# 9

My Love Next Door

Yoona woke up on another school day, she turned the alarm off and did her morning routine she finally got her a uniform too, she put it on bid her parents goodbye and walked of to school. She really hoped that yuri was going to be in school today with her.

When yoona arrived at school she saw yuri standing in the school gates yoona wanted to walk up to her and say just a simple “hello” but she knew she couldn’t since that day when yuri ordered yoona to not talk to her in school, so yoona just passed yuri while she was standing there.

“Yoona!” Yuri called her name.

Yoona didn’t try to care about it, she was just following orders, to not know who yuri was at school and only talk to her on their way home. Yoona continued to walk and ignore yuri when she was calling her name some times, she just didn’t stop. Yoona played an act.


“What do you want?” Yoona said and turned around trying to sound annyed.
“I was waiting for you at the gates”


* what she was waiting for….ME?!?*


Yoona tried not to care about it and continued to just go with her act around yuri.


“Who are you? If I may ask” Yoona asked and were still looking at yuri.


Yuri were shocked, why was she acting like this? Did I do something wrong?  Yuri thought for herself but before she could continue to speak yoona spoke up.


“let’s talk in the girl’s bathroom” Yoona said.


She took yuris hand which caught yuri by surprise but didn’t care and yoona dragged yuri in to the school, passed the school yard in to the hallway and lastly in to the bathroom. Before even yuri could speak yoona put a finger on her lips to tell her to be quiet.


After that she walked up to every stall in the bathroom and looked if someone was there and luckly there wasn’t so then yuri started to talk.


“That hurted you know, my wrist”
“Yeah sorry about that” Yoona simply replied as she turned her head to look at yuri.
“Why did you do that? I mean not talking to me?” Yuri asked again, yoona got surprised but didn’t show it that much, did she really forget about what she said?

“Don’t you remember some days before when you said not to talk to you at school?” Yoona said and put her hands on her waist.


“Oh yeah…That”


“So what about before? Why did you talk to me? Wanna come out as “friends” now to the school?” Yoona said and she was still in front of yuri.


Yuri simply nodded and for some strange reason yoona could see that yuri was blushing, what is going on right now? Yoona felt weird from some reason to when she saw yuri blushing. Why did she do that?


Yoona tried to hide it that she saw yuri blushing, yoona walked up to yuri and made her looking up to yoona. Yoona could see that yuri was still blushing. What is this?!?!


“Okay I accept” Yoona paused and walked a bt away from yuri “to be your friend” She continued and tried to play cool.


Yuris face lit up and felt really happy for some reason that yoona was accepting her as a friend, but she was still worried about the girls who were bullying yuri, what if they started to bully yoona too, she really didn’t want that to happen to yoona, yoona was now yuris friend and she didn’t want to lose her.

After a while the bell rang and both yoona and yuri walked out from the bathroom and in to their classroom arm in arm, yuri also decided to sit down next to yoona now since they were both friends.

“I forgot to tell you yoona, you look really pretty in the uniform” Yuri said and faced yoona.
“Thank you yuri, you look really pretty too you know” Yoona smiled to yuri.

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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!