Chapter 6

The Decision

Getting to know B.A.P more;



Yuri’s POV


I have been here for hours now. its already dark outside. I was sitting here laughing till I’m about to cry with all B.A.P silliness. I’m getting to know them more now, thanks to Natasha eonni. she told me everything about B.A.P how they met and how come they so close now.


 So.. everything start from Yongguk. he planned to come to Seoul with his sister, Natasha eonni. then suddenly Yongguk childhood friend, Junhong, want to come along, Junhong parents allowed him to go cause they believe Yongguk will take care of him. Junhong parents bought an apartment in the same apartment building as Yongguk so he can being close with Junhong all the time. when Yongguk, Natasha and Junhong just moved they met Himchan who also just moved, thinking that they gonna be a neighbor they become closed. soon.. Jongup, Junhong childhood also move in to Seoul. Jongup parents always going abroad for work and when Junhong left he felt lonely so he catch up with Junhong and bought an apartment next to him.


Yongguk, Junhong, Himchan and Jongup become closed more than ever. they have a lot of common and the same interest. soon.. when the school year started they went to the same school, in the first day of school they met Daehyun and Youngjae who being bullied by senior, they save them, and also become friend. till now they like soul to each other. they can’t live without each other. like I said before.. B.A.P lived in the same apartment building except Daehyun. B.A.P lived in their own in Seoul except Daehyun cause he lived with his Dad.


well.. that’s all that Natasha eonni told me. she’s really honest you know.


“hey! that’s not fair! you cheat!” Youngjae shouted over Daehyun who beat him (again) in chess.


“I’m not cheating! you the one who’s not smart enough to realize that I already eat your king!” Daehyun shouted back.


“yeah? well why don’t you also eat this chess board hu?” Youngjae sounds pissed and left to the kitchen. Daehyun chuckled while crawling on the floor when Youngjae left. Youngjae back with 6 boxes of cookies. “here! eat!” Youngjae threw it at Daehyun who catch all of them with sparkling eyes.


“woah! gomawo chingu-ya! Youngjae jjang!” using his aegyo Daehyun gave Youngjae a thumbs-up. Youngjae just rolled his eyes and back to sit beside Daehyun who is furiously eating his cookies.


Meanwhile Junhong and Jongup tried to beat each other at the playstation game. what they bet too? we’ll see.


Himchan and Natasha eonni are in their on world, discussing some fashion world or something. Yongguk drawn himself to his laptop and here I am doing nothing but watching every moved they made. I’ve been tired been beaten up in the board game earlier. so embarrassing. I know I’m in those kinda game.


I saw Yongguk who sit near me with calm face typing something in his laptop with his calm face. when the first time I saw him I thought he was a scary dude. but no, he pretty cute and full of aegyo. I thought Yongguk is badass enough then I saw his sister, I turn my head to Natasha eonni, she had nose piercing, her hand all covered up with tattoo, and she had an intimidating stare. but when she smiled.. oh my god the world felt so warm, her smile was like a bright sunshine in the morning. just like Yongguk smile.


“YAY!! I WON!!” Junhong shouted on top of his voice.


well.. its about time.


“fine.. what do you want?” Jongup asked felt a little annoyed that he lost.


“give me your belt” Junhong simply said.


“which one?”


“the one you wearing right now”


“what? this one? no way! this is my favorite belt!”


“oooohh.. but you promised gonna give me all I want” Junhong pouted.


“not this one okay, just keep my promised for another chance”


“wait.. you can do that?”


“yeah.. like keeping your money, keep my promised on your wallet and use it when you ACTUALY need! and don’t ask for my belt ever again!”


Junhong looked confused but he nodded.


I chuckled seeing their cute interaction. it must be nice having someone who actually really care about you.


“HEY GUYS” I jumped in my sit when suddenly Yongguk shouted. “sorry” he realized that I was shocked by his deep loud voice. “I have a plan” all eyes in room look at Yongguk with curiosity. “how about we’re going to camping in the beach this weekend”


every pair of eyes widened. they began to sparkle. then everyone began to shouted in excitement.










“WAIT!!” Natasha eonni shouted and stopped whatever everyone doing. “I can’t go. I have to go out of town this weekend”


“I’m not asking you sis, I asked my friend” Yongguk simply said, making his sister pouted.


“YA!!” Natasha eonni approaching Yongguk and began to ticklish him, Yongguk yelp and tried to stopped her but she keep continuing ticklish him. this slibbing really cute.


“okay okay. I’m sorry, I’m just kidding. stop it!!” Yongguk tried to speak between his laughter.


The rest of us also laugh seeing Yongguk act so cute with his sister. only his sister can make this side of him came out.


Zelo threw himself beside me. snuggling close to me.


“I’m tired” he griped like a little baby.


“so?” I asked calmly.


He doesn't say anything else and just snuggle closer to me, he hugged my left arm and cuddling with it.


“what are you doing?” I almost chuckled at his childish action.


“Ssshh.. stay still for a moment” he hissed me.


I give up. I ended up caressing his hair. I could saw he smiled when I did that.


“okay! it settle then. this weekend. camping. at the beach.” Himchan exclaimed in excitement.


“Yuri you come to right?” Yongguk asked me. he already back to ‘normal’


I realized now all eyes on me, “of course.. you said that.. erm.. when you said we.. that mean I'm included too” I kinda murmured, feeling embarrassed.


“I’m glad you already get that” Yongguk said while ruffled my hair. I giggled, try to get use to with all this attention.


“since I’m not gonna be there too, you boys should take care of Yuri, and don’t do anything stupid cause she the only girl there” Natasha eonni ordered and everybody nodded.


“its late, I should go home.. Junho-“ I looked down and I saw sleeping Junhong, using my left arm for his pillow like he own it. “erm..” I looked around, hoping someone will help me with this.


“aish.. this kid really can sleep so fast” Himchan tried to pull my hand out of Junhong hugged but he hugged it really tight. Daehyun seems pissed and started to pull my hand while himchan holding Junhong head and Jongup hold his shoulders. Junhong struggle in his sleep but then I free. we sigh of relief.


“okay. let’s go home Yuri” Daehyun said and I nodded. we greeted everybody good night and went off to the street, crossing the street and went to our apartment building.



Daehyun’s POV


Junhong really like Yuri, huh?


am I the only one here who realized that? everybody seems ‘okay’ with how childish Junhong toward Yuri, he never acted like this toward a girl, not even Natasha noona. he just being a little kid among us or the most with Himchan hyung.


Yuri allowed Junhong hugged her hand, cuddling with it. uh- why?


Junhong started to attracted by a girl that’s good, but why with Yuri? please Junhong don’t feel your first love toward Yuri cause I feel like I like her too. I don’t want you to fight your first love with me cause I know how the end of this, you’re not gonna win Junhong. no if it with me. its obvious, right?



A/N : yay! finally i manage to update. huft. soooo.. good news.. i have 3 days break from school cause the senior are taking their national examination, so do you know what's that mean? more update to go ^~^ (hopefully;;)



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Sehunnieee94 #1
Chapter 29: Update soon author nim . Hwaiting ! c:
linapingu1 #2
Chapter 30: I started to scream when it said you updated
Chapter 14: I like th random section in chp 14!! ^^ , hahaha it adds on to th cuteness of th story ~
haru_na #4
Chapter 29: I'm confuse author-nim. Jinjja..
--' in the end, Yuri will be with daedae or zelo??
DaisYeolPark88 #5
Chapter 29: Your I should be with JunHonh!!^-^~<3~
ChoiPiLoZe #6
Chapter 29: our maknaeeee~ Yuri should be with JunHong!! <3<3<3
JongKeylovingpanda #7
Chapter 29: WITH JUNHOOOOOOONG!!! Make a bit drama about Daehyun forgot her name...again...whatever! And a bit drama with Yuri and Junhong and then BOOM Daehyun and girl (sry..i really don't remember her name >.<) help Yuri and Junhong get together after a fight!! o.o or something like this ^^
Chapter 29: im still team daehyun tho :) even tho im a lil confused too =/
Chapter 29: boy's fight whoa i cant believe that zelo could talk that i want her end up with our junhongie ouo