Chapter 17

The Decision


Furious Daehyun;



Yuri’s POV


I’m home at about 10pm after spending hours with my boyfriend. Zelo. ugh I feel weird when I said the word. I mean he’s my first boyfriend. I have no idea he confessed to me just like that. the thing is I’m taken aback by everything that just happened. Zelo being so seductive. Zelo kissed me. Zelo confessed. everything is just so unbelievable. and another thing is I’m not really sure about my feeling about him. yet. but hey don’t get it wrong. Zelo is just so precious. his presence mean the world to me. he just changed my world. wait.. he is not the only one who changed my world here.. where’s Daehyun?


I looked around and realized my apartment is empty. no Daehyun. I took my phone from my bag and dialed Daehyun umber. after some beeps, he don’t answering. I decide to called Youngjae.


“Yeoboseyo” Youngjae answered from another line.


“Youngjae oppa..”


“ah Yuri. wuddup?”


“err.. is Daehyun there? he’s not home yet and I wonder if he with you?”


“what make you think that?”

“well.. you’re his best friend”


“I am not!”


“YA!!!!” I heard Daehyun shouted from there followed by the sound of Youngjae laughing.


“he’s there?”


“yeah.. he’s here”


“when he planned going home? it’s late already?” I want him to go home soon.


“err.. we having sleep over tonight. there’s some project we have to do and the project have to given to teacher tomorrow” he stopped for second. “are you okay with that?”


“okay. see you tomorrow then” I hung up the call without waiting Youngjae reply. lonely again tonight. then I felt my phone beeping. Zelo. I forgot, I have a boyfriend now. I’m not lonely. I answer the call and we talk all night till we fall asleep.



Daehyun’s POV


My heart flustered when I heard she want me to go home soon. why she even care if I’m not home yet?


“see! she’s care about you. now go home and talk to her. you’re going to be fine, okay?” Youngjae said as he took seat beside me. “and remember this.. you are not going to take your dongsaeng first girlfriend!”


I told Youngjae everything. my feeling toward Yuri since the first time I met her till I saw her making out with Zelo. just the shade of Yuri sitting in Zelo’s lap makes my blood boil up.


“why?” I asked simply.


“wha- UH! HELLO?!! are you an idiot? Zelo falling in love. Zelo have his first girlfriend. he’s happy. and you mister! not going to ruin that!” he shouted at my face emotionally and sighed “just forget about Yuri, Daehyun”


“how the hell can I forget her when her dad trusted me to take care of her! ugh for God sake I’m going to take her away from Zelo!”


“no. you. are. not.” he hit the back of my head.


“AW!! fine! whatever! I want to sleep” I walked to his bedroom and threw myself on his cozy bed.



Zelo’s POV


Everything went as Jongup hyung planned. Yuri accepted me! she’s my girlfriend now! can everything get any better? I just ended my call with Yuri. Its already 12:30am and I still can’t sleep. it feels like a dream. I have a girlfriend. and I didn’t expected my way to confessed to her was going that extreme. whatever. she’s mine now! yay me!


In this way I’m one hundred percent sure Daehyun hyung won't bother Yuri when he find out that we’re in relationship now. I’m pretty sure he had a feeling toward Yuri. and one thing I know for sure, once Daehyun hyung liked a girl he never joked around about it. he really serious in every relationship he had. I learned that from the last time Daehyun broke up with his girlfriend. he was so broken like half of his soul just gone. even now I can’t tell he still have feeling toward her anymore. if she’s back I also can’t tell what’s going to happened.


but the way Yuri answered me just like that makes me doubt her a little. just a little. did she really love me back? she really love me back right? I’ll make sure that tomorrow.



Yuri’s POV


I’m going to school with Yongguk and Zelo since Youngjae said Daehyun will go with him. I don’t know why Daehyun won’t talk to me. when I called him this morning he won’t answered it. I ended up talking with Youngjae who’s sending Daehyun message.


Like always we gathered in the parking lot before the bell rang. but Daehyun and Youngjae are not here. I wondered why.


I keep clinging at Zelo since this morning. Zelo who more taller than me always rested his chin on top of my head and his hands always wrapped around me like an accessories. the others who find out that its like our habit that always stick at each other don’t bother to ask or maybe Zelo already told them that we’re official now.


“do you tell them yet?” I whisperer at Zelo when we walked in the school corridor.


“not yet”


“why?” I looked up and saw him smirked.


“maybe they already find out”


“guys.. we’re going, see ya at lunch” Himchan waved and walked to other direction to his class with Yongguk.


Me, Zelo and Jongup going to our class as well. I was just about to sit and wear my reading glasses when Jongup suddenly turn his sit around. facing me.


“so.. you guys are official now? he asked while rising his eyebrows. smirking playfully.


“hyung!” Zelo who’s sitting behind me shouted in embarrassment as I just chuckled.


“what? you guys are a cute couple” he said while using aegyo.


“ya are you aegyo-ing right now? seriously?” I smacked his arms lightly.


“what I just feel happy for my dongsaeng” he chuckled a little. “so do you tell the hyungs yet?”


suddenly I felt warm around my shoulder as I realize Zelo standing behind me.


“not yet. but don’t tell them. I think they gonna find out by themself”


“okay then. congratulation!!” Jongup shouted and held my both hand and spinning around. bringing attention from whoever also in this class. Zelo slapped Jongup hands away from mine.


“hands off hyung!” Zelo pouted cutely. Jongup and I just chuckled then the teacher came.




Lunch time. we sat in our usual table. by we I mean Yongguk, Himchan, Jongup, Zelo and me excluding Youngjae and Daehyun. just where the hell they are?


“where’s Youngjae hyung and Daehyun hyung?” Jongup asked Himchan.


“I have no idea” Himchan simply said while drinking his milk.


“Youngjae texted me, he said he have something to do which is I don’t understand what” Yongguk put down his phone and start eating.


“oh yeah Youngjae said they have some project to do, that’s why Daehyun stayed in his apartment last night” I added.


“nah just let them do whatever they want” Himchan simply said, not wanting to continuing this weird conversation about DaeJe thing.



Daehyun’s POV


“I’m going to meet her” I said as I stand up from the bench and walked away. school already oven and I can’t avoid her forever. in fact I freaking live with her now.


“remember to control yourself” Youngjae halfed yelled behind me. I turn around and look at him confusedly.


“what do you mean?”


“DON’T DO ANYTHING STUPID! REMEMBER YOUR DONGSAENG FEELING!” he gritted his teeth. “I tried hard to keep you away from her this whole freaking day”


“whatever. but I’m not promising anything”


I make my way to the lockers corridor as I hoped Yuri is there. my feeling right and I saw her sticking books on her locker. alone.


“sorry Youngjae I told you I’m not promising anything” I said that to myself and walking toward her as the time he realized the presence of me. I keep walking to her direction as my gazed fixed on her lips.



Yuri’s POV


Time goes so fast as school already over. just like yesterday I’ll be studying with Zelo at the school backyard. I told him to wait for me there while I put some of book to my locker and bring my history thick book.


Just then I heard a footstep. the school already empty and I don’t feel any presence in the corridor before. did I make Zelo waiting to long so he catch me up here? I look up and saw Daehyun with his serious face he walked toward me.


I smiled, knowing I didn’t saw him for a day. “Daehyun oppa” I waved. he doesn't wave back but keep walking with heavy step and serious expression plastered on his face.


The next thing I know when he already near me, he pushed me hard to my locker door and crashed his lips on mine. he was kissing me roughly while his hands on my waist and his pressing his warm body on mine. for a second I was taken aback then I’m back to my sense as I tried to pushed him by pushing his chest. I closed my lips tightly, not wanting him to go further. he then pressed his body more and makes me gasped in pain just enough to make his warm tongue enter my wet carve.


“Daehyun.. stop!” I tried to yelled between kisses but the fact that his lips are still on mine and his gripped are so strong I can’t do anything.


“why..should..I-stop” he tried hard to said between kisses. “you like it when Zelo did this to you..”


I froze. did he saw that?


he pulled away to gasp some air “beside.. I’m more experience in this kinda thing than him” he smirk and back to crashed his lips on mine.


what the ?!!!!


I don’t know what to do. I tried to push him again but its no use he more stronger than me. his kisses begin gentle as he learned every inch of my mouth. his lips are so soft and warm and so tasty. without realizing I already kissing him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and push him closer although there’s no more space between us. I can feel his smiling widely.


I think kissing is already my addiction now. curse that tall guy named Zelo who start it. wait.. Zelo.


I stopped just as Daehyun also stop.


“I’m sorry” he mumbles as he walk away. leaving me dumbfounded.


I still busy gasping for air when I realized another presence not far from me. I look up and saw him. Zelo.


he stand stiffly. his gazed locked on me with shocked all over his face. just then I realized a tears just escape from the corner of his eyes.


“what just happened?”



A/N : Long chapter everyody~ did i made it clear why Zelo want to make a frist move so fast? and Zelo also mentioning about something that's going to happen on the next chapter.. anybody realized something about that? no? okay._.

ASDFGHJKL Daehyun ;;;;; what have you done??!!!!



Zelo don't cry please ;;_;;


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Sehunnieee94 #1
Chapter 29: Update soon author nim . Hwaiting ! c:
linapingu1 #2
Chapter 30: I started to scream when it said you updated
Chapter 14: I like th random section in chp 14!! ^^ , hahaha it adds on to th cuteness of th story ~
haru_na #4
Chapter 29: I'm confuse author-nim. Jinjja..
--' in the end, Yuri will be with daedae or zelo??
DaisYeolPark88 #5
Chapter 29: Your I should be with JunHonh!!^-^~<3~
ChoiPiLoZe #6
Chapter 29: our maknaeeee~ Yuri should be with JunHong!! <3<3<3
JongKeylovingpanda #7
Chapter 29: WITH JUNHOOOOOOONG!!! Make a bit drama about Daehyun forgot her name...again...whatever! And a bit drama with Yuri and Junhong and then BOOM Daehyun and girl (sry..i really don't remember her name >.<) help Yuri and Junhong get together after a fight!! o.o or something like this ^^
Chapter 29: im still team daehyun tho :) even tho im a lil confused too =/
Chapter 29: boy's fight whoa i cant believe that zelo could talk that i want her end up with our junhongie ouo