# 20

My Love Next Door

Yoona got ready to go out and meet yuri at the tree house, she got her keys to the house a bit of food, Yoona smiled to herself but she was still a bit worried about how she could finally tell yuri about what she felt.


Yoona got a text from yuri telling her that she was waiting in the tree house for her so yoona put on her shoes locked the door and walked to the tree house. It wasn’t that far away though since yoona did know where she was going since she followed yuri that day when she walked to the tree house. Yoona could only smile.


She soon arrived at the tree house she walked up the ladder and knocked on the little door. Soon the door opened and yuri was standing there, something didn’t seem right yuri wasn’t really smiling towards yoona this time she just opened the door for her gave yoona a weak smile and then walked inside, before yuri could walk inside completely yoona stopped her by holding her arm.


“What’s wrong yuri-ah?” Yoona asked while she was looking at yuris back.
“Noting let’s sit down” Yuri tried to sound happy but yoona was still worried.


Yoona noticed that yuri had a bandage around her wrist, she looked at it suspiciously. She couldn’t stop looking at yuri when she sat down.


“What are you starring at? Let’s eat” Yuri said and gave yoona a smile.
“What happened to your wrist yuri-ah?” Yoona ignored her and just asked her question while she just put the basket on the table.


Yuri started to get nervous, how could she tell yoona about what she did!? She felt really sad knwing she needed to tell yoona the truth and get her sad to. Yoona could see that yuri went completely nervous for some reason.


“Nothing let’s just eat” Yuri said.


While yuri were talking she got her hand out not thinking about it and were going to grab the basket when suddenly yoona grabbed yuris hand.


“You have to tell me!” Yoona raised her voice.
“ No I don’t!! Let me go!!” Yuri yelled as she struggled to get away from yoonas grip.


Yoona just walked around the table still with holding on to yuris wrist as she pushed yuri on to the wall of the tree house.


“Why are you so afraid yuri-ah?” Yoona said in a soft voice.


Yuri just ignored yoonas question as she turned her head to look away. Yoona saw her chance the pulled the bandage away and saw the red marks on her wrist, her eyes widened as she shifted her gace to yuris face and her wrist. She couldn’t believe what she was.


“Who did this to you yuri!! You have to answer me!!” Yoona said and she shifted her hand to hold on to yuris choulders.


“I-I did it” Yuri confessed.


Yoonas eyes was still big as she looked at yuri but yuri didn’t move her head to look back at yoona she was just too ashamed of what she had done to herself. Yoona just pushed yuri to her chest and hugged her while she let out a sigh.


Yuri started to cry, she didn’t want to hide herself to yoona anymore yoona already knew how hurt she were.


“It’s okay, just cry” Yoona said as she patted yuris back.


After a while of yuri crying she stopped she were about to wipe the last of her tears when yoona just did it instead.


“I promise you that everything will be alright yuri, just trust me” Yoona said and hugged yuri.
Yoona and yuri didn’t say a word for a long time when they were hugging they just enjoyed their company yoona finally wanted to confess to yuri, she finally knew about her feelings. They were true and she wanted to show it.


“Yuri/yoona” The both of them spoke at the same time.


The both of the let out a giggle as they still were hugging each other.


“Yes yuri-ah?” Yoona replied.
“I….” Yuri paused for a moment.
“Just say it pabo” Yoona interrupted.
“I like you yoona” Yuri confessed.


Yoona smiled, she knew yuri were going to tell her since she had seen yuri shy all the time when she was around, she was happy.


I like you too yuri-ah” Yoona confessed as well.

Yuri sat up and looked straight in yoonas eyes as she let go of the hug.


“Y-You d-“ Yuri tried to speak but was interrupted by yoona kissing her, yuris eyes widen as she pushed yoona away.


“What was that for” Yuri wiped her lips as she looked at yoona who was smiling.
“Just shut up” Yoona replied and kissed yuri again but pulled away, when she did she could see yuri pout she could only laugh.


“Come on yuri, we have to eat our food” Yoona said and took yuris hand as they walked back to the table to eat.

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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!