Got the Phone Back

My 2 ChoSarangs

SeungJo's POV

Aishh...What is wrong with this girl?Its been 2 weeks since she contacted me...She didn't stop liking me did she?No way!Its quite impossible for her to stop liking me right?Imean, she always say I'm so handsome,so smart and everything and she loved me from the first sight...Aish!Its all her fault!She bothers me so much everyday and now she is suddenly so quiet.I'm totally not used to it!Although its a fact that I seriously hate the noise from her everyday.Wait...then shouldn't I be enjoying this peacefulness now?Wait...that means I'm not?No way!Baek Seung Jo!Stop thinking about it and enjoy it! It will definitely not last long judging from how much she likes you!But wait...Should I text her?No!BaekSeung Jo,you can't lose this ignoring-each-other battle!No,I can't lose to her!I shall just let her be and see how long she can last!harh!

"HyunJoong!Stop staring at your phone!Wait, is that again?No?It looks like a blank screen...Why are you not reacting to the the P word?I thought you were sesitive to it...No?What are you thinking?HYUN JOONG! KIM HYUN JOONG!"


"Why are you not replying to your hyung arh?"

"Because whatever you say is useless"

"Hey!Watch your mouth!Why were you daydreaming?You are supposed to be practicing right now!"

"I'm not in the mood to practice!I have to settle something first..."

"What is so important huh?"

"Hyung, what is I want to call someone, but if I call it means I lost, what am I supposed to do?"

"Then don't! Women are like that, especially my yeobo, ignoring my calls all day...Wait, women?KIM HYUN JOONG, WOMEN?Do you want me dead?I had a hard time clearing those rumors about you n Hyori!Wait...Woman?Hyori?"

"No, its not her!"

"Oh My god...I'm in deep trouble, so you have another woman now...what am I supposed to say to boss..."

"No, hyung, its not like this!"

"Then tell me its like?Hyori is such a perfect girl, shes so nice and y and now you are cheating on her?"

"No! I'm not!"

"Not?Oh my...then you guys have broken up?Come to think of it you guys don't really talk to each other anymore..."

"Haiss..I shouldn't have asked you...wasted my saliva, aish"

"Then what do you want me to do?If boss knows about I will ne dead!"

"I told you its not like this...But anyway, Hyung, if someone texts and calls you ever single day but have not been doing so for 2 weeks, what does that mean?well, if there is no reason for that person to do this..."

"You mean that woman again?You better not let anyone find out about her okay..."

"Answer me!Thats why I always say you are useless..."

"No, I'm not! That just means shes dead!I mean, what else could it be if she had no reason to do that..."

"DEAD?"I grabbed him by the collar.

"Calm down!It could be coma after an accident too..."

"COMA? Is there any news around here about  an accident or whatever?"

"No...I guess..."

I finally let him go.Not because I have calmed down but because I was about to do something even more crazy...

If what hyung said is true I really don't know what to do...But well, anyything from his mouth is always not true..OMO...Does that mean having no news about an accident or whatever is not true?AISH!That girl!

Before I knew it,I  was already out of the door of my practice room, ready to break the one at the basement that I was running to...

"BBOONG!" I open the door with enormous force that even I was surprised with myself.But I had no time to do that.In that practice room with 20 over girls, my eyes were wandering aroud for that one stupid babo.Everyone literally froze when they saw me and made it alot easier for me to scan through the whole practice room without missing out anyone. I was about to shout her name out after I scanned through 99% of the room when she suddenly appeared from the furthest corner of room with he water bottle.


I knew that that hyung was not reliable at all...But anyway, at least shes safe and sound here, not in any of the situations hyung said...And I don't know why I'm suddenly so glad to see that babo again even though I cannot say anything to her...Glad?Am I crazy?Glad to see that annoying girl?Butwell,its always good to see someone you know still alive...But I feel so much lighter now even though I'm still stuck in this room with this bunch of soon-crazy girls and I don't know what to do...

And now shes lost...shes lost at why is everyone freezing and she turns around and she sees me...She did not freeze, opened and suddenly screams from everyone in the room came out...This is a horror movie predicted to play 3 seconds ago and I'm going deaf soon...


And suddenly, the room went quiet again...OH DAMN...What announcement am I supposed to make now...

"Err....Erm...Just in case all of you do not know, my real name is not Hyun Joong, my real name is B-" ...what am I doing...

"So , I was saying that my real name is Kim Hyun Joong, Its Hyun Joong, with a Kim, thats my surname...If you guys didn't know..."

Aish...that was embarrassing...I took advantage of the silence of the shock everyone must be suffering from because of my nonsense and got out of the room, and there I see, a super useless hyung with his arms folded.

"What are you doing here?You mean shes here?You really want me to get killed?"

"I just felt like doing some fanservice, can't I? Don't you know they need some encouragement after long hours of practice?Aish...That is why I always say you are...sigh..."

"I'm what huh?Don't forget I'm your hyung okay!Respect me at least!"

"Okay, whatever, I'm going to practice, don't disturb me..."

"Some one just said he had no mood to...So after seeing those cute girls he has the mood?Well, hes man too..."

"Shut up, I can hear everything"


Wait...That voice...SoMin and Bong? What is she doing with that Bong outside the practice room?I wonder what they are talking about...what is so important that she have to talk to him about in that short break?I heard the girl are no longer prohibited to go upstairs already,so shouldn't she come and talk to me instead?Whether is it Hyun Joong or Seung Jo she loves both...So why isn't she coming to talk to the handsome me and is talking to that not so handsome bong instead...Aish,why should I care about them?I have done my job to ensure that she is still alive...thats it...thats right Seung Jo, you shouldn't care too much, you need to go and practice your dance now...


SoMin's POV

Wow...I didn't know Kim Hyun Joong can be so random...But well, its not nonsense that hes saying, its fanservice! AWWW GOSH!!HES SO CUTE!!!OMG, That transluscent white singlet de was wearing and the sweat on his bare chest..HES So HOT!!!.I'm such a lucky fan,he gives the besr fanservice ever! even though what he say may be abit rude sometimes...instead of complaining about his personality, I should be a proud fan shouldn't I?HAHAHAHAHA I can't believe it...I as living in my dream for the past many years and THIS IS NOT A DREAM!!Jung So Min, do you believe it? o? You should!Because YOUR BELOVED KIM HYUN JOONG WAS RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU JUST NOW, WITH A SUPER HOT APPEARANCE!! Kim Hyun Joong just won my heart back to him so easily...And noe i can't stop spazzing about him!! Haiss...The other girls are spazzing together about him too, but I can't join them because I'm still hatting on Jin Anna and she is still hating on me...but I can't blame the rest, they do not want any trouble from Anna too...My sad and lonely life, sigh...Have fun spazzing about him girls, I have my MinAh and Juri...Wait no,I'm only getting my phone back at the end of today...But thinking of Hyun Joong, I wonder hows my Seung Jo, well, hes not mine but I consider him mine.Hmm...Is he missing me right now?Or he won't care about me at all?That mean but totally handsome person...OMO what is wrong with me?Spazzing about 2 different guys at the same time because the look alike?Hahahaha, Jung SoMin daebak!Only you can do this because you are just so lucky hahahahaha!!

"What are you laughing about?"

"Oh Bong oppa, you're here?"

"Can't you see me here?So what were you laughing about?"

"Hahahaahaha!I'm spazzing about Kim Hyun Joong!"

"omo, I didn't know you were a fan of him."

"Now you know!I'm probablt his biggest fan you know?"

"Well,every fan says that, how can I believe you?"

"Of course you must believe me!You are my manager!"

"I'm not only your manager, I'm their manager, all of them.That means I must believe them too right?"

"No, its enough to just believe me,I'm  the biggest fan okay!"

"I have to either believe or not believe in everyone of you to be a fair manager!"

"Ehyyy Just for this thing...believe me!!I can prove it to you...someday! Heyy Oppa, come on!"

"Okay okay...But if the other girls hear this they will be jealous..."

"No, they won't..."

"Why?I mean, I' such a handsome manager and everything..."

"Yea handsome...I guess..."

"I KNOW RIGHT!Finally someone agrees with me that I am handsome!Hahahaa!"

"Whatever you say...since I made you believe that I'm Hyun Joong oppa's biggest fan...Bye, I'm going back to practice, the break is over."

"Okay, do a good job so you can get you phone back"

"You are supposed to give it back anyway.Or I will do something to you!"

"Aish that girl, I can't win her...Shes really Hyori's junior "


SoMin's POV

At Night at the dorm...

"Girls!Here are your phones!Good job for the past 2 weeks,alot of you have shown great improvement,but any disappointment to us means no more phones again okay?"


YAY!!FINALLY!!!I thought I would be dead after 2 weeks without my phone but I'm alive!Whoots! Now I can Finally catch up with MinAh and JuRi and Bak SeungJo!Yay!Min Ah yah, I'm gonna spazz about my Oppa and Spam you,and Juri, I'm going ton spam you with hate mesages about Jin Anna! And my Handsome SeungJo!Butwhat can I talk to him about?He's gonna find everything boring...He doesn't know about how fans like Jin Anna can be so mean, how hot and y Hyun Joong Oppa was today and how he won my heart back and how amazed I was when I saw Lee HyoRi live because she only appeared in computer and TV screens...If I tell him all these, he will get bored...And I think hes already sleeping...But well, I need to try to know if hes asleep...Even if I don't have anyhing to tell him...

_Hi, long time no text!_

_Im glad you know_

HE REPLIED OMG!!Hes not asleep!

_Sorry,my phone was consficated..._

_I almost thought you're dead_

_Hey,I'm not okay!Do you want me dead that badly?I know I may be bothering you now but you don't have to be so mean right?_

_Thats not being mean okay,I'm nice enough to be texting you at this hour..._

_Alright then,since I'm troubling you to reply me then I shall stop_

_I didn't mean it that way though..._

_Imsure you did,GOODBYE.And don't reply,go to sleep!_

Eeeeesh!Mean as always!Baek Seung Jo!At least you replied me...kekekekeke...BUt didn't he miss me even by abit?I don't believe it...he even thought that I'm dead...That Mean person,why can't he be nice to me for just a while...aish...


Seung Jo's POV

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!SO SHE WAS NOT IGNORINGME!SEE?She texted me as soon as she got her phone bac!HAHAHAHA Why is it so funny?Why am I so happy?Hahahaha!I'm so happy because she lost the battle!!YAY!Finally,her pestering is back!But why did she take my words the wrong way?I was being nice to her though...I even replied her at this late hour...she said I mean but shes the mean one now...texting me and suddenly asking me not to reply?I don't even know what she is angry at me for...Aish that babo...





Hi guys! This chapter is quite long...But if you are still reading,Thanks for reading and supporting this story!I will update soon!TripleSes you guys heard about YoungSaeng Oppa's enlistment right?The reunion too!I'm so happy,for us and for them!We have been waiting for that since long ago...Theres also this DSP family concert and I hope thats another reunion stage for them though YS and KJ will not be there...Anyways,Wish him good health the whole time in the army,and Oppa HwAITING!And do well there kay!We are gonna miss you!!Love Young Saeng oppa!And Love you guys too!Hope you enjoyed reading this chapt! :D


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Pitu-kris #1
Please update very nice story
Chapter 39: good story please continuee
Chapter 39: It's really a mindblowing story.plz don't leave this story.update plz.preety plz :*
tomcat #4
Chapter 39: Please continue this story dear author...
liahyunmin #5
Chapter 39: such a sweet moment they shaRed..
Chapter 39: Wow what a sweet chapter because we finally see kim hyun joong is he a way sweeter brother than seung jo but so min only love seung jo
Chapter 38: Yayy!! Finally they made up and confessed their feelings!!^^ so happy for them! :))
liahyunmin #8
Chapter 38: they officially couple right..glad to see them being together again..
samysamy #9
Chapter 38: the whole new revelation was a great turning point....
and I'm glad they made up
Chapter 38: OMG hyun joong n seung jo are twin brother no wondering they look like and seung jo finally explain to so min why he pretend to be hyun joong and he hear so min say that she love and he finally admit his true feeling for her and that he love her