Chapter 9

The Decision

Camping part 2;



Yuri's POV




my stomach already growling, waiting to fill up with food but there they are, Yongguk, Himchan and Youngjae arguing how can the meat tasted weird.


“it tasted weird hyung. what did you do?” Youngjae keep on tasting the meat, not assure with his own tounge.


“I did nothing” Himchan stupidly sniffing the meat. “maybe Yongguk bought the wrong meat, the old one, not fresh anymore”


“what?!! you blame me now? it's your fault who burn up the meat like crazy dude” Yongguk pointed out.


“the more big the fire the more good the meat” Himchan defend himself.


“well do you see the ‘good’ your talking about now? the meat burn to hell” Himchan remained silent.


“hyung I’m hungry.. let’s just eat” Zelo whined while rubbing his poor tummy.


“NO!!” Yongguk, Himchan and Youngjae said at the same time.


“aish! stop it you guys! let me handle it! move!” Daehyun who seems pissed, cause his hungry to death to start to take over the grill while Yongguk, Himchan and Youngjae stepped away. “Yuri-ah! help out here!” he shouted at me.


I walk to him, helping it put on the seasoning on the new meat and then he grill the meat he managed the fire not so big so it will not ended up like the burn-black-meat Himchan has made.


soon we are done. luckily the meat not as bitter as Himchan meat. but its still burn. huft.. this guys hopeless. but since we already starving to death we ate it anyway.


“note: don’t let Yongguk buying the meat for the next time” Himchan said while wiping his mouth.


“ppfftt.. fine! do everything by yourself and never asked for my help ever again” Yongguk said clamly.





They keep on arguing till Jongup interrupted “hey hey! how about a ghost story? haa?”


“what? no! absolutely not!” I rejected his stupid idea. ghost story while then I gonna sleep alone, not a good idea.


“why? are you scare?” Daehyun tease me.


“I am not!! it just.. I’m not feeling like it, okay?” I can’t let them realize my worried.


“admit it Yuri, you’re scare!!” he began to tickle me.


“stop it! it tickle! YA!!” I runaway and hide behind Zelo.


“ah! I know! how about we played True or Dare??” Youngjae shouted in excitement.


“well I think that’s okay” I decide to sit besode Zelo, not wanting Daehyun to tease me again.


Yongguk got the first turn. and he choose dare.


“I dare you to hug Himchan hyung” Youngjae who seems really excited (I can’t figure it out why) dare Yongguk to hug Himchan while he know, they still on fighting mode.


I’m not expected Yongguk really except that dare. he really hug Himchan. Himchan also hug him back.


“sorry I yelled at you” Himchan whispered but loud enough for us to hear it.


“sorry I yelled at you too” Yongguk whispered back but since his voice was really deep I think its not count as whisper.


and then they move away from the hugged and smiled to each other.


“well.. that’s more better, right?” Youngjae asked with smirked. his planning all of this.


“thanks man!” Yongguk and Youngjae bump-fist.


“your turn! Youngjae! true or dare?” Daehyun pointed out.


“hmm.. true?”


“well in that case.. AM I EVEN A BEST FRIEND FOR YOU?” we laughing till oue stomach twisted with Daehyun question. “what’s so funny? I just want to know what he think of me” Daehyun pouted.


Youngjae wiped his imaginary tears and spoke “you’re my best friend! YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND! you hear me Daehyun? I just messing up with you back there, don’t take that seriously”


“really? you mean that?” and the next thing I know Daehyun and Youngjae hugged each other. okay it’s not B.A.P hugging time, right?


“you guys want to hug too?” I asked jokingly to Jongup and Zelo. they just stared at each other and the next second they hugging too. what in the world is wrong with them?


“enough with the hugging guys, I started to think you all are gay” I shouted.


“ooh~ Yuri want a hug too?” and again.. the next thing I know, the six of them hugging me, we are hugging like a teletubbies.


“OKAY I FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE!!!” I shouted again. soon.. they break the hug  and we continuing playing.


“it’s your turn Yuri” Himchan pointed at me. “true or dare?”


I’m too scared if they gonna makes me do something stupid of I choose dare so I ended up choose true.


“why you never call us oppa?” Yongguk simply said.




“yes! yes! why you never call us oppa? we’re older than you!” Daehyun shouted at me in excitement.


“why do I have to do that? we’re calling by the name in New York so I kinda used to it” I calmly said.


“but it’s korea not New York, you have to call us oppa starting right now” Himchan ordered me like a mom.


“what?!! no way!! that will never happened” I wagged my hand.


suddenly they crawl to me and began ticklingme, six versus one? yea fair play.

“aaaaaaahhhhh!! okay okay!! I call you guys oppa!!!!!” I shouted at the top of my voice. they stop tickling me and wait for my action.


“Yongguk oppa.. Himchan oppa.. Youngjae oppa.. Daehyun oppa.. Zelo oppa… Jongup oppa.. happy?!” I pouted. they just chuckled and we continuing playing.


we spend the night with laughing and taking picture in the dark. spending time with them is like the precious thing ever, I want stopped the time and forever laughing with them like this. okay that’s creepy.


soon.. it was like 2 in the morning when we decided to sleep. but I can’t sleep, my tummy hurt cause I ate to much snack, I get out from my little tent. and my eyes met Daehyun who also try to get out from their tent.



Daehyun’s POV


I can’t sleep. why my insomnia come in time like this? I struggle to get out from the tent. try hard to not stepped on someone stomach, and when I was out my eyes met Yuri. she’s not sleep yet? I though to myself.


we sat near the campfire scars that have been extinguished.


“I can’t sleep” she murmured.


“me too. insomnia?”


“nah. just can’t sleep”


here we are. on the dark. just the two of us. with beautiful night sky above us. Daehyun think, this is the perfect time. this chance just come once. use it wisely. what are you gonna do now? think! think! I began to fought with myself, not knowing that Yuri already rest his head on my shoulder. I froze in place. not knowing what to do. my heart thumping so fast and so loud that I’m afraid Yuri gonna hear it or maybe worse.. my heart gonna jump out from my chest.


“Y-yuri?” I don’t know why I’m stuttering.




“I.. ugh.. I- um.. actually I…”




A/N : Hello there~

actually i was planning to upload this chapter yesterday but then i fall asleep sorry;;



What do you think Daehyun tried to said guys? do you think he's gonna confesed now? let me know what you think..

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Sehunnieee94 #1
Chapter 29: Update soon author nim . Hwaiting ! c:
linapingu1 #2
Chapter 30: I started to scream when it said you updated
Chapter 14: I like th random section in chp 14!! ^^ , hahaha it adds on to th cuteness of th story ~
haru_na #4
Chapter 29: I'm confuse author-nim. Jinjja..
--' in the end, Yuri will be with daedae or zelo??
DaisYeolPark88 #5
Chapter 29: Your I should be with JunHonh!!^-^~<3~
ChoiPiLoZe #6
Chapter 29: our maknaeeee~ Yuri should be with JunHong!! <3<3<3
JongKeylovingpanda #7
Chapter 29: WITH JUNHOOOOOOONG!!! Make a bit drama about Daehyun forgot her name...again...whatever! And a bit drama with Yuri and Junhong and then BOOM Daehyun and girl (sry..i really don't remember her name >.<) help Yuri and Junhong get together after a fight!! o.o or something like this ^^
Chapter 29: im still team daehyun tho :) even tho im a lil confused too =/
Chapter 29: boy's fight whoa i cant believe that zelo could talk that i want her end up with our junhongie ouo