
My 2 ChoSarangs



SeungJo's POV

What did I just do?That is totally not my style!What?Lock pinkies?Stamp thumbs?When did I became so childish?Childish enough to  make my IQ lower than Jung So Min?Even she knows that that is not my style...I should have just threaten her or least I won't look so stupid...Oh Gosh...that was totally embarassing!Where would my cool image go?Now that Jung So Min must be thinking that I'm acting cute in front of her and something...And she won't be afraid of me and my mean behaviour anymore!Aish! I shouldn't have done that,I must have went bonkers,like totally!

But I really need her to keep this a secret,or a deep trouble will really come...okay,maybe she can't even understand what we were talking about...Given herintelligencewhich is zero...Nevermind,let's not worry about it since she would not want me to get into trouble,and she is stupid enough to not undersand our conversation.

Oh yeah,I have to go back there soon.I can't stay here for too long.Hmm let me chack my schedule...What?I'm going back tomorrow?That is like so fast,these fews days passed so quickly.Well,I guess that is my life.That is eally fast,I wonder when I can come back here again.I think I'm gonna miss her though.Wait...miss?Did I just thought of missing her?That is impossible!Nevermind,its just a slight malfunction of my brain because I'm lacking sleep..I shall quickly go back and rest now...

End of POV


Meanwhile,SoMin was checking updates on the internet again.


WHat?Keyeast is holding a audition here next month for those who wants to be a Kpop star!But wait,it is quite useless being a kpop star already,I don't love Kim Hyun Joong so much anymore.I still can'tbelieve he showed such attitude to me,his FAN.I thought he was polite,that is why I like him...I just want to be a singer,I don't care whther it is in America or long as I'm a singer.But it seems that even Kpop stars come here often,no I mean they go around the world often.Kpop is really getting more and more popular.

On Second thoughts, maybe being a big Kpop star can earn more than an ordinary American popstar star.Unless I'm as popular as Justin Bieber or taylor swift.Whats more, I'm an asian.I supposed to be representing asains right?And there would be a higher chance of me being a Kpop star then American star since I'm a Korean.THen again,I can meet Kim Hyun Joong in Keyeast and see whether he is polite to others or acts like a VVIP himself and waitsfor people to serve him.Although I have lost some interest in him,he is still as hot and handsome.

Then, even if I don't want to meet him,once I go into the Kpop scene,I can meet SHINee and see how cute is Taeminnie! or ZE:A and see Siwan!or Boyfirend's twins!I can see EXO's handsome boys too!I can meet many awesome sunbaenims who I admired from here too!Maybe SNSD sunbaenims can also share with me how they maintain their figures while eating alot!Okay,thats it,I'm going for the audition!Okay,i'm totally dreaming but I'm still auditioning.Then,the problem is Dad now,I wonder if he would allow.


"Yes dear?"

"Dad you see,I want to be a Kpop star."

"Alright,You can keep on dreaming"

"Dad!I mean it,seriously!"


"A famous Kpop agency is going to hold an audition here."

"And you are going to audition?"


"Firstly,I don't think you have the abilities,You can't sing well,or dance well enough to become a star"

"I know that well,but that is my dream,I have to pursue it."

"Alright,if you insist.Secondly,do you know how much I've put in for you to attnd a university here so you can have a successful life in future?'

"Dad,do you know that I rank in that last few of the University?Even the professors doubt I can ever graduate.I got there with an appeal,and I'm the last,it is obvious that my future as whatever you want me to be will not be successful"

"So do you mean being a singer is the only way?"


"What about being one here?"

"Dad,isn't it obvious that I have lesser chances here?I'm supposed to represent Korea,not America.Have you forgotten our nationality?"

"Then why did you think I brought you here.I have a reason okay.Anyways,You are not going to the audition."

"Dad!Well,I don't get why you came here because you can't get over the fact that Mom died because of you and the only place you can turn to is this place because you have friends here.Then,you tell me you reason of moving here is me.Dad,if you are going to continue and be like this,and don't even allow me to go back to Korea,then you will forever be a coward!"

"Jung So Min!I have done everything for the good of you and you are here being disrespectful?You are not going for the audition,don'ttry to plead me.I will never allow you to do so!"

"Dad!I don't care!I think for this part of my life,I'm responsible for pursuing my own dream,and I have the rights to decide for my ownself!"

I stomped back into my room and slammed the door close.I don't want to care about Dad and his opinions anymore.He doesn't allow me to do what I want.He avoids chances of me going back to Korea just because of mom's accident.He is only running away and not thinking at all.He says everything is for me and my future,but in this case,I don't see anything.

It is already obvious that I can't be anyone successful since I'm so stupid.I just want to have a new experience of auditioning as a step towards my dream.And this doesn't mean that I will pass the audition but he is already opposing to the idea.It is obvious that Dad is just running away.He just wants to forget about Mom but he does not realise that this is not the way.I'm just going to the audition for an experience,I already know that I can't pass it.Its just trying out how would this audition to become a singer to be like.


The Next day...

"SoMin ah!"

"Hi Minah!"

"SoMin ah,did you see the news that Keyeast is holding an audition here?"

"Yes I did,I'm going.But I don't think my dad allows me to do so"

"SoMin,Its your dream so go try it out!"

"I'm going to try it out though I know I can't pass..."

"Not really,there is a high chance you can pass it.Have you seen the exact details?"


"The details have been released today.My cousin says that there is a high chance that you can pass if you join it.She is auditioning too!"


"Yes!Because the audition will be held right here!In Parang University,and I heard the timing would be during school hours,which means other students from other schools can't participate.Only Parang High and Parang U's students will be allowed to audition.They would not have time to Audition for everyone in America though"

"But the students here are talented"

"Hey SoMin,this is America,there are only a few Kpop fans and a few asians in this school.Your chance is even higher because you are a Korean.And furthermore,I heard students who are in the Arts would be given higher chances because Ms Lee would be reccommending you guys.Well,she wants people who get bad academic results to go out of this place.And the clever ones would not audition since they have already secured a successful future"

"Really?Okay okay!Oh My god!God is really on my side!"

'Yes!So,my cousin would be tranferring to the arts course in this school by next month so she can participate."

"Wow,she is going so far for the audition."

"Yes,but she has already been planning that since  long ago already.She is interested in arts but her University doesn't have a course like this.And her parents wants her to attend the same university as me so we can come and go together,which is safer for us, since our parents went back to Korea."

"Okay,that is nice!I can meet her soon again then!"



Wow...I didn't think that God would really be on my side!Everything is so positive for me!Well,since there aren't many Kpop fans here,and most of the Kpop fans who wants to be a star would want to go SM,plus only students from Parang would be participating,and the Arts would be recommended....I would have at least 50% of the chances of passing the audition already/

Well since Juri and Minah already know about this,then I guess I can tell him about it too,since he is in America now and I don't have to make a call overseas...Should I tell him?Or should I not?Okay...I will just take this call as a warning to him that I maybe coming to Korea...And most probably, he would have to be disturbed by me if I get to go to Korea...

Wait...Disturbed by me?YAY!If I passed this audition,it means that I can see SeungJo more often?Okay!Then I'm definitely going to pass this audition!Then I won't have to miss him so much everyday and wait for months for im to come back here.I'm going to work hard for this.I can't let go of this chance!hehehe,I shall send my warning to him now.


"SeungJo yah!"

"What do you want?"

" know there is this Kpop Star audition thingy here?"

"And you want to go try it out?"


"But what?"

"But I don't know whether I should go for it or not.You know,my Dad will get angry."

"Jung So Min,I thought nothing will stop you from doing what you want,for your personality..."

"What do you mean?Trying to say I'm stubborn eh?"

"Yes,you definitely are.Hey,if that is what you want then go for it,Nothing can stop you.Your question is quite useless when you already know the answer."

"So...Then this would be a warning that I may be coming to Korea to bother you soon!"

"Well,no thanks.If you ever pass the auditions,I will go back immediately.And anyways,encouraging you doesn't mean that you can get your hopes high."

"Hey!You never know if I can pass man!"

"I already know.You will fail,for sure."

"You Baddie!So when Are you leaving for Korea?"

"Later.I'm already at the airport now."

"Wow...That is so fast...You only came back for a short while."

"Yes,I know,I'm a usy person."

"Don't worry,I will come and bother you soon!"

"Yes,I won't worry because you will never pass it.But let me tell you a trick.During the audition,just keep smiling.And you will get kick out immediately.Huh!"


"Okay bye.I'm busy."

"Bye Seung Jo."


Well,as expected,SeungJo gives the best advices although most of them are nonsense.I think he knows me best.He knows thar nothing will change my mind when I'm determined to do something.And sometimes,a miracle can even happen if I'm determined enough.Just look at how i got into this University.But SEungJo is going too soon,isn't he?I've only met him for one day after so many months and he is already going?I'm gonna miss him.Hmm...Nevermind,I can get rid of this soon once I pass the auditions.Thats right!Think positive Jung So Min!Jus pass this audition and you can go to Korea yourself and find him!

End of POV


Seung Jo's POV

Haha,this girl is always so dreamy...and should I add in ambitous?Well she not only dreams but she is determined to achieve her dreams though they are so far away from her...But surely,she is really funny.Why call me when she had already made uo her mind?She obviously knows that nothing can stop her when she decides to do something.But she still called me specially for a useless question...or is it a useless warning?She knows that she will not pass it too...That funny girl,dreamy and stubborn and ...maybe a little cute?

Wait...what cute?What did I just think?Jung So Min?Cute?They are both opposite things...One is strange and stupid the other is cute itself?Okay okay Baek Seung Jo,don't think too much any are going crazy already...Okay enter the plane, find your seat now,settle down and take a rest now,before you have to face you hectic schedules once you go back there again...You are getting sleepy...very the count of will not wake up...

End of POV



Hi guys!I did update these few day okay...just that I don't publish the chapter...I'm doing my job well heh...okay,anyway,i find my chapts getting more and more boring...maybe some excitement will come later?Hmmm a warning to  u guys...this stroy is gonna be very very long and you will have to wait forever till the last chapt i think?thanks for waiting and supporting neh!and sorry for the mistakes you find...and subcribe,comment!


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Pitu-kris #1
Please update very nice story
Chapter 39: good story please continuee
Chapter 39: It's really a mindblowing story.plz don't leave this story.update plz.preety plz :*
tomcat #4
Chapter 39: Please continue this story dear author...
liahyunmin #5
Chapter 39: such a sweet moment they shaRed..
Chapter 39: Wow what a sweet chapter because we finally see kim hyun joong is he a way sweeter brother than seung jo but so min only love seung jo
Chapter 38: Yayy!! Finally they made up and confessed their feelings!!^^ so happy for them! :))
liahyunmin #8
Chapter 38: they officially couple right..glad to see them being together again..
samysamy #9
Chapter 38: the whole new revelation was a great turning point....
and I'm glad they made up
Chapter 38: OMG hyun joong n seung jo are twin brother no wondering they look like and seung jo finally explain to so min why he pretend to be hyun joong and he hear so min say that she love and he finally admit his true feeling for her and that he love her