Chapter 15

The Decision

Stay Home;



Zelo’s POV


I already dressed up nicely, ready to go to Yuri’s place when suddenly my apartment door brush open as Yongguk hyung walked in and sit comfortably in the sofa while crossing his legs like he owned the place.


“where are you going?” he asked simply and turn on the TV.


“to Yuri’s place”




“err.. homework?”

“since when you need a help for doing your homework? you’re a smart kid, you don’t even need that smartass Youngjae to help you”


“well that smartass is now in here” Youngjae hyung came out of nowhere and threw himself beside Yongguk hyung.


“what’s your problem?” Yongguk hyung realized that annoyed face of Youngjae hyung.


He scoffed “Daehyun now stay in Yuri’s apartment.. I can’t just go there and play with him when there’s a girl around”

“why? what exactly the game you guys do?” okay now I feel curious. what kinda game Daehyun hyung and Youngjae hyung always played when we’re not around.


“erm.. man game?”


“okay I’m lost” Yongguk hyung put his hand in the air like he just surrender on something. well me neither.. don’t want to know anything about DaeJe thing, they’re have a lot of secrets.


“you guys can stay here but I’m going now” I said as I’m about to walk out from my apartment then Yongguk hyung voice stop me.


“you are not going anywhere with your homework undone”


“I’m doing it in Yuri’s place” I defend myself.


“with what? I don’t see a single book on your hand? where do you gonna write it? on your underwear?” okay that’s hurt.


“but hyung~” I whined.


“no buts! get your back here and do your homework”




“do your homework”




”na-ah! homework!”




“I can’t hear you”




“FOR GOD SAKE JUST STAY AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK JUNHONG! ITS START TO ANNOY ME! Geez” Youngjae hyung suddenly shouted. damn. when Daehyun hyung not around his mood always got to the bottom. badmood.


I dragged my feet back to my room. grab some necessary book and brought it to the living room where Yongguk hyung and Youngjae hyung comfortably watching TV and began my homework.


Ugh I want to go to Yuri’s place. who know what Daehyun hyung and Yuri do now. I feel jelly.



Yuri’s POV


I felt my boned cracked a bit when I stripped myself and heading to the bathroom. shower is one of my favorite thing to do. I can spend hours in there. after done showering for almost one hour I changed to my comfortable clothes and walked out for my room to see Daehyun lay down on the sofa like a dead man.


“ya what are you doing?”


“I think my soul just leave me cause I’m too hungry now” he whined like a little kid who want candy and toy.


“then go cooking something. lay down stupidly there not gonna help anything” I said as I threw myself beside him and turn on the TV to watch my favorite variety show.


“I can’t move. my half soul now is gone”


“tsk” I slapped his hand lightly “stop being stupid and go to the kitchen. I’m hungry too you know”


“why me?”


“why what?”

“why me who have to cook?”

“because silly.. you are the guardian angel here” I said mockingly and he pouted.


“that’s not fair.. let’s do rock-paper-scissor the one who lost have to cook dinner”

“fine” I position myself as he exclaimed.


“rock paper scissor!” he made rock and I scissor “YAY I won! now go make some delicious food for my empty tummy”


I pouted “err.. here come the stupid question” he look at me weirdly “do you know that I can’t cook?”


His eyes widened “wha- ah seriously? you’re a girl.. how can you.. oh my god” then he began laughing like a mad scientist.


“laugh all you want.. your empty tummy is gonna be empty all night” I smirked and he stopped laughing.


Taking a deep sigh he asked “so what can you cook?”




“I can’t eat water dummy” he poked my forehead. geez is that some kinda his new habit? I rubbed the spot he just hit as he continued “how about sandwich?”


“I can make sandwich, I think I still have that tuna-can in the fridge”


“great! now go make some” he tried to push me down from the sofa.


“why you desperately want me to cook?”


“I just want to taste the food you make”


“but I can’t cook”


“I don’t care just tried everything you know”


“what if you got poison after you eat my food?”


“you have to take me to hospital then”


“what if you dead before we got to the hospital”


“then you have to go to the jail cause you just killed one of the beautiful creature in the world”


“ew.. that’s gross”


“you know what words that floating in my mind right now.. where’s my sandwich?”


“pfftss.. fine.. stay here and try not to dead when I make war with how-to-open-the-tuna-can-thing” I stand on my feet and walked to the kitchen “try to stay alive Daehyun oppa!” I shouted and hear him chuckled after.


Struggling in the kitchen and spend hours to made the sandwich I finally done. brought the sandwich to the living room as I saw Daehyun laying flat on the sofa.

He smiled widely when he sees me “aah it’s been forever, I feel like I grown some mustache around here” he jokingly said as he grab a sandwich on the plate I placed in front of him.


He took a big bite and munching on it. “oh my god this is so good”


“seriously? it’s just a simple sandwich and I don’t even guarantee the hygiene”


“it’s okay. good job girl” he continued eating as I grab mine and eat it too.




After done eating Daehyun agreed to helped me with my homework. after spending hour helping me doing my homework prove it that he’s not that dumb.


“thanks for the help” I yawned and look at the clock. 11.30.


“no prob.. you should go to sleep”


“yeah.. I have a lot something to do tomorrow”


“like what?”


“my English teacher asked me to help her with something and I have to start studying with Junhong for the history test”


“wait.. with Junhong? why?” Daehyun eyebrows frowned.


“I kinda hate history thing and I know nothing about Korean-palace-history-thing so the teacher set me up with Junhong cause he can help me studying it” I yawned again. “ugh I’m so sleepy, I think I’m gonna sleep first. Good night Daehyun” I dragged myself to my room.


“okay. Good night Yuri” I heard Daehyun said as I about to shut the door and lock it. turn off all the light on my room, threw myself on my cozy bed and dozed of to the deep slumber.



Daehyun’s POV


I know Junhong really good at history and at English. but he was maybe some kinda tutoring Yuri for the upcoming test which is next week. just imagine how much time they’re going to spend together? I can’t let that happen. not when I realize Junhong have a thing on Yuri.


well.. duh. that was obvious. even Jongup who always clueless noticed it too that Junhong like Yuri. he never hangout or stuck with new people that much especially a girl. he always so shy around girls. but around Yuri he look so confident and tried the best to look good in her eyes. oh no.. you are not falling for Yuri Junhong. not when I already fall for her first.



A/N : soo.. can i begin the game now?? *smirk*



(since i'm daelo shipper here some daelo moment >3< look how cute they are :3)


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Sehunnieee94 #1
Chapter 29: Update soon author nim . Hwaiting ! c:
linapingu1 #2
Chapter 30: I started to scream when it said you updated
Chapter 14: I like th random section in chp 14!! ^^ , hahaha it adds on to th cuteness of th story ~
haru_na #4
Chapter 29: I'm confuse author-nim. Jinjja..
--' in the end, Yuri will be with daedae or zelo??
DaisYeolPark88 #5
Chapter 29: Your I should be with JunHonh!!^-^~<3~
ChoiPiLoZe #6
Chapter 29: our maknaeeee~ Yuri should be with JunHong!! <3<3<3
JongKeylovingpanda #7
Chapter 29: WITH JUNHOOOOOOONG!!! Make a bit drama about Daehyun forgot her name...again...whatever! And a bit drama with Yuri and Junhong and then BOOM Daehyun and girl (sry..i really don't remember her name >.<) help Yuri and Junhong get together after a fight!! o.o or something like this ^^
Chapter 29: im still team daehyun tho :) even tho im a lil confused too =/
Chapter 29: boy's fight whoa i cant believe that zelo could talk that i want her end up with our junhongie ouo