First date

My 2 ChoSarangs



"Yes MinAh,please pass this letter to my dad when he comes back okay"

"Sure,I just hope he wouldn't vent his anger of me"

"Mianhae,just run back home after you gave him the letter,you will be safe"

"Haha alright then..."

"Hmm,I got to go in already!Thanks for seeing me off!I will be back soon"

"Okay,Be safe and stay healthy okay?"


"Take care and come back in one piece!"




Hah!Finally off to Seoul...Come to think of it,I don't really know Seoul that well even though I was born there.My adventure starts here...But I wouldn't know what will happen even before it starts.Dad must be super angry that I ran off without him knowing.But there are no more ways to escape other than this way.Actually,I'm quite lucky recently,first,I got accepted without even having those skills,Second,my escape is successful.I'm already on my way to board the plane now and Dad still do not know what happen...I hope he won't come all the way to catch me back.Yeap,It would be crazy if he do.


Okay,I shall stop thinking of him,and start thinking of Seung Jo oppa!I'm going to find him there...wait...I don't even know his address.Aish!Should have asked ahjumma before I came here...Urghh forget it,I will find him somehow when I'm there.I just hope he picks up his phone when I call him there...Hmm,He will be totally surprised by this news!And by the fact that I passed because of oppa's instructions to smile no matter what!Huh!I will surprise him!Should I buy a cake to celebrate my success when I meet him?But oppa will be happy right?I hope so...he wasn't that cold and mean anymore when he came back too...


 Yay!Wow!Finally landed back here after so many years!I miss this place...But the thing is I don't really know this place...I don't know where my home is either.Nevermind,I don't have to think about that anymore.Just find this guy holding up Keyeast's name now...Where is he?oh!He is here!


"Are you Jung So Min?"


"Good!Follow me."


"By the way,I'm Bong Joon Gu and will be your manager from now."

"Neh JoonGu ahjussi!"

"I'm not that old,I'm still young!call me oppa!"

"Neh..." I replied,then whispered "You look old though..."

"Huh?What did you say?"

"Erhh Nothing!"

"Anyway,when we reach the company you will have to go through tests so that the trainers will know what to do to you"


"And you will stay in the company's dorm with some other trainees"


"Your allowance will be around $5USD a week"


"Food for all 3 meals will be provided during training days,Sunday is your only free day to spend the money"


"Your timetable for any training day is studying different languages from 7-9 am, have your break for breakfast,training for acting from 10am-12pm, another break,then traing from 1pm-4pm,then the gym from 4pm-6pm,then your dinner,then 7pm-11pm would be dancing."


"So the rest of the time you have would be the time you left after eating your meals,and after 11pm and the whole of Sunday."


"But usually there would be "homework" from each of the training sessions that you have to complete in your own time"


"And based on past experience,you have to be punctual at each venue for training or you will be punished during free time."

"Arrasso Arrasso!Please focus on driving,its dangerous!"

"I Haven't finished yet!"

"I already know all,its in the email sent to me"

"Oh really?Then I will shut up."


"Good" I thought.This oppa is reall very talkative.Even if he had to tell me all these stuff he can write it down for me...And he doesn't even think its dangerous to drive and talk so much at the same time...Aishh...But seems like I have can't meet SeungJo as much as I want now...Since I'm so busy training,oppa will be busy too...But Since today is my free day,I shall go find him!

Yay,I have finish settling and unpacking everything.Now,Time for Seung Jo!My handphone...Oppa,I'm coming!Oppa Pleeeeease pick up my call...


 Seung Jo's POV

"Ring ding dong Ring Ding Dong Ring Diggi Ding Diggi Ding Ding Ding..."

Who's that stupid caller who doesn't now that I'm a busy person uh?Oh...Wait...Its this stupid girl...Why is she calling anyway?Doesn't she know I'm here?Okay just pick up anyway...


"What do you want?"

"I want to meet you!"

"Why?Are you mad?"

"No,I'm not!"

"Then why do you call me when you know that I'm here?"

"Because I'm here too!"


"Oppa!I passed the auditons and they brought me here!"


"Yes oppa!"

"Wait...Didn't you dad stop you from coming?"

"He did,But i escaped"

"You are dead,I'm gonna call him"

"Oh,do you have his number?Appa just chsnged his phone"

"No...But I can still call my mom"

"It won't work,your mum likes me."

"Yea right.So where are you now?"

"In the company?I don't know where is this place though...Why not you be the tour guide today?"

"Did I say I agreed to meet you?"

"Oppa pleeeeese????"

"I'm busy now,I will call you later to tell you"

"Okay then...Bye..."

Arhh...This girl...Were those people crazy?Accept her?Any sane person wouldn't have even imagined that she will passed...Oh my god...I can;t believe this...i thought she won't pass and even If she did,her dad will stop her...Now that shes here she is only going to cause more trouble for me...This stupid idea of mom' would have been much better if I stayed there...So do I hav to meet her and act like nothing happened?Aish...So stressed now!So now I have to settle meeting her and being her tour guide?


"Hyung!After this do I have anything else?"

"Yes,you have a practice tonight"

"What time?"


"Okay,Hyung.I will be leaving after this."

"Where are you going?"

"The Salon"


So because of this, little girl I have to rush everywhere now...And I have to call her again...

"Hello Miss Jung?"

"Yes oppa!"

"Whats your company's name?"





"Amazing right oppa?I'm in this BIG company now."

"Okay okay....So you are free the whole day?"

"Yes!So are you going to stay with me the whole day?"

"No,I'm a busy person.Wait for me outside the building in 10 minutes."


What?Seriously?Keyeast?Is god playing a joke on me or something?Its enough that she came here to bother me,now shes going to stay at that building?Oh my god...I'm going to die soon...I have aged alot sine I came here...and sad life...


"OPPA!!!" She shouted and jumped when she saw me in the car."I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"

"Okay okay,come in first"

"OPPA!" She then hugged me tightly like I was her teddy bear or something...Anyways,That was an expected reaction from Jung SoMin...

"Okok...enough...Are you mad?Shouting so loud on the streets?"

"No,whats wrong with telling others my oppa has came?"

"Ok fine.Lets go eat first"

"I want to eat dukbolkki!They looked so delicious in the dramas,and those fish cake on sticks,and french fries hot dog..."

"No,those are only sold on streets....shouldn't we go to a quiet restaurant or something?"

"No...I want to try those...pleeeese oppa??" Her aegyo didn't work on me but I will do that for her,for once since I wanted to eat those too"

"Okay...lets go..."


"But oppa,did you know I passed the auditions because of you?"


"I remembered you told me to keep smiling and I did,thats why those people accepted me..."

"Oh really?"I replied,So what ever I'm facing right now is caused by myself?What?Why did I say that?To keep smiling?Why did she even remember what I said...I said that because I got nothing else to say but...Ok whatever,I'm ina trouble I crated on my own...But at least now I know that those people aren't insane because they didn't accept her because of her skillsss

"Yes,Oppa,drive faster...I'm hungry..."


I was still very worried that the people on the streets would see me...Despite after going to the salon,I still cannot ensure what will happen...I just hope nothing happens.I put on my cap and almost put on my sunglasses but I realised that what I'm doing would be too obvious since the sun is already on its way down...Aishh...this Jung So Min...How is that that she can make me do anything?And why did I listen to her so well?Nevermind...

We got out of the car and went out to the streets.Then SoMin suddenly asked

"Oppa,whats with your cap?Trying to act cool?"

I was shocked at what she realised but I acted calm and replied

"Its the fashion here nowadays..."

"Hmm...Oppa,I don't see anyone wearing a cap here...Are you crazy or something?Theres no need to wear a cap at this time of the day!"

"Bu-" Before I could say anything more,she took of my cap.I don't know how did she manage to get ti off since shes so short but my cap was already in her hands when I realised it.

"haha!Now  I can see your handsome face!"

Luckily no one around us realised what happened and I decided to act normal,because if I still try to hide my face without the cap,it would be too obvious.

"Ahjumma!We want dukbolkki!" SoMin ordered.

"Sure,here you go"

"Yay thank you!"

"Agassi!Your boyfriend is so handsome!"

"I know right!" Then she pulled me to the front suddenly."Handsome right?" She pointed to my face.

"Wait,Isn't he Kim Hyun Joong?That celebrity?Oh my gosh!Give me your signature!My daughter is a big fan of yours!"

"I apologise,but you have got the wrong person" I replied

"No,I'm pretty sure you are him!My house are full of your posters,I see your face everyday!"

"Ahjumma,Oppa is really not him...Though he can totally be Kim Hyun Joong's twin!"

"I was sure I'm right..."

"Ajumma,I'm a fan of Hyun Joong as well,but this guy is SeungJo,not Hyun Joong"


We finished the dukbolkki that she ordered.Then the second right after we threw the plastic plate away,I realised I was pulled to another stall sell fish cake sticks.I saw that the stall holder was an ahjussi."Arhhh" I thought,"Now I can finally relax,I don't think the Ahjussi knows Kim Hyun Joong at all".And I was right,he didn't recognise me at all,he didn't even bother to look at my face at all until we had almost finshed those sticks she bought.

"Appa!!" A girl came running to his stall."My friend bought me SS501's album for my birthday!"

"Oh really?Thats so nice of your friend." I signalled SoMin that we are going but right before we turned around to go,that girl stopped us.

"Stop!Oppa!Oh my god!you are hyun Joong oppa right?!"

"No,sorry,you have got the wrong person"

"Aww...Oppa,don't be like that!Take a picture with me pleeeese?"

"I'm really not him!"I replied

"Okay nevermind,then an autograph would be alright.okay?"

"Hey!I'm SS501's fan too...But I'm sorry this oppa is really not HyunJoong..." SoMin spoke up for me again.


And the next place we went was the stall that sells french fries hotdog.The food that I wanted so much to eat but just can't.Everything went pretty well...That Ahjumma said I was handsome but she didn't actually bring "Kim Hyun Joong" up so I thought it was okay to just enjoy my food there...And that store was quiet as it was placed at a corner and no one was there...I thought that we were successful but as we turned around,really to go,there was a group of high scool gir;s walking towards the store,about 1 or 2 metres away.All the screams came....

"Oppa!Oppa!Oppa!!!" The girls screamed.I wanted to walk away but I ended up being surrounded by them.

"I'm telling you I'm not him!" But they still continued.

"Oppa!Can you sign for me?Oppa!I'm a big fan of yours!Oppa!Take a picture with me!" All the girls shouted and screamed."These girls are crazy" I thought.But there was more than that.Camera flashes started flashing and it got more and more from the girls.If you saw the scene from faraway,it could have been a mini firework on grund level.But luckily SoMin spoke up for me again

"STOP!!HE NOT KIM HYUN JOONG!!STOP TAKING PICTURES!DELETE IT RIGHT NOW!!!" She screamed,louder than the girls,so loud that my ear was going to burst although I've heard even louder ones.I wowed at what she did,almost clapping my hnds on the spot.Fortunately all the girls listened and deleted their pictures and walked away one by one.

"Oppa,I know why you need your cap now" SHe said as she put back the cap on my head and fixed my fringe for me."Those girls just won't listen to you,no wonder you didn;t want to come here"

"Hmm..." I didn;t know what to say.

"Mianhae,for bringing you here and letting you suffer so much"

"Its okay,lets go back now."

We walked back to the car with my cap lowered to cover my face.I guess that was the only peaceful moment.No one else on the street turned to look at me...So we went back into the car...

"Gomawo" We both said at the same time.

"who first?" She asked.


"alright.Gomawo oppa,for letting me enjoy today's date thouh you had to suffer so much for me."

"Date?Did I say this was a date?"

"I don't care.I call it ourdate,first date here.Okay your turn!"

"Whatever...Gomawo,for helping me to speak up and getting rid of the girls"

"Ha!That was nothing.I,Jung So Min, am very good at stuff like this."

"Okay,whatever.Lets go back now."

"Huh?So fast?"

"I'm a busy person okay."

"but we haven't celebrate my success of the audition"

"Its just a minor audition...theres nothing to celebrate about"


"Okay,next time,when you debut."

"Huh?Thats so far...okay then.."

And on the way this talkative person just talked and talked and talke non-stop to me telling me every single detail of what happened to her and EunJo when I was not there...They weren't actually funny at all but this Miss Jung keeps laughing to herself.Then she suddenly asked

"Oppa,but what you actually do here?"

"Some business" I replied,hoping that she won't ask further.But according to her pattern...

"What business?"

" have to go overseas often...And meet with alot of people..."

"Whats that exactly?"

"I'm not quite sure how to tell you but,even if I do,you won;t understand" I replied.Pheww....She won' ask further already...

"I'm notthatstupid okay...So anyway,where do you live,I want to find you when I'm free."

"I dontknowI'm quite busy,almost overseas at least every month,and I have to run different places of Korea at anytime...I may stay with my grandma sometimes,sometimes at office,sometimes at my friend's house,sometimes hotels,sometimesmy own house..anyays,I'm everywhere.So If you want to find me call me."

"Wahhh..what exactly is your job that makes you so busy?Then when I call wouldn't my phone bill be expensive is every call may be an oversea call?Wait...that bill will be sent to my dad..."

"Okayokay...I will help you tell my mom to settle it for you okay?"

"Yay!Thanks!You are the best!"

"Wereached,get down"

"Oppa,can't I get a goodbye kiss?"

"Are you mad?!"

"No,to end today's date...pleeese..."

"I said no. N.O. No"

"Huh...okay then..."



"A goodbye hug instead?And to celebrate your whatever success?"

"OMO!Gomawo oppa!You are the best!" AndIDont have to explain further right?We hugged,she got down and said bye.End of today..But honestly,I also don't know why I asked for the hug...Shouldn;t she be asking that instead...I was actually waiting for her to ask that after she asked about the goodbye kiss...but yea..she didn't ask me one more time..,so I stopped her and asked for it instead...Its just a goodbye hug,and a hug for her success...although its my sucess since she passed because of me...but when will the next hug be?okokay Baek Seung Jo,Focus on the road,you are driving...


Hi guys!Long time no see agn!Its beeen really long since I last update right...Sorry for that...Anyways,I made it up with a longer chaoter...So what abt this chapt?Some hyunmin progress?hmmm....anyways,Bong Joon Gu is not here to fall in love with somin and form a love triangle or something...there maybe some jealousy but definitely not a new love line so don;t worry...and hahaha,what a bout some suggestions on what you guys want read on the next chapt??Please comment!!Rmb to subscribe too!Thx for reading!



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Pitu-kris #1
Please update very nice story
Chapter 39: good story please continuee
Chapter 39: It's really a mindblowing story.plz don't leave this story.update plz.preety plz :*
tomcat #4
Chapter 39: Please continue this story dear author...
liahyunmin #5
Chapter 39: such a sweet moment they shaRed..
Chapter 39: Wow what a sweet chapter because we finally see kim hyun joong is he a way sweeter brother than seung jo but so min only love seung jo
Chapter 38: Yayy!! Finally they made up and confessed their feelings!!^^ so happy for them! :))
liahyunmin #8
Chapter 38: they officially couple right..glad to see them being together again..
samysamy #9
Chapter 38: the whole new revelation was a great turning point....
and I'm glad they made up
Chapter 38: OMG hyun joong n seung jo are twin brother no wondering they look like and seung jo finally explain to so min why he pretend to be hyun joong and he hear so min say that she love and he finally admit his true feeling for her and that he love her