# 8

My Love Next Door

“You can’t..” Yuri said and looked up at yoona with a blue eye and some scars on her face.

Yoona saw all the scars on yuris face and that she had a blue eye too, she was very shocked to see all that and she felt like crying but held it in.


“What happened yuri!!! Please tell me!! Who did this!!” Yoona almost yelled in yuris face.
“You would be very more shocked if I tell you who it was” yuri said and gave yoona a small smile.
“Please just tell me who yuri!! Was it those girls?” yoona asked really worried.
“My…..My dad” Yuri said and got her face to her knees again.
“What?!? Why?? Haven’t you told your mom!!” Yoona said still trying to calm down.
“She does this to me too” Yuri said in a weak voice.


Yoona couldn’t believe what yuri was telling her! Yuris mother seemed so nice that day when she meet her. Yoona wanted yuri out of that house now, but she knew that she couldn’t fix that. Yoona let some tears go down her cheek but she felt something stop them, she opened her eyes and saw yuri looking straight into her eyes.

“What should we do yuri! I don’t want you to get hurt by your parents!” Yoona said feeling her tears come more and more, she was almost on her way to cry.

“I don’t know, I’m scared too yoona” Yuri said and without knowing yuri hugged yoona.


Yoona was a bit taken aback when she felt yuri hug her but she just went with the flow and hugged her back.


*Don’t worry, I’ll help you*


After a while yoona noticed that yuri had fallen asleep on yoonas choulder, In some way yoona felt like she wanted it to be longer but she knew that she needed to get home and sadly yuri needed it too, what more could her parents do to her, she worried so much for yuri to be safe than hurt.


“Yuri-ah, we need to get home” Yoona softly said.


No answer….


“Yuri, wake up” Yoona said again and this time she woke up.


Yoona and yuri walked down from the tree house and she followed yuri home.


*I hope you’re safe*


After leaving yuri she then walked home to herself, she realized that she haven’t eaten until now so yoona quickly made some chicken and ramen to eat and she sat down to watch some TV.


After that her parents came home they talked for a bit and it was getting late so yoona took a quick shower and went to bed.


She had been worrying about yuri the whole night and hoped that she would go to school but probably not, it might were for the best since she was bullied all the time and yoona couldn’t talk to her at school, yuri wouldn’t let her and yoona didn’t even know why.

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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!