Chapter 4

The Decision

Something New;



Yuri’s POV


The morning came. I felt a warm sunshine on my face. I smiled at the sudden, thinking about yesterday making me smile wider than ever. Zelo walking me home. pffttss.. I want to do that again. wait. yeah! let’s do that again! I rush down from my bed. showering, eat burning toast, and without seeing my reflection on the mirror I get out from my apartment. I spotted Daehyun lean back on his apartment door with his hands inside his pockets.


“Good morning” he greeted.


“Good morning” I greeted back “why don’t you knock to let me know you already waiting for me?” I asked confusedly.


“nah. take your time. we’re not late anyway” he said while making his way to the elevator.


I reached up and held his arms “thanks. but next time let me know you already waiting, I hate making people wait cause I know it ”


“okay okay” he pinched my nose with his goofy smile.


Unlike yesterday when we first going to school together which is very quiet, now we talking a lot of thing. Daehyun’s car full with my laugher as he made another jokes. I don’t know what happened to me. I feel like I’m not myself. but hey.. this is good, right? I think I just tried to get used to with my new life.


When we arrived at the Korea National High School I spotted Himchan and Jongup playing beside Himchan’s car. and there’s Youngjae sitting on the Himchan’s car hood whit a book in his hand, ignoring Himchan and Jongup who’s goofing around. Youngjae noticed me and waved at me, I smiled and waved back. Daehyun and I approached them. as always Daehyun high-five his friends.


“where’s Junhong?” I asked curiously, not spotting Junhong anywhere. they always gathering here before school started.


“he’s not arrive yet, cause Yongguk doesn’t go to school today, we asked him if he need a ride but he said no so yeah, we don’t know where he is” Himchan explain.


“why you asking for him out of nowhere?” Daehyun asked me with his curios face plastered on.


“nothing. I’m just asking, what’s wrong with that?”


“oh there he is” Jongup exclaimed. pointing his finger to tall blonde boy riding a skateboard with his hands on his jacket pockets.


Zelo waved.


“Hi guys, waddup?” he high-five everybody there except me, well what do you expect? I’m not B.A.P member, and their high-five seems unique tought.


“you dumb! we asked you for ride but you refuse it and you end up riding your skateboard from home to school? how smart you are Zelo” Youngjae rapped.


“why? I just feel want to skateboarding to school, beside yesterday me and Yuri walking from here to home” Zelo fight back.


“WHAT?!!” Daehyun look furious all of sudden “I asked you to walk her home, doesn’t mean you have to ‘walk’”


“hey.. chill. I’m the one who want to walk. its not that tiring anyway, even though its far enough” I explain calmly.

“wha- uh.. whatever” Daehyun gave up but I don’t know why he seems look angry?


“and I want to walk home too today” I continued.


“what? don’t asking me to walk and leave my beautiful car behind” Daehyun said with his overconfident feeling.


“who ask you? I’m asking Zelo, we’re gonna walk home today”


“you are?” Himchan, Jongup and Youngjae said in the same time.


“We are?” Zelo asking the same thing.


“yeah! beside you owe me ice cream” I punch his arms jokingly.


“OH YEAH! WE ARE! okay then” Zelo start to over exciting. he then wrapped his arm around my shoulders, then I wrapped my arm around his waist, feeling comfortable with his sudden action.


Himchan-Jongup-Youngjae and Daehyun seems shocked “o..okay, we should go in, school about to start any minute” Youngjae said still looking shocked.


“Let’s go” Zelo exclaimed. since the leader Yongguk is not here so its not important who’s gonna walk first. Me and Zelo walk past the hallway still with our ‘comfortable’ position while the rest following behind. I can see another deadly stare, like yesterday, but who cares? I don’t give a damn.



Daehyun’s POV


I can’t focused on whatever the teacher said in front of the class. I can’t think of anything. the way Zelo and Yuri made a skinship, dang! that was unbelievable. I don’t what happened to them yesterday, I shouldn’t asked Zelo to walk her home, this not suppose to happened.


The vision of Zelo and Yuri wrapped their arms around each other made me uncomfortable. what the hell is wrong with me anyway?


Youngjae who was sitting calmly in front of me while writing a note that teacher write in the board.


I poked his head.


“AW! what?!!” he turn around and hissed me angrily.


“do you know what happened to Zelo and Yuri?” I asked.


“what do you mean?” okay I begin to think Youngjae not that smart.


“I mean. why. they. suddenly. so. close?” I greeted my teeth, feeling impatient.


“how can I know? maybe when they walked home together yesterday they start to find attracted to each other” he explain calmly, not knowing that my blood already boiled in the top of my head. “in fact.. if Junhong really like her its not gonna be that bad, Junhong never date before and if he want one now Yuri is more than good for him” he still continued, and then turn back, continuing writing his notes.


I poked his head again, more hard than before.


“AW!!” he shout muffled. then turn around facing me with his furious eyes “what was that for?!!!!!” I smiled sweetly. he just growl in anger and turn back again, making his back facing me. leaving me still thinking about this Zelo-Yuri-Incident.


I through 5 hours with my body in class and my mind out of nowhere. finally lunch break. B.A.P + Yuri now, gather up in our usual table. like this morning Zelo and Yuri look more close than ever, more like a letter with a stamp. They not noticing me who eating quietly while their goofing around making jokes about how stupid our science teacher who burn up her hair in the lab.


There’s more skinship between Zelo and Yuri. ugh! I can’t take it anymore! enough with the skinship. I’m out of here. I stood up and make my way out from the canteen. ignoring how confused B.A.P + Yuri looking at me.



Yuri’s POV


Finally the school over, I making my way to my locker, placed some book and grab my backpack. Junhong going to his locker as well to garb his backpack and I decide to wait for him here.


While I lean back on my locker door, I re-review how weird Daehyun today. he acted like he was having a period, if that was even possible. he seems so upset about something. I couldn’t think even more possibilities when I saw Zelo walking toward me in his skateboard.


“Let’s go” he’s holding my hand while his other hand carry his skateboard.


Zelo brought me to the ice cream store near the school. we sit in the table near the window so we can see the view on the road. the female waitress in the wonderwoman costume approaching us and took our order. I ordered vanilla ice cream with waffles and strawberry sauce while Zelo ordered Chocolate ice cream with vanilla lava cream.


“its nice” I looking at every corner of the store. right place for relax after stressing school.


“yeah, I’m good at choosing place, aren’t i?” Zelo said proudly.


“Ya! I was new here. If I was already in here since I was born probably this is gonna be my favorite place ever” I breathe so deep. sniff the vanilla scent from this store.


“so its decide! this is gonna be our hangout place. just you and me.”


“what? but what about the B.A.P? your friend?”


“no. they can’t be here. this is gonna be the place for you and me to spending for more precious time”


“oh my god! look at you. talking nonsense like you own this place” I poked his nose.

“I can make it mine if you want it” he start to doing aegyo.


I blushed. he acted all cute all day and that’s always making me speechless.


Our order come. since we ordered a different menu so we decided to feed each other, tasting and judging about the ice cream tasted like we one of the judge from the cooking show.


“hey.. do you know what happened to Daehyun? he seems so weird today” I asked Zelo while wiping my lips.


“nobody knows. but that’s normal, Daehyun hyung always have a temporary feeling. one second like this and the next second like that..”


“like he has some kinda girl period” I cut him off.


“exactly!” Zelo pointed. and we laughed, thinking about Daehyun sensitive feeling? aw that guy is just so cute.


“hey its late.. lets go home” I start to garb my belonging when Zelo paid for the ice cream. we walked home like yesterday. but since Zelo brought his skateboard while we make our way to home he show me some of his skateboard tricks and even learned me how to stand on it. I end up almost kissing a lamp pole.


“thanks for today. bye” I waved when Zelo making his way to his apartment bulding. I entered the elevator, the elevator stop at 12 floor and I walk to my door apartment. just when I’m about to open my apartment door I heard a door behind me open, I saw Daehyun behind his open apartment door, all dressed up, he seems going out to just-God-knows.


“Hey” I called.


But he ignore me, he canceled his action and close back his apartment door so hard. it feels like he slap me hard on my face. what the hell is wrong with him anyway?




A/N :

yay finally i manage to update. school was being a i can't even had time to enjoyed my life.

anyway.. here's the long chapter. hope you like the Zelo-Yuri fluff.

So.. what do you think is happening with Daehyun? hehe :D

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Sehunnieee94 #1
Chapter 29: Update soon author nim . Hwaiting ! c:
linapingu1 #2
Chapter 30: I started to scream when it said you updated
Chapter 14: I like th random section in chp 14!! ^^ , hahaha it adds on to th cuteness of th story ~
haru_na #4
Chapter 29: I'm confuse author-nim. Jinjja..
--' in the end, Yuri will be with daedae or zelo??
DaisYeolPark88 #5
Chapter 29: Your I should be with JunHonh!!^-^~<3~
ChoiPiLoZe #6
Chapter 29: our maknaeeee~ Yuri should be with JunHong!! <3<3<3
JongKeylovingpanda #7
Chapter 29: WITH JUNHOOOOOOONG!!! Make a bit drama about Daehyun forgot her name...again...whatever! And a bit drama with Yuri and Junhong and then BOOM Daehyun and girl (sry..i really don't remember her name >.<) help Yuri and Junhong get together after a fight!! o.o or something like this ^^
Chapter 29: im still team daehyun tho :) even tho im a lil confused too =/
Chapter 29: boy's fight whoa i cant believe that zelo could talk that i want her end up with our junhongie ouo