Chapter 2

The Decision

The Promised;



I woke up feel a little dizzy.


I showered, wear my uniform, grab my bag and go to the dinning table. There's a pancake tower with strawberry jam and butter. not gonna work on me dad. I ate the pancake and glup a big glass of milk. juts the right time when I heard my apartment bell rang. it must be Daehyun.


I tied my hair careless, wear my shoes and open the door. "let's go" I walked past him. I can't bear to see his face. I mean why he agree to 'take care' of me like what Dad said. He doesn't even know me.


Suddenly Daehyun grab my wrist and untied my hair "don't tied your hair" he said while throwing my hair band somewhere. what the hell?


I'm too shock to react when he call my name from the lift. I run in before the door closed.


"Just for you to know, I'm doing this not because I want it" Daehyun said while lean back on the wall with his hands on his pocket.


"I don't want it either"


"yes you do, you don't want to get bully in you first day, aren't you?" he asked with a goofy smile. damn that's so intimidating.


We go to the basement when Daehyun lead me to his beautiful grey car parked. I don't want to talk to him during the ride to the school. He just so intimidating.


Me and Daehyun arrived in Korea International High School. I dragged my lazy out of his car. suddenly 2 different cars parked beside daehyun's car with their crazy way. holy . 2 boys out from each car and do their high-five-man thing with Daehyun. ignoring me like i'm a freaking tree until..


"Wow.. who the hell is this?" one of the boy look at me like i'm some kinda animal zoo.


"The girl who i have to babysit" WHAT??


"excuse me?" I tried to said something but other boy cut me off.


"not bad dude" what is that suppose to mean??


"hey don't be rude, she has an ears you know" the boy with a super deep voice finally stand up for me.


They keep talking about me like i wasn't there, then suddenly i spotted a tall boy with blonde hair just stood there, observasing me like i'm some kinda unique statue. suddenly He smiled at me, his smile in the way that i never see before and that made him look so adorable. I smiled back at him. this is the first time i smiled for someone who's not my dad.


and the again.. Daehyun suddenly grab my wrist make me lean closer to him.


"guys.. this is Yuri" I rolled my eyes. oh please.. it's too late to introduce me cause they already know me as someone who you have to babysit.


"I'm Himchan" said the boy who talking to me at first.


"I'm Yongguk" said the boy with very deep voice.


"I'm Jongup" said the boy with smile that plastered on his face.


and finally.. "I'm junhong but you call me Zelo" said the tall boy with his blonde hair and sweet smile.


"wait.. where's youngjae?" Daehyun asked his friend, still with his hand on mine.


"who's youngjae?" I asked in curiosity cause they seem like looking for their other soul.


"duh.. my other friend" Daehyun answered me with his annoying tone.


"here let me tell you something my dear" Himchan try to lean close at me but Daehyun stop him with his gaze, I'm so lost right now. "We are the B.A.P the most popular guys on school, and there were six of us, Yongguk and I are on the 3rd grade, Daehyun and Youngjae are on the 2nd grade, and lastly Jongup and Zelo are on the 1st grade" so that's mean I will on the same class with zelo?


"okay.. so what is that to do with me?" I'm so confused.


"you will know later" Daehyun said with a smirked.


The boy named Youngjae came, he bowed at me 90 degrees. I awkwardly bowed back. man I not use to this kinda thing. we don't do this on New York.


"where have you been?" Daehyun asked while punch Youngjae'a arm friendly.


"I have something to do.. let's go inside, the class is about to start"


Yongguk and Himchan walk first then the rest of us following behind them.


The school hallway was so noisy then suddenly it became quite when we walk past it. "this is what I'm talking about" Daehyun whisperer in my ear.


Okay I get this now. B.A.P are the most popular guys who have so many girl fans and I'm the new girl who walk with B.A.P maybe gonna be a dead meat tomorrow.


"but don't worry, I'll protect you, like I promised your Dad" Daehyun who walk beside me whisperer again like he can read my mind.


Me and Daehyun separate with B.A.P as he lead me to my locker.


"so you really want to kill me, aren't you?"


"what do you mean?" Daehyun asking back, man he just dumb or what?


I closed my locker so hard till it make a sound and catch attention from anybody around us "you are the "popular guy" that's mean if I go near you, my life will be on danger, I'm not good at socialising okay? I can't have so many attention on me, I hate that" there.. I said it all.


"I said don't worry, I'll take care of you, I already promised your Dad" He patted my head. "c'mon I walk you to your class, you have the same class with Zelo and Jongup, I already check, so yo will be okay when I'm not around"


We just met. I was so rude at him. but why is he so nice to me?





So how was it? too borring?? uh- this is still the start wait the next chapter for the 'real' story.

sorry for the error grammer.

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Sehunnieee94 #1
Chapter 29: Update soon author nim . Hwaiting ! c:
linapingu1 #2
Chapter 30: I started to scream when it said you updated
Chapter 14: I like th random section in chp 14!! ^^ , hahaha it adds on to th cuteness of th story ~
haru_na #4
Chapter 29: I'm confuse author-nim. Jinjja..
--' in the end, Yuri will be with daedae or zelo??
DaisYeolPark88 #5
Chapter 29: Your I should be with JunHonh!!^-^~<3~
ChoiPiLoZe #6
Chapter 29: our maknaeeee~ Yuri should be with JunHong!! <3<3<3
JongKeylovingpanda #7
Chapter 29: WITH JUNHOOOOOOONG!!! Make a bit drama about Daehyun forgot her name...again...whatever! And a bit drama with Yuri and Junhong and then BOOM Daehyun and girl (sry..i really don't remember her name >.<) help Yuri and Junhong get together after a fight!! o.o or something like this ^^
Chapter 29: im still team daehyun tho :) even tho im a lil confused too =/
Chapter 29: boy's fight whoa i cant believe that zelo could talk that i want her end up with our junhongie ouo