves.” She warned before the door shut behind her.


As soon as she was out of earshot, I rounded on Jimin. “What the , Jimin? Why do I have to see your stupid face at dinner tonight? I’ll probably feel so sick I won’t be able to eat.”

Jimin rolled his eyes. “Sick with desire, maybe. Pass me my gloves, please.”

I grabbed the gloves off the shelf and smacked him in the face with them. “Here you go!”

“You’re so childish.” Jimin sneered as he started to wash dishes again.

“You’re childish.” I argued. “Why did you tell your mom on me?”

“Because I wanted you to come to dinner.” He said simply.

“Do you ever think about what I want?” I asked sharply.

“Yeah.” He looked over at me, a smirk playing around his lips. “You want me. Just admit it.” He dropped his voice to a whisper and leaned in close to me. “Stop trying to deny this chemistry between us.” His hot breath tickled my neck.

“Back the up.” I shoved him away from me.

“Ew, you got my clothes wet!” Jimin complained, taking off his gloves and wiping at the spot.

“Oh well.” I shrugged indifferently. Good, I thought. Let him experience just a fraction of the discomfort I currently felt.

“I guess I just have to take my shirt off.” He winked greasily at me and started to pull the hem of his hoodie up, revealing the beginning of his six-pack.

“Do whatever you want.” I replied nonchalantly, trying desperately to keep my eyes averted from his chest. Damn, this kid knew all of my weaknesses. “But this water’s quite hot, so be careful not to burn yourself.”

Jimin remained unfazed by my apparent lack of interest in his abs. He peeled off his hoodie to reveal a tight fitting black tank top. this kid. He wanted to make sure that I really did want to him.

“Jimin.” I sighed. “Are you really going to wash dishes like that?”

“Like what?” He asked me innocently, placing his hoodie on a shelf. He turned to look at me. Those big doe eyes didn’t fool me for a second. “Is something the matter?”

“Nothing.” I muttered. “Just don’t hurt yourself.” I couldn’t even look at him in that shirt without recalling a thousand occasions in which those beautiful muscular arms had wrapped around me and the things that had inevitably followed. This punk knew that and he was torturing me.

“Don’t hurt yourself. I know it’s hard for you to resist this.” Jimin grinned.

“I don’t know what the you’re talking about.” I snapped.

“Don’t lie to me.” Jimin laughed. “You think I don’t know that you’re right now? Baby girl, I know you like the back of my hand. I know all your little quirks and all the little things you like.” He dropped his voice to a husky whisper. “Baby, I know exactly what will make you feel amazing.” He leaned over and nibbled my earlobe before I could move away.

“, Jimin, what are you doing?” I jerked my head away from him. In an instant, Jimin stood behind me and put his hands on my waist. I could feel his breathing hitch as he kissed my neck. He began a line of kisses starting from my shoulders and ending at my jawline, on my skin a little with each one. I shivered as his hands slipped under my shirt and caressed my sides. It tickled terribly and I twitched, making Jimin laugh through his nose. His hot breath hit my neck and I could feel my self-control evaporating.

“Get off, Jimin.” I tried to elbow him in the chest, tried to preserve my last shred of dignity, but he laughed hoarsely and pulled me closer to him. I dropped the dishes in the sink with a clatter, feeling weak.

“Jimin,” I protested faintly. “We’re broken up; do I still really need to defend myself from your advances?”

He swiftly turned me around and pulled off my gloves finger by finger. I looked up at him, but his head was bent down, focusing on my hands. Jimin reached behind me and placed the gloves on the shelf. He turned his attention to my apron and leaned down, his chest pressed against mine, and untied the strings. He looped his arms around my neck and kissed me sweetly, nipping my bottom lip with his teeth for just a moment before lifting the apron over my head. It dropped to the floor with a soft thud.

“Jimin, what are we doing?” I whispered. He finally looked into my eyes and his hungry expression made my heartrate accelerate.

“Don’t think about it.” He breathed. “Just go with it.”

“Jimin, I can’t…we can’t.” I tried to push him away feebly, but he scooped me up into his arms and carried me into the broom closet.

“I just want you so bad.” Jimin whispered. He put me down and backed me up against the wall. He placed his hands against the wall on either side of my head and held my gaze for a moment. “I can’t take it anymore.” My will power wavered as he leaned in and kissed me deeply, grazing my lips with his tongue.

He pressed his body against mine and I finally surrendered, tangling my hands in his hair. “Damn it, Jimin.” I gasped, dragging his head down to mine. I bit his lower lip and he hummed in the back of his throat. His hands were suddenly at my waist and he was pulling my shirt up over my head. I unexpectedly felt grateful for shoving his engagement ring in my pocket this morning. I had been too irritated with him to wear it around my neck.

“Wait, Jimin, stop.” I panted, pushing him away. “We’re at work; we can’t do this now.”

Jimin ignored me and hungrily began kissing my neck. He gradually worked his way down my body until his lips hovered over my stomach. He glanced up at me and grinned devilishly, his fingers lingering over the button on my jeans. , he was such a tease. “Don’t you dare.” I hissed.


“Hello?” Young Jae’s voice echoed through the empty kitchen. “Is anyone there? I need some dishes.”

“, , .” I whispered. I pushed Jimin away from me and hastily picked my shirt up from off the ground.

Jimin stood there helplessly, looking both incredibly disappointed and slightly panicked.

“Hide!” I hissed at him, pulling my shirt over my head.

“Where?” He mouthed to me. I jerked my head to the back corner.

“Behind the shelves. Hurry up!” I smoothed my hair and tried to recover my breathing.

“Be right there!” I yelled to Young Jae. I grabbed a mop and a bucket and made sure Jimin was well hidden.

I opened the door to find Young Jae standing outside, looking impatient.

“What are you doing?” He asked. “The lunch rush is here. Where’s Jimin?” He looked behind me.

I quickly closed the door. “He had an errand to run. Mrs. Park asked me to mop up in here. Sorry about the dishes; I’ll get to that right away.” My breathing was normal now, right? I felt flushed.

“Why is your face so red? And why is your apron on the floor?” Young Jae wanted to know. He looked at me strangely. Suspiciously?

“The heat from the water got to me so I decided to take a break.” I replied in what I hoped was a nonchalant manner.

Young Jae nodded. “Do you need some help with the dishes?”

“Nah, I’m good. I’ll have some ready for you in a minute.”

“Okay. I’m gonna head back. Sorry I can’t hang out with you tonight. Make sure you eat something.” Young Jae ruffled my hair affectionately.

“Don’t worry; the Parks invited me over for dinner tonight.”

Young Jae smiled. “Have fun.” He kissed the top of my head and left.


I stood still for a second, waiting until the sound of his footsteps died away. I heard the closet door creak open behind me and suddenly I was yanked back into the darkness.

Jimin’s hands were already pulling off my shirt by the time I realized what was happening. I spun around and tried to block him, but he dragged me closer to him by my belt loops.

“Jimin.” I hissed. “We’ve got to do the dishes. It’s the lunch rush.”

“I don’t give a .” He whispered. He traced his thumb over my lips slowly. “Just let me kiss you.”

Jimin quelled any further protest by putting his lips on mine. He kissed me roughly, like the months of separation had made him desperate for me. I looped my arms around his neck and pressed myself even closer to him. He instantly lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist. Oh, I had missed this.



I saw Jimin’s expression of horror before I slowly turned my head to find Mrs. Park standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. We stared at her in shock for a moment before Jimin put me down and stepped in front of me to block her view. He kicked my shirt over to me and I quickly threw it on, feeling my face grow hotter by the second.

“What are you two doing?” She hissed.

“Uh, M-Mom. I can explain.” Jimin stuttered. Poor baby looked so uncomfortable I almost wanted to laugh.

“I don’t need an explanation for this, Park Jimin. Get out there and do your job. Now.”

As Jimin passed her, she smacked him hard on the back.

“This is not how I raised you! You little rascal. Even if you’re young, how can you do this at your workplace?”

“Sorry, ma’am.” I whispered. Mrs. Park ignored me and continued beating Jimin.

“Sorry, Mom, sorry!” He held up his hands pleadingly. Wait, was that a smile on his face?

“Park Jimin, you better leave this girl alone while you’re at work.” She scolded softly, not wanting the customers to hear.

“Now do the dishes.” She ordered. “Jimin, sing. If you stop singing, I’ll hit you with the broom next time.”

“Yes, Mom.” He replied obediently.

“You better start now.” She shot him one last glare before leaving the kitchen.


Once she was a safe distance away, Jimin burst into giggles.

“I can’t believe we got caught by my mom!” He whispered.

“I’m so embarrassed I could die.” I hid my face in my hands. “She saw me without my shirt on.”

He laughed at my reaction. “That’s not the worst she’s caught us at.”

I looked up long enough to shoot him a death glare before burying my face again in shame. “Please don’t remind me of that. Please.”

“I told her making us sleep in separate beds wouldn’t be a good idea.”

“Jimin, shut upppp. I have to eat dinner at your house tonight. Get me out of it!” I begged.

“No way!” He shook his head. “I’m not passing up any chances to spend time with you. I’d like to continue where we left off.” He raised his eyebrows at me suggestively.

“Park Jimin!” His mom burst through the door just as I smacked him on the back. “Start singing!” She winked at me as she left. Great. Jimin’s mom knew I was ing thirsty for her son and she gave me an encouraging wink. I would never make it through this month alive.

“Jimin, you better start singing before your mom thinks I’m trying to seduce you.”

“I really wouldn’t mind if you tried.” Jimin giggled and launched into Jay Park’s “Joah.” I felt my insides start to tingle. This was the song I caught him singing after our first date.

“Jimin, you’re incorrigible.” I threw on my apron and gloves and set to work, shaking my head at this stupid boy.

“And you’re adorable.” He stopped singing long enough to peck me on the cheek.

I batted his face away and secretly smiled on the inside.

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jiminniewa #1
I’m re reading this fic in 2020????
Chapter 48: Where's Jungkook when someone like Jimin is stealing my heart like this?!-_- Gooossh i really like this story! Daebakk!!! I really cried jinjja, my drama queen mode was as I read every chaps. Those 'I love you's' really get me huhuhu can't I just get married like right now? To Jimin? I mean Jungkook hahahahaha I should be loyal hahah but then I've read this chim chim story <3ahahaha
Chapter 48: This is a major cliff hanger! Oh Ma god, Ma hearteu!!!
Chapter 15: This is breaking my heart!!!
Subin1592 #5
I am reading this for the third time, and everytime I read it I eventually cry because your fanfic is so sad ans amazing at the same time. You are perfect at describing things such as emotions, especially sorrow and heartbreak. I even got heartbroken reading this fanfic. Thank you for writing such an amazing story, I really learned from you a lot. To be honest, it's the best fanfic I have ever read in my life T^T
_libbon #6
Chapter 38: why always fight over the childish stuff,,with the stubbborn each others dont want to become a loser,,so irritating but im so coriuos the end of this stories bcse i love jiminie ,,so exhausted when i reading ,,feel excited,,feel sad..feel annoying,,feel tired felt wooaahhh,,^0^...

but i love it,,i reallly like it,,im continued reading till end,, love ur stories authornim.. >_o
machichrlak #7
Chapter 50: this has been so goooood like i can t even explain or remember how many times i teared up over it like hell yes i m getting teary eyes rightt now anyways i read the prequel then i read stay away that s the good approach because i know everything and it s like i ve grown with their relation and been there through every step love it off to read the sequel <3<3
ivanka #8
Chapter 50: The story is good... But why that sentence“i love you” appear so many times(love can be showed by actions) also the arguments are little bit nonsense, also the oc‘s thinkings are a little bit strange... Just opinions, no offense
Deez2016 #9
Chapter 48: I freakin love that last line!!!! I could die of happiness