# 14

My Love Next Door

It was yet another morning the sun was shining as it always did, yoona woke up by her alarm it was another annoying school day. She sat up and yawned while she stretched her arms, yoona got up from her bed and got dressed.


She decided to wear this



And those tights (imagine that she’s also wearing some jeans shorts)



She just decided to wear light makeup, she didn’t like to show of herself to others. She just went with this hairstyle




When she was done with everything she walked down from her room and down to meet her parents, they sat and ate their breakfast, but it was quiet, they didn’t speak with each other like they used to do. Yoona found this really awkward since she started to remember what her parents saw what she did when yuri was leaving.


“Good morning” Yoona said as she walked up to sit down in front of her parents.


Her mother looked up to meet her daughter’s eyes and she gave yoona a bright smile.


“Good morning honey, did you sleep well?” She asked.


Yoona just have her mother a nod as she started to make her own breakfast. There was still some awkwardness around the table as they ate.


“Okay I can’t take it!!” Yoonas mother said which make both of her husband and yoona look at her with a surprise.


“What’s wrong mom?” Yoona said, she started to feel worried.
“Yes honey, what’s wrong?” Yoonas father followed.


Yoonas mother looked at yoona and her husband, yoona saw that her mother was hesitating of telling them what she wanted to say,


“Just say it mom, I’m dying of curiosity here!!”
“I’ll just say it then, honey……Are you by any chance….Gay???” Her mother said.


yoona swolled her drick and started to cough, her mother hurried to her side and helped her.


“Mom *cough* where did you get that idea” yoona said and her mother went back to her seat.
“Did you know about this dad??” Yoona asked her father who was looking at yoona.


“Take it easy with the questions, yes I knew about it and your mother came up with that idea because of what happened when we came home” Yoonas father told yoona.


Yoona just have both of her parents a nod as her eyes went to the watch who was hanging on the wall.


*Oh *


Yoona ran to put on her shoes. She yelled a simple “goodbye” and ran out from the house, yoona didn’t have to wait for yuri she just ran to get in time until the gates where closing.


*Please don’t close!!! PLEASEE!!!*


Yoona ran as fast as she could, when she came closer she saw that the gates were still open.




Yoona walked happily in to the school as she fixed her hair and clothes. As yoona walked inside the school she could see some students here and there.


“ I wonder when yuri will get here” Yoona asked herself as she walked to her locker.


After a long waiting and students where filling the school yuri didn’t arrive yet and yoona got worried, but suddenly when yoona turned around and had her eyes on the front door to the school she saw yuri walking inside the school.


When she saw yuri yoona noticed that something was wrong, she didn’t walk like normal.


*Oh no, did her parents do something to her??*


Many students were looking at yuri and made their way for her to walk but they were still smiling at her and some where even laughing. Yoona didn’t like that sight she saw in front of her. Yoona made a run for it she called yuris name as she ran up to her and yuri heard it, she looked up and meet yoonas eyes.


Yoona didn’t care if other students were watching them. Yoona grabbed yuris arm and helped her to walk. The both of them managed to get yuris things and walk all the way up to their classroom. When they sat in the classroom yoona could see in yuris eyes that she was down and sad, she wanted to know why, she wanted to comfort her and make her happy again.


“What’s wrong yuri-ah?” Yoona said and was still looking at yuri.
“N-Nothing” Yuri lied and gave yoona a smile.
“ I know that’s something’s wrong yuri, I can see it on your face let’s talk on the break” Yoona said and gave yuri a smile but she was still serious.




Yoona and yuri walked to a more quiet place outside school.


“So tell me yuri” Yoona said while she had her arms crossed.
“About what?” Yuri played innocent.
“About why you can’t walk” Yoona said and pointed at yuris legs.


Yuri pulled yoona closer and whispered in her ear.


“WHAAAAAT!!!!!!” Yoona yelled which caused many students to look at her.
“Shhh, be quiet!!” Yuri yelled and slapped yoonas arm.
“S-sorry” Yoona replied.


On the short break yuri told yoona everything about what her parents did and told her. Yoona became really sad and angry to know that yuri had been by her own father. Both of yuri and yoona didn’t want to talk about those stuff but they couldn’t just ignore in either. They walked back to their classroom.


“Why don’t we tell the teacher?” Yoona asked.
“Ask her what?”


Both yoona and yuri looked up at the person who said that, it was Jessica and both of her friends stood next o her with an evil grin on their face.


“Go away jessica” Yoona said.
“What did you say??” Jessica said and walked up to yoona who was still sitting down.
“I said go the away from us!!” Yoona said in an angry voice and this time she turned to look at Jessica.


Just when Jessica was about to talk back their teacher walked in. Jessica just walked away with her friends and sat down in the other corner of the classroom.

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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!