Keys To Our Memories

We Got Married.. And had a kid?!
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Jung Yong Hwa

It’s Hyun..? It’s Hyun?! It’s Hyun. It’s Hyun.. It’s Hyun! It’s Hyun!!! IT’S FREAKING HYUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


“Yong Hwa-yah! What’s wrong?! You’re scaring me! If you’re going to faint, then please hand over Cherisse now and sit down for a minute..”, I heard Nich Khun Hyungnim say worriedly.


“I’m okay, Hyungnim.. I just suddenly felt—”


“Oppa, what’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?”, Hyun asked, putting down her stack of baby clothes and feeling my head for any fever. The touch of her palm against my forehead sent shivers down my spine as she looked at me with concern.


Oh God, give me strength NOT to hug Hyun right now, or else I’ll be beaten to a pulp by Nich Khun Hyungnim, but only AFTER her Eonnies are done with me..


“I’m—I’m—I’m al-alright..”, I managed to say, as I held on to Cherisse tighter to prevent myself from attacking Hyun with a hug.


“Are you sure? You’re—”


“I’m okay, Hyungnim.. Really.. I just need to talk to Ga Young-ie right now.. Have you seen her?”, I asked as I took a step forward, but to my dismay my knee shook and I almost lost my balance. It took all my will power not to groan out loud as Nich Khun Hyungnim and Hyun both grabbed each of my arms to steady me.


“Oppa!”, Hyun exclaimed, making me cringe.


“Yah! Yah! You’re not alright! Give me Cherisse—”


“NO! Please don’t take her away!!! Uhhh I’m so—sorry, Hyungnim.. I di—didn’t mean to— I just—I just need her right now.. Please..”, I pleaded. They both looked at each other and then me and nodded.


“Arasseo, arasseo, Yong Hwa-yah.. Joo Hyun Cheoje, come on, let’s help him get Cherisse up to your room—”


“But Ga Young-ie—”


“Arasseo! Aishhh! I’ll go find her and send her to you! Can you take him up by yourself, Joo Hyun Cheoje—”


“Yes, Hyungbu—”


“Okay, one step at a time, got it? Leave the clothes.. I’ll have someone get them up to you.. Just be careful!”, Nich Khun Hyungnim ordered, but was still looking at me worriedly.


All this time, I was well aware of Hyun’s hands still holding my arm, because what feels like a small amount of electricity keeps flowing from her to my arm all the way to the ends of my fingers. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling since it keeps me alert and in focus, but my damn heart was beating like crazy, I was sure she can hear it!


“Oppa, let’s go.. Slowly, okay?”, she requested, her eyes that was full of concern, rested on me and then Cherisse.


“Don’t worry, Hyun.. I’ll hand Cherisse to you as soon as I feel something strange.. But I’m alright now, honest..”, I assured her, as the shock of finding the identity of the Red-Glasses Girl and Hyun being the same person subsided.


You’re alright?! Then why the heck is your heart beating a mile a minute that it feels like it’s going to jump out of your rib cage at any second?! – Yah! Shut up and just enjoy Hyun’s hands on our arm!


When we got to the ‘Music bedroom’, I put Cherisse in the middle of the bed, sat down beside her and just watched her sleep peacefully, so oblivious to any kind of noise.




Knock! Knock!


“—yes, coming..”, Hyun called out softly, halting what she was about to say to me.


Finally!!! Ga Young-ie’s here! I can’t wait to tell her!


When Hyun opened the door, Eun Ji came in carrying half of the stack of baby clothes Hyun was carrying downstairs. She was followed by Moonie Ahjussi, who was carrying the other half of the stack and his usual hand-held cameras. They both handed Hyun Cherisse’s clothes that they were carrying.


“Thank you—”


“Eun Ji-ah, where’s Ga Young-ie..?”, I inquired, interrupting Hyun in the process.


“Yong Yong Oppa, that’s why I’m here.. Nich Khun Oppa said you were looking for Ga Young-ie? She went to meet her friends and spend time with them today.. We run into them this morning at the mall and promised them she’d meet them after lunch..”, Eun Ji explained.


“Oh, right.. We forgot to tell you, Oppa.. Ga Young-ie asked Mi Young Eonni’s permission earlier.. But Eonni told her to ask your permission, too.. I guess she forgot..”, Hyun added.


“Aishhh! That brat!”, I exclaimed under my breath.


I started dialing Ga Young’s number when I heard Eun Ji clear , making me look up at her quizzically, “Yong Yong Oppa, Ga Young-ie forgot her phone..”, showing me Ga Young’s phone.




“She left in a hurry because Jong Hyun Oppa threatened to leave her behind, and there was only one car available..”, Eun Ji defended our maknae.


“Jong Hyun-ah’s with her???”, I asked, but wasn’t really waiting for an answer as I started to call Jong Hyun’s phone.


Ring! Ring! – Ring! Ring! – Ring! Ring!


“Why is he not ans—Hello?! Jong Hyun-ah! Hello?!”, I called out over the phone when I heard Jong Hyun pick-up. At the same time, Hyun sat on the other side of the bed as I stood up and walked away, aware of the look and the knowing smile that passed between Eun Ji and Moonie Ahjussi, who was already filming.


“Hyung! I’m driving! Call me la—”


“Yah, Jong Hyun-ah, pass the phone to Ga Young-ie! I need to talk to her!”, I said trying not to shout, reminding myself that Cherisse was asleep on the bed.


“Who?!”, he asked, baffled.


“Ga Young-ie! Moon Ga Young! Pass the phone to her!”, I instructed him as three sets of eyes watched me in silence.


“Ga Young-ie?! She’s not with me anymore, Hyung! I let her off a few minutes ago.. Hyung, I got to go! S—I’m here! Bye—”


“Yah! Jong Hyun-ah! Jong Hyun-ah! Hello?! Hello?! Aishhh!”, I ended the call feeling dejected.


“What do you need to tell her that is so important, Yong Yong Oppa..?”, Eun Ji asked curiously while Hyun nodded, looking at me.


“I uhhh have to uhhh tell her that I uhhh found uhhh—”


Cough! Cough!


All our attention went to the little girl sleeping in the bed as Hyun rolled her to her side and patted her back when we heard her cough.


“Is she okay, Hyun?”, I asked as I walked towards the bed.


“Did we wake her, Eonni..?”, Eun Ji asked softly, to which Hyun shook her head and smiled at us for reassurance, as she started to hum a lullaby.


“We better go before we wake her up.. I’ll just continue filming when she wakes up..”, Moonie Ahjussi said, getting up from the floor and opening the door for Eun Ji, who waved at us before she exited.


Whew! Saved again by babycakes! God, I love this kid!


“Oppa, stay here, okay..? Sleep beside Cherisse..”, Hyun requested as soon as she was sure Cherisse was back in deep sleep.




“Uhhh What about you, Hyun..? Aren’t you going to take a nap?”, I asked, surprised that for once, I didn’t have to think of an excuse to stay here with them.


“I uhhh need to prepare some things for the Gala later, Oppa.. And I have to answer and send some e-mails for work, too before it piles up..”, she said, looking me over like Eomma does when I’m sick.


I guess she’s still worried about me..


“Arasseo, Hyun..”, I agreed, but had to turn my back on her because I couldn’t get the wide smile off my face for the life of me! I took the chance to go to the adjoining Studio Room, where my stuff was, to get my pillow. I finally managed to put on a sleepy face, which was good because Hyun was still looking at me when I returned, making my heart race again.


I smiled at her as I hugged my pillow and she seemed embarrassed to be caught staring at me. She stood up and sat down on the chair next to the bed where a table was set up in front of it, her laptop on top of it as well as papers neatly stacked. It was my turn to stare at her as she waited for her laptop to boot up.



I smiled when I noticed a red tinge in her cheek that was facing me as I settled comfortably next to Cherisse. I smiled even wider while only one thought settled in my head.


Hyun is the Red-Glasses Girl.




Seo Joo Hyun

Whew! Thank goodness, Yong Oppa is finally asleep!


I was moving, typing on my laptop, reading emails, writing, but in truth, I didn’t know what the heck I was doing because I was so conscious of Yong Oppa watching me. I thought he was going to tease me when he caught me staring at him after he returned from the other room hugging his pillow, but he didn’t.


Why didn’t he, though..? It’s not like him.. Is he sick..?


I stood up and went around the bed to Yong Oppa’s side and felt his forehead. He gave out a sigh when I touched him. I thought I woke him up, but he didn’t stir and continued to sleep peacefully. His forehead wasn’t hot, but I noticed I didn’t take my hand away from his forehead after feeling his temperature.




The next thing I knew my hand slid down to his cheek as I stared at his beautiful face.


Omo, he’s smiling.. I wonder what he was thinking of before he fell asleep.. Yaaa, whatever it is, I’m grateful for it because it made him feel better.. I hope he’s not coming down with something, though..


As I stood next to the bed with my hand still in Yong Oppa’s cheek, an overwhelming feeling came over me, which usually happens when I’m in close proximity of him. For some reason, he seemed so familiar to me. I knew he is a famous actor in South Korea, but honestly, I have never seen any of his dramas or movies because by the time he started acting, my Eonnies and I started getting busy with our studies. And when he got really popular, we started working, thus, our guilty pleasure of watching K-dramas was halted, and his commercials weren’t even shown outside South Korea or, at least, in the Philippines.


I remembered the first time I ever SAW him was at the elevator in Seoul, when Jung Shin carried me forcefully back to my room, but the feeling of familiarity, of knowing him WAY before that, was overwhelming, especially his voice. It feels like I’ve been hearing his voice all throughout my life.


But that’s impossible.. Because I have never heard him sing before.. He just started his singing career when I met him, and I haven’t even heard him sing ANY of his own songs yet, aside from Love Light.. And that was the very first time I ever heard him sing.. So how can his voice—how can HE feel so familiar to me???




“Oh, Eonni! Please come in..”, I managed to say as I pulled my hand away from Yong Oppa’s cheek.


Did she see me..?


“Were you ummm busy..?”, Mi Young Eonni asked from the door, emphasizing the word ‘busy’.


She saw me—aishhh!


“Oh, no, no, Eonni.. I was just ummm checking Yong Oppa’s ummm temperature..”, I half-lied. “He said he felt a little faint earlier, that’s why I made him sleep here, just in case.. But not because—anyway, it’s not important, Eonni..”, I babbled on as Mi Young Eonni gave me the same ‘knowing’ eye-smile as my twin sometimes gives me when he knows something I couldn’t admit to.


Aigoo, I sound so defensive!




“Did you need anything, Eonni? Or were you looking for ummm Yong Oppa?”, I asked her, as I returned to my make-shift office at the other side of the bed.


“Actually I was looking for you both.. I wanted to talk to you about your contract terms with WGM, specifically regarding Cherisse.. But since Yong Hwa-yah’s asleep, I’ll just run this over with you now and have Manager Oppa go through this with him some other time..”, she said, gesturing at the papers she was holding.


“That’s a good idea, Eonni..”, I told her as I took another chair and positioned it directly across from me.




Horvejkul-Seo Mi Young

Joo Hyun and I worked through the contract draft smoothly. Once in a while, she’d suggest something that would benefit and protect Cherisse at the same time. Almost an hour later, we were still going through the fine print when Yong Hwa slowly sat up and got out of the bed, making me freeze in the middle of writing what Joo Hyun just suggested. Half-asleep, Yong Hwa then looked over at us and gave me a little bow. I could only smile in return because I was afraid we woke him up, although I clearly remember us talking as softly as we can. He then turned to Joo Hyun and just gave a little nod towards the still sleeping Cherisse. Joo Hyun just nodded and smiled before Yong Hwa left.


Aigooo.. I feel like I’m watching Joo Hyun-ie with another twin instead of the real one.. What is up with them..?! First, I walk in to Joo Hyun-ie watching Yong Hwa-yah sleep, now they communicate with just a look, a nod, and a smile???


“Yah, Joo Hyun-ah, did we just wake him up? Is he mad at us—”


“Oh no, Eonni.. Don’t worry..  He just needs to go the bathroom and he asked me to look over Cherisse while he’s gone, just in case..”, Joo Hyun informed me, matter-of-factly.


“When did he tell you he was going to the bathroom?! And when did he ask you—wait, you got all that from his nod???! Cham!”, I asked, incredulously.


“I uhhh just assumed that that’s where he’s uhhh going because it’s the most uhhh logical reason and uhhh regarding Che—”


“Yah! What’s going on with yo—”




I abruptly stopped talking when Joo Hyun gave a little cough, which usually means something other than her really coughing, because she NEVER gets sick. EVER. As soon as I stopped talking I spotted Yong Hwa coming back. Eyelids still half-way closed, he smiled at us goofily and carefully climbed back up the bed and lie on his stomach, making sure not to disturb Cherisse.


“Eonni, watch this.. 3, 2, 1..”


“Watch wh—”


To my amazement, as soon as Joo Hyun got to 1, Cherisse got up, squeezed herself under Yong Hwa’s arm, laid on her tummy the way Yong Hwa was, and went back to sleep.


“Omona! That’s so cute!!!”, I gushed softly as I stared at the two sleeping people who spoke different languages, had different colored eyes, hair, and nationality, yet you couldn’t find anyone else who’d be more perfect with each other.


Except for our Joo Hyun-ie, of course.. She bridges the gap between them.. And together, these three were made for each other.. It’s fate that they were all at the same place, at the same time.. Aigooo..


“She does that, EVERY TIME..”, I heard Joo Hyun whisper, bringing me out of my head.


“Really?! Daebak!”, I said, amazed while Joo Hyun nodded, smiling so proudly at the sleeping figures on the bed.


“Yah, Seo Joo Hyun—”


I stopped talking when she turned her laptop to face me. She typed a note in bold letters that said :



I looked at her, her lower lip was jutting out, giving me a sad look while she rubbed her hands together in front of her, as if begging. I gave out a sigh and nodded. We continued to go through the contract drafts as quietly as we could.


After a few hours, Cherisse woke up and smiled so beautifully at us. She crawled her way to Joo Hyun across the bed from the still-sleeping-Yong Hwa’s side.



“Hey, ma chérie..”, Joo Hyun greeted Cherisse, as she picked her up and sat her on her lap.


“Mommy..”, she said as she nuzzled Joo Hyun’s neck. They talked in French and I just watched them interact so tenderly with each other.


Awww, they look so good together.. She really thinks Joo Hyun-ie is her Mommy, aigooo.. This is going to be such a problem when the time comes.. But we'll cross the bridge when we get there.. In the meantime, they're both so captivated with each other, that I can't keep my eyes off of them.. Aishhh! I guess this is why we always catch Yong Hwa-yah staring at them..


“Mama Mi-Mi, hihihi..”, Cherisse called-out, breaking my chain of thought.


“Oh, hey, sweetie.. Did you have a good nap? You did, didn’t you..?”, I asked the little blue-eyed girl, who smiled at me.


“Eonni, I need to change Cherisse’s diaper, excuse us for a minute..”, Joo Hyun said standing up as she carried Cherisse with her.


“I’m going with you, Joo-Joo-ie.. I don’t know what to say if Yong Hwa-yah wakes up and finds me here

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Joy4411 #1
Chapter 43: Hi authornim. I have been reading this story repeatedly for so many times. Its wonderful story no matter how many times i read it. Hope u will find courage to update this story soon. Thanks for the lobely story.
Hades77 #2
Chapter 42: Keep rereading this story . Hope you can update soon
Gaejihyo815 #3
Look forward to seeing this updated
Nonik1288 #4
Chapter 43: I hope you will update this story again
Hades77 #5
Chapter 43: Take your time authornim
But i still hope you can complete this story
im dying to know what is the ending for yong and hyun
Taeny_Hwang_Kim #6
Chapter 43: This is a great story you have. Great work author♥️ hope you continue to write this story and i'll wait for the update♥️♥️♥️
Chapter 8: take your time authornim ... will wait patiently for ya story ... 😊 to see yr updated news

sad indeed for some of the news ... but life has to go on ... rainbow comes after rain 😊
Hades77 #8
Chapter 43: hope you can finish this story
Chris_James #9
Chapter 22: Can anyone tell me what chapter yongseo got slap and his cousin freak out? I forget what chapter I'm on ?
Chapter 43: re-reading bits and parts of the story evytime i log in .......... eagerly anticipating of an update ......... authornim, plz ... :)