Chapter 23

The Decision




Yuri’s POV


I really feel uneasy right now. today is the day of my history test. everything that Zelo taught me feel like flew away in the air.


“Why you feel so nervous? it’s just a test” Jogup lightly state.


“It’s easy for you to say, you born in here, you’ve been learning your own history since elementary school” I glare at Jongup in annoyance, “what if I don’t know what to answer and I get 0 ?! oh god! dad will kill me!” I grab my hair frustratedly.


“Hey… relax, you’re not gonna dead, I already told you everything that will come out on the test” Zelo tried to cheer me up as he fix my hair that’s now look like a bird nest.


The other B.A.P members who gathered around my locker nodding in agreement.


Luckily, today the class started a bit late cause the teachers are having a sudden meeting. that’s why right now I surrounded with six men that keep on trying to calm me.


I smiled and squeeze Zelo’s fluffy cheeks, “thanks”


“I tell you this” he suddenly leaning closer, put his mouth closer to my ear, “if you pass the test I’ll give you a present”


I back away while furrowing my brow, ”what present?”


He smirk, “you’ll know that later”


I chuckled and hit his arm lightly. suddenly the bell rang. Yongguk and Himchan already gone to their own class, following by Daehyun and Youngjae.


“Good luck for your test lill’ girl, fighting!” Daehyun patted my head and walked away with Youngjae.


I can’t believe that guy. I think he have two different personality. yesterday he angry with me just because I talked with Kyung eonni and now he act so nice to me. I never understand him.


Suddenly when I was about to enter my class Zelo pushed me to the wall beside the door class, he locked me between him and wall, then he kiss me, passionately. I feel the urge to not kiss him back but I still kiss him back anyway.


“What are you doing?” I kinda whispering due to the hot I feel on my body right now.


“Just extra vitamin before the test” he smiled sweetly and kissed my forehead, “oh and if you wondering… the present that I am talking about is me” he continued and walk ahead, entering the class leaving me doumbfounded.


I sighed in disbelievable rolling my eyes and look around. no one is here, the school corridor are empty already. . he already planned for this.


I walked in and saw Zelo talking with Jongup while sitting at my seat. when he saw me he winked and stand, letting me sit, just at the time when Mrs.Kang, the history teacher entering the class. she instantly began the test.


The vitamin that Zelo gave me earlier not helping me at all. in fact it's disturbing my brain work that I think it will fall to my stomach. I keep biting my pen and patting my foot on the floor while thinking some of the answer and write it down immediately when I remember the answer. 60 minutes pass and I’m done with mine just at the time Mrs.Kang said the time is over and took all the paper answer from the student.


“So… how was it?” Zelo whisper from behind.


“I think I got the present” I winked at him playfully.


The next one hour is spend with answering questions from the thick history book while Mrs.Kang correcting the test. when she’s done, she announce the score and I got B+ while Zelo got and A+ and Jongup got B-. Zelo really are good at History.


“Pick the present after school at the school gate” I heard another whisper from Zelo, I turn around and giving him military salute, “Yessir!”



Daehyun’s POV


Time flew fast as now the school already over. I’m leaning in Yuri’s locker, waiting for her. I heard a foot step as I think it’s Yuri but no, I was wrong. it’s not Yuri, it’s her.


“Hey Daehyunnie…” that sound... the sound that I love to hear. used to be, anyway.


I turn away, trying to look anywhere but her. this is not the right time, I’m not ready, and never be ready to face her again. it’s not like I still love her, but the sight of her always can make my heart feel hurt.


“Can you please stop ignoring me? Jung Daehyun!” she grabbed my sleeve and pull me, force me to see her, “I can’t take this anymore, it’s been 2 years already”


Yeah 2 years after you break my heart, “stop it” her hand that still grabbing my sleeve drop down when she notice the cold tone and straight face I use.


“You still hate me, aren’t you?” she asked me, her eyes start teary and her hand start shaking. motion that I always remember when she know she's right but she's too scared to admit it


“You know then why bother to ask?” I coldly said, not wanting this conversation to be continued.


“How many times I have to say sorry?”


“Sorry is not going to fix everything”


“I still love you” I froze, “I love you Daehyun” she step closer, “this two years is like hell for me, my life become black and white when you’re not around, you’re the color of my life, I miss you, I’m nothing without you, can we please go back like it used to be?”


“You can’t brings together the shards of glass that have been destroyed Hyunkyung-ah”


I saw a tears fall down from her cheek. my palm clenched when I saw it.


I used to be wiped those tears and never let it fall again. I used to be hugged her when she’s in her last point. now I feel like I can’t do that anymore. everytime I see her I feel like a thousand of knife stab my heart, the feeling just won’t come off.


“Kyung eonni?” she hurriedly wiped her tears with her palm when we heard Yuri’s voice. she put on her sweetest smile and turn around, “oh? dongsaeng-ah? you’re not home yet?”


“ne, what are you guys doing?” Yuri asked confusedly, narrowing her eyes on me.


“why you looking at me like that? I'm not mugging her, we just talk” I flicked her forehead so she’ll stop narrowing her eyes on me.


“Aw… okay okay I believe you, it’s just you guys look so intense” she rubbed her forehead while pouting, I chuckled and ruffled her hair making her pout even more.


“Anyway… where have you been? I’m waiting for you in here for centuries”


“Oh yeah about that… I’ll be late today cause I have a date with Zelo”


“You what?!?!” I kinda half-yelled because Yuri and Hyunkyung jumped from their place in shock, “sorry”


“ugh don’t need to yell” Yuri glared at me in annoyance.


“It’s Wednesday, who the hell have date on Wednesday??”


“Errr… me and Zelo? duh…” Yuri again, gave me an annoyance face.


 “No way! I’m not going to let you go” I can’t let her go.


“I’m not asking for your permission, I just tell you this so you can go home first and no need to wait for me, you’re not my dad Jung Daehyun!” she turn around and start to move her heels, “oh and… I’m going with Zelo, you’re friend, not some kinda weirdo, don’t worry to much and make sure to eat your meal on time, I’ll get going now” she walked backward while keep on waving, “Bye Kyung eonni” and she run off and disappear at the end of the hallway.


“You guys live together?” Hyunkyung asked in completely confusion.


“None of your business” I coldly said and walked away. leaving her with a thousand question mark on her head.



Author's note: So the history is revealed, whether its about Yuri's history test nor Daehyun-Hyunkyung HIstory XD



also... who joining the mention party on twitter here? I did! and I GOT REPLIED FROM ZELO! GGAAAAAAAHHHHHH~

Let's fangirling together, I always 24/7 on twitter, you can follow me on twitter click here

And a little information... the next chapter will be full of fluff with ZELO! BYE!

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Sehunnieee94 #1
Chapter 29: Update soon author nim . Hwaiting ! c:
linapingu1 #2
Chapter 30: I started to scream when it said you updated
Chapter 14: I like th random section in chp 14!! ^^ , hahaha it adds on to th cuteness of th story ~
haru_na #4
Chapter 29: I'm confuse author-nim. Jinjja..
--' in the end, Yuri will be with daedae or zelo??
DaisYeolPark88 #5
Chapter 29: Your I should be with JunHonh!!^-^~<3~
ChoiPiLoZe #6
Chapter 29: our maknaeeee~ Yuri should be with JunHong!! <3<3<3
JongKeylovingpanda #7
Chapter 29: WITH JUNHOOOOOOONG!!! Make a bit drama about Daehyun forgot her name...again...whatever! And a bit drama with Yuri and Junhong and then BOOM Daehyun and girl (sry..i really don't remember her name >.<) help Yuri and Junhong get together after a fight!! o.o or something like this ^^
Chapter 29: im still team daehyun tho :) even tho im a lil confused too =/
Chapter 29: boy's fight whoa i cant believe that zelo could talk that i want her end up with our junhongie ouo